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Morris Brown, FAIA

Texas Tech COA 2022

Kleinschmidt Award Recipient

By Ed Vance, FAIA

The Design Leadership Alliance and the Texas Tech College of Architecture are proud to confer upon Morris Brown, FAIA, their highest honors: the Distinguished Alumnus Award and the Kleinschmidt Award for 2022!

As the recipient of the 2022 Kleinschmidt Award, Morris A. Brown, FAIA, is recognized for his role in helping to establish the Texas Tech College of Architecture's 2+2 Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree program with former dean Andy Vernooy and former professor Mike Peters in El Paso, Texas; his service as an AIA member on multiple National Architectural Accreditation Board accreditation teams; and his contributions to historic preservation.

Morris helped coordinate a collaborative program between El Paso Community College and the Texas Tech College of Architecture that led to an accredited, four-year Bachelor of Architecture degree in El Paso and served as the program's interim director for two years.

Morris has led preservation initiatives throughout the southwest and has been an instructor in interior design, art, and architectural programs, blending his recognized artistic talents with purposeful professional pedagogy. Morris Brown practices with the firm WDA Architects in El Paso.

“Morris helped coordinate a collaborative program between El Paso Community College and the Texas Tech College of Architecture that led to an accredited, fouryear Bachelor of Architecture degree in El Paso.”

Morris is the identical twin brother of Terry Brown, FAIA who are widely believed to be the only identical twins to have been elevated into the AIA College of Fellows.

Terry Brown was the 2016 Edward C. Kemper Award recipient. With a background in international advocacy, outreach, disaster recovery and disaster mitigation, he has created, promoted and led the development of international cooperation and educational programs.

His work has helped the AIA, the profession and the public prevent, survive and withstand catastrophe. His efforts have also irrevocably reshaped the Institute’s capacity and capabilities to assist, serve, protect and aid communities.

Beyond Fellowship they share the following distinctions:

Distinguished Alumni of Texas Tech University College of Architecture

Eagle Scouts with Silver Palm

Silver Beaver Award

Doctorate of Commissioner Science Award

James E. West Fellow

Vigil Honor Member of the Order of the Arrow District Award of Merit

Distinguished Commissioner Award

Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service

Community Organization Award

Powder Horn Award

Arrowhead Honor

Call For Fellows To Feature

If you know a Fellow whose example would inspire other readers of the Quarterly, please reach out to the AIA COF Executive Committee (cof@aia.org).

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