R Toto - CV

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Curriculum Vitae


Rudina Toto

Rudina Toto 18, Xhabrahimët, 1003, Tirana, Albania ++ 355 692060167 rudina_toto@co-plan.org


Replace with job applied for / position / preferred job / studies applied for (delete non relevant headings in left column)


Lecturer of 1.Regulatory Planning and Land Management and of 2.Urban Environmental Planning Polis University, International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies “Rr. Bylis no.12, Kashar, Albania Main project features: provision of knowledge for future professionals in architecture and urban planning. Responsibilities: Preparation of Curricula, lecturing, teaching and coaching. Student projects advising; advisor for students preparing the final diploma projects; integration of university classes with urban planning processes in Albanian municipalities Private institution

2004 – 2007

Lecturer of Urban Transportation Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tirana, Albania Main project features: provision of knowledge for future professionals in urban planning, with a special focus on urban transportation. Teaching and promoting new concepts of urban transportation, with regard to economical, environmental, urban and infrastructural (physical) aspects. Responsibilities: design curricula; lecturing and teaching; tests and exams; student projects advising; advisor for students preparing the final diploma projects; integration of university classes with urban planning processes in Albanian municipalities State institution

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Curriculum Vitae 2011 – Present

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Head of the Policy Research and Advocacy Unit Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Albania Main project features: Strengthen the intertwined relationship between Co-PLAN and POLIS University, based on the values and missions of both institutions: foster positive social transformation through generation and induction of knowledge in the society. A policy and academic research plan is prepared with several policy products and an advocacy strategy is designed to support the policy-influencing aim of this unit. Responsibilities: Research planning (policy and academic/scientific), preparation of the advocacy strategy, work to maintain the public profile of Co-PLAN, cooperate with POLIS for academic research, advocate selected policy subjects and impact policies. Non-profit organisation

2012 – Present

Local Planning Expert in the USAID funded “Planning and Local Governance Program” Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albani The program supports the Albanian Government and 15 partner municipalities and communes in strengthening decentralization, local governance and territorial/spatial planning capacities and practices. Preparation of the Action Plan for the National Territorial Planning Agency (NTPA) and for 15 partner communities in spatial planning; Training and Coaching for the partner communities in preparing spatial plans and land management instruments and spatial data bases; Preparation of bylaws on spatial planning for NTPA; Support to NTPA in preparing ToR for the National Territorial Plan; Provision of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) training to NTPA and SEA training and coaching for the 15 partner municipalities; Non-profit organisation and development sector

2012 – 2014

Decentralization and Capacity Building Expert for the project “Regional Development Program Northern Albania”, consortium of Intercooperation (Switzerland), OAR (Austria) and Co-PLAN (Albania), funded by Swiss Development Cooperation and Austrian Development Agency in Tirana Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr.Bylis no.12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995, Albania Main project features: cooperate with Qark of Shkodra and Lezha for fostering regional development, in line with domestic and EU requirements. Strengthen qark institutions to deliver services and carry out regional planning; support qark institutions in delivering qark strategies in a participatory fashion; support the ministry of interior and government of Albania to improve the decentralization policy framework; support qark in strengthening regional development budgeting and project implementation (RD fund). Responsibilities: Carry out policy assessment, writing and advocacy for the progress of decentralization and role of Qark, prepare policy paper on regionalization and regional development. Non-profit organisation

2011 – 2012

Deputy Team Leader for the project “Regional Development Program Northern Albania”, consortium of Intercooperation (Switzerland), OAR (Austria) and Co-PLAN (Albania), funded by Swiss Development Cooperation and Austrian Development Agency in Tirana. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania

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Curriculum Vitae

Rudina Toto

Main project features: cooperate with Qark of Shkodra and Lezha for fostering regional development, in line with domestic and EU requirements. Strengthen qark institutions to deliver services and carry out regional planning; support qark institutions in delivering qark strategies in a participatory fashion; support the ministry of interior and government of Albania to improve the decentralization policy framework; support qark in strengthening regional development budgeting and project implementation (RD fund). Responsibilities: Overall management and support/cooperation with the Team Leader; public relations project related; provision of content related guidance for the delivery of the project outputs and achievement of results, revise the project planning during the inception period (poverty, gender, regional planning, regional funds, governance, institutional assessments, kick-off and planning workshop), carry out the policy assessment, writing and advocacy for the progress of decentralization and role of Qark, support staff and qark representatives in the preparation of the Qark strategies and capacity building. Non-profit organisation 2011 – 2012

