1 minute read
from AI - January 2023
by ai-magazine
Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 brings new, immersive collaboration tools to industrial metaverse customers Hokkaido, Japan
Hokkaido Electric Power Company is using Microsoft’s mixed-reality HoloLens 2 headset to help staff inspect critical equipment at a thermal power plant.
On every inspection patrol, workers navigate a vast labyrinth of boilers, turbines and generators, examining thousands of pieces of equipment for often subtle changes that can help them avoid larger problems.
“I had an image of (mixed reality) as a technology for games, but it was a revelation to find that it can be used as an intuitive and easy-to-understand solution from the perspective of transferring patrol inspection skills,” said Takaharu Umemoto, who works in the company’s IT section of the Thermal Power Department.