AICI Global Magazine July 2019

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JULY 2019


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President Ferial Youakim, AICI CIM Past President Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP Secretary Gail Morgan, AICI CIP Treasurer Marilyn Neel, AICI CIC VP Human Resources Lilian Bustamante, AICI CIM VP Certification Ana Cheong, AICI CIP VP Education Shanna Wu Pecoraro, AICI CIP VP Business Development Maria Pia Estebecorena, AICI CIP VP Conference Mia LaMotte, AICI CIC VP Marketing Fernanda Luchesi, AICI CIC VP Chapters Sunny Wang, AICI CIP Executive Director Gigi Jaber

IN THE ERA OF RAPID CHANGE that we live in now, three things that happen. First, the way to stay relevant in one’s profession is via alternative forms of education, second there is an inevitable surge of creativity, and lastly, new types of leadership get discovered which welcome uncertainty without fear.


AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266

This July 2019 issue of the AICI global magazine focuses on such aspects highlighting the power of image management, where Carolina Tan showcases image consulting in the 21st century as the tool to touch, transform and transfix. Not only that Shubha Joshi redefines the magic wand that we own as an image consultant. The edition also gives a glance of the creativity and leadership that our members are capable off in the Conference Highlights section of 2019 AICI Global Conference in Chicago. With the start of a new year, we aim to make everything sharper, more transparent, more alive, and dynamic—while not altering the foundation of the magazine. I tasked my team by bringing fresh thinking & bold ideas for our current and future issues, and we will continue to look for a more diverse and inclusive approach to make this magazine better. Finally, I genuinely believe that our magazine is about trust and partnership, and I look forward to continuing this work to present you all with content that will engage, educate & inspire. Proud to be AICI!


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Issue 24 EDITOR IN CHIEF Sonia Dubey Dewan, AICI CIP

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Maria Monica F. Prado




COPY EDITORS Bernie Burson, AICI CIC Julie Kaufman, AICI CIP

FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Carolina D. Tan, AICI CIP Shubha Joshi Maria Monica F. Prado Sonia Dubey Dewan, AICI CIP

LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2019 © Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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FEATURE ARTICLE The People’s President: Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP................................. 10



Inside This Issue

PRESIDENT’S LETTER................................. 6

ARTICLES Image Consultants in the 21st Century...........................7 The Redefined Magic Wand of Cinderella Story............22 Shiny Happy People...................................................... 25 The Story of Qiu Qiu, AICI CIC.....................................30



BETWEEN US Meet Your New International Board of Directors......................................................... 15 Member Spotlight: Lilian Bustamante, AICI CIM.......... 18 The New CIMs.............................................................. 32 Introducing Our New Class: CICs and CIPs April–June 2019...................................... 33 Meet the New Editors....................................................43 Upcoming Events.......................................................... 45



CHICAGO CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS The Beauty of Firsts.......................................................26 2017-2019 CICs & CIPs...................................................34 Awards........................................................................... 35 Fashion Review............................................................. 37 The Teams Behind the Scenes.......................................42

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ear AICI members and friends,

I am humbled and honored to be your AICI International President. Without the support that I have received from AICI over the years, I would not have been able to grow my business to where it is today. AICI’s support and encouragement have empowered me to believe in myself and to reach audiences on the other side of the globe; and it has been a breathtaking experience. At this time, I would like to thank the members for standing behind AICI and for everything they have done for our industry and each other. To show my appreciation, I want to inspire the members to chase their dreams and help others find their meaning and purpose in life. No matter where you are right now, I urge you not to underestimate ‘The Magic & Power of Image Consulting’ and our industry. What you are doing is something beautiful. You are lending a hand to help others win a job, someone’s heart, gain confidence, build their business or self-esteem.

Although AICI has done wonders to help me grow my business, the professionalism I have learned, the knowledge I have gained and the connections I have made are the things for which I am most grateful. AICI gives all of us the chance to work and connect with like-minded people who share similar goals and vision; and finding the right people at the right time can make your journey much easier. Take some time to meet the people in your chapter to share ideas, network, and work toward your short- and longterm goals so that we can grow together. As I look back at the years that have gone by, I am proud ofeverything AICI has achieved and the effect it has had on our industry. Looking to the future, I am committed to upholding the pledge to ensure member satisfaction, and I will do what it takes to keep AICI moving in the right direction. Every member is important and can play a critical role in our organization as we look towards the future and joint success. I now ask the members to share their goals and challenges. Whether you want to build a business, enhance your self-esteem, or have a positive impact on your community, we can improve each other’s odds of success by understanding the magic Power of Image Consulting and by standing and working together.

Yours Truly,


AICI International President

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harles Dickens says it best: No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. When we give and help others, it is like taking vitamins for our heart and soul. In 1995, I started teaching classes for kids, which eventually led me to teaching classes for teens and finally, the adults group. Back then, I didn’t refer to myself as an “image consultant” since I did not exactly know what that meant and entailed. The term “personality development instructor” sounded more fitting during that time. The 16 years I spent with an international institution resulted in priceless experience and a wealth of knowledge. This, in turn, gave birth to our current brand established in 2011. Being a solo entrepreneur cemented the image consultant terminology, especially when I became a member of our AICI Philippine Chapter. Personal growth happens not overnight but as a result of many years of exposure, actual hands-on work, and handling of many clients from startups to big global brands. Just as no one is born looking like the perfect complete package from head to toe, the same goes for us. As we embrace our unique profession, we go through different life stages. At our recent AICI Global Conference 2019, I attended the “Build Your Business Beyond Beauty & Style” Session of Ferial Youakim, AICI CIM. In the session, she shared, “Just like a person who is sick goes to a doctor for a prescription, we, image consultants, ought to be referred to as image doctors for we find the solution and cure to our client’s many concerns.” Many image consultants will be able to relate to the following three power points. In the course of doing diverse work and wearing our different hats, one thing remains constant— we are able to reach out and carve a mark in unique ways, such as when we apply:

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The moment we come close to someone is our chance to connect with them. Sometimes, we only get one encounter with a person. In that single meet-up, we either exude the x-factor or not. A good example of this is one of my original mentors, Oskar Atendido. He is one very thorough and detailed Filipino personality who is capable of inspiring his attendees. When I met him, I wasn’t confident yet in being photographed and videotaped. But I learned from him and eventually, what I learned from him translated into a personalized hands-on approach to my one-on-one coaching of clients today. This becomes evident nowadays when we do sessions on Visual Poise where I personally demonstrate and physically check and correct the posture of my clients. I ask the students to illustrate negative body language and share the message they end up conveying and why they should opt to apply positive body language. In this way, students see the impact of the principles learned and the beauty of applying these principles.

2. THE POWER TO TRANSFIX An image consultant is capable of mesmerizing and captivating the audience! When I’m working with a new corporate client that has the potential to grow into a big account, I usually suggest a “teaser talk” that runs anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes at the client’s convenient date and hour. Certain parameters I set beforehand include having a maximum number of attendees and making sure representatives from various departments will be represented—especially the Human Resources team and top management. So how can image consultants apply the power to transfix in these teaser talks? Some tips to remember include: getting the audience involved, such as asking them to volunteer for group activities like categorizing themselves according to the level of business dress. Other activities include letting the attendees share about a principle that was just discussed and hearing about their personal struggle. We can also let them see a situation through the eyes of their peers. Through this exercise, they notice the positive changes when we perform the correct way

of doing things such as networking in a room. The highly interactive session then results in well-worth effort and time well-spent. We do this with the goal of securing the account and being the top-of-mind for the company’s training requirements.

3. THE POWER TO TRANSFORM This is a process with no shortcuts since time is our critical ally in this scenario. To cause a dramatic change in the image of a person requires more than just the superficial, technical, or academic elements. Why? Because the individual has to be willing to improve, to evolve, and to experience what it is like being ‘The New You.’ However, not everyone is willing to apply the principles that they learn. There will always be some who are resistant to change. How do you get averse people to change? We can challenge them to go out of the box and try something new. We can give them a clear vision as to the potential behind and positive outcome ahead. One of our corporate clients who have experienced the power

of transformation is a manpower company. According to its CEO, Ruby C. Pacis, “Going out of our comfort zones was not easy. As a matter of fact, it was scary as I brought with me a team of people. We could not afford to fail. It was a long process. Embarking on this journey starting from 2014 to our full-blown 120 hours of training in 2016 was a positive business decision. Today, we are reaping positive business growth, better retention of people, and the bonus of industry awards which are only possible because we are willing to adapt and change.” As image consultants, are we using our God-given talents to be a blessing to others? Let us continue to commit being of great worth to help bridge the gap between what others do not know, what they think they know, and what is the right information for them to pass on. Proverbs 3:3–4, a verse I hold dear, says, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

CAROLINA D. TAN, AICI CIP is a Private Coach, Group Trainer, Corporate Consultant, Keynote Speaker, & PRC Licensed Real Estate Broker. Her clients range from automotive, pharmaceuticals, food industry to real estate among others such as BMW, Ferrari, San Miguel Purefoods, GSK Wyeth, & Megaworld Corporation. She is the President of ENHANCE YOUR IMAGE Training Consultancy established in 2011 & is currently, the VP Marketing of the AICI Philippine Chapter. Carolina is also an IITTI (International Soft Skills Standards & Testing) advocate and Master Trainer for the Philippines since 2015.

