2 minute read

Heads up, AHRMA Members!!! AHRMA Needs YOU!!!

For the 2024 Trustee election we have the following trustee positions open:


  • Brian Larrabure

  • Luke Sayer


  • Arthur Kowitz

  • Fred Guidi

This year’s election schedule is as follows:

October 1-10 - Trustee Candidate Statement submission

November 1-30 - Trustee campaign period

November 15 - paper ballots sent to those who don’t have email addresses. Must be received in the Association Voting offices by December 15

December 1-15 - online election

If you are thinking of running for Trustee, get your statement prepared early. I know this overlaps with Barber, and that’s why the early notice. If you start now, you can have your statement completed and ready to submit when the statement submission period opens.

Please make sure that any photo you provide is a head & shoulders shot like you would get for your passport or driver’s license.

Once the Candidate Statement Submission period closes, each candidate will have the opportunity to submit one email message to me to be sent out to the full membership.

Please note, you must hold a current Full Membership during the election period in order to be eligible to vote. If you wish to vote please check to make sure your membership does not expire between November 15 and December 15.

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