Integrated Project Delivery Contracts RTA Cultural Center February 19, 2009 Hard Hat Tour MVCTC Adult Education Building Clayton, Ohio March 19, 2009 Student Design Awards Ceremony Kettering Government Center, Kettering, OH April 8, 2009
Issue #4 - 2008
architrave page 02-04 page 05 page 08 page 10 page 12 page 14 page 16 page 18 page 20
Outgoing President’s Message Incoming President’s Message AIA 2009 Dayton Programs Ohio 10th Senate Seat Design Awards Program ArchiPac Roundup New Sustainable Design Continuing ED Miami U. AIAS Chapter Report ASI Partnerships
2008 AIA Dayton Design Awards-The Twenty-Five Year Building Award went to the Old Post Office Renovation by Lorenz Williams, Inc. The original building architect was James Knox Taylor.
W HAT’S N E W ? RESOURCES Intern Development Program If you are a student of architecture, intern, or firm owner, this information will be helpful to you in learning more about the Intern Development Program (IDP) and professional development of architectural interns. Visit
Practice of Architecture Architecture is a passion, a vocation, a calling and a business. Search here for solutions to day-to-day operational challenges while also learning how your colleagues confronted and overcame practice, design, and construction problems. Visit
Read more about these topics at
Rise to the Lifecycle Building Challenge! Summary It’s all about waste. And the Lifecycle Building Challenge is looking for your ideas, designs, and projects for lightening the load that architecture and building has on Earth’s resources and landfills. LBC is an awards program that recognizes constructed and unbuilt projects that demonstrate the goals of lifecycle design and construction. Registration for the program opens in March, and entries are due in August. The AIA is a partner in LBC, which is supported by the Environmental Protection Agency, with which the Institute signed a memorandum of understanding in 2006 to support recycling efforts and improve the environmental performance of buildings. EPA has a number of issues that architects should keep in mind when designing to reduce waste. Specifically, targets call for diverting or reducing construction and demolition waste to preserve land, reduce water generation, and increase recycling. The goal, which is part of the EPA’s article continued on page 7
Outgoing 2008 President’s Message J. William Williams, AIA
PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT TO MEMBERSHIP This year the AIA Dayton Chapter has continued its professional and community involvement for the benefit of its membership and for the betterment of the community in which we live and work. The following are just the highlights from this year’s Chapter activities. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: As an added value to the membership, this year we were able to offer our Architecture Basics and Bagels (ABB) Morning Seminar series free of charge to our membership. In addition to offering a variety of meeting topics, the ABB seminars have provided over 15 hours of continuing education credit. In addition when combined with our other seminars, programs, building tours and joint meetings, the total continuing education credit for attending AIA Dayton events exceeded 40 hours of learning units! The Chapter sponsored three building tours this year; DayBreak Facility, CareSource Office Tower and Aileron Campus offering a chance for our membership to experience a full range of building types and construction methods from renovation, new construction and implementation of a campus wide plan. The Chapter provided networking opportunities with allied professional organizations at joint meetings and seminars with SAME during the BIM seminar at Wright-Patterson AFB, with CSI at the Snyder Block & Brick Plant Tour and with SEGD at the Aileron campus tour. During 2008 close to 1,000 people attended AIA Dayton events! MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH In August around 100 golfers attended the AIA Dayton Golf Outing at Sugar Valley Country Club in Bellbrook, Ohio. The outing provided the members of AIA Dayton and its sponsors and allied professionals a chance to spend the afternoon together enjoying a round of golf along with good food, drink and fun! The Golf Committee headed by Diana Conboy, AIA should be recognized for all its hard work associated with this event. Even though the attendance was down this year, we still raised $10,000 for the Chapter some of these proceeds will be given to the AIA Dayton Scholarship Fund on behalf the Chapter. Through support of this event, $8,000 in scholarships was given this year to area high school and college students. The AIA Dayton Design Awards program took place at the Wintergarden located in the Benjamin & Marian Schuster Center on Thursday, November 20, 2008. A total of 135 AIA Dayton members, guests, clients and sponsors celebrated design excellent and to honor posthumously the 2008 Recipient of the Architecture Advocacy Award – Benjamin Kline, former architectural columnist and reporter for Dayton Daily News. The Design Awards Jury for this year’s program included Jim Dalton, FAIA of Kent State University, Bill Browne, AIA of Ratio Architects and Jonathan Hess, AIA of Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects. Please