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ohn Maxwell said, "Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others." I first met Riet de Vlieger at the 2017 AICI Global Conference in Mexico City. In my brief meeting, Riet asked the friends I made at the conference and me, "What do we expect from AICI as a member?". She acknowledged our answers and suggestions with a smile. Then came a follow-up question, "How do you think we can bring these benefits to the members?". At that moment, I realized that as a member of this organization, we must equally work towards installing the benefits that we seek to reap. This incident inspired me to look for volunteer opportunities with AICI when I returned to India. I got elected as VP Marketing India Chapter in 2017, and ten months later, I joined the AICI Global magazine team soon moving on to the role of Editor-in-Chief. It is in this role, when I wrote to Riet for the first time, keeping it brief to ensure that it doesn't take too much of her time and expecting a short reply. To my surprise, the response I got from her was a long one. In her email, she asked me about the support I require in the role, connected me to the people crucial to get my job done. She also answered questions that I didn't ask, but I should have asked. Finally, making me realize the importance of the role I'm serving and how I can effectively manage it. That's the kind of a leader Riet is, the one who doesn't ask you to follow; instead, she empowers you to become a leader. In her tenure as the President of the world most significant and most prestigious image consulting association, she ensured that she took decisions to make AICI genuinely global. Under her leadership, there was a sharp increase in the number of new members, several benefits were added for the members, Social Link: an online app for members got launched, and her entire board had a successful tenure with tons of milestones in their belt. Riet's actions inspired all the members across the world to dream more, to learn more, to do more, and to become more. She is truly a leader of the people. We at AICI are grateful to Riet for her gift of time, value, and dedication. Her efforts have set the organization on a course of even more significant milestones and achievements.

I have had the privilege of working with and shadowing our Past President Riet de Vlieger for the past 12 months. I can honestly say that she left me with big shoes to fill. Riet ever since I have started to work under your leadership, I have gained a wealth of information about our industry to carry on your excellent work. Your guidance has been an inspiration to me, and so many. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your dedication to the AICI, image industry, and our members. —Ferial Yoakum, AICI CIM, President, AICI 2019-2021 I met Riet when I was forming the Chile - Santiago Chapter in 2012, and she was of great help for the chapter members and me. Years later, I became the International's Chapter Chair, and she helped me understand everything concerning the job I was assuming. In 2016 I was elected VP of Human Resources, and since then we have worked very closely. I appreciate all the support she, as AICI President, has given me to execute policies and actions aimed towards the growth of AICI and the benefit of its members. It has been a real pleasure to work with her, and I know that I will miss her. I thank you Riet for all the commitment with AICI and its members and wish you success in all that you will do after your term. —Lillian Bustamante, AICI CIM VP Human Resource, AICI 2018-2020

As her term comes to an end, few of our members and chapters shared her experience of working with Riet. .

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From the day I spoke with Riet about possibly serving as AICI President, I knew she was special. I was so impressed with her devotion to AICI, the discernment she put into thinking about the position and how it would impact her family and business but at the same time the difference she could make as President and everything she could contribute. As Treasurer, I have worked with her for two years. Under her leadership, we have had the most successful conference ever. She is so intelligent but mostly a very kind soul that I am so thankful I got to know and can now call my friend. Thank you, Riet, for all you have done and will continue to do for AICI. You are a treasure! —Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP Treasurer, AICI 2017-2019 After two years in the International Board, I learned that not everybody has what it takes to be a President of AICI, it takes a special kind of person, some character traits that are difficult to describe. Riet Vlieger has represented us, and she has symbolized the 1000+ members without taking unpopular decisions and talking directly to people about problems. She has a strong vision for AICI's future, and the quote that came to me now about her leadership is the one from Tom Peters: “Leaders don't create

followers, they create more leaders." Congratulations on your Presidency. —Valeria Doustaly, , AICI CIP VP Conference, AICI 2017-2019 I'm grateful to have the opportunity to work with Riet at AICI International Board and serve the members around the world. Riet is self-motivated, discipline, she is not only reliable but an inspiring team leader. During the past two year's presidency, she consistently demonstrated a solid work ethic at AICI plus a dedication to success. Thanks to Riet's trust, we all got to work together creatively, which allowed us to deliver and reach our goal successfully. Best wishes for her future success! —Shanna Pecoraro, AICI CIP VP Education, AICI 2018-2020

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Riet has been a fantastic President, and it has been a pleasure to work with her over the last two years. She has been on the board in various roles over the past ten years and is, therefore, a fount of all knowledge this is going to be difficult to replace! She dedicated her time and service to AICI and its members. She has strived to increase membership levels and member benefits. I know that she has been delighted to see how her idea for City Circles has improved member retention and resulted in several new Chapters were formed. Riet is fair, knowledgeable, determined, and professional plus she has a wicked sense of fun! Her ready smile, support, and encouragement will be missed by all of us. —Gail Morgan, AICI CIP Secretary, AICI 2018-2020 Riet was always open to assist certification team in our effort to expand certification. From 2017 to 2019, AICI certified members have grown tremendously in numbers. We have a total of 28 CIPs during this period. CIP and CIM portfolio submission is available in digital format. We offered certification Q&A, an online zoom meeting periodically to help members to get certified. Thanks to the support of Riet and the board members for these great achievements. Working with Riet was indeed a good learning experience for me. —Ana Cheong, AICI CIP VP Certification, AICI 2019-2021 I got the opportunity to work closely with Riet, and it was a lovely surprise for me. She helped me solve issues, and, she was a significant trigger for changing somethings in my personal life as well. She owns the ability to look at AICI as an overall perspective at the same time being sensitive to people. She has an impressive ability to listen before taking actions. I enjoyed working with her a lot. Thanks, Riet. We will miss you! —Fernanda Luchesi, AICI CIC VP Marketing, AICI 2019-2021

If there is something remarkable in Riet, it is her faith. Riet is for me, besides a colleague, a friend whom I consider very special in my life. I have been able to know her professionally and as a person. In both areas, there has always been a constant: her faith in herself. She has believed in herself even in the darkest and most difficult moments, and that has served me personally, on more than one occasion, as a form of inspiration. In the way of expressing her point of view, her way of life, in her inner confidence, is where someone can find the best of Riet. She was of great support for me when I became the International Board. She always had time to coordinate a call once a month to help me integrate to the Board and gave me confidence in my role. Undoubtedly, Riet inspires others through the trust she projects and from her management skills. I feel very honored to have shared our work with her, and I hope that I can keep her as a great friend that she is for me. Thanks, Riet! —Maria Pia Estebecorena, AICI CIP VP Business Development, AICI 2018-2020 Dear Riet de Vlieger, In your term as the President of AICI, I am grateful for your great efforts in developing and advancing our association. The chapter faced many hardships, so we especially appreciate what you did to maintain AICI as a stable and energetic organization. It is a result of board members

paying close attention to everyone carefully and progressively, that our Tokyo Chapter will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. We modeled ourselves on the headquarters and have progressed to this point. Whenever we faced a problem we didn't understand, the support system gave us an immediate reply immediately and was excellent in helping us manage the situation. You always led members with a gentle but firm style; sometimes encouraging, sometimes actively guiding. I saw the right leadership image in you. Thank you! The Tokyo Chapter will continue to grow increasingly active. We wish you the highest achievements and all the best in the future! Best regards, —Hikaru Yoshimura, AICI CIP, President, AICI Tokyo Chapter On behalf of the Thailand chapter, I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Riet's leadership and her support to Thailand chapter. Her creative and flexible approach has given us options to continue our membership. On a personal note, I would like to thank her for her time to inspire me and grow a leadership mindset that I can implement it directly to benefit Thailand chapter. Here is what I learned and can sum up below

RIET: Respect Individual Empowering the Team Gratefully, —Siri Leksuwat, AICI Thailand Chapter

Riet, as your term as President has come to an end, the Chicago Midwest Chapter would like to thank you for your incredible leadership of our association! It's not an easy job, but you did it with grace and style. You had a clear vision for the association, and, because of that, we are stronger than ever. We wish you all the best! —Jill Bremer, AICI CIP, President, AICI Chicago Midwest Chapter Dear Riet, It was a pleasure working with you. Your leadership is inspiring, and many good things happened in AICI during this period, the four split membership was a great achievement! The Argentina chapter had a great conference experience! Thank you very much for your time and work dedicated to AICI! —María Pínola, AICI CIP President, AICI Argentina Chapter Working with Riet as an International Board member in the past and currently as President of Shanghai Chapter, I was much impressed by her diligence, commitment, and ability to inspire those around her. Riet is focused on results and achieving success for the team and the Association. She is a strategic thinker and develops and implements strategies that drive results and maximize the potential of the whole team. —Lucy Liang, AICI CIP Founding President of AICI Shanghai Chapter

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Thank you very much for your great efforts and dedication to AICI. Your great leadership leads us to achieve more and more high standard globally! You are the role model for us to follow. We especially to extend our sincere appreciation for all your support to the chapters in Asia. —May, President, AICI HK Chapter

For Me, Riet will always be an example of commitment, seriousness, contribution, and partnership. These are some characteristics of Riet that marked me. She will always remain a friend, and I will cherish the friendship that we have managed to build in such a short time, but that I feel will be forever. —Rachel Jordan, President, AICI Brazil Chapter

Riet, thank you for your unconditional support to the Colombian Chapter. Thanks also for being available every time we need you. Thanks for letting us bring you to visit our beautiful country and to give us the confidence in our team. Here in Colombia, you will leave a mark not only for being the former president of Global AICI but for being a great human being with your joy & loyalty.

