6100 Red Hook22-26, Quarters St. Colombia, Thomas,VHF: USVI 0080216VHF: Channel Carrera 1C.,No. Santa#2, Marta, Channel & Channel 72 16/6 T: +340-775-6454 F: +340-776-5970 T: +57.5.421.5037 F: +57.5.423.5995 1 888 IGY MARINAS
1 888 IGY MARINAS Updated: 01-10
©IGY Marinas 2010, All Rights Reserved
Marina Layout
Booking a Berth
Arrival and Departure Procedures
Key Marina Staff
Important Phone Numbers
Santa Marta Information Restaurants and Attractions
10 12, 13
About IGY
IGY Marina Collection
Carrera 1.,No. 22-93 Santa Marta, Colombia
Welcome! On behalf of the management and staff of Marina Santa Marta, I would like to welcome you to Santa Marta. Whether this is your first visit to our beautiful city or you have made Colombia your home in the past, we hope that the information contained in this package will make your arrival and stay a memorable one. Marina Santa Marta, located on the northern coast of Colombia on the Caribbean Sea, is home to an impressive array of sport and pleasure boats, as well as mega yachts. Santa Marta and its surrounding areas include pristine beaches, abundant eco-activities such as hiking and horseback riding as well as a strongly rooted historic element. If there is anything that I or the IGY team can do to make your stay at Marina Santa Marta a more memorable experience, please don’t hesitate to ask! We are here to ensure you have a pleasant stay! Sincerely, Carlos Augusto Socarras Zuùiga General Manager
BOOKING A BERTH KEY IGY MARINA TEAM Carlos Socarras Zuñiga General Manager +57 5 4215037 +31 6 2448835
Advance reservations are highly recommended at Marina Santa Marta. We cannot guarantee available berthing for guests arriving without one. We also request advance notice, when feasible, of your estimated time of arrival for us to be fully prepared and minimize any inconvenience to you. You may make your reservation via mail: IGY e-mail:
Juan Carlos Romero Caballero Financial Director +57 5 4215037 +31 6 7430184
Marina Santa Marta e-mail: On arrival to the Marina and prior to disembarking , you must contact Marina Santa Marta and the Coast Guard station on VHF channels 16 or 72 to report your arrival.
Maria Ximena Duran Salazar Commercial Director +57 5 4215037 +31 6 7419596
At the moment of arrival you will be contacted by a Maritime Agency which will be your representative in our country and which will coordinate everything related to the immigration procedures and visits of the Colombian authorities to which all the required information must be presented as to receive the corresponding permits.
Arley Ibañez Manager Assistant +57 5 4215037 +31 6 8308228
These visits will be carried out directly at our service dock and after complying with the established requirements you will be met by our Dock Hand who will guide you and assist you with the docking operation and the services you might require. Maximum speed allowed inside the Marina is 2.5 knots and vessels must avoid making waves that might disturb other vessels or damage the docks...
Leonardo Pinzon Dock Master +57 5 4215037 +31 8 2818741
Main Gate – Dock Hand Cell Phone: 318 6295002
Once you are comfortably settled into your slip, we ask that you visit our marina office for check-in procedures. Our office staff will quickly register you and will answer any questions you might have regarding Marina Santa Marta, including assistance in arranging your entertainment and activities in the city. The information provided by the owner or skipper may be verified, lack of veracity will be immediate cause for not providing the services. If among the crew or passengers are underage, one of the parents or a responsible adult will sign a document where he/she assumes all the responsibility for his/her/their safety within the Marina facilities. Marina Santa Marta office hours is from 7am to 7pm If you are arriving after office hours please contact Marina Santa Marta on channel 16 or 72 for assistance.
MARINA SANTA MARTA is located in the bay of Santa Marta; it is a semi-closed natural bay, well protected from the winds and the heavy surf by the peninsula of Punta de Betin at 11º - 15’ North Latitude – 74º - 13’ West Longitude. The city’s climate is dry with an average temperature of 28ºC (83ºF); the rainy season is very short with an average rainfall of 500mm (19 in).
