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AIA New York State Updates
Government Advocacy
The successive crises borne out of the disruption and upheaval of the past year and a half highlighted the power of perseverance, adaptability, and rational perspective in the face of multi-faceted challenges. AIANYS members successfully tuned out the static and distractions to support COVID-19 recovery aid for members, while maintaining a steadfast focus on strategic priorities. Despite the all-consuming and ubiquitous nature of the pandemic, AIANYS remained engaged and vigilant on a variety of issues facing the profession and the built environment.
AIANYS assumed the mantle and debate surrounding school safety with the successful introduction of the Safe Schools by Design Act, aimed at unifying policymakers around the power of design in making our schools both safe and welcoming learning environments. This bill made strides in its first year as a two-house proposal, gaining sponsors and stoking the intrigue of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. The campaign was complemented by a four-part education series “Reimagining School Design,” which brought together architects, educators, administrators, safety experts, psychologists, and other stakeholders to examine ways to shift the school environment paradigm toward a more holistic approach to address safety and student well-being.
AIANYS was intimately involved in discussions over a bill to require the use of low embodied carbon concrete on state projects. The initial version of the bill, put forth by a subsidiary of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), would have instituted a sliding scale of bid discounts for offerors based on an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the proposed concrete mix. Members of the AIANYS Government Advocacy Committee were concerned with the use of bid discounts based on unrefined criteria and called for the state’s use of a standard specification to ensure transparency and general understanding of bidder expectations. Acting in concert with allies in the design and construction industry, and legislative leadership, a compromise emerged in the final month of Legislative Session and a finished product passed both houses. The reduction of embodied carbon in building materials is a pillar of the AIA’s Climate Plan and will continue to be at the forefront of AIANYS climate advocacy efforts moving forward.
While AIANYS continued to address multiple policy fronts at the state-level, the launch of the first ever Local Advocacy program moved forward in the background. Months upon months of listening sessions, training, and preparation laid the foundation for legislative meetings across the state between local AIA components and their state legislative representatives. These meetings provided an opportunity for members to unify around statewide priorities and a medium to discuss issues specific to their respective regions. In some cases, the conversations led to offers from state legislators to participate in public forums centered on topics of local interest.
Despite the hardships caused by the pandemic, AIANYS delivered on behalf of members and represented them at a high level. AIANYS staff and volunteer leadership continue to be the shield against policies which seek to harm the profession and the tip of the spear in matters related to advocacy. As obstacles and challenges continue to accumulate within the design and construction sphere, it will be imperative for more members to stand up, speak out, and join other engaged members in the campaigns to advance the priorities of the profession and elevate the role of design in the future of New York state.
Communications & Public Awareness
Communication Vehicles | Eighteen issues of the e-news digital newsletter have been published since the beginning of the year. With 8,000 active subscribers and a 99% delivery rate, the YTD open rate is 64% and the YTD click rate is 4%. Over the third quarter (July 1 - September 15), 60 email campaigns were sent out to members, non-members, allied partners and potential sponsors totaling 420,882 sends; 81,347 opens and 2,885 clicks. The open rate was 20% (9% above industry avg.) and the click rate was 4% (3% above industry avg.). The second issue of the quarterly publication, published at the end of June, received 1,045 impressions and 348 reads.
tance Handbook (DAH) will serve as a resource for chapters and members to better understand their role in preparing for and responding to disasters throughout New York State. The Disaster Assistance Handbook Work Group, led by Tim Boyland, AIA and comprised of volunteer members, have been working together to develop a draft of the handbook. A first draft was shared on April 22, 2021 with Illya Azaroff, FAIA; NYC Emergency Management (formerly the Office of Emergency Management or OEM), Tony DiBrita, Esq.; and Georgi Ann Bailey, CAE for initial review and comment. On August 26, feedback on the first draft was received and the work group was reactivated. Action Items include: • Review of Preliminary Draft Warnings/Disclaimers developed for inclusion in the Handbook; • All source(s) in the draft need to be cited and permission granted (where applicable)to avoid copyright infringement.