It has been a great pleasure working with Riet over the last few years. One of the qualities that I admire the most was her warmth, her human eye, and her unique way of dealing with people. It is one of the best qualities of a leader. I appreciate a lot, and I'm very grateful for having her around. I wish her all the best.

Thanks a lot. The doors of Colombia and our chapter Will always be open for you.

—Silvia Sigliano, Vice President, AICI Brazil Chapter

—Yuly Giraldo, President, AICI Colombia Chapter

Dear Riet,

Riet, Thank you for your leadership within AICI, and thank you for all the work to make AICI a family. We truly appreciate it and appreciate what it takes to be a leader. You're quiet, but strong presence has been instrumental in showing that we are a family. I hope that this narrative continues into the next term.

Many thanks for your permanent support to our chapter. Also, thanks for your leadership, an open mind, and new ideas with which you contributed so much to AICI. You have an "AICI heart." Best regards. —AICI Chile Santiago Chapter

Enjoy your time off now and relax. —AICI US Southeast Region Chapter

SONIA DUBEY DEWAN, AICI CIP, is an Entrepreneur, Image Consultant, a Keynote Speaker and the first Internationally Certified Image Professional (CIP) in India chapter by Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), USA. She is the Founder and Managing Partner of Indian School of Image Management (, providing education and training solutions to aspiring Image Consultants in India. Dubbed as a “Fairy Godmother of Transformation” by a leading news publication, Sonia is passionate about sharing her views on Image Management, Personal Branding, Positive Body Image, Entrepreneurship and Women Empowerment. She quotes, “You are your most valuable asset, start investing in it today.”

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s we have approached the new fiscal year, we are pleased to share the new AICI International board members with you. Each new member of this board cohort brings with them experiences that are crucial to help the organization grow and shape the image industry globally. We are fortunate for the leadership of those members who volunteer to serve to the benefits of our 1300+ members in 6 continents. We also thank all the committees' chair and other members who support the board, meeting the growing need of our members, and the advancement of the image industry and AICI. Please join me in welcoming the new board of AICI Global 20192020.

FERIAL YOUAKIM, AICI CIM, PRESIDENT Ferial is an entrepreneur, a speaker, an author, and a philanthropist. The founder and CEO of ByFerial, Image Consultants Training offers certification courses in image consulting! Her most significant contribution to the industry is the creation and developing of the renowned 4X4 Color System – (16 seasons)™. As a speaker, Ferial has had the honor of speaking at conferences in more than half a dozen

countries around the globe. Ferial is the author of Beyond Beauty: A Refugee's Journey in Pursuit of Happiness. It uncovers her journey as an image consultant as well as the struggles she has faced and how she overcome them. As a philanthropist, she founded the charity group “Mums on a Mission” which was a recipient of the NWS and National Gold Volunteer award from the National Health and Medical Research Center.

RIET DE VLIEGER, AICI CIP, PAST PRESIDENT Riet is the founder and owner of Image Companion in the Netherlands. She is an Image Consultant for almost 20 years and an experienced trainer in the field of image consulting. Together with 15 years of experience as a speech therapist, her expertise contains the full spectrum of verbal and non-verbal communication. She is the only AICI Certified Image Professional in the Netherlands since 2007 and recognized for being a creative and innovative leader in my field of expertise. Riet is a published author in the Netherlands of the book

"ELEGANT - wardrobe management for women" and two books on image styling for the professional education of hairdressers and beauticians. She is a recipient of two industry awards: the 2015 AICI President's Award, and the 2016 Karin van Paassen VIP Award.

GAIL MORGAN, AICI CIP, SECRETARY Gail is an image consultant, coach, and trainer with over 26 years of experience in the image industry. She is passionate about advising and teaching clients and consultants to use their wardrobes to their best advantage. Gail has been President of The Federation of Image Consultants based in the UK. Through her training company Study in Style, she shares her knowledge and expertise with consultants around the world. Gail is currently one of only five image consultants in the world to be certified on both sides of the Atlantic. She is an assessor for the City & Guilds/FIPI Master’s Award in Image Consultancy. An NLP Master Practitioner and MBTI Step I & Step II Practitioner, she conducts corporate training

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demonstrating the importance of First Impressions and Personal Branding to a variety of different organizations.

MARILYN NEEL, AICI CIC, TREASURER Marilyn has dual expertise as an Image Management Consultant and Psychotherapist. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 30 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and groups as well as facilitating workshops and classes. Marilyn's specialties include working with individuals to enhance their style through the language of clothing. Additionally, she teaches couples how to be mutually respectful and have a great relationship. She is Certified in the Relational Life Therapy Model as developed by Terry Reel. She is passionate about teaching people to live in the present and incorporates many mindful practices in her counseling and consulting businesses.

LILIAN BUSTAMANTE, AICI CIM, VP HUMAN RESOURCES Lilian is serving her second term as the VP Human Resources after having tremendous success during her last run. A few notable ones are the four payments on renewal of membership. She organized leadership training to chapter presidents and Chapter board members and also launched the new chapter startup fund. Now she is working on the benefit of Refer a Member and Get a 20% discount on your next renewal.

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Lilian founded the Chile Santiago chapter in 2013 and was the first president. She was the international chapter chair in 20152016. The president and founder of Professional Development and Personal Image Training Company, she was the pioneer to introduce the image consultant concept in Chile 18 years ago. She works with corporate companies giving coaching and seminars in the image and soft skills.

SHANNA PECORARO, AICI CIP, VP EDUCATION With a background encompassing all things fashion - including product design, retail management, and creative direction – Shanna Wu Pecoraro, AICI CIP is a soughtafter etiquette expert, soft skills trainer and premium image & color consultant trainer. As founder and principal of NYC Image Consultant Academy and a master trainer of ISSTA, Shanna works with "Image & Soft Skill consultant to be" worldwide. Shanna is also the creator of "The Pocket Color Compass: Steps to Your Best Coloring" – A personal color Guide Book/Tool Kit. Shanna has served three terms as VP of Education from 2008 to 2011 and was 2015 the president of AICI NY Tri-State Chapter of AICI. She has been instrumental to the success of the 2019 AICI Global Conference in Chicago.

ANA CHEONG, AICI CIP, VP CERTIFICATION Ana is serving her second term on the board as VP Certification after having helped AICI achieve a record increase in the number of certified individuals globally during her first term. She is a Certified Image Professional (CIP) with AICI and owns a consulting practice in Malaysia established for 20 years. Apart from image consulting, she specializes in the provision of the color certification program, the science of dressing for well-being, and the art of mindfulness in consulting. Ana is passionate about helping others improve their lives. She has been an active patron of Science and Wellness Organization (SWO), a non-profit organization in Malaysia, focused on research work involving human well-being. She has embraced and incorporated the solutions developed by SWO into her profession and helped many of her clients attain incredible transformation in their capability and achievements.

MARIA PIA ESTEBECORENA, AICI CIP, VP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Maria is a Certified International Professional (CIP) by AICI and the founder of AICI Argentina chapter being its president for two terms, later Past President and VP President. She holds a BA in Political Science with a Postgraduate in Retail Marketing, a Specialization in International Business in

Georgetown, USA and Ph.D. in Positive Psychology. Maria worked for more than 16 years as Product Manager in the Business area at multinational companies such as Falabella Department Stores, Walmart Argentina, Tiendas Paris in Chile and as Business Director in Grupo Salinas de Mexico. She is Professor at the Universidad Asutral into the Master in Law and Professor at the University of Palermo for 11 years. UNESCO honored her in 2014 with the distinction of Ambassador of Peace for her volunteer work.

MIA LAMOTTE, AICI CIP, VP CONFERENCE Mia LaMotte founded LaMotte International to transform professionals from the inside out, where she can work with individuals all over the world to best the version of themselves. Over twenty years ago, Mia started her foundation in the image industry when she attended the John Jay School of Cosmetology, the John Robert Powers School System for modeling, The Style Core and London Image Institute for image training. She has trained with transformation masters, including Trainer Global Design through their Trainer Forum program. Armed with a Master Degree in Public Administration and a rich work experience in multiple sectors – private, public, and retail, Mia has been a member of AICI for more than nine years where she held a leadership position for seven years such as VP Marketing of Southeast Chapter. Mia is happiest when she is in service to others.



FĂŞ Luchesi is a Certified by FIT, Digital Marketing and Social Media (MIT/Boston), Coach ( SBC/ Brazil), Branding ( ESPM/ Brazil), Marketing (Insper/ Brazil), Sales( FGV/ Brazil), and Trainer by Success Resources/US. Speaker for Cocacola, P&G, Visa, Ericsson, Estee Lauder, Latam airlines. She has written and contributed articles for Elle, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Folha de Sao Paulo, Journals and tv programs. She has created online programs for executive woman and marketing mentoring for Image Consultant and co-authored book Empodere-agora.