Project Manager and Technical Coordinator in the WB funded project on “The Preparation of two planning and land management manuals for the implementation of the law On Territory Planning and its bylaws”. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania The preparation of the two manuals was done under the framework of the National Territorial Planning Agency responsibilities foreseen by law for preparing such manuals and providing technical assistance to municipalities in implementing the law and its bylaws. Management of the project daily activities and contact person for the contracting entity; preparation of the structure of both manuals; preparation of the text of the technical manual and coaching for the preparation of the text of the second manual that was a guideline for citizens on territorial planning; content editing of both manuals; preparation of the designed and graphic content of the manuals and coaching to the experts that prepared the graphics; cooperation with NTPA on receiving their comments and input to the manuals; presentation in public and two municipalities and ministries, follow-up of the publication process. Non-profit organisation

2005 – 2011

Head of the Urban and Regional Planning Unit Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Expertise on urban and regional planning and management. Expertise in linking urban and regional planning with environmental management issues; content-wise support regarding urban and regional planning/development projects implemented by the organization; responsible for the environmental policy in Co-plan; development of the urban and regional development vision for the organization; linking the organization’s policy with the environmental management components; Expert of urban and regional planning – accredited by the Ministry of Public Works in Albania; Expert of Environmental Strategic Assessment – accredited by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Albania. Non-profit organisation

2010 – 2011

Local Expert and Project Manager for “Local Government Program in Albania. Support to the National Territorial Planning Agency for the Preparation of Secondary Legislation for the Implementation of the Law on Territorial Planning”. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania

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Curriculum Vitae

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Main project features: Supporting under the USAID LGPA program in preparing three regulations for the law “On Territory Planning”, namely: uniform planning regulation, uniform development control regulation, model planning regulation. Cooperation and partnership with the National Territorial Planning Agency in preparing these bylaws and take them through a consultation process up to final approval. Responsibilities: Analysis of the territorial problems in Albania, analysis of the territorial management systems in Albania, preparation of the technical drafts of the three bylaws, presentation of the technical drafts to the stakeholders` audience. Non-profit organisation


International expert IHS, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Expertise on urban environment for the preparation of the City Development Strategy of Tbilisi, Georgia. International Institution


Local expert UN Habitat Expertise for designing a program for social housing in Albania. The Program was required by the Ministry of Public Works (Housing Department) in Albania Non-profit organisation United Nation Agency


Project Manager and local expert Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Preparation of secondary legislation (3 bylaws) on territorial planning, under the USAID Local Government Program in Albania. Non-profit organisation.

2009 – 2011

Local expert of the International Consortium Ecorys, OPM, Co-PLAN for the UNDP and EU funded project “Integrated Support on Decentralization – Regional Development in Albania”. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Main project features: a program of UNDP and EU, implemented by the consortium of ECORYS Nederland BV with OPM Limited, UK and Co-PLAN, Albania. This program contributed to the harmonization of national efforts and building of capacities and institutions for regional development in compliance with the National Cross-Cutting Strategy for Regional development and EU Regional Development and Cohesion Policies and instruments. Responsibilities included : Expertise on Decentralization and links to regional development. current state of Regional Development in Albania. Policy formulation for domestic regional development under the framework of the decentralization process. Non-profit organisation

2007 – 2013

Program Manager, Senior researcher of the “Making Policies Work (1 & 2) – Program for Applied Policy Research in Albania”, supported by OSI (Open Society Institute), Budapest. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania.

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Curriculum Vitae

Rudina Toto

Main project features: Programmatic development of Co-PLAN into a Policy-Making Institute; Policy influencing for subjects that were related to the three Co-PLAN thematic areas: urban and regional management, urban environmental management, urban economics and public finances. Development of a policy advocacy strategy in supporting the policy research. Responsibilities included: overall project management, public relations project related, reviewed of the programmatic strategy development for Co-PLAN, design of the research for specific subjects, guidance and support and direct participation on the research and policy writing, responsible for the preparation of specific policy papers/brief. Non-profit organisation.