see the pictures of the Design Awards event in this issue of the Archirtrave and check our website; for all of the award winners and projects submitted for this year’s program. Our annual Sponsor Appreciation Dinner has held again at Siebenthaler Company’s Cabin in Beavercreek. Over 50 Sponsors and AIA Dayton members enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship. Mark Ruetschle, AIA and Matt Franklin, AIA joined me in presenting certificates of appreciation to our Chapter’s sponsors for 2008. Through Mark’s and Matt’s hard work we were able to increase chapter sponsorship this year. COMMUNITY OUTREACH CANstruction was held at the Dayton Art Institute during the Oktoberfest Weekend and featured teams from InterbrandDesign Forum, Miami University and a combined team from LJB and the CANstruction Committee Members who built structures out of canned foods. These teams designed and planned the “Can You Play” themed structures with a total of 14,038 lbs of food. In addition to donating the canned foods used in the building of the structures, a check for $9,000 was given to The Food Bank of Dayton to further help their organization. Special thanks to the CANstruction Committee, Wende Morgan-Elliott, AIA and Julie Sabourin, AIA for their hard work and dedication to this project. article continued on page 3
Contributors: Bill Williams, AIA, Tim Bement, AIA, Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber, Shawn Hicks Graphic Editor: Lou Graham, Matrix Architects Editors: Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber
Outgoing 2008 President’s Message J. William Williams, AIA
article continued from page 2
DOWNTOWN DAYTON STRATEGIC REUSE PLAN: The Downtown Dayton Partnership and members of the AIA Dayton Chapter are teaming up for a very important project –a study of the potential strategic reuse of some key buildings in downtown Dayton. As you know, downtown has numerous buildings that are currently underutilized and are prime for potential redevelopment. Through a collaborative effort, we are re-imagining some of these architecturally-significant and strategically important buildings and attempt to determine potential reuses for them. This past October a press conference was held with the City of Dayton, Downtown Dayton partnership and AIA Dayton to announce the buildings and firms participating in the building reuse study. The participating firms and buildings are as follows: BUILDINGS 18-20 S. Jefferson Building 146 E. Third Street 25 S. Main Street KeyBank Building Price Stores Building Transportation Center Walker Building David Building, 115 E. Third St. Leigh Building Merchants Row, Third Street
ARCHITECTURE FIRM Matrix Architects Greg Lauterbach Architects Jeff Wray Architects Levin Porter Associates Earl Reeder Architects Rogero Buckman Architects The Architectural Group John Poe Architects Lorenz & Williams App Architecture
In early 2009 these projects will be presented to the Partnership, City and community as our gift back to the community. LEARNING BY DESIGN Dan McNulty, Associate AIA, and his committee should be congratulated for all their hard work associated with this program this summer. Over forty 4th and 5th grade students spent the week learning what being an Architect is all about through classroom sessions, architect’s office tours and hands-on projects. In addition, Dan needs to be recognized for his capable handling of last minute changes in this program which were beyond his control. STUDENT DESIGN PROGRAM This program is designed for college-bound high school students, grades 9 through 12, interested in art, architecture, or design. This year’s program was to design an Urban Outfitter’s Center, located within Wegerzyn Gardens MetroParks, just north of downtown Dayton. Assisting with the design review sessions were nine architecture students from the AIAS Student Chapter of Miami University. Thirty-four students registered with AIA Dayton as participants and 23 students completed projects which were presented to the community at the awards ceremony on April 10th. The program was chaired by Dan McNulty, Associate AIA, and we received additional assistance from Wegerzyn. AIA DAYTON SCHOLARSHIP FUND This year, thanks to AIA National matching funds and additional contributions from AIA Dayton, we were able to award three graduating seniors in high school and two college students a total of $8000 in scholarship assistance. In three short years we have been able to increase the amount of scholarships awarded for this program from one $1,000 scholarship to five scholarship totaling $8,000. For this funding to continue we need the support of AIA Dayton members. Last year a small number of AIA Dayton members contributed to this fund and if the AIA National matching fund program is discontinued or reduced, our current trend in scholarship awards can not continue. Soon the AIA Dayton Scholarship Committee will be starting a fund raising campaign to increase the endowment from its current $40,000 balance to $100,000 by 2010. This campaign will include firm as well as individual member contributions and we hope all members will donate and see the benefits of helping student succeed as architects. article continued on page 4