A copyright attorney may need to be retained. • The Master Document of the first draft was updated to include comments and was shared with the group for review. • Image assets are being collected from the work group members for possible inclusion in the Handbook. • Further discussion needs to take place prior to the release of this Handbook to determine what needs to be done to minimize the risk of litigation. The goal is to release the first edition of the handbook in 2021.
Honor Awards Program Review | The Honor Awards
Task Force has been established to review the current nomination process, submittal guidelines and awards and propose revisions in order to enhance and improve the program. The Task Force reconvened on September 9 to discuss next steps to implement updates to the following three (3) awards: 1) the James William Kideney Gold Medal Award; 2) the Matthew W. DelGaudio Service Award; and 3) the AIANYS Firm Award. The Honor Awards celebration will occur during the week of December 13 (exact date and time tbd). General Communications & Awareness |
Communication and outreach included the development of a press release announcing the 2021 Design Award recipients. Twenty-four projects were recognized for Citation, Merit, Honor and High Honor Awards in the following categories: Adaptive Reuse/Historic Preservation, Commercial/Industrial, Institutional, Interiors, International, Pro Bono Projects, Residential, Sole Practitioner, Unbuilt and Urban Planning/Design. The recipients will be honored at a virtual award ceremony on October 27, 2021 Video Campaigns | AIANYS has committed to increasing our video marketing efforts as part of our campaigns. The “Blueprint for Better” video narrated by Illya Azaroff, FAIA, 2021 AIANYS President, that thanks our member volunteers for their service and efforts surrounding the pandemic over the last 15+ months was released to the full membership through various channels in early July. You may view the video here - https://youtu.be/edw4P3tEmDY
Emerging Professionals
After a quiet summer, the emerging professionals have a busy fall and winter ahead. On October 13, the EP’s will be hosting the first of their quarterly Virtual Town Halls. EP leadership from each Chapter will provide updates about the activities within their own local chapters. Idea sharing and problem solving across the state will help enhance these activities. With a new semester upon us, in partnership with AIA’s Component Matching Scholarship Grant Program, the EP’s will be launching both the John A. Notaro Memorial Scholarship for students enrolled in an NAAB accredited program in New York State and the newly developed Scholarship program offering funds for students enrolled in architecture programs within community colleges. The 2021 Burton L. Roslyn, FAIA Memorial Scholarship, will provide a one-time reimbursement for the cost of passing each single division of the ARE. Plans for 2022 are underway, identifying what the EP’s want to do next year in alignment with the strategic plan. They will be selecting 3-4 strategies to focus on and are currently developing the initiatives we will use to meet these goals.
Members continue to take advantage of our virtual education offerings throughout the year. To date, AIANYS has offered six webinars, a four-part Re-Imagining School Design Symposium, two Safety Assessment Programs and 20 bi-weekly Oldcastle APG University programs. More than 800 members have attended these programs. This year’s webinars included: February 3, 2021 | Alternative Forms of Contract: A Practical Guide to Architectural Agreements presented by David Kosakoff, Esq, of Kosakoff Cataldo LLP and Michael Spinelli, Esq. of Nassau Suffolk Engineering & Architecture, PLLC March 30, 2021 | Returning to the Workplace: Considerations for Employers During the COVID-19 Pandemic presented by Haley Dryer, Esq. and Thomas Wassel, Esq. of Cullen and Dykman LLP April 9, 16, 23 & 30 | Re-Imagining School Design: Adapta-
tion & Transformation of Healthy Learning Environments
May 4, 2021 | How Your Firm Can Work with DASNY on Small Projects featured Sandy Daigler of DASNY moderating a panel discussion with Terrence O’Neal, FAIA of tonab architecture pllc, Bart Trudeau, AIA of Trudeau Architects pllc, David J. Meyer, PE of Pathfinder Engineers & Architects and from DASNY Chris Currey, Kara Mallard, Michael Clay, and John Savona, AIA, BD-C, Architect, DASNY.
