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AIANYS Portfolio Updates
Portfolio Updates
Government Advocacy
During a year consumed with policy efforts to overcome and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, AIA New York State has continued to forge ahead with meeting the advocacy goals and objectives outlined in its new strategic plan. Volunteer advocates have risen to the challenge of advocating in a virtual world and engaged policymakers on topics ranging from the role of architects in making our schools safer and healthier, to joining forces with the environmental community to successfully push for the inclusion of the Environmental Bond Act in the State budget. Under the framework developed by the Grassroots Advocacy Task Force, AIANYS is working with local chapters to strengthen existing legislative relationships and forge new ones with the large crop of freshman lawmakers. AIANYS has effectively managed the opportunities and challenges of working within one-party control through steadfast vigilance and leveraging common interest among adjacent organizations. Policy effecting the built environment overlaps a myriad of areas of concern to lawmakers, and in many ways the profession continues to find itself in a position to provide expertise and solutions to some of the most significant quandaries facing society. The urgency to act on an issue, especially in times of crisis, leads lawmakers to rely on information, which is readily available, and without a thorough debate. The lack of an effective opposition party in either house of the Legislature makes this problem even more acute. Expanding our capacity to respond to the multitude of issues facing the profession and the built environment, through the recruitment and training of advocates, will be imperative to ensuring the profession’s voice remains relevant in the future. The association wide campaign to seek out, identify, and engage Subject Matter Experts will continue to be the primary strategy in building capacity in advocacy, education and communications. This campaign is dynamic and will continue into the foreseeable future as we engage member voices to help inform our policy platforms; education offerings and speak-up on behalf of the profession through communication avenues. Action on climate, sustainability, and the resilience of the built environment presents the single greatest need, as major policy proposals are in the works which will transform how buildings are designed, built, and powered. Sustainability and resiliency will be the most significant issues facing the profession for the next several decades, and with the approach of the New York State Climate Action Council Scoping Plan in 2022, it will be all hands on deck.
Communications & Public Awareness
Communication Vehicles | Eleven
issues of the e-news digital newsletter have been published since the beginning of the year. Over the second quarter (April 1 - June 11), the open rate was 21% (10% above the industry avg.) and the click rate was 6% (5% above the industry avg.).
Seventy-two email campaigns were sent out to members, non-members, allied partners and potential sponsors totaling 555,816 sends; 112,862 opens and 6,863 clicks. The first issue of the quarterly publication, published at the end of March, received 1,202 impressions and 719 reads.
Disaster Assistance Handbook | The Disaster Assistance
Handbook will serve as a resource for chapters and members to better understand their role in preparing for and responding to disasters throughout New York State. The Disaster Assistance Handbook Work Group, led by Tim Boyland, AIA and comprised of volunteer members, have been working together over the course of the year to develop a draft of the handbook. In addition to weekly meetings, the DAH Work Group held two three-hour work sessions on April 3 and April 10 that focused on the continued development of the handbook content. Following the work sessions, content development, editing and refinement continued and the first draft was shared with Illya Azaroff, FAIA; Tony DiBrita, Esq.; and Georgi Ann Bailey, CAE for initial review and comment on April 22, 2021. Through Illya, the first draft was also shared with the New York State Office of Emergency Management for review and input. Once the initial review is complete (date tbd), the work group will reconvene to review and apply the recommended additions and revisions. The goal is to release the first edition of the handbook in alignment with National Preparedness Month in September 2021.
were contacted and a Task Force has been established to review the current nomination process, submittal guidelines and awards and propose revisions in order to enhance and improve the program. The first meeting of the Task Force took place on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The Task Force will start by reviewing the following three (3) awards: 1) the James William Kideney Gold Medal Award; 2) the Matthew W. DelGaudio Service Award; and 3) the AIANYS Firm Award. Website Redesign | A meeting was held with a consultant that specializes in website development for Associations to further understand the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to develop, produce and launch a successful Website Redesign. Next steps include a meeting with the Executive Vice President to further discuss a recommended approach with actionable and obtainable outcomes. In the interim, updates are being made to the existing website on a regular basis. We also put out another episode of EP Architalk. In Honor of Women’s History Month, Talisha, a Superwoman of Architecture herself sat down with Graciela Carillo, AIA and Sara Jazayeri, AIA, both leaders in their industry and within the AIA. All Episodes can be heard wherever you listen to podcasts, or directly from out hosting site, https://www.buzzsprout. com/1494238 Lastly, in partnership with AIA’s Component Matching Scholarship Grant Program, we have been able to expand our Scholarship program beyond students enrolled in an NAAB accredited program. We have been offering scholarships to students enrolled in NAAB accredited schools in New York State through out Scholarship Program for almost 15 years, and we have come to recognize that the programs offered in the state’s Community Colleges are also providing an education to our future architects and there are many paths to licensure! This academic year, for the first time, we were able to offer a scholarship specifically to students enrolled in an architecture program in a New York State Community College. Bryana Andreu, with her project The Library Addition and Fernando Cruz with his project Union Wave Addition have each been selected to receive a $500 scholarship by our jury. Both students will be graduating from SUNY Orange. We look forward to expanding this program for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.