In order to make your arrival and departure of Marina Santa Marta, as comfortable and easy as possible, you and your crew must meet the following procedures: • As vessels approach Santa Marta, they must announce their arrival before accessing the harbor canal, for purposes of providing instructions, this can be done via VHF channels 72 or 16 or via the cell phone 318 629 5002, which will be answered by the Dock Hand in charge. • Upon entering Marina Santa Marta and when your reservation is authorized by mail or radio, you must locate your boat at the service dock, where you will be visited visit by a shipping agency who will be your representative in our country and will help you with the documents that the Colombian authorities such as Harbor Master, DAS, ICA and Port Health require for your entry into Colombia. • After that, you and your boat will be directed to the assigned slot • At the moment of admission to the Marina, we appreciate you having a photocopy of the all the passports of all the people on board and of the insurance policies. This requirement must be met according to regulations under the Customs and Immigration laws. • All vessels must raise the flag of Colombia as a sign of respect towards the country they entered, as well as the flag of the country of origin.
7 initially direct you to the Service Dock. • At the Service Dock you will receive the visit of our Maritime Agency who will be your representative in the country and who will coordinate everything related to the immigration procedures and visits of the Colombian authorities, who will legalize your entry to the country. • The following information must be sent via mail, at the time of booking and you must have the supporting documents at hand at the moment of arrival: - List of Passengers and crew list with full names, ID number and nationality. This should be considered within the parameters set out in resolution 5707 of 2008. - All persons who are on the vessel must have current ID with unused pages for stamps and other immigration purposes. - List of the last 10 ports of call, with dates. - Vessel specifications (THIS IS DONE THROUGH THE BOOKING FORM.) - We suggest you read the national migration policy, Decree 4000 of November 30, 2004, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Attached). - No member of the crew or passengers may disembark until authorization is received. - Those arriving at the port out of office hours must raise a flag of quarantine and report the following morning.
• The maximum speed from the canal to the assigned pier is 2.5 knots. Avoid making waves that might disturb other vessels or damage the docks.
Departure From COlOmbia
• After your arrival at the assigned slot, we appreciate you visit our office to know the needs you might have and help us make your stay in Santa Marta Marina unforgettable.
A ship may submit a departure notification at the same time as of the destination. If the departure time varies more than six hours from initial notification, an update of it must be presented.
• The international and Colombian boating rules and laws apply to all vessels approaching the Marina.
Harbor Master Requirements
• At the time of your departure we appreciate you come to our offices to check there is not any pending balance corresponding to basic services, fuel, maintenance or any other services that were required during your stay. All this information is contained in the internal regulations of Marina Santa Marta, which must be complied with by all vessels that visit us.
Customs and Immigration Procedures
When arriving by boat please follow the following procedures: • You must communicate with the control tower of Marina Santa Marta through the VHS channel 16 or 72, who will
Immigration and Customs Procedures
National Vessels
Relevant documents concerning the vessels of national registration, arriving at a national port, according to Resolution 0520 of 1999 are: all documents issued by the National or Local Maritime Authority and those valued or accepted by them, having been issued by a foreign maritime activity or a Recognized Organization. Documents vary according to vessel class and will be subject to verification as inspections are carried out: • Navigation license of the entire crew • Navigation license or special navigation permit (depending on the type of vessel) • Pat of the fisheries institute in the case of fishing vessels. • Authorization or route record (depending on the
8 traffic performed by the vessel). • Departure document and other documents required by the standard of the merchant marine force, according to the type of vessel • Certificate of registration or transit permit
five (25) knots. g. Request the Port Authority the issuance of a special transit authorization, applicable to smaller vessels intending to sail during the period between 19:00 and 05:00 hours, in which case they must have their naviga tion lights energized ... “
• Certificate of registration of motor
• Special permission for transit, issued by the Port Authority
• Maximum fuel capacity transportation certificate. - Statutory certificates of safety, seaworthiness, manning and pollution prevention. - Special transit permit issued by the Port Authority in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs f and g of article 2nd of resolution 520, which literally read: f. “... Arrange with the Port Authority’s jurisdiction the issuance of a special transit permission, applicable to ships whose hull-motor relationship allows speeds in excess of twenty five (25) knots. g. Request the Port Authority the issuance of a special transit authorization, applicable to smaller vessels intending to sail during the period between 19:00 and 05:00 hours, in which case they must have their navigation lights energized ... “
• Maximum fuel capacity transportation authorization certificate.
