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rules and eligibility
PURPOSE - To provide a safe environment for veteran AHRMA members to participate who wish to participate at a less competitive level and for rare or collectible machines to be showcased.
COST - Discounted to $30 pre- and post-entry
• Aggressive riding will not be tolerated
• NO passing on the inside. All passes must be made safely on the outside.
• All vintage-eligible AHRMA machines are allowed. Brakeless machines must be equipped with brakes for the Legacy class. (other machines by director’s approval).
• All machines must have at least one number plate. This can be located on the front of the machine or on the right side of the machine. Numbers must be at least 6 inches tall with a minimum 1-inch brush stroke.
• Legacy class will be the first race at every AHRMApromoted national event honoring their contributions to the sport and AHRMA. (May be combined with other classes at non AHRMA-promoted events or run during intermission)
• Exhibition class consisting of 6 lap heats and 8 lap mains. (4 lap heats, 6 lap mains for 1/2 mile)
• A rider may not compete in any other class with a legacy class bike.
ELIGIBILITY - Age requirement: 60 years and older (riders under 60 by director’s approval). Rare or collectible machine(s) that the owner/rider wishes to showcase.
• Special awards will be presented to AHRMA Legacy class participants for individual events.
• No national points awarded to AHRMA Legacy class. Non-Championship class.
• End-of-year awards will be presented by the following accompaniment levels:
• Requirement: must complete a minimum of 3 races in the current season to receive end of year award.
• Bronze Legacy Award: 3-6 races completed
• Silver Legacy Award: 7-10 races completed
• Gold Legacy Award: 11+ races completed
• At any point during the year if a rider wishes to enter his/her bike in the Legacy Class their points in other classes that machine was run in will be forfeited and the number of races completed will transfer towards their Legacy Year-End Achievement.