Contributors: Bill Williams, AIA, Tim Bement, AIA, Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber, Shawn Hicks Graphic Editor: Lou Graham, Matrix Architects Editors: Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber
Outgoing 2008 President’s Message J. William Williams, AIA
article continued from page 3
AREAS WE NEED TO IMPROVE UPON AIA OHIO PAC Fund: “If you are not at the TABLE, then you are on the MENU!” It is sad, but it is true, our profession does not always see the need to be actively involved in politics. The reality is decisions affecting our profession revolve to a great degree around politics and as a profession we need to have the funds to back up our voices and agenda. Our Chapter was tasked with raising $2,500 for the AIA Ohio PAC and to date just a little over $1,000 was raised. It’s not too late to help this year and please contact either Alan Moody, AIA or myself to learn how you can have a voice in future decision affecting our profession. RECOGNITIONS TO OUT GOING BOARD MEMBERS I would like to thank outgoing board members for their service to the Chapter as follows: Mark Ruetschle, AIA: As Director, Mark has been instrumental in raising the Chapter’s sponsorship in each of his years as chairman of this committee. I hope Matt Franklin, AIA and Fernando Oseguera, AIA continue with the success Mark has begun with our sponsors. Dan McNulty, Associate AIA: As Associate Director, Dan has been instrumental in the improvement and the success each year of the Student Design Program, and this year for starting the Learning by Design program. Will Kaly, AIA: As President in 2007, Will undertook the challenge of the Chapter’s AIA 150 Program; “A Blueprint for Historic South Park.” This program required Will to go beyond the call to duty and the end result is a model program that has received recognition from AIA National. The Chapter owes a great deal of thanks for Will’s leadership these past few years on the Board of AIA Dayton. I look forward to next year as Past President and Chair of the AIA Dayton Golf Outing and helping 2009 AIA Dayton President Tim Bement have a successful and active year as AIA Dayton President! J. William Williams, AIA AIA Dayton President 937-224-1931
Contributors: Bill Williams, AIA, Tim Bement, AIA, Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber, Shawn Hicks Graphic Editor: Lou Graham, Matrix Architects Editors: Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber
Incoming 2009 President’s Message Tim Bement, AIA
Happy New Year to All! First, I have to congratulate Bill Williams for his excellent leadership as 2008 AIA Dayton President. From the informative building tours and programs, fun-filled Dayton Dragons outing to the distinguished Design Awards at the Schuster Center Wintergarden, Bill’s enthusiasm and love of the profession made every event more enjoyable! Also, I cannot fail to mention that Bill’s University of Florida Gators did it yet again this year! If you notice a special glow emanating from the offices of Levin Porter Associates, (it could be my lovely wife, Ami) but most definitely that would be Bill, a beaming alum basking in his alma mater’s success! So, what’s planned for 2009? Actually, many of the same type of great programs that Bill Williams put together last year will continue on. However, changes are happening all around us and our profession must stay ahead of the “wave” in order to remain relevant. On Tuesday, January 27, I invite you to join me and other Board members for appetizers and cold beverages at Brixx Ice Company for a General Meeting. At this informal event, we would like to talk about how to get the architecture profession more involved with the community to further reinforce that architects can be the catalysts for change! The Board has discussed participating in the next downtown Urban Nights on May 15, 2009 and building upon this each year, culminating in a major event in 2011 during the AIA Ohio Convention to be held in Dayton. Bring your ideas and appetites and a willingness to get involved! I am particularly talking to the Associate Members of the Chapter. We need your fresh ideas and unique perspectives! Speaking of getting involved, November 2009 will be the bi-annual Focus on Design Gala which gives us the opportunity to bring a cutting-edge architecture-related professional to Dayton. The event will take place at a prominent public venue in the Dayton area. The committee is now forming, so if you would like to help influence who that speaker will be and get some experience in organizing an event, please let me know! Our first Committee meeting will be scheduled for mid February, 2009. I look forward to seeing you at our functions this year! If you would like to contact me, please call me at App Architecture at (937)836-8898 or email ( Best Wishes for the New Year, Tim Bement, AIA 2009 AIA Dayton President
Contributors: Bill Williams, AIA, Tim Bement, AIA, Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber, Shawn Hicks Graphic Editor: Lou Graham, Matrix Architects Editors: Jim Faulkner, AIA, Jane Treiber
article continued from page 1
