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At our Georgia Practice Facility Dirt Track event on October 15, 2022, there was a protest filed in the Dinosaur class. Then, an appeal was filed by the protested party and below is the disposition of these actions.

The AHRMA Appeals Committee (3 members from our Board of Trustees) has made a final decision regarding the appeal filed disputing the protest at the race in question.

1. The initial protest was filed in the Dirt Track Dinosaur class by Preston Palmer against Beno Rodi.

2. The protest alleged that the motorcycle being ridden by Beno Rodi violated the following rule:

14.2.1 DINOSAUR: 1951 and earlier, 500cc OHV or 750cc sidevalve. The motorcycle engine, transmission, frame, and forks must be from the same manufacturer and model.

3. The Dirt Track protest committee that originally heard the protest upheld the protest and imposed a loss of season points, and a 3-month probation.

4. The appeals committee upheld the finding of the protest committee, affirming the violation of rule 14.2.1. The final penalty imposed was for a loss of points for the event in question, and no probation was imposed.


* The Appeals Committee invested considerable time and research into not only the rule that was violated, but also the protest and the appeal.

* The Committee requests that Rule #14.2.1 be revised and that a more defined Rule be presented for a vote in 2023.

* The Committee requests that for 2023 we put a provisional rule in place that will allow bikes like Beno’s to legally compete in the DT Dinosaur class.

The suggestion is to use rule #10.4.1 from RR on Class C bikes (with the exception of no brakes) as a provisional rule for 2023, and have it officially voted on for 2024 and beyond.

I would like to thank the members of the protest committee and the appeals committee for the time and effort expended in resolving this protest.

Hopefully we can create a compromise that will grow this class and expand the Dirt Track program in 2023 and beyond.

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