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Interpark Swim Team
Join one of our novice swim teams and learn how to be a competitive swimmer. Swimmers must be able to swim for 25 yards and practice for an hour.

New to the program? Check out kick-off to Interpark. This can help your swimmers gain a competitive advantage by having one extra week of practices before the Interpark program begins. This is not a replacement for lessons.
Interpark Swim Team Refund Policy: After the first week of the season, a $50 team supply fee will be charged to any participant wishing to refund out of the program. Supplies are purchased and coaches are placed for the entire 6-week program at the beginning of the season. There will be no mid-season fee reduction or proration of fees for late registrants. (RG)
Kick Off to Interpark
For swimmers looking to join one of our Interpark teams. Gain a competitive advantage this summer by having one extra week of swimming! Participants will be coached by high school and college-aged swimmers. Participants will get extra help with dives, turns and technique one week before our Interpark program begins. (RG) RECREATION
Muskies Swim Team
TThe Arlington Muskies Swim Team is a recreational swim program for youth, 6 to 18 years of age with competitive swim experience. The program is designed with the mid-level swimmer in mind with the goal of producing well-rounded swimmers with great technique. The emphasis of the program is placed on learning competitive skills, enjoyment of the sport and lifelong participation in swimming. The Muskies Swim Team competes against other park districts in Northern Illinois Swim Conference. Dual meets are held Wednesday evenings.
Please see ahpd.org for swimming requirements. Swimmers that do not meet the requirements, may be redirected to our Interpark Swim Team program or swim lessons. For any questions, please contact Rob Gussy at (847) 577-3047 or rgussy@ahpd.org.