May 18, 2021 | How to Think Like a Lawyer presented by David B. Kosakoff, Esq., LEED AP of Kosakoff & Cataldo LLP, and Stephanie Reda, Esq., of Everest Insurance August 3, 2021 | AIANYS, the 13 Local Chapters within New York State and AGC NYS presented an Introduction to Lean Construction & Design presented by Sam Spata, AIA of EXYTE Group, Jason Beach of GLOBAL FOUNDRIES and Kyle Price of WWPS. August 17, 2021 | Hybrid Work Environment Best Practices was presented by the Technology and Culture Discussion groups. It was moderated by Evelyn Lee, FAIA and included program panelists: Jessica Sheridan, AIA, of Mancini Duffy, Diana Nicklaus, AIA of SAAM Architecture and Jennifer L. Massey, SPHR of Integra HR LLC. The Oldcastle APG Online University’s bi-weekly webinar series remains popular with our members. They are provided at no additional cost and offer 1.0 HSW/LU credits. Watch your emails for upcoming programs through the rest of the year.
Laura Cooney, AIA, will be presenting three “Basic Design by the 2020 Building Codes New York State” programs on October 4 & 6, October 11 & 13, and October 18 & 20. Each session will be held over the course of two days and approved for 7 LU/HSW credits. Registration is open for all three dates.
2021 Virtual Tri-State Conference: “Return to the
Future” scheduled for December 8-10 and hosted by AIA New York State, AIA New Jersey and AIA Pennsylvania. After shifting to respond to our member’s immediate needs over the past 18 months, this year’s conference focuses on looking towards the future by returning to the practice of architecture. Sessions will focus on leadership, community and sustainability providing knowledge, insight and tools to assist firms in navigating today’s changing world. Diverse education tracks address starting your own firm, sustainable design, small firm operation strategies, leadership skills and networking opportunities. Our Keynote speakers will provide entertaining, compelling thought-provoking talks to stimulate conversation. On Thursday, Dr. Moogega Cooper, NASA Planetary Protection Engineer and a real-life guardian of the galaxy will talk about her work and about empowering others to achieve their dreams. On Friday, Anirdan Basu, Chief Economist of the Associated Builders and Contractors brings his vibrant style to provide an entertaining economic forecast. Watch your email for registration and full schedule information. Affordable registration fees will provide members quality education programs at a fair price. Registration fees are: Pre-Conference: AIA Member: $25/person; AIA Associate Member: $25/person Full Conference: Early Bird rates: AIA Member: $135/person; AIA Associate Member: $125/person; After Early Bird rates: AIA Member: $150/person; AIA Associate Member: $140/person Sponsorships and a virtual expo will be made available to companies to support the program and to showcase their products and services. Sponsorships include: • Show Sponsor - $5,500 • Title Sponsorships - $2,500 each • Keynote Presentation - $2,500 per partner or $5,000 exclusive • Promo Swag Box - $2,000 • Happy Hours Sponsor - $750 per company • Digital Platform Sponsor - $500 per company • Supporting Sponsor - $250 per company The virtual expo area will add a new dimension. The Education Station Expo incorporates an educational component as part of a virtual exhibit. It provides companies added visibility and participants with value-added education. Exhibiting companies will develop a 60-minute AIA-approved continuing education session examining how their product can solve a particular design challenge facing architects. These sessions will be scheduled during the conference along with exclusive expo time. Do you have an innovative, appealing topic that could be developed into a live, interactive program? Contact Mike Cocca, Director of Education & Marketing, mcocca@aianys.org to discuss your topic in more detail. Your input is important to us. All programs and registration links can be found on the AIANYS website here - https://www.aianys.org/calendar/.

ARCHITECTURE NEW YORK STATE is a quarterly publication developed by AIA New York State, 50 State Street, Albany, NY 12207