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According to the INEI, Cusco occupies the fourth place with criminal incidence. The imperial region occupies third place because of the total cases of the national population aged 15 years and over that have been targeted by criminals, 23.9% have occurred in the region, a higher percentage than Lima, which hosts 20.8% of the cases.
The problem under analysis is generally configured in the districts that are the exit and entrance to the province of Cusco due to the poor condition of the roads, the consumption of alcoholic beverages by drivers and the interruption of informal terminals. According to the statistics, Cusco as a department has a high rate of fatalities and injuries due to traffic accidents, a problem that has to do with citizen security and that from the COPROSEC Cusco, theft is the crime with the highest incidence for the 2021
Within the urban area, 10 police stations have been found, located mainly in the Northwest.
In the Fiscal District of Cusco there are 83 prosecutors, made up of 203 prosecutors, among them we have specialist prosecutors in the criminal area, family, corruption of officials, anti-drugs, tourism, crime prevention, human trafficking, environment and in the area of domestic violence. Organic Units that have fiscal and administrative personnel, who together with the work of Legal Medicine and UDAVIT professionals, provide the corresponding services to our Cusco society.
The PNSC has established Cusco as one of the priority regions for violence against women and it is perhaps one of the main citizen security problems in the province of Cusco, in which all the institutions that are part of COPROSEC intervene with the purpose of to carry out actions aimed at reducing this problem with articulated and responsible work.
The streets and avenues where the highest crime rate has been found are the areas with the greatest commercial movement or pedestrian/urban mobilization, located to the northeast.
Visual And Sound Pollution
In Cusco there is noise pollution to the east and west due to traffic congestion and urban movement, likewise it has pollution with greater accumulation of garbage and dumping in 1 and 2.
In the Cusco district, the Plazoleta Limaqpampa presents high contamination, with a higher incidence due to high vehicular traffic.In the Santiago district, the levels of particulate matter are below the environmental quality standard, however, the values recorded at the Manco Capac Health Center and Botadero de Jaquira should be considered as critical points, because their values are very close. to the Environmental Quality Standard for Air 150 ug/m3.In the Wanchaq district, the CC.HH. Hilario Mendivil and Parque Pukllaycancha registered high concentrations of particulate matter, however, the monitoring carried out at the front of the District Municipality of Wanchaq should be taken into account because it registered levels close to the Environmental Quality Standard for Air.In the San Jerónimo district, the records obtained in Petro Perú and the Cusco Sur Health Services Network showed high concentrations of particulate matter, this due to the presence of the brick sector in the area and vehicular traffic.
The daily monitoring of carbon monoxide in the automatic station installed in the Regional Hospital of Cusco (Currently out of operation), in which it turns out that the maximum value is 644 ug/m3, which does not exceed the Environmental Quality Standard for Carbon monoxide established, which indicates that carbon monoxide is a pollutant of little incidence in the atmospheric basin of Cusco.
Source: FlyerTalk’s Travel Photography forum