Sunny is the founder of the International Sun Image Institute (ISII) and Image Matching Rubik's Cube (ICMC) System Founder. She is a well-known image marketing expert, image communication, etiquette application, mind decompression, fashion seller trainer.

Fernanda has served leadership roles with AICI such as a VP Membership of AICI Brazil board and Marketing Chair of AICI Global. As a Marketing chair, she saw to the growth of social media channels and was crucial to the visibility of 2019 AICI Global Conference.

She has completed her education in image consulting from various institutes such as BODY BEAUTIFUL Academy, Style Master Certification in the USA, Image Coaching Academy Certification, France, International Image School Interpersonal Communication Certification in Canada She is a member of the China Fashion Designers Association and visiting professor at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Sunny has authored eleven books in image consulting and styling, and she is featured regularly in media for image consulting, costume and image etiquette training.

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Q. How did you get started in Image Consulting? A. I got started in image consulting while living in New York in the late 80’s. There, I came across a company by the name of Color Me Beautiful which taught classes concerning the right use of colors to improve people’s personal image. Upon my return to Chile, I started practicing image consultancy as a hobby until 2001 when I decided to form a company, brought the representation of Color Me Beautiful for South America, and took the program with Joyce Knudsen and other experts.

Q. What do you do in your business? A. In my business, I do Corporate Image, Personal Image, and also, Soft Skills for companies. We are Certified under ISO 9001 which allows us to work with companies that qualify for tax benefits on their investment in people’s training and education.

Q. What is image consulting like in Chile? A. I pioneered this subject in Chile. Image consulting was not known or understood there. People viewed it as a kind of hair stylist or make up. My strategy was to spread the word through the media, and so I got invitations to TV talk shows, radio, and newspaper interviews. I even convinced the editor of Chile’s main newspaper (El Mercurio) to let me write a monthly column in the Business Section so as to have access to the corporate world. I did this for two years. Nowadays, people and companies are much more aware of the importance of IC for the success in the professional arena but there is still a lot to be done. Customers in general are not willing to pay for these services as they do in more developed countries. Another problem is the presence of many “fashionistas” that make noise to our profession. To help improve the professional level in IC, I developed a 130-hour Diplomate course for both on-site and online attendance which has so far resulted in the graduation of many image consultants and so the profession is now more recognized in the market. For this, the service is increasing.

Q. You’re the VP Human Resources of AICI Global. What made you get involved in AICI leadership in the first place? A. In all the jobs that I had (IBM and Epson) prior to starting my company, I was always involved in leading teams as a manager. When I joined AICI, I realized that I could help by first creating the Chile-Santiago Chapter. Then I was involved as a Chapter Chair until I had the opportunity to apply for the Human Resources Position. I really feel very comfortable in helping members and chapters solve their questions and problems. In addition, this has been an opportunity to meet great people in many countries. This position requires a lot of empathy to work with people from various nationalities in the search for creative solutions for the benefit of the members and AICI. I love to help people and make friends. I have been in this position for three years and I have one more year to go. Last, but certainly not the least, I have always had the total support of Riet De Vlieger our President and the AICI Global Board who have approved all the new ideas that we have introduced to AICI from 2017.

Q. Congratulations! You just received the highest level of certification in Image consulting in the world, the AICI Certified Image Master. Why did you seek your CIM certification? A. In the beginning, I thought that becoming a CIM was not for me, but then I went to the Mexico Conference and I got very enthusiastic about what Eva Koeck Epirec and Coca Sevilla explained to me. When I returned to my country, I decided to apply and started working towards this goal. Right from the start, I was confident that such a goal was achievable since I had experiences in many Image topics as well as in Soft Skills which I believe are very important to become a real image consultant. In my already long years in this area, I have worked with more than 250 large companies giving workshops and seminars over the last two decades.

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Q. We wrapped up AICI Global Conference in Chicago in April 2019. Tell us about your favorite moments from the conference? A. First of all, I think it was a great conference and our VP Conference, Valeria Doustaly, and her team did an outstanding job over the last 2 years. Besides this, there were many unforgettable moments during the conference with many good sessions and trainers, very well organized by our VP Education, Shanna Pecoraro. We were also able to share the joy of the award winners and certified members who had

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the opportunity to receive their certifications. The President’s Award recognition was something that I did not expect and I thank Riet de Vlieger for it and also, the members and chapters. One of the most rewarding moments was the Leadership Training that we started at 7am with more than 70 board members participating and solving cases about Conflict Management that I had the opportunity to conduct. I really appreciated the excellent participation of all the attendees.

Q. The AICI April Issue talks about the Power of Image Consulting. Tell us your



Q. What do you like to do for fun?

A. I think that image consulting is gaining more

A. I used to play golf but not anymore because I don’t

and more space in all niches and cultures. Many executives and professionals now realize how important this subject is in the ever-increasing competitive world we live in. The amount and speed of communications, triggered in large part by the new technologies, makes it imperative to have a “Good Personal Brand.” And our mission is to help them achieve their goals.

have the time and tranquility to concentrate. But I like traveling around the world whenever I can. This year, I took vacations with my husband in Australia and right after the Chicago Conference, I flew to Los Angeles with my daughter and husband. I also like to read and learn about new skills. For instance, this year, I took a class about NLP applied to educational groups and another on how to activate the Pineal Gland. Last year, I took a class about LinkedIn and Social Networks applied to business and others. Also, I love to play with my grandson and dedicate some time to him and the new one (who was born on the same day that I took my CIM exam in Chicago. That was an unforgettable day!).

Q. What’s your best business advice for other image consultants? A. Persevere in what you are doing. Have patience because setting up a company takes at least 2 to 3 years. Also, be aware of your financial statements and of the company expenses. I have seen image consultants lose their business because they didn’t pay attention to the financials.

SONIA DUBEY DEWAN, AICI CIP, is an Entrepreneur, Image Consultant, a Keynote Speaker and the first Internationally Certified Image Professional (CIP) in India chapter by Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), USA. She is the Founder and Managing Partner of Indian School of Image Management (, providing education and training solutions to aspiring Image Consultants in India. Dubbed as a “Fairy Godmother of Transformation” by a leading news publication, Sonia is passionate about sharing her views on Image Management, Personal Branding, Positive Body Image, Entrepreneurship and Women Empowerment. She quotes, “You are your most valuable asset, start investing in it today.”

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o you remember that scene from the movie Pretty Woman where Vivian Ward, played by Julia Roberts, is out shopping at the Rodeo Drive in her overly casual dressing? She enters an expensive store where she’s judged by two snobbish, snarky sales girls. Their snide remarks prompt Vivian to leave the store. However, she returns to the store the next day in a stately and demure white dress paired with a ladylike wide-brimmed black hat to make them realize that they made a “big mistake,” a “huge” one perhaps, by being rude to her. Pretty Woman is no less than a Cinderella Story. Undoubtedly a fictional story, it does make you aware of the fact that when you do not dress appropriately for the occasion, you are brutally judged by others. When appearance coincides with the ambiance, people notice you, appreciate you, and even remember you.

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In a technology-driven era where you have access to achieving anything you want, the basic thing people often forget is to pay attention to themselves. Like any other consultations—medical, business, and financial, image consultation is of pivotal significance for your personal and professional growth. It helps you identify the missing elements in your unique personal style. It provides you with a roadmap to achieve your desired persona. THE CONCEPT OF IMAGE CONSULTING IS SIX DECADES OLD. In the 1950s, celebrities, politicians, and models used to have celebrity stylists. These were the people who would make or break their image in public. Not only this, they would even go to a finishing school to be trained on etiquette to add more sophistication to their personality. It was not only crucial for these people to look good but also to present themselves well before others. In the 1980s, the image consulting industry started to emerge. John T. Molloy’s book, Dress for Success, was one of those few books that gained huge popularity, especially among women who had started changing with the times, stepping out of the household, and working with men. The 1990s was a decade better remembered as a time of strong economic growth, a.k.a. ‘economic boom,’ with steady job creation, low inflation, rising productivity, and rapid technological changes. These resulted in the advent of stricter codes of business wear, especially in big companies. Since then, the image consulting concept grew wider and wider, finally becoming ‘The Business of Style.’ WHY IS IMAGE CONSULTING CALLED THE BUSINESS OF STYLE? Quoting Lauren Hutton, “Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.” This means that style is defined by your own aspirations—what you want yourself to be. If you see yourself as a company’s chief executive officer, your dressing to your mannerisms will be idiosyncratic to a CEO of your company or one whom you admire. Image consulting helps an individual to achieve this style and much more in the process of transformation.

IN A TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN ERA WHERE YOU HAVE ACCESS TO ACHIEVING ANYTHING YOU WANT, THE BASIC THING PEOPLE OFTEN FORGET IS TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES. IMAGE CONSULTING IS MORE LIKE PAINTING ON A CANVAS. We definitely know that the technical aspect of styling and theories on color make it methodical and scientific. However, I find it to be more of an art. It’s like painting a picture. The more involved you are, the more efforts you put into the details, the more life you bring to the painting. Personal Image Management of clients is done along similar lines. Customer delight happens when a skilled image consultant finishes the job like an art. The finesse lies in understanding the client’s requirement and working on the most itsy-bitsy elements in style/image enhancement of the client.

anger, depression, and having a lack of self-confidence are an outcome of poorly managed self-image. This further leads to deterioration in professional life and creates a cycle in which the person is stuck forever, completely clueless as to why despite putting in efforts into personal and professional areas, he or she isn’t achieving the desired outcome. I take pride in saying that as an image consultant, I help men and women appreciate the importance of ‘self-worth.’ An improved ‘self-worth’ reflects positivity in their attitude as well as more competence in their work. What’s a better profession than helping people to look and feel wonderful about themselves?