Relevant documents concerning the ships and vessels of foreign registration are: • Navigation license of the entire crew • Navigation license or special permit navigation (depending on the type of vessel) • Pat of the fisheries institute in the case of fish ing vessels. • Authorization or route record (depending on the traffic performed by the vessel) • Departure document and other documents required by the standard of the merchant marine force, according to the type of vessel • Certificate of registration. • Certificate of registration of motor • Statutory certificates of safety, seaworthiness, manning and pollution prevention • Special transit permit issued by the Port Authority in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs f and g of article 2nd of resolution 520, which literally read: f. “... Arrange with the Port Authority’s jurisdiction the issuance of a special transit permission, applicable to ships whose hull-motor relationship allows speeds in excess of twenty-
Check out of Santa Marta
Our office staff is dedicated to making you departure from Marina Santa Marta something quick and easy. Please visit the Marina’s office the day of your departure in order to obtain the balance of your account which must be paid before departure. Although this bill may be generated while you wait, it would be more efficient for you if you notify us in advance the time of your departure so the account can be prepared. We accept payments with Credit Cards: American Express, Master Card and Visa for bill payment, same as cash and personal checks. Our office hours are: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, 7 days a week.
In MARINA SANTA MARTA you will have WiFi Internet service. Any concerns you may contact or visit our offices. Marina Santa Marta, has within its facilities a local, long distance and cell phone calls service, if you need to make any of these calls, please come to our offices and we will give you information on how to make the calls and costs per minute.
Comments and Suggestions
IGY Marina and Santa Marta are committed to providing superior service to customers and welcome your feedback. Please find surveys printed in the offices of the Marina, or visit our website at and www.marinas and click the feedback forum.
Important NUmbers Environmental Awareness
IGY, and Marina Santa Marta are committed to preserving the beautiful environment that attracts guests to Colombia. We kindly expect from you to help us ensure our land and waters remain clean and safe. We have adopted some standards for marine activities and hope you will agree to help preserve the environment for future sailors. • We have preserved the mangroves that line our coasts as a barrier to erosion and as a key breeding area for fish. Please do not do any thing that could damage these important shrubs. Specially, please do not cut or break branches of mangroves. • We have strategically provided trash receptacles around the marina and docks. Please use these containers for disposing trash, and please do not dispose of waste of any kind into the water. • Repair works, which may cause the release of pollutants into the environment, are not to be carried out in the marina area. Sanding, painting and similar activities must be conducted in a controlled area and, in general, not be carried out on the docks. Marina Santa Marta has a maintenance area for these kinds of services; if you require them please come to our office and we will provide all the information and costs in reference to your boat needs. • Discharge of septic systems, fuel, toxic cleaning products and other contaminants in the water of the sea is both a violation of our rules and of laws of our country, Colombia. These practices are strictly prohibited. • ALL used oil disposal, sewage, and / or gray water must be made through the office of Marina Santa Marta to ensure its disposal is safe and environment friendly. Please contact the marina office to schedule the removal of waste oil, sewage or gray waters, and current prices. • Because improper delivery of fuel, oil and lubricants may also cause pollution, the delivery of any of the above products that have not been ordered through the office of Santa Marta Marina will not be allowed on the property. We would be very grateful if you immediately contact the Marina office if you see any violation of these rules.