Town planner of “Urban Regulatory Plan of Tirana” Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Main project features: design the urban regulatory plan of Tirana. Co-PLAN acted as the local partner of Urbaplan – Swiss planning company. State Institutions, non-profit organization


Urban and local government expert for Consultancy Services for DLDP in Shkodra Region Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Main project features: Short term assignment for the assessment on the urban governance performance of 7 local government units in Shkodra Region. Urban governance was evaluated with regard to urban development, urban policies at the local level, infrastructure and services, capacities for planning and budgeting and providing services, availability of cartographic material and quality of territorial databases. Responsibilities included: Preparation of the terms of reference with the client, visits made to the 7 local units (municipality of Shkodra, Vau i Dejës, Koplik, Pukë and Fushë-Arrëz and the communes of Dajçi, Guri i Zi and Velipoja). 2 rounds of interviewing with local staff, head of departments and mayors and deputy mayors, observation and assessment of territorial databases, report writing, mapping, field visits. Non-profit organisation and development sector.


Advisor for Inter-communal cooperation in local governance and regional development – the Case of Urban Transportation in the Region of Tirana Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Main project features: Contributing to the regional development and decentralization strengthening through analysing local services – the case of urban transportation. The project was implemented as a quantitative and qualitative research – case study in the region of Tirana. Responsibilities included: Advising on research methodology design and implementation, project budgeting, report writing and analysis of urban transportation, maintaining relation with 3rd parties – donor and government agencies. Non-profit organisation and development sector

2006 – 2007

Program Manager of the “Enabling Good Urban Governance”. 3-year program implemented in 2 major municipalities of Albania. Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania

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Curriculum Vitae

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Main project features: Creation of Albanian urban models and the promotion of best practices in Albania through supporting local governments, non-governmental organizations, the business community and community at large, in engaging constructively in the development, implementation and dissemination of good urban governance practices. Co-PLAN (the implementing organization) in collaboration and co-ordination with the MLGD, and AAM and through a funding by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Tirana, provided assistance to Elbasan and Fieri municipalities in formulating and implementing city development strategies and action plans in consultation with key stakeholders and the governing body. The whole process included: Design of the city development strategy (Urban, environmental, local economic and social); Implementation of the on the ground projects; Capacity building; Dissemination of the Knowledge Platform. Responsibilities included: Preparation of the Terms of Reference for proposal writing and criteria for selection of the winning municipalities; Coach the Co-PLAN team in implementing project activities; Coach the municipal team in implementing all activities within the process of formulation of City Development Strategy. Coaching local teams and municipal staff in designing, implementing and reviewing a road map (activity plan) for City Development Strategy; conducting the institutional analysis and leading the municipal team in conducting a stakeholder analysis. Coach local team in proposal writing. Designing of the institutional mechanisms and platform for the participatory process of City Development Strategy and the mobilization of stakeholders into thematic working groups; Organizing and leading the process of Population and Building Registration (general census) in Elbasan. Organizing the designing process of Regulatory (Master) Urban Plans with data collection and content advice; Organizing and leading the process, (data collection and content advice), of Cities Environmental Profile as well as the preparation of the environmental action plan for the Municipality of Elbasan. Managing and consulting the process of municipal information system conception and the establishment of the GIS (system) in the Municipality of Elbasan. Progress report writing and continuous monitoring of the performance. Non-profit organisation

2005 – 2006

Project Manager for the Participatory Budgeting in the Municipality of Elbasan Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Preparation of the action plan for the implementation, coaching of the expert in preparing the methodology for adapting participatory budgeting to the Albanian context, monitoring of activities and daily management. Non-profit organisation

2000 – 2006

Local Program Manager, Urban and Environmental Expert Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Local management of one of the Co-PLAN`s core programs, urban planner and urban and environmental expertise and advising in development projects, consultancy and organizational environmental policy expert. Non-profit organisation


Urban Planner / Advisor for Design and Formulation of the Regulatory (Master) Plan for the Municipality of Lushnja Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania

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Curriculum Vitae

Rudina Toto

Main project features: The Project was undertaken by the Municipality of Lushnja and cofinanced by the Municipality and Co-PLAN. The aim of the project was to design a Regulatory (Master) Plan for the city of Lushnja. Co-PLAN assisted the municipality in designing the Terms of Reference of the master plan. Terms of Reference represented a legal document visioning the main areas for intervention in the city and has to be approved by the National Territory Adjustment Committee. Responsibilities included: Preparation of the main and detailed headlines of the terms of reference, assisting the municipality in establishing the participatory process, data collection and content-wise. Non-profit organisation