One of my clients, a doctor by profession, after his 180-degree image makeover, was even happier when I suggested he wear a leather strap watch instead of a metal one for a seminar. Though it seemed insignificant to him in the beginning, he was delighted to know that the former would make him appear much crisp, learned, and classic in style.

Each one of us is evolving in response to our growing age, and economic, and societal status. What sets us apart is knowing our personality and presenting it a way that leaves people thinking—Ah! there’s something uniquely likable about her or him, but what is it? Same as it was in Cinderella where the Prince and royalty were awestruck by her magnificent appearance.

IMAGE CONSULTING IS CURRENTLY ONE OF THE NOBLEST PROFESSIONS IN THE WORLD. Image consultants enhance their clients’ beauty—inward and outward both. Many people don’t realize that personal problems such as relationship issues, health troubles, phobias, inability to make friends, loneliness,

Cinderella is not just a character of a story. Symbolically, it speaks about the conflict between our desires and problems and breaking out of the vicious cycle. Unbelievably, the power of a ‘magic wand’ is here—this time, a more scientific and artistic one— named ‘image consulting.’

SHUBHA JOSHI is an Image Consultant and Etiquette Coach, certified by the London Image Institute. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Image Launchpad training people on Etiquette and Image Management. Shubha has an overall experience of 13 years in Client Consultation in Styling, Learning and Development, Print Media, and Finance.

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was standing at Door 2 in the shuttle area of O’Hare International Airport in Chicago and waiting for a ride to the Loews Hotel for my first AICI Global Conference. As I scanned the area expectantly, a beautiful woman approached and appeared to be waiting for the same ride. She was tanned, with carefree but still-perfect hair that had a sunkissed glow. A quick scan of her outfit piqued my curiosity, as I noticed she wasn’t afraid to mix patterns and had a unique style aesthetic. Wait a minute...Could she? I shyly approached her and asked, “Are you here for the AICI Conference?” Before I could blink she was hugging me, offering pecks on both cheeks, and attempting to speak in limited but heartfelt English. Her name was Lorena Zilio from Argentina, and yes, she was here for the conference. Little did I know that my special experience with Lorena would be repeated dozens of times over the six days I lived at the Loews. During the conference I stopped a moment to reflect on the optimistic attitudes radiating from the meeting attendees. Just what was happening? The positive energy was palpable...the atmosphere supportive, sharing, open, engaged, professional. Every person

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treated me as if she or he had known me their entire lives, and never wanted to lose touch. I came to realize these image consulting professionals were practicing what they preached—their appearance, behavior, and communication were the ideal. Let’s take a look at the ABCs of Image that were so capably demonstrated at the conference, resulting in an unforgettable experience for all. APPEARANCE: SHE’S GOT THE LOOK It goes without saying that AICI members know how to dress. Curated details could be found at every turn through uniquely shaped eyeglasses, edgy hairstyles, and clothing saturated with glorious color. Compliments flowed, but with a learning component behind them as the men and women shared information on where they purchased the pieces and how they styled them. There was a moment where I stood in an elevator filled with conference participants and enjoyed the view. Everyone looked their best, but in a perfectly balanced manner. Not too much, not too little, never bland, and always professional.

These attendees understood that personality and heritage could be represented through clothing and accessories as they delighted each other with their choices. Signature styles were easily identified and consistently displayed by the wearers. All felt confident enough to be themselves, but also completely appropriate for the task at hand: an important and relevant business event. BEHAVIOR: SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE It was never difficult to make eye contact with an AICI member, even from across the hotel lobby. Each was open to meeting someone new and connecting on a deeper level, offering a ready smile with body language that implied rapt interest. I don’t doubt these women and men network this way on a regular basis: treating each newly-met individual with an optimistic view, as if the encounter could, and most likely would, lead to something amazing. I admired the session leaders for their life and career achievements, subject matter expertise, and acumen as speakers. They acknowledged and respected the fact that their audiences were filled with members hailing from different countries with different cultures. And on the other side of the podium, session attendees demonstrated appreciation for the speakers by providing their full attention and participating willingly. They benefited through learning, brainstorming, and laughing together. COMMUNICATION: CAN WE TALK In the months prior to the conference, a feeling of anticipation and can’t-miss excitement permeated

the virtual vistas connecting AICI members on the world wide web, convincing us we had no choice but to register. In the weeks leading up to the conference I was astounded by the plethora of clear and thorough information provided for registrants. Domestic and international travelers received details containing everything they needed to know, down to the Chicago weather (and photographs of Door 2 at O’Hare where I met Lorena). Between sessions at the conference I was ecstatic to find that the art of the business card exchange was alive and well. I’m often teased about my passion and persistence in keeping the small paper tokens close at hand, but I’m a big believer in their effectiveness. Among my consultant peers I realized I was not alone. I gave away and received more business cards at this conference than at any other event I had attended in my career. The colorful and carefullydesigned cards were as avidly exchanged as baseball cards, and were a guarantee of future communications and collaborations between members in the months and years to come. FINAL THOUGHTS: WALKING ON SUNSHINE The resoundingly positive vibes I experienced at the international gathering could no doubt be attributed to the exemplary appearance, behavior, and communication skills demonstrated by its attendees. All were experts at connecting and relating through verbal and non-verbal channels. But what else unified men and women from 30 different countries, each with a different story, different level of experience, and different background? It hit me about three


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days in. I was surrounded by 300 people who felt confident in how they looked. Now, I’m sure we all had our discreet moments where we doubted whether our hair looked good (me), or wished we had brought a different pair of shoes (me), or wondered if we were making sense as we talked to the person sitting next to us (umm... me). But we had each placed a great deal of thought and preparation into how we presented ourselves and felt satisfied with the results. Looking good leads to feeling good, which frees up energy to engage with others and enjoy living in the moment. It allows us to move effortlessly and focus on the growth and excitement that lies ahead. As image consultants, it’s what we do for our clients every day, and the nearly explosive energy it created at AICI Global 2019 is proof that it works.

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CARRIE MCCONKEY, M.S. has loved the principles of design and color since childhood. After a career that included interior design, bridal gown design, and work in the nonprofit sector in the fields of Career Services and Fundraising, Carrie founded Carrie M. Image & Fashion Consulting based in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. She now works with individuals and corporations helping busy professionals increase their confidence and leadership potential through the development of their image. She also provides guidance through her “Image Matters” column in the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s business journal, and “Ask Carrie M.” fashion advice column in Knoxville Style Magazine.




hey say that the first time is always special. This is why we have asked some of the first timers at the 2019 AICI Global Conference in Chicago to share with us their experience and key takeaways from the conference. Let us hear them out.

ZOHRA BENA, AICI SPAIN CHAPTER VP Assisting in the 2019 AICI Global Conference in Chicago was a wonderful opportunity to network and connect with colleagues from all over the world. I especially enjoyed the positive and inspiring ambiance and the great talks from image experts and influencers. The global character of AICI was represented by the many international colleagues I got to connect with from Latin America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Furthermore, the entertainment program was rich and dynamic: a

guided architectural tour where we were enriched with the facts and characteristics of the beautiful architecture of the city, a fashion show with designs from different countries, and a fun bingo game were participants had the chance to win a free entrance to the next Global Conference (I was the lucky one!). We closed the fun with a chic glitz and glam gala. My personal experience was positive. Aside from winning the free entrance to the 2021 Global Conference in Dallas, I also felt honored to receive the Award of Excellence for Membership, which I dedicate to my Spanish Chapter and the members of the AICI in Spain. My compliments go to the event organizers. I recommend attending the future conferences. Hopefully, I will see you in Dallas in 2021.

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GUANHUI (WILLIAM) WU, AICI CIC, AICI SHENZHEN CHAPTER FOUNDING PRESIDENT As part of China’s almost 200,000 image consultants, I’m glad I made the decision to travel to Chicago for the AICI Global Conference because no other organization can provide such a deep and extensive learning opportunity to an image consultant. No other organization can gather in one place all of the world’s excellent, outstanding, and intelligent image consultants, image experts, and image masters regardless of nationality, race, and color. The Pre-conference trip, menu, language used, and course topics in the events and trainings all reflect the enthusiasm, comprehensiveness, and careful arrangement of the AICI Headquarters and event organizers. The great efforts were evident in the event. AICI, a big family full of love, makes me proud. While the image consultants are perfect, professional, and great in front of the customers, when the image consultants get together for the AICI Global Conference, each of us is modest enough to learn from our colleagues. It’s a really great feeling!”

EVELYN VERDUGO PARADA, AICI CHILE CHAPTER It was a great experience! I was able to expand, update, and reinforce my knowledge. Moreover, I met great professionals who told me how rewarding it is to be part of the association and to be certified to make a solid career. I will continue participating in these events.