Courier Services
If you need to send mail, it can be done through MARINA SANTA MARTA Customer Service office, who will introduced you to the nearest companies that offer this service such as DHL, Deprisa, Servientrega
Medical Emergencies Police
Civil Defense
57 5 4382713
Red Cross
132 / 57 5 4214509
Hospitals/Clinics Clínica El Prado
57 5 4329200
Clínica La Milagrosa
57 5 4215850
Clínica Mar Caribe
57 5 4206464
Clínica de la Mujer
57 5 4204089
Miscellaneous Ambulance
57 5 4304050
119 / 57 5 4212818
Harbor Master
57 5 4210739
153 / 57 5 4233983
Personal Delivery
During your stay with us, you can use the following address to receive mail, packages or containers. Address: Carrera 1C No. 22 - 26. Note that there is a small fee for this service. Please contact our office for any questions or further details. The shipping information is: Vessel Name C / O Captain or Crew Member Marina Santa Marta Carrera 1C., No. 22-26 Santa Marta, Colombia
Order and Delivery of Fuel, Oil and Lubricants
Note that any order of fuel, oil or lubricant should be made through the offices of the Marina Santa Marta. Do not allow delivery of any of the above products that have not been arranged through the offices of the marina. Please contact the Customer Service Department for any orders or questions about this. Please do not hesitate to contact the Marina office if you have questions about these matters.
VHF Radio Contact Information Channel 16 and Channel 72
Santa Marta INFORMATION Located on the northern coast of Colombia and one of the first cities to be discovered in the country, Santa Marta or the “Magic City” as it is known in the local surroundings is home to natural parks, the snowy mountains the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and many beaches. Steeped in history and culture, Santa Marta is located north of Cartagena and Barranquilla - two of the most famous and beautiful coastal cities in the country.
The Department of Magdalena’s varied climate, warm and dry in the plains, 29 ° C (85ºF) on average, while in the area of the Sierra Nevada are all the climatic zones, from warm to freezing in the snowy peaks.
Columbia’s primary language is Spanish
The department of Magdalena has a good network of roads to transport passengers and cargo, between Santa Marta, the municipalities of the department and the rest of the country. It has the Simon Bolivar Airport in the capital and alternate landing strips in Ariguani, El Banco, Fundacion, Guamal and Plato. Santa Marta has a modern dock at the Bahia de Santa Marta by which maritime communications are carried out - Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta. In the Bay of Gaira the Zulia oil pipeline ends at an oil dock.
Currency & Exchange
Bancolombia Calle 15 with Carrera 2 • Tel. 4210314 Banco Santander Calle 14 No. 3 – 04 • Tel 4212046 Banco de Occidente Carrera 2 No. 15-28 • Tel 4211735 Banco de Bogota Carrera 4 No. 13-39 • Tel 4212755 Banco GNB Sudameris Calle 15 No. 3-20 • Tel 4211032 Davivienda Carrera 4 No. 13-14 • Tel 4232705 Serfinansa Calle 15 No. 3-76 • Tel 4211761
Arrivals by plane
In the city of Santa Marta and near Marina Santa Marta, are the major airlines, which offer all our customers a special service.
Airlines Avianca Carrera 2 No. 14 - 17
Aerorepublica Corner of Calle 17 and Carrera 3
Aires Carrera 3 No. 17 - 27
Taxi Information
In the city and around Marina Santa Marta, you will find taxis, with the best care and safety, if you require this service, please ask at the administrative offices of the marina.
Needs for maintenance and marine services.
These services may be requested directly in the offices of MARINA SANTA MARTA who will put you in touch with our suppliers and the Nautical store which is located in the premises.
Near Marina Santa Marta, you can find several places to shop, you will find typical Colombian stores in the historic center, supermarkets, beauty salons, among others. Likewise, the city has two shopping malls “The Ocean Mall” and “Buenavista”, which have a great variety of stores and shops for all brands.
