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Students: Making it all add up
So, your first decision has been made already; your love of all things numbers-related has won through, and you are starting on the journey to becoming a fully qualified international accountant. It is fair to say you haven’t taken the easy option, as the life of an accountancy student can at times be challenging as you juggle to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Many however would say you have taken the right option, after all…
Indeed, as Warren Buffet, business magnate, investor and philanthropist, expressed it, ‘Accounting is the language of business.’
Five top tips
As an accountancy student, you will be looking forward to achieving your professional accountancy qualification before embarking on a career in the finance and accountancy world, or you may be looking forward to achieving your professional accountancy qualification so you can further enhance your current career opportunities. Either way you need to know exactly what it will take to become a qualified international accountant?
The purpose of this article is not to fill you with fear and put you off the profession, but instead to make sure that you are aware of the commitment you’ve made, and to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from choosing to join the thousands of other international accountants around the world.
At the very least you will already be aware that you need to sit exams, and therefore there will be a necessity to study. But is there more to it than that? The quick answer to that is yes! But don’t worry, we will be with you every step of the journey, offering advice, guidance and support. For this reason, we have outlined five key top tips which, if followed, will provide you with the basis to undertake a smooth and rewarding journey to becoming a qualified international accountant.
1.Utilise AIA Achieve Academy
AIA Achieve Academy is a fully integrated online learning platform designed to provide our students with a structured programme of study for all papers within the AIA professional qualification. The programme includes learning and practice workbooks, study text, practice questions, live workshops and much more… You have this wonderful resource at your fingertips, so please take full advantage of it.
‘The structure and features on the online Achieve Academy are excellent, to say the least. I am able to track my progress on the study texts and online tests which mirror the real exam questions. The feedback from the online tutors is excellent, helping me to navigate different stages of my studies and keep up with sessions in time for the exams.’ (Current AIA Achieve Student)
2.Enter the exams at the earliest opportunity and sit them
You should always be looking to enter the exams at the earliest opportunity. We offer two exam sessions every year in May and November, so as soon as you register as a student you should enter the next available exam session. Make the most of the energy and enthusiasm you have when you sign up and give yourself a goal to work towards; otherwise you won’t be able to focus your mind on your studies. Plus, let’s face it, if you don’t enter the exams, you’ll never pass. You’ve got to be ‘in it to win it!’
3.Keep sitting the exams at every session until you qualify
You’ve worked hard and you’ve sat the exams; now you can take a quick breather before you dive back in. Once the exam results are released, whether you’ve passed or failed, you should be entering the exams for the next session.
If you’ve passed, keep up your positive momentum, you’re one step closer to your goal.
If you failed, think of it like riding a bike. If you fall off, you need to pick yourself up, dust yourself down, get back on and give it another go. Don’t lose heart, failing is a part of life and it makes us stronger and wiser. And always remember that AIA are on hand - either by email on exams@aiaworldwide.com or telephone – to provide assistance wherever possible.
4.Gain work experience and keep a record of it
There’s more to qualifying as an international accountant than sitting the exams, and you’re not fully qualified until you have also gained three years’ work experience, or what we call Initial Professional Development (IPD).
You can gain your work experience before, during or after studying for the exams. If you can, though, it’s a good idea to be working in accountancy while you’re studying, as this will help you to apply what you’re learning in practice and should make it an easier process to grasp.
It’s also easier to fill your IPD record in as you go along, rather than trying to remember what you did three years ago!
For a complete overview on IPD go to: www.aiaworldwide.com/insights/student-insights/ ipd-requirements/.
5.Apply to become an Associate member
You have passed your exams and have your three years’ IPD under your belt. You are eligible to apply for your Associate membership, so you can call yourself a fully qualified international accountant. Congratulations, your hard work has paid off!
Actually, wait a moment! Your learning doesn’t stop there. As an international accountant, it is essential that you undertake Continuing Professional Development (CPD) throughout your career, and you have to continue to pay your annual subscription in order to remain as a member and call yourself qualified.
So that’s it. Yes, student life can be a challenge at times, but if you remain calm, focused and follow our top tips, you should enjoy a smooth and highly rewarding journey to becoming a qualified international accountant. And remember our Membership Services team are always on hand and happy to help! ●