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MISELLE P. BERGONIA, AICI CIP, AICI PHILIPPINE CHAPTER PRESIDENT Since I have been an active member of AICI for 11 years, it may come as a surprise that the conference last April was my first Global Conference. As a chapter officer, I had the honor to attend the Leadership Training and Presidents’ Breakfast where I picked up best practices from various officers to boost the chapter’s member engagement. It was also a great honor to receive the Chapter Member of the Year Award and the Philanthropy Award on behalf of our Chapter. The conference was packed with learning sessions by industry experts from all over the world and activities that aimed to boost the members’ skills and business revenue. First, there was Lyn Slater’s keynote which highlighted diversity and authenticity, and being fearless. The other memorable sessions I attended were by Hitomi Ohmori, Christina Ong, Carolina Tan, and Delby Bragais. Finally, the keynote by Nena Ivon hit me through her grit, grace, and adaptability. My main takeaway from this conference is that image consulting is evolving. Concluding my journey from Chicago to Manila, I have come to appreciate the learning and realize how as an image professional, I can inspire and curate a better world, one person at a time.

STEFANIA CESI, AICI MEXICO CITY CHAPTER This was my first conference as a member of AICI. I loved meeting the members of other countries and knowing each of our strengths and the issues that we confront as consultants. I loved the diversity of countries and classes. I became aware of what is the latest. Sometimes I wanted to split myself in two to be able to attend more classes. I look forward to the next conferences where I can learn more and be part of this community of excellent professionals.

VARSHA CHATURVEDI, AICI INDIA CHAPTER I am very grateful for being part of such a wonderful conference. It was a fruitful and amazing experience. The conference was a great success in all possible aspects. Furthermore, this conference has changed my perspective of my life and business. Being a first-time attendee, I was a bit anxious and nervous, but I was welcomed so warmly. The minute I entered the room, I knew that I had to attend all future AICI Global Conferences. I learned so many valuable things that have helped me grow and mature as an image consultant. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me better. I was a nervous wreck before the fashion show, but as I walked down the ramp, I could hear everyone cheering and supporting me. It gave me an immense feeling of pride and happiness. I was lucky to represent India at such a global event. All the workshops and speakers were phenomenal. I will definitely incorporate what I learned from them into my business, VChic. This conference will surely help me in finding the true me. I am reminded of a famous quote of Ralph Ellison: “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”

KIMBERLY GORDON, SOUTHEASTERN US CHAPTER I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a collection of beautiful, colorful women...and a few darned good-looking men as well. The first evening we had a welcome reception at the bar. I am an introvert at heart, even though I do love to get to know people. It was a lot of fun. I saw some of my online webinar instructors and even had a chance to speak to some. We had a lot of choices in the seminars, varying from business applications to client education. There were workshops in English, Chinese, and Spanish. Since it was my first conference, the first session I attended was the Learning Circles. This gave me a chance to explore four workshops in one. The workshop that stands out in my mind is Facetelling with Chris Alves. I have dietary restrictions. But there were a number of good choices at each meal that was provided for us. All in all, it was a very good experience. For me, the best value came from the new people I met (especially those in my chapter) and the accumulation of new ideas and tidbits of valuable information I received from each. Thank you to all my new friends!

MARIA MONICA F. PRADO, M.A. is a sought-after communication and image consultant, speaker, author, and writer. In 2010, with her background in the fields of communication, media and corporate training, Monica established Communicare Training and Development, a communication training firm. She has developed and conducted trainings for thousands of individuals and various local and multinational corporations.

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THE STORY OF QIUQIU, AICI CIC 持续的学习和思考是创新的源动力! 来自于邱邱的故事 邱邱,AICI CIC


am QiuQiu, CIC from China and President of Nanjing Chapter.

Shortly after I founded Qianbei Meiyuan, my image design company, I came into contact with AICI. At that time, I was very different from what I am now. At that time, I was full of confidence, but my work hit the wall everywhere. 我是邱邱,来自于中国的CIC,同时也是 南京分会的主席。 我是在创办千贝美苑这家形象设计公 司不久后和AICI建立起联系的。回想起 来,现在的我和那个时候的我,已经很 不一样了!刚成立的时候,我充满了信 心,但是不久后我的工作就开始四处碰 壁。 Below are the things I’ve been through. Maybe, you’re going through some of these, too.

下面这些是我所经历过的,或许你也正 在经历吧: 1. The style was right, but the clothes recommended for the client didn’t fit at all. 2. The color was right, but the client didn’t want to dress so ostentatiously. 3. Accompanied while shopping in malls, the client did not like the matching of the clothing items which you exerted effort in preparing. 4. I wanted to develop a course that can spread the value of image, but I couldn’t write down a single word. 1. 帮助客户找对了风格,但是按照风 格推荐的服装却根本不合身。 2. 帮助客户找对了色彩,但是客户却 根本不想打扮的这么绚丽。 3. 在商场陪购,辛苦努力搭配出来的

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一套,客户却根本不喜欢。 4. 想要写一些文章和课程来传播形象 的正确价值观,获取流量和粉丝, 提起笔却一个字也写不出来! But right now, I am so different from the person I was in the past. 1. I can identify the style and the approximate color type of one person with just one look. 2. I can lead a team of ten people in a shopping mall, complete a set of matches for each person in six hours, and satisfy clients. 3. I can make a half-hour speech manuscript within five hours. 4. I have the courage and energy to hold a roving speech in the first-tier cities in China.

这些是我最开始的状态,然而现在我已经大不相同了。 我可以看一眼就知道对方的风格和大致的色彩类型; 可以一个人带领10个人的团队,在大型的购物商场里 为每一位客户搭配令他们满意的服装,6个小时就足够 了; 仅用5个小时,就能写出一篇半小时的演讲稿; 有足够的勇气和自信在全中国一线城市开展城市巡讲 活动。 All these changes came from my learning in AICI as I did my best to meet the requirements for becoming an AICI Certified Image Consultant (CIC). 所有的这些变化都是在我准备CIC认证的过程中发生 的! I attained my CIC certification level in June 2018. Firstly, as I prepared for my certification, I found myself growing rapidly in all aspects of my abilities. I can attribute this to the wide range of requirements for becoming a CIC. In my opinion, this is the greatest value of being a CIC. 我拿到CIC认证是在2018年,在准备CIC认证的过程中, 我发现自己的能力成长迅速。我要感谢CIC对会员全方 位的高要求,这正是CIC最大的价值所在! Secondly, in order to use the knowledge I gained from preparing for my certification, I began to think more diligently about how to solve the problems I encounter in the workplace. This long-term exercise has also enabled me to gain the ability to innovate. These innovative abilities help me launch a new image course every three months 为了用这些知识来解决工作中遇到的问题,我开始更加 努力地思考如何解决这些问题,而长期的练习也使我能 够获得创新能力。这些创新能力帮助我可以平均每三个 月开设一次新的形象课程。 These abilities, way of thinking, and innovation have helped me gain about 600,000 fans and create millions of dollars in the knowledgepaying industry. I am thankful to AICI and I am thankful that I chose to earn my CIC Certification.

这些能力,思考方式和创新力,帮助我们收获了60万粉 丝,并创造了几百万的价值。谢谢AICI,谢谢那个过去 选择了CIC认证的自己。 Finally, I would like to say that getting a certificate is not the point. The point is the ability to grow in the process of preparing for a CIC certification. So endorse your abilities to attain the CIC certification, which is the first thing to do as an image consultant. 最后,我想说: 获得证书不是重点,重点是在获得证书的过程中哪些随 着你的身体而成长起来的能力。所以,如果你希望在形 象领域工作,用CIC认证为你的能力背书是第一件需要 做的事情!

QIU QIU is a pioneer in the image industry in China, an image designer, and a Certified Image Consultant (CIC). QiuQiu established Qianbei Color Image Design Co. Ltd in 2015. She is also the founder of two brands: the image aesthetic education brand QianBei MeiYuan® and clothing retail brand Defan®. Qianbei MeiYuan has more than 100,000 fans. 邱邱是一位来自中国的形象行业先 锋者,形象设计师,CIC。她于2015年 创建了千贝色彩形象设计有限公司, (,是著名形象美学 教育品牌千贝美苑和服装零售品牌得范的 创始人,千贝美苑在全网累积的粉丝数量 超过10万。她制作的原创的形象美学课程 有10个以上(含音频和视频),播放量100 万人次以上。目前是众多内容平台的头部 内容供应商,多家服装品牌的搭配设计供 应商。

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he Certified Image Master (CIM) reflects a high level of motivation, personal and professional achievement, and a commitment to the image industry. This year two members, our International President Ferial Youakim and VP Human Resources Lilian Bustamante were awarded the highest level of certification in the image consulting industry. Let’s get to know our new CIMs.

FERIAL YOUAKIM, AICI CIM Although making her mark as a highly-respected image consultant, Ferial Youakim is an inspiring writer of our time. In her book, she uncovers her journey to success in business and life. She discusses her battle with self-esteem, but she is still standing today and wants to share her story. Through her writing, she wishes to offer peace and success to those who are struggling to find their own self-value Ferial Youakim’s passion is not just evident in her writing, but also in her work as a CIM. With a belief that no person should feel less than what they deserve, she wants every single person to understand

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their own positive self-value. Ferial has hosted image seminars in the hope that people can discover their true beauty, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Ferial’s career spans 30 years and she has no intention of stopping. With an award-winning charity and a position of International President to AICI, she wants to further her ambition. Now using her business as a means to create a better world, she will not stop until everyone has discovered their true worth. “I don’t make people beautiful because I am an image consultant; I remind them of their beauty.”

