1 minute read
Gary Jones (Judge Agronord ‘23) about ARROW Anna
“This cow is my kind, she got the perfect combination between Dairyness and Strength. She is the modern frame cow.”
Andreas Vestergard, Kaergard Holsteins, Denmark
“ARROW’S are build the way we want a modern & solid production cow to look.”
Niels Erik Haahr, Anderstrup Holsteins, Denmark Jonas Pussemier, Bois Seigneur Holsteins, Belgium
“ARROW has done the job here, they are very productive out of outstanding udders and superb Feet & Legs!”
“I like to milk my ARROW daughters. They have everything in them to make great cows!”
ARROW has Conventional and Sexded (UltraPlus) semen available Order your ARROW semen today with your AI Total distribrutor
• The #1 daughter proven TPI bull in the breed combining >2.43 PTAT and <2.67 SCS
• Top 10 AGE Rank bull in the breed (of all bulls born in 2016)
• Extreme user satisfaction
• Almost 1000 daughters in his official proof
• ROBOT+ Sire
• Exceptional udder health
• Positive Fertility
• 2nd lactation Mitchell daughters are with the highest production cows in their herds
Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield
• DAVINCI progeny are impressing all over the World, he sires very balanced progeny with plenty of strength and width
• DAVINCI is a super RUMP sire, he sires WIDE & SLOPED rumps
• DAVINCI is one of the very rare sires in the breed >3 points PTAT with a positive production (very high Fat & Protein) and with positive FITNESS traits!
• DAVINCI comes from a very solid and proven cow family, his mother is a very high productive Sillian daughter