strategic plan, is to increase reuse and recycling of construction and demolition debris by 6 percent over 2003 levels by the year 2011. What distinguishes architecture that promotes lifecycle building and reduces waste? LBC describes it as “designing buildings to facilitate disassembly and material reuse to minimize waste, energy consumption, and associated greenhouse gas emissions.” It also recognizes design for disassembly and deconstruction, to the extent that buildings constructed for today are seen as stockpiles of materials and resources for construction in the future. This is a fairly radical way of looking at the built environment. It requires the architect to consider the design of not only the current building, but the one after, and the one after that. What objectives should the architect strive for in lifecycle design? LBC offers a number of targets. Design should encourage local building material reuse (so that disassembly and reconstruction does not require transporting materials long distances). Architects should also think about maximum material recovery, in terms of how the building comes apart after assembly, allowing materials to be extracted efficiently. Reducing embodied energy and greenhouse gas emissions is another goal, as is decreasing environmental and economic costs. If you are still getting up to speed on how to accomplish these goals, the LBC Web site offers a great resource page that will point you in the right direction for case studies, reports, examples, and projects. Wide range of good ideas The LBC awards program encourages projects submitted by persons involved in the design and construction of architecture, recycling, building product design, and other aspects of creating the built environment. Last year’s winners reflect the wide spectrum of work that LBC recognizes. Group 41 Architects won for its design of a housing system based on the reuse of shipping containers. Kieran Timberlake’s Loblolly House won for its inventive use of materials that can easily be unbolted, disassembled, and inserted back into the construction material stream for future projects. Architecture students at the University of Illinois won for their design of a prefabricated and demountable “Transient Awareness Center” to provide information to local residents. Busby Perkins + Will won for its assessment study of a 1960 university building to determine how to disassemble the building and reuse its materials. For more information, visit
AIA Dayton 2009 Board Members PRESIDENT: Tim Bement, AIA App Architecture, Inc. 615 Woodside Drive Englewood, OH 45322 Phone: 937-836-8898, ext. 31 Fax: 937-832-3696 Email: PRESIDENT ELECT: Barry Buckman, AIA Rogero Buckman Architects 123 Webster Street Studio 4 Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-225-5122 Fax: 937-225-5123 Email: SECRETARY: Jim Faulkner, AIA Matrix Architects, Inc. 249 Wayne Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-224-7700 Fax: 937-224-7125 Email: TREASURER: Julie Sabourin, AIA Garmann Miller Architects P.O. Box 71 Minster, OH 45865 Phone: 419-628-4240 Fax: 419-628-4299 Email:
DIRECTORS: Matt Franklin, AIA Levin Porter Associates, Inc. 24 N. Jefferson Street Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-224-1931 Fax: 937-224-3091 Email: Fernando Oseguera, AIA App Architecture 615 Woodside Drive Englewood, OH 45322 Phone: 937-836-8898 Fax: 937-832-3696 Email: ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Ward Scantlin, Associate AIA John Poe Architects 116 East Third Street Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-461-3290 Fax: 937-461-0260 Email: Laura McCaffrey, Associate AIA Interbrand Design Forum 7575 Paragon Road Dayton, OH 45459 Phone: 937-439-4400 Fax: 937-439-4340 Email:
AIA OHIO DIRECTOR: Alan Moody, AIA, LEED AP Lorenz Williams, Inc. 434 E. First Street Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-223-6500 Fax: 937-461-2934 Email: PAST PRESIDENT: Bill Williams, AIA Levin Porter Associates, Inc. 24 North Jefferson Street Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-224-1931 Fax: 937-224-3091 Email: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Jane Treiber Mailing: P.O. Box 342 West Milton, OH 45383 Shipping: 28 Lowry Dr. West Milton, OH 45383 Phone: 937-291-1913 Fax: 937-698-6153 Email:
2009 AIA Dayton Programs Program events are subject to change. Emailed News Briefs and Bulletins will confirm all program information. June
7:30 am -
9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Acoustical Control Techniques
7:30 am -
9:00 am
Board of Directors Mtg
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Evening Seminar
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: CPM Scheduling
Architecture Basics & Bagels: 3-D Laser Scanning
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Dayton Dragon’s Ballgame
August 4
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Green Plumbing Design
12:00 pm - 6:30 pm
AIA Dayton Golf Outing
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Board of Directors Mtg
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Sustainable Design Roofing Options
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
LEED Workshop
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Let’s Talk Architecture
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Student Design Charette Design Forum
February 3
7:30 am - 9:00 am
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Board of Directors Mtg.