LILIAN BUSTAMANTE, AICI CIM Lilian Bustamante is the President and Founder of Professional Development and Personal Image Training Company. She is an MBA from the Catholic University of Chile, worked for IBM in the sales field where she got the main recognition in sales until she decided to switch and create her own company dedicated to corporate image 18 years ago. She was the pioneer to introduce the image consultant concept in Chile. She mainly works with corporate companies giving coaching and seminars in the image field and soft skills. Lilian founded the chapter Chile Santiago in 2013 and became the first president. She was the international


chapter chair in 2015-2016 and then, was elected as the VP human resources for the period 2016-2019. During this term, she has been involved in many projects. To name some, she has brought many ideas to AICI such as the four-part payments for membership renewals, organized a membership committee with the objective to give leadership training to chapter presidents and chapter board members, who are now running more than 30 projects, introduced the voice of chapters and city circles in the newsletter, conducted the AICI benefits video with chapters, organized the startup funds for new chapters, reduced the category of members to two and the process in joining AICI in four simple steps.

I Lun Chen Renata Falcao An Feng Liang Jing Wei Li Ying Luo Alette Johanni Winckler

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2017-2019 CICS AND CIPS

CERTIFIED IMAGE CONSULTANTS Viviana Aguayo Teruno Aiba Susy Bello Knoll Cic Shuo Bian Lía Cervantes Pérez Lisa Chan Silin Cheng Huifang Coco Cheng Peiying Chew Jinsil Choi Jinhye Chung Aysha Correa Rita Linda Dayrit Sonia Dewan Xiaoqi Ding Beth Divine Rosario Diz Maria Draxler Mina Enomoto


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Jingya Gao Xiaorong Gao Christina Gill Yang He Elizabeth Hor Keiko Horioka Yumi Ichinose Naoko Ishida Yelena Jackson Eunae Jo Chris-Michelle Jones Rachel Jordan Zahra Kamalkhani Sunghoon Kim Misun Kim Minkyeong Kim Kaori Kobayashi Eiko Komori Yuk Shan Kong Miho Kurashina Seongkook Lee Chi Yui Joyce Lee Younghwa Lee Seungmin Lee Ki Suk Lee Stephanie Lee Chui Ting Lei Lei Wanyi Li Lynda Lian

Jenny Lie Joanne Lim Lulu Lin Pablo Lindin Fernanda Luchesi Xinmiao Lyu Bernice Maldonado Neha Malhotra Sophia Marins Domingos Alonso Alejandra Marquez Yin Min Marie Antoniette Miranda Makoto Miyazaki Kanako Mori Lorenza Musi Ayaka Nagasawa Aishah Niehus Yuko Nobs Hiromi Osada Noriko Oya Soyoung Park Natalia Pierri Lihui Qiang Ximeng Qiao Yunjun Qiu Png Rae Cybelle Denise Rebutica Kristin Shoop

Ong Soo Hua Haixia Su Rui Sun Hyunjin Sung Yang Tao Aya Tomioka Meng-Yun Tsai Yun Chen Tsou Kif Valentine Valeria Viero Ann Vodicka Chenchen Wang Yu Wang Yaqiong Wang Annette Wong Claire Wu Guanhui Wu Qing Xia Shan Xie Wang Yan Chunrui Yang Tan Yee Ling Hsing Chuan Yen Jingru Zhan Yun Zhang Xin Zhang Jing Zhao Haihong Zhu

Rika Abe Abbygale Arenas-De Leon Ana Cecilia Carrera Andrade May Ching Man Chan Abigail Cheong Wei Ling Sonia Dubey Dewan Valeria Doustaly Maria Pia Estebecorena Julie F. Hyne Irene Jordan

Katherine Lazaruk Yun Irene Lee Ann Lindsay Neha Malhotra Raul Nava Salazar Cindy Ann Peterson Maria Pinola Teresa de Jesus Prieto Martha Risco Carolina D. Tan

Cherrise Tan Xin Tian Lici Iankoski Tomkiw Nadia Valdivieso Rolleri Sunny Yun Wang Queena Qinyun Wang Rui Zhang JiaLi Zhou




ith the collaborative effort of AICI members from all over the world, the image consulting industry is continuously growing and touching more lives. During the conference, several members and chapters were recognized for their exemplary work. Congratulations to the following winners!

IMMIE AWARDS 2018-2019 In 1989, the IMMIE (Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence) Award was conceived to give recognition to image consultants, to inspire achievement and to create unity within the industry. The IMMIE is an image industry award, not limited to our association membership. IMMIE Award For Inspiration: Priscilla Chan IMMIE Award For Philanthropy: Jaklin Juanis IMMIE Award For Education: Tianshu Pang IMMIE Award For Innovation: Nena Ivon THE AICI 2018-2019 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE

JANE SEGERSTROM AWARD This award is named in honor of the late Jane Segerstrom, an AICI Houston Chapter and AICI International Board member, whose vision and association work set the foundation of AICI’s international growth. The Jane Segerstrom Award is bestowed upon a person who has helped to further our worldwide association/industry vision and was first awarded in 1997. 2018-2019 Jane Segerstrom Award: Imogen Lamport THE PRESIDENT’S AWARD

Awards of Excellence are given to members who, over the years, have served AICI in a variety of capacities, demonstrating outstanding commitment to the growth and well-being of the entire association.

Recipients of the AICI President’s Award are chosen at the end of the President’s term and given to individuals who the President deems to have made a very special contribution to the development and growth of AICI.

Award Of Excellence For Participation: Jade Lim Award Of Excellence For Contribution:Lucy Yan Liang Award Of Excellence For Membership: Zohra Bena

Lilian Bustamante, AICI CIM Valeria Doustaly, AICI CIP Shanna Pecoraro, AICI CIP

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CHAPTER RECOGNITION AWARD The Chapter Recognition Award is given to a chapter that was committed to education, certification, growth, or not-for-profit image services that has improved the quality of others. Chapter Award for Certification: China-Shanghai and Tokyo Chapter Award for Growth: Brazil Chapter Chapter Award for Education: Brazil Chapter Chapter Award for Philanthropy 2018: Guadalajara Chapter Award for Philanthropy 2019: Philippines and Colombia Central Individual Award for Philanthropy 2018: Rekha Goenka Shah Individual Award for Philanthropy 2019: Carolina Bejar Rising Star 2018: Ann Vodicka, AICI CIC, Australia-Sydney Rising Star 2019: Nahema Washington, New York / Tri-State

CHAPTER MEMBER OF THE YEAR 2018 Sandy Cornejo, Argentina Shan Shan Wu, Beijing Luciana Ulrich, Brazil Katherine Lazaruk, Canada Beth Divine Gastineau, Chicago-Midwest Paula Velasco, Chile-Santiago Guanhui Wu (William), China-Shenzhen

Erika Acosta, Colombia Central Rosario Diz, Ecuador-Quito Alejandra Mรกrquez, Guadalajara Helen Yim, Hong Kong Zohra Chitalwala, India-Delhi Valeria Viero, Italy Aishah Neihus, Malaysia Tanya Lococo, Melbourne Rosario Galindo, Mexico City

Anne Stills, New York/Tri-State Lilian Ruth Sanchez, Peru Central Miselle Bergonia, Philippines Michelle Augenstein, San Francisco Bay Area Rui Zhang, China-Shanghai Carie Mercier Lafond, Spain Central Naoto Sakasai, Tokyo Chris Michelle Jones, Washington DC

CHAPTER MEMBER OF THE YEAR 2019 Maria Pinola, Argentina Genelle Beyer, Chicago-Midwest Albina Yianatos, Chile-Santiago Cristina Alarcรณn, San Francisco Bay Area Nadia Valdivieso Rolleri, Guadalajara Chu Ling Su, Hong Kong

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Hikaru Yoshimura, Tokyo Jade Lim, Malaysia Gissell Fulle Maza, Peru Central Tati Fortuna, Philippines Amy Zhu, China-Shanghai Bronwyn Clarke, Sydney Abigail Cheong, Singapore

Pablo Lindin, Spain Sonia Dubey Dewan, India-Delhi Seongbok Byeon, Korea-Busan




he fashion at this year’s Global Conference made attention-grabbing statements. But it was the small details that were worth a second glance. Although each day was filled with memorable fashion moments, the fashion show event was, in the words of organizer Kirstin Day, “a fabulous execution of global teamwork.” She wants to acknowledge the hard work of those who modeled, donated clothing, and helped with the logistics. This is the first show that

included men, who were among the 34 models from six continents. It showcased a culturally diverse fashion festival. Other event milestones included modernized online registration supported by a global and multi-lingual support team and a panel of three high-profile industry experts who discussed how fashion impacts our industry and consumers. We hope that you enjoy viewing some of the fashion highlights.


This combination of color, print, texture, layers, as well as beautiful smiles, made a lovely photo

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The lady in red.

The pop of yellow for the face shape expert

Speaker Lyn Slater was the definition of bold.

Poised before a red curtain, panelist Nena Ivon was perfectly framed in busy prints of orange.

