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Letter from the Journal Chair
The work behind the scenes to put together each issue of Healthcare Philanthropy is truly a team effort – beginning with the work of the Journal Advisory Council brainstorming topics and reaching out to potential authors, through the call for submissions, and on to the work of reviewing and evaluating the submissions considered for publication. The AHP staff takes over to move through the process of editing, laying out, producing, and distributing. Let’s not forget the work that our members and contributors put in to develop the articles that are presented here for you, the membership. There is a lot of work that goes into each issue.
The focus of the work of the Journal Advisory Council over the last several years has been to promote Healthcare Philanthropy as a valuable tool to expand the knowledge our field and to curate content that is meaningful for the practice of our profession. We’ve had success in generating more content and will continue to work to make our journal the definitive resource for information on the art and science that is healthcare philanthropy.
It’s helpful to us to hear from the membership about what’s important to you. What are the challenges you’re facing in day-to-day practice? What opportunities could you take advantage of if you had more information on tested and successful approaches? Have you had success with a particular aspect in building support for your mission that can translate to others facing the same challenges? All of these are opportunities to share your expertise across the profession.
The time to begin thinking about submitting an article for publication in Healthcare Philanthropy is NOW. The development of an article from the seed of an idea to publication usually takes time, and we can help you with that process. Reviewing the gallery of past issues will help you to find an idea to explore in more detail, or with a different approach. Maybe you can find a gap in our knowledge that your article can fill.
Each AHP member has valuable information and experience to share. We hope that you will consider sharing your expertise with the membership. Members of the Journal Advisory Council are always available to assist in answering questions to help you develop an idea, and then an article for Healthcare Philanthropy.
Bob Nolan, FAHP, CFRE