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Student Design Program Review Session
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Integrated Project Delivery and Review Contracts Student Design Program Review Session
WPAFB Intl Code Seminar
September March 3
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Porous Paving and Underground Storm Water Detention Techniques
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Autoclave Aerated Concrete
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Sponsor Recognition Picnic
30 19
5:30 pm -
7:30 pm
Hard Hat Tour MVCTC Adult Education Building
AIA Ohio Regional Conference
October 1-2
AIA Ohio Regional Conference
April 7
7 8
7:30 am -
10:00 am 5:30 pm -
7:30 am -
9:00 am
2:00 pm 7:30 pm
9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Estimating Techniques
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Ground Source Heat Pumps/ Geothermal Systems
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Board of Directors Mtg. at Miami University
Student Design Program Awards Ceremony Kettering Govt. Center
Board of Directors Mtg.
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 am
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
AIA National Convention San Francisco, CA
7:30 am - 9:00 am
WPAFB Intl Code Seminar
AIA National Convention San Francisco, CA 7:30 am -
5:30 pm -
5:30 pm -
9:00 am
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Annual Meeting
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Landscaping/Grading Fundamentals WPAFB Intl Code Seminar AIA Ohio Retreat
Architecture Basics & Bagels: Designing Advanced Curves and Surfaces
4:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Board of Directors Retreat
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Focus on Design Lecture Event
Architecture Salon Night Urban Nights
December 1
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Architecture Basics & Bagels: ADA Toilet Room Design
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Board of Directors Dinner
Evening Seminar Elements IV
Ohio 10th Senate Seat Submitted by Jane Treiber AIA Dayton Member Elected to State Senate Seat
He went on to win election to the House for three terms. During his last two terms Widener served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Financial Institutions, Real Estate, and Securities.
House Bill 545, sponsored by Widener and enacted by the General Assembly, was signed into law in June of 2008 and brought regulation to the payday lending Congratulations to AIA Day- industry. The law reduced ton member Chris Widener, the interest rate on a FAIA, who was elected to payday loan from an APR the Ohio State Senate for of 391% to 28%. the 10th district in November. The 10th district serves Senator Widener founded in 1989 the WDC Group, the residents of Clark, Greene, and Madison Coun- LLC, a design and construction management ties. firm located in Springfield. Widener was appointed to He also has presented programs on designerthe House of Represenled project delivery at six tatives in 1999 by thenSpeaker Jo Ann Davidson. consecutive AIA national conventions. AIA DAYTON ARCHITECTURAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND UPDATE Opening Balance as of January 1 Investment Income Foundation Distribution Change in Market Value Gifts Received Interfund Transfers Broker Fees/Commissions Community Investment Fee Investment Manager’s Fee Grants Paid Program Expenses Ending Balance for Fourth Quarter
$43,759.88 1,191.87 0.00 (13,287.49) 13,450.00 0.00 0.00 (600.00) (162.02) (8,000.00) 0.00
Contributors for 2008 AIA Dayton Chapter Bill Williams Clarence Cross
Design Awards Program Submitted by Jane Treiber On Thursday, November 20, the design community gathered in the Wintergarden of the Schuster Performing Arts Center to pay tribute to the AIA Dayton 2008 Design Award winners and to pay tribute to local journalist, Benjamin Kline. The 2008 Advocacy Award was accepted by Jim Dillon, Dayton Daily News, on behalf of the family and friends of Benjamin Kline, late Architectural Columnist for the Dayton Daily News. The Honor Award for Architecture was presented to Ruetschle Architects for their work as architect of record for Montgomery County Juvenile Detention & Intervention Facility.
Honor Award for Architecture Ruestschle Architects
Montgomery County Juvenile Detention and Intervention Facility
The Honor Award for Interior Design was presented to Rogero Buckman Architects for the Therapy Café, in the Cannery in downtown Dayton. A Merit Award for Architecture was presented to Lorenz Williams Inc. for Girl Scouts Urban Camp for Girl Scouts of Western Ohio. Annette Miller Architects, Inc. received an Honorable Mention Award for Architecture for their design of the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship facilities on Yankee Street, Dayton.
Merit Award for Architecture Lorenz Williams Inc.
