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A Collection of the Past; The not-for-profit Arlington Heights
Preserved for the Future Historical Society collects artifacts
The Historical Museum is a cooperative and materials relating to the suburban effort between the Arlington Heights historical experience of Arlington Heights.
Historical Society, Village of Arlington It supports the Historical Museum through
Heights, and the Arlington Heights Park community events, volunteerism, and
District. It is a two-acre, five-building fundraising. Become a member of the complex that tells the story of Suburban Historical Society and receive discounts on
America through the lens of Arlington Museum Programming, advanced notice of
Heights. Contact the museum for hours upcoming events, and much more! Find out and tour information at 847-255-1225. more at ahmuseum.org
Engage Membership includes:
Digital School and Scout Programs - NEW! •Subscription to the Dunton Post- the Teachers, scout leaders, and homeschool Historical Society’s newsletter with groups, are you looking for a fun and updates about upcoming activities and educational trip for your students or events! scouts this year? Contact us for a range •Free admission to scheduled guided of programs that meet state school tours of Museum. standards,.and badge standards for Scouts. •Reduced admission to Museum special events and programming. Keep up to date with museum programs •10% off all Museum Gift Shop purchases. at www.ahmuseum.org. •25% off room rental fee (subject to availability)
Save the Date Saturday, April 24 Tasting through Time
White Glove Tour This tour will give you a behind the scenes look at some of the 50,000 artifacts that the Arlington Heights Historical Museum has in their collections. Artifacts are the core of any museum and this tour will immerse you into the Museum’s archives. Join the Museum’s own Curator, as we don our white gloves and get up close and personal with the collection both in the 1880’s Muller House as well as the collection storage areas, usually closed to the public. Registration info available online. (LS)