2 minute read
Chairman of the Board
New Rule Change Proposal Process .......8 Roebling Road - RR..............................10 Paddock Puppies..................................14 Mark Morrow's Corner ...........................22
Dick Mann Challenge Update.............23 Ocala - DT....................................................24
My Garage - Adam Cramer...................30
Tool Box Tips - Wheel Lacing...............34 Daytona 200 Monument......................37 Blast from the Past..................................38
The Watts' Story... So Far ....................40 Kyle Smith's Off-road Challenge......46 2021 National Series Schedules .... 62 Race Previews .......................................64 2021 Regional Schedules.................. 70 Marketplace / Swap Meet ................ 74
Thanks to everyone who subscribes and looks forward to each issue. We at AHRMA MAG want to hear from our readership. We’d like to know how we’re doing. Send us feedback and comments about your favorite stories and columns, likes and dislikes and what you’d enjoy seeing in future issues. Keep it under 250 words and we’ll try and include your comments in the next issue. ahrmamag@ahrma.org
Rules Change Proposals
Did the title of this month’s column get your attention?
AHRMA’s leadership makes a point of listening to members’ input and suggestions, and y’all have lots of suggestions. Coming up soon will be our annual rules proposal period. It seems that every year we receive more and more proposals, 114 plus last year alone. We have outgrown our old system of accepting, processing, and deciding on these proposals. There have been times when our system was choked by the weight of so many individual submissions. One of several proposed knee-jerk solutions was to limit which disciplines would be eligible for requests in a given year, or some other strategy to only receive a smaller number of decisions to process.
Instead, our board of trustees chose to focus on making the process more efficient so that we could accommodate everyone, every year. It has gotten better. In previous years, the process seemed to drag on, losing its momentum at times. This year, we will be shortening the overall length of the process to improve the rhythm of flow while still offering ample time for members to participate. This schedule shift might even get the handbook published a bit sooner.
Ready for action at Roebling
Much of the work is done at the Rules and Eligibility Committees’ level. These volunteers deserve our gratitude. Thank you to the Rules and Eligibility Committee members, very much. At this time let me also single out AHRMA's executive administrator (par excellence), Cindy McLean, and Trustee, Kevin Burns, for their dedication to this mission. Thank you, Cindy and Kevin,!
For this year’s program we are asking each member who submits a proposal to please be deliberate in following the stated rules for submission. When we get loosely worded or short-cutted documents it really hinders our ability to meet the goal of accommodating each and every member. Please be part of the solution, not…
We are taking steps designed to make AHRMA's operation more efficient and effective.
Thank you for the cooperation.
– Arthur Kowitz AHRMA Chairman of the Board 386.547.9504 dbsuperbiker@gmail.com