Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es)
Dritan Shutina 18, Xhabrahimet, 1003, Tirana, Albania
Telephone(s) Fax(es)
Mobile: ++ 366 692032957 ++355 4 22407425
Nationality Date of birth Gender
Albanian 08 February 1971 Male
Work experience Dates 2005 – Present Occupation or position held Executive Director of Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development Main Activities and Management of the organization, leading the development of the content, responsibilities overall administration of the programs in cooperation with the thematic managers, management of the acquisition process, financial management of the organization in cooperation with the finance manager, keep relations with third parties on behalf of the organization. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania Type of business or sector Non profit organization Dates 2009 – Present Occupation or position held Head of IKZH POLIS - POLIS University Institute for Research and Development Main Activities and Management of the Institute consisting of the preparation of the research responsibilities curricula, administration of the research process, management of the acquisition process, financial management of IKZH. Name and address of POLIS University, “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Albania employer Type of business or sector Higher Education Institution
Dates December 2013 – September 2016 Occupation or position held Project Coordinator for TEMPUS Project: “Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations” implementation at POLIS University
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Main Activities and Overall coordination of the project at POLIS IKZH; planning and responsibilities coordination of research processes on an institutional level; liaising with project partners to coordinate activities on a national and regional level; contribute to identifying regional stakeholders in the field of higher education, research and practice for sustainable development; contribute to establishing a science-society network for sustainability innovations; coordinate work on an institutional level to develop innovative teaching materials and methodologies for higher education institutions; plan, and organize structured workshops and trainings for science-society collaborations; support partner universities as need be through sharing of experiences, findings, and know-how. Name and address of POLIS University, “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Albania employer Type of business or sector Higher Education Institution Dates 2008 – Present Occupation or position held Lecturer of Strategic Planning and Action Planning in POLIS University Main Activities and Main project features: provision of knowledge for future professionals in responsibilities strategic and action planning, particularly for cities development. Teaching and promoting new concepts of dynamic planning, with regard to economical, social, environmental, urban and infrastructural (physical) aspects. Focus on visioning, design of objectives, programs, and actions. Responsibilities: design curricula; lecturing and teaching; tests and exams; student projects advising; integration of university classes with urban planning processes in Albanian municipalities. Name and address of POLIS University, “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Albania employer Type of business or sector Higher Education Institution
Dates 2012 - Present Occupation or position held Decentralization and urban planning expert, in the project “Planning and Local Governance Program (financed by USAID), Main Activities and Responsibilities consisted in: contributing to the activity planning and LGU responsibilities selection process; assist through presentations and discussions in decentralization round-tables and conferences; work with the National Territorial Planning Agency to review existing urban regulatory plans to reflect the new legal framework; assist in preparation of practical workshops as part of LGU training; prepare analysis for a number of LGUs to show how they should prepare Phasing, Implementation, Financing and SEA of the General Territorial Plan. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, as local partner to Tetratech ARD, USA Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2012 - Present Occupation or position held Co-Project Manager, - Social Sustainability Audit, financed by World Bank
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Main Activities and Main project features: The Social Audit aims to increase knowledge and responsibilities awareness of social accountability issues among city stakeholders and to strengthen the integrity in public service in five selected pilot cities in South East Europe: Durrës, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Prishtina, and Skopje. A specific focus in this Audit will be to assess the current social accountability mechanisms in place in the selected municipalities and discuss with the participants opportunities and constraints to develop new approaches and ICT tools to improve collaborative governance aspects at the city level. Responsibilities: Overall management of the city teams responsible for the cities of: Durrës, Prishtina, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, and Skopje; provide expertise in developing a research methodology, managing the relations with the municipal authorities, facilitation of meetings with central and local government officials, designing and moderation of a participatory scenario development workshop and dissemination workshop; conceptualization of the final project ouput in the form of ‘Social Sustainability City Notes.’ Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization Dates 2011- Present Occupation or position held Regional Development Expert in the project Regional Development Program (financed by Austrian Development Agency ADA & Swiss Development Cooperation - SDC ) Main Activities or Main project features: cooperate with Qark of Shkodra and Lezha for responsibilities fostering regional development, in line with domestic and EU requirements. Strengthen qark institutions to deliver services and carry out regional planning; support qark institutions in delivering qark strategies in a participatory fashion; support the ministry of interior and government of Albania to improve the decentralization policy framework; support qark in strengthening regional development budgeting and project implementation (RD fund). Responsibilities: Offer expertise in regional development through provision of content related to the delivery of the project outputs and achievement of results, revision of the project planning during the inception period, assist the process of carrying out the policy assessment, writing and advocacy for the progress of decentralization and role of Qark, support staff and qark representatives in the preparation of the Qark strategies and capacity building. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2011 – 2012 Occupation or position held Technical Coordinator in the WB funded project on “The Preparation of two planning and land management manuals for the implementation of the law On Territory Planning and its bylaws”
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Main Activities and Main project features: The preparation of the two manuals was done under responsibilities the framework of the National Territorial Planning Agency responsibilities foreseen by law for preparing such manuals and providing technical assistance to municipalities in implementing the law and its bylaws. Management of the project daily activities and contact person for the contracting entity; preparation of the structure of both manuals; preparation of the text of the technical manual and coaching for the preparation of the text of the second manual that was a guideline for citizens on territorial planning; content editing of both manuals; preparation of the design and graphic content of the manuals and coaching to the experts that prepared the graphics; cooperation with NTPA on receiving their comments and input to the manuals; presentation in public and two municipalities and ministries, follow-up of the publication process Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector
Dates 2010 - 2013 Occupation or position held Local Expert in the MATRA Program in Albania on the project “Fostering partnerships for equitable cities financed by the Dutch Government Main Activities and Main project features: Responsible for overall project strategic guidance and responsibilities oversight. Provide expert input in the preparation of 7 cases studies across three municipalities, Durrës, Shkodër and Fier, to support the implementation of the New Territorial Planning Law; support capacity building for participatory spatial planning with main target group local government officials, civil society actors and professionals in Albania working in the areas of spatial planning, socio-economic development and environmental protection; contributing to the needs assessment and formulation of the participatory neighborhood plans in the cities of Shkodra, Fier. and Durrës; Assist to set up consultation and approval process for the draft guidelines for land management instruments (secondary legislation) at local level. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2009- 2012 Occupation or position held Decentralization and Institutional Development Expert of the International Consortium Ecorys, OPM, Co-PLAN for the UNDP and EU funded project “Integrated Support on Decentralization – Regional Development in Albania Main Activities and Main project features: Provides policy guidance to the international team responsibilities and institutional support to agencies responsible for RD especially to 4 regions in Albania. Contributes to: preparing an Institutional assessment for decentralization and RD, Regional Disparity Analysis, and the formulation of a Regional Development Strategy in Albania Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2010 Occupation or position held International expert Main Activities and Expertise on governance for the preparation of the City Development responsibilities Strategy of Tbilisi, Georgia Page 4/15 - Curriculum vitae of Shutina Dritan
Name and address of IHS, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, The employer Netherlands Type of business or sector International Institution Dates 2010- Present Occupation or position held Expert in Local Governance and Decentralization Support, LOGOS Kosovo, Inter Cooperation, Kosovo Main Activities and Main project features:Responsibilities consist of: Assisting the Kosovo responsibilities Municipalities of Kamenicë, Novobërdë, and Shtërpcë in the preparation of their municipal development plans Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2007 – 2011 Occupation or position held Decentralization and Urban Planning Expert, Local Government program in Albania (financed by USAID) Main Activities and Main project features: Provided support in the preparation of the secondary responsibilities legislation for the new urban planning law; supports: the preparation of feasibility studies for building a buss terminal in Fier and a market in Kukës, the feasibility study for developing an industrial zone in Lezhë, and the municipalities of Kukës and Fushë- Krujë in preparing their Urban regulatory plan Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2007 – 2010 Occupation or position held Public Policy expert and Research supervisor, Making Policies Work – Program for Applied Policy Research in Albania (financed by OSI) Main Activities and Main project features: Supervision of policy research influencing 3 relevant responsibilities and high priority issues for the Government of Albania: Territorial reorganization under the frame of regional development, Public Property transfer and management; Municipal Environmental Management – Solid waste service costs and economy of scale for Albania Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Albania, Type of business or sector Non-profit organization and development sector Dates 2006-2009 Occupation or position held Member of the Task force for GIZ (formerly GTZ) - Strengthening Civic Society and Democratic Structures in Albania Main activities and Main project features: Take part on the consultative process for project responsibilities implementation. Part of the working group for consulting the establishment of the NGO fund by the Albanian Government. Part of the working group for drafting the Albanian Civic Society Charter Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation
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Dates 2009 Occupation or position held Planning Expert Intercooperation / Local Governance and Decentralization Support – LOGOS Kosovo Main activities and Main project features :Analysis of the relevant legal framework and current responsibilities situation in practice regarding urban planning and spatial planning in Kosovo; Analysis of the potential for LOGOS to support the three municipalities in developing urban/spatial plans and recommendations for future support; Analysis of existing plans and documents for urban planning, spatial planning and Local Economic Development for the 3 partner municipalities Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2008 Occupation or position held Decentralization expert for SDC - Feasibility Study - Program to support regional development in Northern Albania Main activities and Main project features: Assess the feasibility for a joint program between responsibilities Swiss Development Cooperation and Austrian Development cooperation for promoting regional development in the Northern Albania; Prepared a note on decentralization process in Albania; Contributed to the team work in conducting field assessment, presenting the preliminary findings and preparing the final report Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2008 Occupation or position held Organizational Development expert for GDCA Main activities and Main project features: Conduct an organizational assessment for GADC to responsibilities assist them evaluate past performance, organizational issues and reposition in the market; Conducting and interviews, reviewing documents, elaborating work processes and financial flows; elaborating scenarios guiding the organization in the strategic planning process. Co-writing the assessment and planning report Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2007-2008 Occupation or position held Decentralization expert and policy guidance for Dutch Embassy - Enabling Good Urban Governance - Extension
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Main activities and Main project features : Consolidate the best practices in Urban Governance in responsibilities the municipalities of Elbasan and Fier by putting to practice the instruments developed during the EGUG II program. Provide direct support in: Operationalization of the Urban Regulatory Plan; Development of the Capital Investment Planning; Consolidation of the practice of Participatory Budgeting; Consolidation of the Municipal Information System; Better marketing and fund-raising local capacities; Setting up a municipal unit responsible for Policy Design and Strategy Coordination, Monitoring& Evaluation. Coaching and support; Local Government and decentralization expert; Monitoring and Evaluation. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates March – October 2007 Occupation or position held Expert on urban land market, roundtable moderator for SOROS/UNDP Albanian Extra-Legality Project (survey and roundtables Main activities and Main project features:The Program for the ‘Transition to the Rule of Law and responsibilities an Inclusive Market Economy in Albania’, is an institutional reform initiative aiming at gaining easy access to legal mechanisms and protection of what the law provides in order to create wealth in a modern market economy Formulated and administered the extra-legality survey based on property ownership relations and economic activities in five cities, Tirana, Elbasan, Shkoder, Vlora, Korça. The aim of the survey was to conduct an assessment which would help quantifying the amount of dead capital for real estate and business describing how Albanian owners and businessmen put their assets into economic use. Carrying out over 15 roundtables with all stakeholders in the fields of: legalization and formalization process, restitution and compensation of property, first registration process, transparency and anticorruption, rural and urban land markets; and offer consultancy in the phase of qualitative research in the fore-mentioned issues. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995,Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2006 Occupation or position held Urban and local government expert for Intercooperation / Consultancy Services for DLDP in Shkodra Region Main activities and Main project features: Short term assignment for the assessment on the urban responsibilities governance performance of 7 local government units in Shkodra Region. Urban governance was evaluated with regard urban development, urban policies at the local level, infrastructure and services, capacities for planning and budgeting and providing services, availability of cartographic material and quality of territorial databases. Preparation of the terms of reference with the client, assessment made to the 8 local units (municipality of Shkodra, Vau i Dejes, Koplik, Puke and FusheArrez and the communes of Dajci, Guri i Zi and Velipoja); 2 rounds of interviewing with local staff, head of departments and mayors and deputy mayors, observation and assessment of territorial databases, report writing, mapping, disseminate findings Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Page 7/15 - Curriculum vitae of Shutina Dritan
Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2007-2008 Occupation or position held Overall coordination for Intercooperation / Consultancy Services for DLDP in Shkodra Region Main activities and Main Project features: assisting 6 different local government units in Shkodra responsibilities Region to develop Local Development Plans together an action plan and land use planning. The development of LDP should be in harmony with the regional Development plan and stimulate inter-communal cooperation. The process for LDP formulation and territorial instruments should is undertaken through thorough community participation and stakeholder’s consultation. Coaching and support; Local Government and decentralization expert; Monitoring and Evaluation Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2003-2006 Occupation or position held Program Director for Dutch Embassy Enabling Good Urban Governance II Main activities and Main project features: Program formulation, Overall Program management responsibilities and coordination. Strategic communication with leadership of participating Municipalities, Albanian Association of Municipalities, Ministry of Local Government and Decentralization, Royal Netherlands Embassy; Designed and implemented Municipal institutional assessment; Assisted local governments in formulating a City Development Strategy (CDS) through a city wide participation process. Provided recommendation for municipal organizational development in line with the CDS. Assisted local government in developing financial mechanisms for financing the (CDS). Assisted local governments in translating the CDS into land use and regulatory plan. Assisted LG in developing an integrated information management system including GIS as bases for modern address system and property taxation. Assisted local governments in resource mobilization to finance their CDS. Assisting municipalities to develop Capital Investment Planning (CIP) along with enabling them to borrow from the capital market. Assisted local governments in developing and institutionalizing a city wide participatory mechanism. Assisted municipalities combine long term planning with short term planning through Participatory budgeting. Provided on the job training and capacity building. Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2005-2007 Occupation or position held Overall coordination and support for Cordiad - Bridging Partnerships Main activities and Main project features: Project formulation and acquisition; responsibilities Provided guidance and content input for assisting the Municipality of Berat in formulating the ToR for the regulatory urban plan; Organized and moderated several workshops in regard to urban planning and community participation; Facilitated and guided the international exchange workshop on good urban governance practices Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995,Tirana, Albania Page 8/15 - Curriculum vitae of Shutina Dritan
Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2004-2007 Occupation or position held Overall coordination and support for ADA- Steps towards the Urban Rehabilitation and Integration of the Communities Keneta, Durres-Albania Main activities and Main project features: Project formulation and acquisition, provided guidance responsibilities and content input for developing a participatory neighborhood urban plan as bases for legalization and integration of the informal areas; Facilitated and guided the several dissemination activities at city and national level Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2006-2008 Occupation or position held Overall coordination and support for Cordiad – Towards an Inclusive society in Elbasan Main activities and Main project features : Project formulation and acquisition; responsibilities Provided guidance and content input for developing a participatory neighborhood urban plan in line with the City Development Strategy of Elbasan; Urban Regulatory Plan of the city of Elbasan Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2006 Occupation or position held Overall coordination and support for SOROS - Inter-communal cooperation in local government and regional development Main activities and Main project features : Project formulation and acquisition; responsibilities Provided guidance and content input for undertaking the household survey on public transport use; Institutional assessment of regulators and providers of the public transport service Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Dates 2007-2008 Occupation or position held Overall coordination and support for SOROS - Strengthening of capacities for a good local governance Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector
Main project features: Project formulation, provided guidance and content input for formulating the trainings manual Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Non-profit organisation
Dates 2005 Occupation or position held Local Government Expert for RTI/USIAD - Kosovo Local Government Initiative Page 9/15 - Curriculum vitae of Shutina Dritan
Main activities and Main project features: Assisted RTI and local staff in developing the Scope of responsibilities Activities for Developing Municipal Development/Spatial Plans; Dialogued with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in aligning the methodology of Municipal Development/Spatial Plans with the timing and legal requirement of the ministry; Assist each municipality to develop and customize their Action Plans and Schedule for drafting the Municipal Development/Spatial Plan; Develop generic Stakeholder Consultation Plan that can be customized by each municipality Name and address of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, employer P.o.Box 2995, Tirana, Albania Type of business or sector Non-profit organisation Education and training Dates 2012 – 2015 Title of qualification PhD, “Territorial Restructuring in Albania: the changes and challenges of awarded the political and governing model from a development perspective” Principal Territorial/administrative reform, urban development, etc. subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Polis University, Tirana, Albania in collaboration with the University of organization providing Ferrara, Italy. education and training Dates 2000-2002 Title of qualification MPA, Concentration in Public Policy awarded Principal Statistics, Micro-Macro economics, Econometrics, Environmental subjects/occupational skills Economics, Research methods, Advanced Research Methods, Public covered program evaluation, Public Policy, Accounting. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, USA
1999 Diploma Postgraduate course on Land and Building Valuation
Polytechnic University of Tirana and the British Council
Dates 1997 (3 months) Title of qualification Certificate of attendance awarded Principal Post-Graduate course on Urban Development subjects/occupational skills covered
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Name and type of Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies in Rotterdam, the organisation providing Netherlands education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
1989 – 1994 Master of Science in Hydraulics Civil Engineering major in Hydraulics
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Albania
Dates 2008 Title of qualification Certificate of attendance awarded Principal European Entrepreneurship Colloquium on Participant-Centred Learning subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Harvard Business School, Boston, USA organisation providing education and training Dates 2008 Title of qualification Certificate of attendance awarded Principal Strategic Management for Leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Harvard, John F. Kennedy School of Government; Athens Greece organisation providing education and training Dates 2005 Title of qualification Training of Trainers Diploma awarded Principal Leadership and Skills for Advising and Acquisition subjects/occupational skills covered Dates 2003 Title of qualification Diploma awarded Principal Training of Trainers activity with focus urban management and finances subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Institute Housing and Urban Development Studies in Rotterdam, the Netherlands organization providing education and training Page 11/15 - Curriculum vitae of Shutina Dritan
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Albanian Other language(s) Self-assessment European level (*) English Italian
Understanding Listening 1 2
Reading 1 2
Spoken interaction 1 2
Writin g
Spoken production 1 2
1 3
Social skills and Excellent communication skills and team building skills gained through competences leading groups in projects and working as director of Co-PLAN. Organisational skills and Excellent leadership skills gained through working as deputy director and competences director of Co- PLAN Institute for Habitat Development. Co-organiser of Civic-Society oriented workshops with emphasis on civic society strengthening and local governance (ongoing) Co organizer of training, workshops and conferences, with a focus on urban and economic development in Albania and region (ongoing) Co-organizer and moderator of the national conference “Tomorrow’s cities”, Tirana, Albania, 2006 Co-organiser, “ Urban Forum” New millennium new visions 1999 Co-organiser, Open Debate New ideas to manage urban reality, 1998 Co-organiser, Managing Tirana’s Rapid Growth Workshop/Seminar, TiranaAlbania, 1997 Co-organiser of ENHR international Conference “Making Cities Work” 2003 Co-Organizer of National Conference “Governance for Change” 2004 Co-organizer National conference “Tomorrow’s City?”, Elbasan, Albania 2004