Emerging Professionals
On April 9, the AIANYS Emerging Professionals hosted the 3rd Annual EP Forum virtually. We had representation from the following Chapters: Buffalo/WNY; Central NY; Southern NY; Eastern NY; Bronx; and Brooklyn. After an ice breaker – each attendee shared their “guilty pleasure” song that always gets them energized. We’ve created a Spotify playlist of these songs to share among the EP’s as a way to bring the group across the state together. The playlist can be listened to here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3o5RLu3OxSueuerQeZ3gq2?si=7b3975f8eb55457f. The main focus of our afternoon was to break out into three groups to begin strategizing our main initiatives for 2021- Education, Mentorship, and Leadership. While each group was randomly selected, attendees may join whichever group they wish. Some thoughts that came out of the brief time together from the leadership group is the desire to host Leadership series in the fall. The Education and Mentorship had similar thoughts. They are looking at a more holistic approach. How can we be there early on to introduce young people to the field of architecture, and continue to work together with young students as they enter architecture school and eventually become Emerging Professionals themselves. As far as education for our current members, an emphasis on the business of architecture is an area to focus on this year. Based on our conversations surrounding leadership development, we will be taking this direction when we apply for the 2021 AIA College of Fellows Component Grant. We will be applying for funding to develop Leadership Development for EP’s later in the Fall of 2021.
The spring season was very busy for education offerings. Members continued to take advantage of the Oldcastle APG bi-weekly webinar series that offered HSW/LU credits and were provided at no additional cost. Watch your emails for upcoming programs throughout the rest of the year. Five live interactive webinars were presented in April and May – “Returning to the Workplace: Considerations for Employers During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, “How Your Firm Can Work with DASNY on Small Projects”, “How to Think Like a Lawyer: A Practical Guide to Managing Risk” and two “Safety Assessment Programs” (SAP). Our knowledgeable and popular SAP instructors AIANYS President Illya Azaroff, FAIA and Past AIANYS Past President Tim Boyland, AIA made the transition from teaching a live event to a virtual one seamlessly. Their presentation style focuses on keeping participants engaged during the session and always encourages their involvement. Later this year, we will be presenting Basic Design by the 2020 Building Codes New York State by Laura M. Cooney, AIA in October and another round of SAP programs. April’s four-part Re-Imagining School Design: Adaptation & Transformation of Healthy Learning Environments webinar series was attended by more than 270 architects, facilities directors, manufacturers, speakers, and guests. In collaboration
with AIA New Jersey, AIA Pennsylvania, and the New York State School Facilities Management Institute, it brought together over 20 international, national, and local subject matter experts to examine four relevant and important topics affecting pandemic and post-pandemic era school design - a global and local perspective on creating healthy, learning environments, what school design will look like in the future, looking beyond the hardware in creating safe schools and an open discussion on where we go from here. We want to extend our thanks to our speakers for their dedication to developing the content, the sponsors for supporting the program, and all the attendees who brought their energy, expertise, and questions to the series. The 2021 virtual Tri-State Conference scheduled for December 8-10 is our ongoing collaboration with AIA New Jersey and AIA Pennsylvania. Since 2011, the three states have combined their collective talents and resources to provide members an extraordinary professional training and networking opportunity. This year’s conference will be a virtual event offering enlightening keynote speakers, wide range of education topics, a virtual expo and the Tri-State Design Awards. Mark your calendar! We are always looking for innovative, cutting-edge topics for developing live, interactive programs. Please email to Mike Cocca, Director of Education & Marketing, mcocca@aianys.org with any topics you would like us to consider. We value your input. All programs and registration links can be found on the AIANYS website here - https://www.aianys.org/calendar/.
Governance & Administration
As 2020 closed out and we moved into 2021, AIANYS focused on its continual evaluation of both services to members and keeping costs at a realistic level for members having challenges in their firms. This has placed more importance on reaching goals for other non-dues revenue. AIANYS has risen to these challenges to create our events virtually and offer and increased level of education programs to the members. We have increased our marketing efforts, exceeded our goal for Allied Partners and found sponsors for our education programs. These initiatives help to reduce the costs of programming while providing a valued service to our members. AIANYS has maintained it’s strong financial position through April.
The Budget & Finance Committee and AIANYS management have conducted a preliminary view of the 2022 budget to assess the new funds needed and will continue to assess funding needs as budget development continues through the year. We are hopeful for continued membership growth as the economy recovers based on growth of members in the first quarter. As new information and membership numbers become available during 2021, the 2022 budget forecasts will be adjusted to reassess funding needs and reviewed with the Budget & Finance Committee.

JUNE ’21
ARCHITECTURE NEW YORK STATE is a quarterly publication developed by AIA New York State, 50 State Street, Albany, NY 12207