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The fashion show runway was a parade of styles, colors and cultures. MODELS: Valéria Didier, Neuzi Carrero, Jainee Gandhi, Siriwattana Leksuwat, Katherine Lazaruk, Neha Malhotra, Jacqueline Whitmore, Cindy Zheng, Wendy Liew, Sachiko Takano, Ziyi He, Gavin Hsu-Ping Wang, Carolina Tan, Roxanne Carne, Vimviriya Limkangvanmongkol, Sonia Dubey Dewan, Varsha Chaturvedi, Amit Chaturvedi, Imogen Lamport, Sarah Brummitt, Chris Fulkerson, Lisa Ford, Blake Finger, Patrick Chun, Olen Juarez-Lim, Sandy, Cornejo, Astrid Marrese, Marina Bravi, Nadia Ivanna Quispe, Danisa Bevcic, Lorena Zilio, Sandra Taljaard, Annie Friedman, Krizia Piotrowsky, Lia Cervantes, Vanina Mino, Mariana Sanda, Ellen Kuo

LEFT: This brocade and beaded Indian sherwani, a traditional garment Indian men wear on special occasions, was another piece showcased in the fashion show. RIGHT: The word “kimono” in Japanese means “thing to wear.” Although the word’s meaning is understated, this kimono made a grand statement with vivid color and pattern.

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LEFT: Sustainable fashion designer Alejandra Grougy gave nylon stockings and other scrap materials a new life, while giving us something to ponder: “What can we do to respect the environment?� MODELS: Lorena Zilio, Sandy Cornejo, Astrid Marrese RIGHT: This distinctive formal look cleverly combined pants with a skirt overlay.


During the gala, the Brazil Chapter members were glamorous in classic black, shades of blue, and sparkles.

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LENORE AGUILAR is the founder of MUSE Personal Styling and a freelance writer who enjoys helping entrepreneurs bring their brands to life. Lenore is also the lead personal stylist at Dress for Success of Southern Nevada where she has styled several hundred women preparing for job interviews and trained nearly 100 volunteers. She is a graduate of the Image Consulting Certificate Program at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Lenore retired from Verizon after a 20-year career in marketing communications and negotiating contracts with suppliers.

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hey say, "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people". The teamwork at the 2019 AICI Global Conference in Chicago was exemplary, thanks to the members who volunteered their time and dedication. Here are all the awesome people who worked behind the scenes to organize a successful global conference. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Valeria Doustaly Olen Juarez Lim Kristin Shoop Lorena Zilio FASHION SHOW COMMITTEE Kristin Shoop Aysha Correa Ellen Kuo Maria Pía Estebecorena Maria Pinola Tanya Meade

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HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Jill Bremer Nancy Nix-Rice Ferial Youakim Neha Malhotra Chris Fulkerson Kelly Duggan Beth Divine Gastineau Amy Leung Carola Morena Edwards Buice Bethany Siggins Alheli Valerio GALA COMMITTEE Ferial Youakim Olen Juarez-Lim Zahra Kamalkhani Jill Dellert-Herbert Chris Fulkerson AWARDS COMMITTEE Deborah King Lilian Bustamante Joanne Rae Gail Morgan

PHOTO COMMITTEE Fernanda Luchesi Pamela Espinoza Viviana Aguayo Lorena Zilio Clarice Dewes Neuzi Carreira Pamela Pomeo Valeria Didier Nelly Villaroel Gail Morgan Helena Chem Ana Cheong Certification Committee SPEAKERS COMMITTEE Shanna Pecararo Riet Viliger Margo Hasen Niena Hino Alheli Valerio SPEAKERS SUPPORT COMMITTEE Karen Tsuo MOREOVER, MANY THANKS TO THE 50+ CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AND SPEAKER SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS.




t’s been over a year that I joined the AICI Global Magazine team and what a great journey it’s has been. My first edition as the associate editor came out in July 2018 under the leadership of the dynamic Dr. Carol Parker Walsh, AICI CIC then Editor-in-chief. She mentored me to take on new responsibilities and by January 2019, I transitioned into the role of the Editor-inChief of AICI Global Magazine. My vision is to make AICI magazine truly global in all aspects, a platform for industry professionals with varied experiences from all parts of the world coming together and sharing their ideas and views. We have been successful in our pursuit, our readership is growing every month, the number of hits and shares are on the rise, plus we have received positive reviews from our community on introducing articles translated in the native language. All thanks to my team that come together every quarter to produce a successful edition. Keeping our goals in mind, I’m happy to introduce you to three new editors who will be joining me, along with my current associate editor, Maria Monica F. Prado and copy editors, Bernie Burson, and Julie Kaufman. I have added a new Business Editor, Fashion Editor, and a Section Editor. Learn more about who they are and what they’ll be doing to continue the forward growth of the AICI global magazine.

CARRIE MCCONKEY, BUSINESS EDITOR Carrie’s section will be devoted to business-related topics such as professional growth, networking, finances, branding, ethics, and industry standards. Carrie McConkey has loved the principles of design and color since childhood, creating clothing for her Barbie dolls and entering a middle school science fair with a booth themed “The Psychology of Color.” In high school and college, she turned her attention to her own clothing, becoming known for her original creations. After a career that included interior design, bridal gown design, and works in the nonprofit sector in the fields of career services and fundraising, Carrie founded Carrie M. Image & Fashion Consulting based in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. She now works with individuals and corporations helping busy professionals increase their confidence and leadership potential through the development of their image. Carrie also authors a quarterly column, “Image Matters” for the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s business journal and is a regular contributor in Knoxville Style Magazine with the fashion Q & A column, “Ask Carrie M.” Carrie holds a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from Carson-Newman University and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development from the University of Tennessee Knoxville. She was recognized as a 2009 Greater Knoxville Business Journal 40 Under 40 and is a 2013 graduate of Leadership Knoxville.

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LENORE AGUILAR, FASHION EDITOR Lenore will write about everything fashion and style from a business yet a fun point of view. Lenore Aguilar is the founder of MUSE Personal Styling and a freelance writer who enjoys helping entrepreneurs bring their brands to life. The Las Vegas area resident is also the lead personal stylist at Dress for Success of Southern Nevada, where she has styled several hundred women preparing for job interviews and trained nearly 100 volunteers. When she graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology’s Image Consulting Certificate Program, Lenore fulfilled a lifelong goal that she postponed when she left a fashion college for financial reasons. She also has an MBA with a marketing concentration from Golden Gate University, a Graduate Certificate in Public Relations from George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Santa Clara University. Lenore retired from Verizon after a 20-year career in marketing communications and negotiating supplier contracts. She has traveled to nearly 30 countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Lenore also enjoys hiking and photography. She and her husband Jeff have been married 38 years. Their son Taylor is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and is currently stationed in the San Diego area.

QIU QIU, AICI, SECTION EDITOR Qiu Qiu, also known as Summer, will be writing about Image industry in Asia, from the latest happenings to innovations, Summer will bring it all to the world. She will also be responsible to translate her articles in Chinese. Qiu Qiu is a Pioneer of Image Industry from China, Image designer, CIC. QiuQiu established Qianbei Color Image Design Co. Ltd in 2015

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(, and is a founder of two brands (Image Aesthetic education brand QianBei MeiYuan® and clothing retail brand Defan®. Qianbei MeiYuan have fans more than 100,000). She produced original image aesthetics course more than 10 courses (including audio and video), whose views are more than 1 million. At present, she is the high quality content supplier of many content platforms, and is the collocation design supplier of many clothing brands. 邱邱是一位来自中国的形象行业先锋者,形象设计 师,CIC。她于2015年创建了千贝色彩形象设计有限公司, (,是著名形象美学教育品牌千贝美苑 和服装零售品牌得范的创始人,千贝美苑在全网累积的粉丝 数量超过10万。她制作的原创的形象美学课程有10个以上( 含音频和视频),播放量100万人次以上。目前是众多内容平 台的头部内容供应商,多家服装品牌的搭配设计供应商。 Before becoming an image designer, she was an international trader. She was once invited to an industry reception hosted by Prince Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates at The Palace Hotel. But she was stopped by the doorman because of wearing a rigid suit. In addition to being embarrassed, she was allowed to enter after explaining and finding out the invitation letter. Since then, She began to pay attention to image, and gradually made achievements in the image industry. At present, two image patents are being applied for. 成为一名形象设计师之前,我是一个国际贸易人,一次在获 邀参加阿联酋阿布扎比王子在皇宫酒店举办的行业酒会上, 因为穿着刻板的西装而被门卫拦下,尴尬之余,在一番解释 和找出邀请函后才被允许进入。从那以后,我开始关注自己 的形象,并逐步在形象行业有所建树。目前,两项形象专利正 在申请中。 In 2018, she founded the AICI Nanjing Chapter and is currently chairman of the Nanjing Chapter. Every year, many like-minded people apply to join the Nanjing Chapter, and the number is still growing rapidly. 2018年,她组织创建了AICI南京分会,并担任现任南京分会主 席,每年都有很多志同道合的人申请加入南京分会,数量还在 快速增长中。




AICI SHANGHAI CHAPTER CIC EXAM Location: Shanghai / Time: 8:45 AM

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REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT BLAKE FINGER AT ADVERTISING@AICI.ORG FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: OCTOBER 2019
































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