Area Attractions
Santa Marta is the first tourist destination in Colombia, with its many attractions, such as the rich natural heritage, including its own sites for ecotourism, the Tayrona National Park with the beautiful coves of Bahia Concha, Chengue, Gairaca, Naguanje, Cinto, Guachaquita, Palmarito, Arrecifes and El Cabo; the cultural and historical heritage, as the archaeological site of Ciudad Perdida. Santa Marta has an excellent tourist infrastructure with modern hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues and convention centers that make it a complete tourist destination. The following are some of our favorites in the vicinity, but for more information, contact the marina office and we will be happy to help.
Catedral Basilica Menor de Santa Marta
On December 8, 1766 the first stone for this cathedral was placed. The works were slow due to the little money allocated to them. Only accelerated since 1790, thanks to the military engineer Antonio Marchante, who finished it in 1794. Finally, in July 1796, Governor Antonio de Samper gave the Cathedral the Status of Minor Basilica.
San Juan de Dios Hospital
Located on Carrera 1 and Calle 22, it was declared a National Cultural Property in 1999. In 1746 two brothers of the Order of San Juan de Dios came to Santa Marta to found a
hospital. Initially called Convento Hospital del Arcangel San Rafael and in 1760 it began to be called San Juan de Dios. It was built in stages from the colonial period to the twentieth century. The building consists of five courtyards around which cloisters were formed completely or partially with an eclectic style with Republican influences. Nowadays the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Magdalena has its headquarters there.
Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino
The Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, hacienda founded on February 2, 1608 by the priest of the Cathedral of Santa Marta Francisco de Godoy y Cortesia with the name of Florida de San Pedro Alejandrino, in memory of the Spanish martyr Pedro Godoy. From the second decade of the nineteenth century this farm becomes part of the properties of the Spanish hidalgo Joaquin de Mier y Benitez, noble character who hosted the Liberator Simon Bolivar in the year 1830. The Quinta de San Pedro Alexandrino is one of the most important tourist attractions of the city of Santa Marta, declared a National Historic Monument in the year of 1891. The Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino has a botanical garden which houses flora and fauna of the Caribbean Region.
Santa Marta Bay
This is a sample of the beauty of Santa Marta. Called the Pearl of the Caribbean, with its Camell贸n (water front walk), identified years ago as Paseo de Bastidas, a site that sets limits to the city overlooking Caribbean Sea. Today it is the place where the Marina de Santa Marta is being built. The historic city center is just yards from the bay, thus making the walk along water front a very nice plan for the tourist.
Beaches of Tayrona National Park
Framed by lush and unspoiled nature, they have been recognized among the finest in the world. Rivers flowing from the glaciers of the Sierra Nevada looking for the Caribbean Sea are part of the natural landscape. It is an earthly paradise, with many pristine beaches and spectacular coral. Tayrona National Park is a lush nature reserve known for its beauty and the many stone paths leading to Pueblito, a pre-Columbian city of the Tayrona, ancient inhabitants of the region.
It is a characteristic and typical fishing village. It is only ten minutes away from the city of Santa Marta. It is very popular for its beautiful landscapes and viewpoints, much visited because of its diving schools and centers, and as a port to go to other beaches. This beach has its own charm, not to mention the sunsets that can be seen every day sitting at the beach front.
It is the most visited part of the city. Only 5 km away from downtown, this beach is a symbol of the city and is known nationally as an excellent spa. It has an efficient tourist infrastructure where nights get interesting for tourists who visit bars and nightclubs.
12 RESTAURANTS & ATTRACTIONS Marina Santa Marta, in its initial opening NAUTICAL STAGE does not count with direct restaurants service, food vendors or entertainment, but only 5 minutes away on foot you will find the historic center, which offers a variety of restaurants and fun for everyone. Marina Santa Marta will have the services of restaurants, food places and entertainment in the second stage.
