| Trust
TRUST: LETTING GO OF THE NEED FOR CONTROL Letting go of control means more joy, freedom, inner-peace, connection and support.
uman beings have a deep-seated desire for certainty and control. Several studies show this need services our belief that we can shape outcomes and events to our liking. That is, the more in control we feel, the more successful we feel about achieving the outcomes we desire, and this sense of competence boosts well-being. But can the desire to be in control go too far? Can seeking control undermine happiness? The answer, it turns out, is yes. Seeking control is a good thing—but only to a certain extent. Beyond that point, the drive to control can negatively impact the mind, body and spirit.
A M E R I C A N I N D I A N & A L A S K A N AT I V E L I V I N G
Uncertainty is a natural component of life. Quite frankly, one of the only certainties in life is that uncertainty is not going anywhere. No matter the circumstance, being uncertain does not mean you are lost or a failure. It simply means you are alive. At times, you may find yourself overwhelmed by uncertainty, but if you choose to embrace this sensation, you will become more confident and able to trust that things will work out for the best. Just like any new thought pattern, you will need to practice accepting uncertainty until it becomes a habit. Moving through these difficult feelings will allow you to develop self-confidence and faith within yourself. While learning how to cope with feelings of uncertainty may