2000 – 2002

Urban Planning / Management Advisor for Empowering Local Government and Community Based Initiatives in the Municipality of Kamza, Albania Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania Main project features: The Program was aiming at strengthening the local government through urban planning, infrastructure development, economical development and capacity building for the municipal staff. As a result, a Strategic Urban Development Plan was prepared for and by the municipality (60 000 residents, 100 % population increase in 10 years) including land use, infrastructure, environmental aspects; a local economic development plan was designed; an integrated solid waste management system was also designed. Three (3) on the ground projects were implemented in cooperation / co-financing with the municipality and the receiving community. The data-base was built in GIS. CoPLAN was the implementing organization, in collaboration with the Municipality of Kamza (the direct beneficiary), program financed by 2 Dutch organizations, CORDAID and NOVIB, with the technical assistance of IHS, Institute for Housing and Development Studies (the Netherlands). Responsibilities included: Coaching the municipal staff in designing the strategic urban regulatory (master) plan in both data collection and content-wise; managing the work for the set-up of the municipal data base including methodology formulation, working close to the GIS consultant, preparation of the institutional framework for the operation of the new information system. Conducting a research study on solid waste in Kamza; designing in collaboration with municipal staff the new integrated solid waste management system; assisting and facilitating the IHS experts in conducting their specific studies and writing their field reports. Formulation and follow-up of the implementation of the participatory process and communication platform. Report writing and monitoring. Non-profit organisation


Assistant Project Manager / Community Developer for Urban Land Management Project “Social Assessment, Physical Surveys, Pre-feasibility Study, Preparation of Concept Plan and Draft Community Participation Agreement Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development “Rr. Bylis no. 12, Kashar, P.o.Box 2995,Albania

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Curriculum Vitae

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Main project features: The aim of the Social Assessment exercise was: to have the basic household social economic data in the four areas through a household survey; Prepared the physical survey for the four areas; prepared a pre-feasibility study, the concept plans for infrastructure works in each area; prepared together with the PMT-s the draft of partnership agreement of communities with the respective authorities in each area. The project was completed with the necessary methodology and approach particularly as regard community participation, institutional involvement and integration and as well economic analyses in broad context of the city. Responsibilities included: Responsible for the affordability analysis and infrastructure standards setting for four (4) pilot sites. Revision of the household questionnaire, management of the field work for the household questionnaire and data entry and processing. Direct observations in the area; Direct collaboration with the respective utility Enterprises in order to prepare infrastructure plans; Preparation of the pre-feasibility studies per each area; working with the community for setting-up the participatory process; organizing 20 Focus Group Discussions; Report writing. Non-profit organisation

1996 – 1997

Architect assistant in the local architectural design bureau MAK Albania Group Main project features: Construction of the Tirana Sheraton Hotel (in 1996 was foreseen to be managed by the “International”). The architectural and technical project was prepared in Kuwait and sent to Albania, for revision and adaptation to the local site and then implementation. Responsibilities included: Assistant architect in the local architectural design bureau. Reviewing the architectural project sent by the Kuwaiti architectural bureau, in order to adapt it to the local site. Preparation of the estimation bill of quantities, follow-up of the site works and preparation of the monthly certificates Private Company


2013 – 2018

PhD, Sustainable and integrated planning on watershed level in Albania – Shkumbin River Water Basin

Replace with EQF (or other) level if relevant POLIS University, International School of Architecture and Development Policies, Albania and the University of Ferrara, Italy ▪ The subject will focus on watershed management in Albania from a perspective of common property theories. Currently a planning course with Ferrara University is accomplished and the theses proposal is presented.

2010 – 2012

Post Master Degree in Housing and Land Development (MND)

Replace with EQF (or other) level if relevant POLIS University, International School of Architecture and Development Policies, Albania ▪ Master classes on urban development theories, urban land strategies and instruments, housing policies and research methods.

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Curriculum Vitae 2002 – 2004

Rudina Toto

M.Sc. Urban and Environmental Management

Replace with EQF (or other) level if relevant Wageningen University and Research Centre and IHS, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands ▪ Major in urban waste management. Other subjects: Environmental planning, Environmental systems analysis, urban environmental services, waste water management, etc.

1995 – 2000

M.Sc. in Architecture and Urban Planning,

Replace with EQF (or other) level if relevant

Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Albania ▪

Major in Urban Design and planning. Minor in Architecture.

PERSONAL SKILLS [Remove any headings left empty.]

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)







Spoken interaction

Spoken production






Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.







Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.







Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills Organisational / managerial skills

Job-related skills

Computer skills

Excellent communication skills and team building skills.

Excellent management and coaching skills gained through experience with team projects and the lecturing process Co-organiser of policy-making and advocacy workshops; Co organizer of trainings, workshops and conferences, with a focus on urban planning and environmental planning Excellent presentation skills Replace with any job-related skills not listed elsewhere. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example: good command of quality control processes (currently responsible for quality audit) Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer, Access, AutoCad, etc.