Girl Scouts Urban Camp
Merit Awards for Interior Design went to Annette Miller Architects, Inc. for renovation of the Ohio State University’s Kottman Hall 103 in Columbus, and to App Architecture for the 3 West Renovations at the Dayton Children’s Medical Center. The twenty-five year building award recognizes architectural design of enduring significance completed from1971 through 1981. Awards are conferred on projects that have stood the test of time for 25 to 35 years and have contributed meaningfully to architecture and the quality of life in the Miami Valley Region. This year’s award went to the Old Post Office Renovation by Lorenz Williams, Inc., original building architect is James Knox Taylor. Entries in the Honor Awards program were judged for the success with which the project met its individual requirements. The jury for this year’s awards consisted of James Dalton FAIA of Kent State University, Jonathan Hess, AIA Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects of Indianapolis and Bill Browne, AIA RATIO Architects of Indianapolis.
25 Year Building Award Lorenz Williams Inc.
Old Post Office Renovation
Honorable Mention Award Annette Miller Architects
Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Facility
Photos continued on page 13
Design Awards Program Cont’d Photos continued from page 12
Honor Award for Interior Design Rogero Buckman Architects
Merit Award for Interior Design App Architecture
Merit Award for Interior Design Annette Miller Architects
Therapy Cafe Dayton Childrens Medical Center 3 West Renovations
OSU Kottman Hall Renovation
ArchiPAC Roundup Submitted by Jane Treiber ArchiPAC Roundup Dayton Area Architects Turn Out to Support Congressman On Tuesday, October 28, Dayton, Ohio-area architects joined together with ArchiPAC, the AIA’s federal political action committee, to support Congressman Mike Turner (R-OH).
“Since Congressman Turner began his service in the House, he has continued to be an advocate for many of the issues that matter most to architects,” says Welker. “As a result of his experience as Mayor of Dayton, he understands the task of urban economic development better than most, and the fact that he is well respected by architects and the public from ‘both sides of the aisle’ contributes to his success in pushing these issues. We have high hopes for his continued support of our initiatives in the next session of Congress.” The Government Relations team congratulates AIA Dayton on this successful event and looks forward to supporting other components in similar efforts to further strengthen their relationship with legislators at the local, state, and national level.
From left: AIA Ohio President Terry Welker, AIA; Representative Mike Turner; and AIA Dayton President Bill Williams, AIA On Election Day, Turner won his fourth term representing Ohio’s Third Congressional District, located in the southwest area of the state. Before coming to Congress, Turner served as a two-term mayor of the City of Dayton. During his tenure, he formed a relationship with AIA Dayton working on neighborhood revitalization and historic preservation. In Congress, Turner has supported funding for brownfield property redevelopment. He is also a founder and co-chair of the House Historic Preservation Caucus and the chair of the House Republican Policy Committee’s task force on Urban Revitalization. Organized by AIA Ohio President Terry Welker, AIA, the event, attended by nearly 20 members of the local design and construction industry, reinforced the Dayton component’s strong and lasting relationship with Turner.
”Thanks to all the 2008 Sponsors for their Generous Support”
Platinum Sponsors Advanced Solutions Inc Pella Sales Snyder Brick & Block
Gold Sponsors Andersen Windows APG Office Furnishings Blundall Associates Inc Command Roofing Elastizell Systems Inc Elements IV Interiors Everybody’s Workplace Solutions Heapy Engineering JMD Architectural Products Inc Performance Concrete Products Ltd Prater Engineering Associates Inc Real Art Design Group Salem Office Products Sand Hill Inc Selvaggio, Teske & Associates Inc Shell + Meyer Associates Shook Construction STE Safety Through Engineering
Silver Sponsors Acoustical Systems Inc Domicone Printing Inc DuPont Tyvek McGraw Hill Dodge Construction Spohn Associates Inc
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New Sustainable Design Continuing Education Requirement Submitted By Jane Treiber
New Sustainable Design Continuing Education Requirement Continuing education on sustainable design gains importance for AIA architects starting in January 2009. Four of the required total of 18 learning units (LUs) must focus on sustainable design as a prerequisite for annual membership renewal from 2010 through 2012. The four units will also be applied to the total of eight units needed for health, safety, and welfare (HSW) subjects. Architects need a steady stream of resources to be leaders in sustainable design in the communities in which they work. By modifying the AIA/CES requirements and expanding the sustainable learning opportunities, the Institute gives members the deepening knowledge and practical tools to “Walk the Walk” of sustainability. Learn more about the new continuing education requirement at ces_sustainabledesignrequirements
Reminder of AIA Dayton’s ARE Lending Library
Please congratulate the following new AIA Dayton Chapter members:
The study guides are available at the offi ffices of John Poe Architects, Inc. located oca at 116 East Third Street in Dayton.