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Technical skills and Strong Public Administration Public Policy background, both by education competences and experience in: strategy formulation, participatory planning, infrastructure development and community based urban upgrading programs. Thorough experience with feasibility and affordability analyses, of development projects. Training and expertise on action and strategic planning project and program evaluation, municipal finance. Extensive experience in research and evaluation studies in regard to social and economic aspects of both rural and urban development interventions. Holding expertise in financial management, and reporting to national and international donors and partners. Co-organiser of Civic-Society oriented workshops with emphasis on civic society strengthening and local governance. His main fields of expertise are: local governance and decentralization, participatory urban planning, strategic planning, public policy formulation, project cycle management, project evaluation, organizational and institutional development, civil society development, networking and process management, knowledge management, event management, moderation, coaching. For over 15 years he has engaged and numerous projects, with a proven experience in cycle management, managing and administrating, decentralization expertise, IS/OD for NGOs and local governments, evaluation of several development projects, as well as extensive experience in project formulation and preparation. Computer skills and Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer, Access, SPSS competences (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) etc
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Other skills and competences
Driving licence
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Excellent assimilation of academic inputs Excellent skills to synthesize and prioritize Professional activities: November 2009, participation in the “Environment Forum” – EU environmental policy and developments in the enlargement process. 2008 - 2009, part of the Soros Foundation in Albania advisory committee for evaluation civic society proposals regarding local governance. March `07 Participation and presentation of Co-PLAN`s experience in the international conference on Social Accountability Mechanisms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the World Bank June `06 Two weeks participation in the international workshop on Participatory Budgeting organized by the World Bank in Porto Alegre, Brazil November `05 two weeks exchange work experience on good governance issues in Czech Republic October 05 participation in the international conference S-DEV, Geneva, Switzerland. February `06 One week exchange work experience on informal settlements and informal economy, visiting the Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Lima, Peru August ‘99; Presentations at the conference on New European Housing and Urban Policies ENHR-MRI conference in Hungary June ‘98; Lector, Motivation and Stimulation of Community Self-Help Initiatives, German Public Foundation “Friedrich Elbert” Tirana-Albania May ‘98; Presentation at World Bank Conference on Collaboration with NGO Sector, Tirana-Albania May/Sept.’98; Lector, Training Course for Urban Planners and Traffic Planers in Albania, Austrian Organisation “TRAFICO”, Durres-Albania June `06 Key note speaker and participation in the international conference “World Urban Forum”, organized by UN, Vancouver, Canada April ‘98;Presentation at the Seminar on Urban Renewal and Housing Modernisation UNDP Tirana-Albania
Category B
Additional information
Publications co-author and contribution:
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Co-author of “Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities” – Contribution to cultural and Civic participate policies for livable city squares and public spaces. Co-author of “ Planning Local Waste Management” Co-Author and technical director for preparation of the “Technical Manual on Territorial Planning and Land Management for Policy Makers, Professionals and Developers” and the “Citizen Guideline in Territorial Planning and Land Development”, 2011-2012 Co-author with Anila Gjika, “Local Challenges – Urban Development and Housing in Albania”, published in A+P Forum, 2011 Author of the Editorial, “Planifikimi Urban Alibi apo Domosdoshmeri?!, published in A+P Forum, 2009 Co-editor and author ““Policyfollowers or Policymakers – Alternatives to Urban and Environmental Management in Albania”. 12 policy papers/briefs that provide the latest information on governance and development in Albania and represent a collection of the policy writing made by Co-PLAN within 2007 – 2010 Co-author “Planning between the Vacuum and Energy” (Co-PLAN, 2009) Article “Bathore, pilot for an urban self-development program”, City Made by People (Co-PLAN, 1998): 89-100 Practical models for self- help development. The case of “Bathore” suburban, Tirana, Albania. Workshop paper at the New European Housing and Urban Policies ENHR-MRI Conference in Hungary. Conference Proceedings to be published, 1999. Different articles in local magazines. Professional societies membership Pi Alpha Alpha public affairs and public administration Honor Society Albanian Association of Real-estate Evaluators European Network of Housing Research, ENHR Network of Civil Society in Spatial Development of South-East European Region, CSDnet Member of Albanian National Council of Statistics Awards USIA/U.S. State Department (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)/ Ron Brown Fellowship Program (administered by IIE): graduate study award (07/’00-05/’02) NFP, Netherlands Fellowship Program; graduate study award (01/’9704/’97) NFP&MATRA Netherlands Fellowship Program; graduate study award (04/’97-07/’97)
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