A few of our nearby favorites are listed below, but for more information, contact the marina office and we’ll be happy to assist you. Ben & Joseph Carrera 1 Calle 19 Centro histórico Café di Mare Calle 17 between Carrera 1 y 2 Basilea Calle 17 with carrera 3 Chucho Gourmet Parque de los novios
Panamerican Calle 18 Carrera 1 esquina
Muelle 8 Carrera 1 No. 10 A – 12
Valsao Carrera 1 No. 10 A – 12 P3
Baguettina Carrera 1 C No. 23 – 30
Mañe Cañon Carrera 1 No. 26 – 37
Pizza Hot Avenida Libertador No.19 A-23
Presto Carrera 1 No. 17 - 05
El Fogolar Calle 22 No. 13 – 108
Mc Donalds Avenida del Rio No. 15-100
Mr Beef Carrera 21 No. 18-34
El Sabor de Italia Calle 17 No. 1 A-77
Burukuka Carrera 1 Calle 1
Gran Manuel Carrera 1 A No.26 A-182
The city of Santa Marta and its surrounding areas as El Rodadero, Taganga and Bello Horizonte, have a 2 to 5 star hotels infrastructure for all kinds of needs.
Santa Marta Hotel Park Hotel Carrera 1 No. 18-67
Hotel Panamerican Carrera 1 No. 18-23
Hotel Yuldama Calle 12 No. 2-70
Rodadero Hotel Tamaca Beach Resort Carrera 2 No. 11 A-98
Hotel Arhuaco Carrera 2 No. 6-49
Hotel Cañaveral Carrera 2 No. 11 -65
Hotel Edmar Carrera 3 A No. 5-188
Taganga Hotel La Ballena Azul Carrera 1 Calle 18
Bello Horizonte Estelar Santamar Km 8 pozos colorados
Irotama Resort Km 14 via Cienaga
Hotel Santorini Carrera 2 No. 4 – 49
Hotel Zuana Beach Resort Carrera 2 No. 6-80
Hotel Decameron Km 17 via Barranquilla
Immigration and Customs Enforcement require the following entry requirements for pets to the country: • Owner of pet after the arrival to Colombia and filling in the DIAN format which records the entry of the pet, must approach the ICA desk in the Port Health office at the Marina, with the following documents and accompanied by the pet for the corresponding inspection and further entry authorization to the country. • Animals must be free of signs of diseases communicable to humans when examined at the port of entry. • Valid certificate of vaccination against rabies, signed by a veterinarian. Such certificate must prove that the animal was vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before entry. • Original and copy of vaccines certificate according to age and species. • An Animal Health Certificate issued by a veterinarian (original and copy), this should include race, sex, age of the animal and this is valid for eight days. • Subsequently, the ICA will issue a Certificate of Health Inspection CIS, which has a value of $31,000 Colombian pesos from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm and during evening hours, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays of $46,500 Colombian pesos. (These values will be modified according to the rates currently established by the ICA). • It must be noted that according to Law 746 of 2002 in Article 108E it is specified that due to their high level of danger, the importation of dogs of the breeds Staffordshire Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier or hybrid dogs product of crosses of these breeds is prohibited in Colombia. Pets are allowed at Marina Santa Marta, but should always be on a leash and muzzled. There are numerous posts placed to pick up pet waste. Please note that the offices of the port of entry will operate by appointment only. Contact our office at least 48 hours prior to arrival and we will gladly make the required arrangements for you.
ABOUT IGY Island Global Yachting (IGY) is the leading luxury
marina and yachting lifestyle development and
operations company. With an unrivaled international network of marinas in the most sought-after locations, extensive expertise across a variety of disciplines and a unique focus on hospitality, IGY is dedicated to developing and operating the finest yachting destinations worldwide. Committed to developing more than a series of unforgettable marinas and yachting lifestyle developments, IGY strives to create a sense of place for owners, crew and visitors alike, while providing capabilities and solutions in every area of marina development and operations. With insight and attention to detail, IGY crafts a collection of experiences, memories and venues
NEW YORK HARBOR Newport Yacht Club & Marina NEW YORK Montauk Yacht Club Resort & Marina BOSTON Boston Yacht Haven MEXICO Marina Cabo San Lucas
ST. LUCIA *Rodney Bay Marina ST. MAARTEN Simpson Bay Marina *The Yacht Club at Isle de Sol ST. THOMAS American Yacht Harbor *Yacht Haven Grande St Thomas
where the sensation of coming ashore is as
COLOMBIA Marina Santa Marta
exciting as the open sea.