Reinstated Members
Please se contact Ward Scantlin, Assoc. As AIA for the availability of the guid guides. He can be reached at 937-461-3290. 937-461-3290
Joseph Mitolo, AIA Joseph Mitolo Architect Daniel Richhart, AIA Versailles Upgraded Members
Tim Finney, AIA, LEED AP Matrix Architects Incorporated
Building Excellence Since 1926
Matthew Sauer, AIA Rogero Buckman Architects
Invitation From the Editor: Industrial
Water Resource
We are always looking for news and articles for upcoming Architrave issues. If you would like to contribute or have an event you would like to see covered, we’d like to hear about it. Please email our Graphic Editor at
Miami University AIAS Chapter Report Submitted by Brett Roeth, President, Miami University AIAS
MIAMI UNIVERSITY AIAS CHAPTER REPORT I would like to take this opportunity to let the members of AIA Dayton know what the Miami University AlAS chapter has accomplished since summer 2008. After a year of rebuilding, our chapter was honored at the summer 2008 Grassroots conference for our impressive increase in membership and activity. Most notably, Taryn Nye, a graduate student who acted as a Co-President last year, was awarded the AlAS National Community Service Award. This award was given to Taryn in recognition of her incredible work with Tawna Leap, a Miami alumna. Taryn designed and administered the construction of a house for Tawna’s daughter, Lianna, who was born with quadriplegic mixed-type cerebral palsy. Taryn designed the house to accommodate the very specific needs of Lianna and her family. Furthermore, she went above and beyond her responsibilities as a designer to engage in a personal relationship with Tawna and Lianna. We are building upon last year’s success for many other events, as well. In October, we participated in the 2008 Canstruction competition for the second year. Also, we are hosting our annual Beaux Arts Ball in November, at Zaha Hadid’s Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center. This event, one of our most successful, has attracted over 100 students this year, and this year is the first time we have hosted the Ball in such a prominent venue. FORUM, the annual conference of the AlAS, was held in Denver in December, with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency. I ran for the office of 2009-2010 National Vice President, and was fortunate to be elected. In the spring, the members of our AlAS chapter will again volunteer during the AlA Dayton Art in Architecture Student Design Competition. We are also planning a trip to Seattle in February, to give students the opportunity to meet with potential employers and experience the architecture of Seattle. Also, on February 26, we are bringing Doug Farr, author of Sustainable Urbanism, to speak at Miami. Doug is the principal of Farr Associates, a Chicago architecture and planning firm that focuses on sustainable development. We invite you to attend. As you know, the financial crises of recent months have put the country in a dire situation, and the effects have trickled down to nearly every individual. Miami University has been especially affected, and as a result, much of the funding for student activities and departmental functions is no longer available. Associated Student Government and the Department of Architecture and Interior Design, our two primary sources of funding, are unable to support our activities this year. However, the AlAS has several exciting events planned, and we hope that we will still be able to enact our plans. We have already had some success with fundraising initiatives, and we have several more planned. The success of our AlAS chapter could not be possible without the continued support of AlA Dayton. For 2009, AlA Dayton doubled its donation to our AIAS chapter, for which we are grateful. I am looking forward to working with the new AIA Dayton leadership in 2009.