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Curriculum Vitae Other skills

Driving licence

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Excellent assimilation of academic inputs Excellent skills to synthesize and prioritize Professional activities: Keynote speaker in the Scientific Conference “[Re]appropriation of the city – Architecture as a tool for the re-appropriation of the contemporary city”, Tirana Architecture Weeks 2012, with Peter Nientied for SDx and the City: How values shape the urban environment, in proceedings. Moderator of three national meetings with the presence of the Prime Minister, President of Albania, Head of the Opposition, Minister of Public Works and Mayor of the Municipality of Tirana, on the Urban Regulatory Plan of Tirana in 2007; International workshop on Participatory Budgeting, Porto Alegre, Brasil, May 2006; Invited expert in 5 TV broadcasts for the debates between the political parties on local elections in 2005; Key-note speaker at International conference on Social Accountability Mechanisms, organized by WB, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2007; Representing Co-PLAN at S-DEV Geneva International conference, October 2006; National conference “Tomorrow’s City???”, Tirana, Albania, December `06; ENHR international conference, “Making Cities Work”, Tirana, Albania, May 2003; Trainer, Institutional Development and Organizational Strengthening (ID/OS) for Kamza Municipality, Struga, Macedonia, February `01; Urban Forum “Strategic Urban Development Plan for the Municipality of Kamza”, October `01; Exchange work experience visit in participatory urban planning with the municipality of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Urban Training and Studies Institute (UTI) in Cairo, Egypt, March `02; National conference “Tomorrow’s City???”,Elbasan, Albania, June `04; Co-organizer and interpreter of 8 public lectures given by international experts on urban planning and other related issues, Tirana, Albania, 2001-2002.

Replace with driving licence category/-ies. Example: ▪ B


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Curriculum Vitae Publications

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Rudina Toto

Co-Author in “Albania’s New Sustainable Image – Branding Tirana-Rinas Corridor, A Project of the Joint International PhD Program”, POLIS University, Ferrara University, 2015. Co-Author in the “Inclusive Planning, A manual for citizens and authorities”, 2013. Co-Author and Co-in “Policymakers or Policyfollowers II – Analysis and recommendations for territorial governance in Albania”, 2012. 9 policy papers/briefs that provide the latest information on governance and development in Albania and represent a collection of the policy writing made by Co-PLAN within 2010 – 2012. Co-Author with Zenel Bajrami in “Land development instruments in Albania”, 2012. A review of 5 proposals for land development cases. Co-Author of the Policy Study “Review of Role and Competencies of Qark and other Supporting Institutions related to Regional Development”, 2012. Co-Author with Peter Nientied of the paper “SDx and the City: How values shape the Urban Environment”, 2012, presented and published in Conference Proceedings of the “Re-Appropriation of the City” international conference under the framework of the Tirana Architecture Weeks Sep-Oct 2012. Co-Author with Peter Nientied “The Concept of Creative City in the Balkan Region Context”, 2009, published in A+P Forum 2010. Co-Author and technical director for preparation of the “Technical Manual on Territorial Planning and Land Management for Policy Makers, Professionals and Developers” and the “Citizen Guideline in Territorial Planning and Land Development”, 2011-2012. Co-Author of three bylaws on territorial planning, approved by the Council of Ministers in Albania: Uniform Regulations on Planning Instruments; Uniform Regulations on Development Control Instruments; Model Planning Regulations; 2010-2011. Co-editor and author ““Policyfollowers or Policymakers – Alternatives to Urban and Environmental Management in Albania”. 12 policy papers/briefs that provide the latest information on governance and development in Albania and represent a collection of the policy writing made by Co-PLAN within 2007 – 2010 Local expert / author. The publication regards a very specific part of the “Green Pack”, Albania – to be prepared by REC Albania in collaboration with various specialist and experts. Green Pack is a simple environmental education curricula dedicated to elementary school teachers and pupils. It regards sustainable development and environmental preservation. One of the aspects to be included (related to the above publication) regards urbanization, noise, solid waste, landscape and wastewater pollution (REC Albania 2005) Local expert / author / advisor and editing supervision. Publication of the City Development Strategies for both cities. The strategies were designed through a participatory process (Municipality of Elbasan, Municipality of Fier, Dutch Embassy 2006) Different articles in local magazines.

ANNEXES Replace with list of documents annexed to your CV. Examples: ▪ copies of degrees and qualifications; ▪ testimonial of employment or work placement; ▪ publications or research.

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