Established in 2005, IGY is presently developing
and operating venues in over 10 countries. Simply, IGY is the leading yachting resort and marina brand in the world. For more information on IGY and our global collection of marina destinations, please visit us or call at:, 1-888-IGYMARINAS.
*= Indicates member of the Yacht Haven Grande Collection, representing the finest megayacht marinas in the world.
IGY MARINA COLLECTION As you continue your journey, we invite you to experience all the other IGY marina destinations throughout the Caribbean, Americas, Europe and the Middle East.
Caribbean Yacht Haven Grande St Thomas, USVI P +1 340-774-9500 F +1 340-774-5045 VHF: 16/10 Total Number of Berths: 46 Megayacht Berths: 46 Berthing Type: Side-to Max Length/Draft: 200+m/5.5m
Rodney Bay Marina St. Lucia, WI P +1 758-452-0324 F +1 758-458-0040 VHF: 16 Total Number of Berths: 253 Megayacht Berths: 32 Berthing Type: Side-to Max Length/Draft: 87m/4m
Yacht Club at Isle de Sol St. Maarten, NA P +1 599-544-2408 F +1 599-544-2906 VHF: 78A/16 Total Number of Berths: 45 Megayacht Berths: 45 Berthing Type: Side-to Max Length/Draft: 115m/6.5m
American Yacht Harbor St Thomas, USVI P +1 340-775-6454 F +1 340-776-5970 VHF: 16/6 Total Number of Berths: 135 Megayacht Berths: 4 Berthing Type: Side-to & Stern-to Max Length/Draft: 33.54m/3m
Marina Santa Marta Santa Marta, Colombia P +1 575-421-5037 F +1 575-423-5995 VHF: ? Total Number of Berths: 256 Megayacht Berths: 5 Berthing Type:Side-to Max Length/Draft: 40m/3.5m
Simpson Bay Marina St. Maarten, NA P +1 599-544-2309 F +1 599-544-3378 VHF: 79A/16 Total Number of Berths: 114 Megayacht Berths: 20 Berthing Type: Side-to & Sternto Max Length/Draft: 60m/4m
Caribbean (cont.)
Palmas del Mar Yacht Club Humacao, Puerto Rico P +787 285 2700 F +787 656 9111 Total Number of Berths: 158 Megayacht Berths: 44 Berthing type:
Marina Cabo San Lucas Cabo San Lucas, Mexico P +52 624 173 91 40 F +52 624 14 312 53 VHF: 88A Total Number of Berths: 380 Megayacht Berths: 33 Berthing Type: Side-to & Stern-to Max Length/Draft: 61m/7m
Americas (cont.) Newport Yacht Club & Marina New York Harbor, USA P +1 201 626 5550 F +1 201 626 5558 VHF: 16/72 Total Number of Berths: 154 Megayacht Berths: 12 Berthing Type: Side-to Max Length/Draft: 50m/2.7m
Montauk Yacht Club Montauk, NY USA P +1 631-668-3100 F +1 631-668-7728 dockmaster@montaukyachtclub. com / VHF: 09 Total Number of Berths: 232 Megayacht Berths: 27 Berthing Type: Side-to Max Length/Draft: 84m/4m
Middle East Boston Yacht Haven Boston, MA USA P +1 617 367 5050 F +1 617 523 2270 VHF: 09/16 Total Number of Berths: 100 Megayacht Berths: 15 Berthing Type: Side-to, Stern-to Max Length/Draft: 91m/6m
Festival Marina Dubai, UAE P +971 4 208 5100 F +971 4 232 9317 VHF: 16 Total Number of Berths: 98 Megayacht Berths: 12 Berthing Type: Side-to & Stern-to Max Length/Draft: 40m/4.5m