Advanced Solutions, Inc. Partnerships Submitted by Shawn Hicks Advanced Solutions, Inc. Partnership extends value offering to Architectural clients and Teams up with Industry Leader to Expand BIM services portfolio Louisville, KY. – Advanced Solutions, Inc.,(ASI) a full service Autodesk Premier Solutions Provider, has developed a partnership with Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) Ltd. to provide green building tools to its customers. IES tools integrate directly with the Autodesk Revit software platform for building information modeling (BIM). The focus of IES is to provide innovative analysis solutions that contribute to the development of LEED Certified buildings. Executives from each company are confident the partnership will support the message of sustainable design with BIM, and send a strong statement to the design industry about the importance of green building design. ASI also announced a new strategic business partnership with Reed Construction Data (RCD), a leading provider of construction information solutions. The agreement is primarily intended to promote the creation and distribution of intelligent building content to the AEC community, including building product manufacturers, architects, general contractors, and sub-contractors. The partnership will allow both companies to focus on creating content and building information modeling (BIM) software on the Autodesk Revit software platform. Candice Dobra, Director of BIM Solutions for Reed Construction Data added, “We are committed to developing innovative solutions for manufacturers, architects, engineers and building owners through our SmartBIM platform. SmartBIM Library is a unique desktop application which puts thousands of high-quality BIM objects at the architect’s fingertips and allows for greater efficiency in the design process, “ said Dobra. “This product represents our commitment to quality and innovation, as does our partnership with Advanced Solutions. Reed Construction Data is pleased to have a customer-focused partner in Advanced Solutions, to help bring our products to market.” Reed Construction Data launched its SmartBIM solutions in mid-2008 to further enhance the Autodesk Revit software user experience through its comprehensive object-organization solution (SmartBIM Library) while providing high-quality, parametric BIM objects (SmartBIM Objects) and enhanced ability to value a project (RSMeans Quick Cost Estimator). Advanced Solutions now has the ability to provide clients who use Revit Architecture and Revit MEP software (3D design software for architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) with the most comprehensive building analysis software. In addition, they are able to offer a wide variety of customized solutions. Michael Golway, President and CEO of Advanced Solutions, Inc., comments, “We are delighted to enter into this new agreement with the team at IES. This partnership will extend the value offering for our Revit clients and enhance their ability to create sustainable designs.” According to David Butts, Advanced Solutions Corporate Training Manager and Senior Technical Engineer for the Building Solutions Division, Advanced Solutions Technical Engineers have had training on IES’s innovative green building tools and will be able to assist clients. “This partnership gives Advanced Solutions a powerful tool that we can use to complement our current Autodesk offerings. We now have the ability to offer, with Revit Architecture and Revit MEP software purchases, one of the most comprehensive building analysis software available; including energy and carbon analysis, lighting/solar analysis, heating and cooling, duct and pipe sizing, and much more,” said Butts. “Combined with the fact that we have the best Revit technical and instructional team and customized courseware available, it puts us on the leading edge of the next generation of CAD related software. Advanced Solutions is now in a position to offer an even wider variety of solutions to our clients that best suit their needs.”
Advanced Solutions, Inc. Partnerships article continued from page 20
Advanced Solutions decided to explore the venture after realizing the compelling interest clients have in BIM and sustainable design. Over the past three months, Advanced Solutions has hosted BIM and sustainable design events in areas surrounding their 13 office locations in the Midwest and East coast. The events have generated a very favorable response, as they focused on the tools and applications of Revit Architecture and Revit MEP software that help provide designers, architects and engineers with more energy-efficient building plans and lower operational cost analysis. ASI provides Autodesk software solutions ranging from the most advanced technology for building information modeling (BIM) to the most widely adopted discipline-specific design and documentation solutions. Together this partnership will help enable architects to use the content in both the conceptual stage and the design process. About IES Established in 1994, Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) Ltd. is headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland. Its software is the first commercially available system for the integrated analysis of building performance. It generates detailed analysis of every aspect of a building’s performance, from energy use to environmental impact, and occupant comfort and safety. IES has a worldwide partnership with Autodesk to provide building performance capabilities to the Autodesk Revit software platform. For more information about IES, please visit www. About Reed Construction Data Reed Construction Data, a division of Reed Business Information and the Inaugural Strategic Partner of the AIA, is a leading North American provider of construction information through a diverse portfolio of innovative products and services. Reed offers its customers building information modeling (BIM) solutions, construction project leads, building product information, construction cost tools, market analytics and construction news through a suite of online and print references. For more information, visit or call 1-877-REED411. About Advanced Solutions, Inc. Advanced Solutions, Inc. is a full service premier authorized value added reseller for publicly traded Autodesk, Inc. Winner of the prestigious Autodesk Partner of the Year award in 2007, Advanced Solutions is a recognized leader in implementing and supporting 2D and 3D design software solutions such as Inventor, Revit, Civil 3D and AutoCAD. Established in 1987, Advanced Solutions has grown to become one of the largest Autodesk resellers in the United States. For additional information about Advanced Solutions, Inc., please visit our website at Autodesk and Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Manage your Digital Data The AIA publishes two standard form documents that establish customized protocols for the transfer and use of digital data on design and construction projects: E201-2007TM and C106-2007TM. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE NOW.