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Getting started on WordPress.......


PG 3- How to create a blog using WordPress PG 4- How to choose and edit themes using WordPress and basic coding PG 5- What to post on a blog PG 6- How to post PG 7- Sharing your blog through socail media PG 8-How to advertise and use SEO to promote your blog PG 9- How to check and understand analytics as well as why it is important to use them PG 10- Work cited

How to create a blog using wordpress: Coming up with ideas to create a blog can be challanging. Which is why I personally try to stay within the frame of my theme. My theme for example is photography. However, from this one theme I can branch out to different genres of photography. I mostly share places to visit and see on my WordPress site; however, occasionally I will post politcial pictures taken from other photogrpaher and explaining thier story. This is an example of the techniques that I use when creating blogs for WordPress.

How to choose and edit themes using WordPress and basic coding: Once you established a theme that you would like to present on WordPress, the site offers you a variety of web layouts. I recommend looking through all the styles WordPress offers and testing which ones best represent your page. For me, because I chose photography I choose a layout that expresses the photo more then the text when visited. However, if you wish to go the extra mile you are capable of doing some coding to enhance your website look. Here are some tips revealed through “�. This site offers numerous ways and short tips on coding within WordPress.

What to post on a blog:

A blog in my opinion should always revolve around your theme. Upload pictutres of your own to share with others, inorder to get involved in your theme’s community. What I tend to do in my blogs when posting stories or articles is add hashtag. Check to see what is trending, and what tags are most popular. If possible creating statistic relating to your theme is crucial as well. For example, on my word press I’ve added statics based on the amount of people visiting certain spots in NYC. These spots are the perfect places to take photos, share with the world, and blog about. Lastly, videos can be added as well to your WordPress. You should try making your videos such as recording events or podcast; however, you can also share that of others.

How to post:

When looking to post a blog on WordPress be sure to be logged into your account. Once logged in you will see the option to add a blog. When posting a blog be sure to check your analytics to see on what days and times your blogs are most viewed. This information will help you understand that timing is important and crucial when posting a blog. You want to make sure that your audience is online to view, share, or comment on your blogs. Be sure to advertise yourself in the blog by sharing your Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media page that you have.

Sharing your blog through social media:

After completing your blog look into on your account the social media sites that you are connected to. After clicking share under connections, WordPress gives you the choice to have your blogs shared with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Path, and Evenbrite. WordPress also lets you customize your sharing icons. This option can be found under sharing buttons, once in this page you can edit label text, editing sharing buttons or add “more� botton, and options to show sharing buttons. I personally always share whatever I post on WordPress also on my facebook and twitter.

How to advertise and use SEO to promote your blog: SEO, or search engine optimization is one further step to consider when blogging. This will increase your chances of acquiring more followers and people to view your blog. According to “http://www.”, there are three main ways to do this. First recommendation is to install a plugin. It is revealed through WordPress that plugins “Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress.” One site that is favorable is WordPress SEO by Yoast. Another area to consider is using keys words. Look up what keys words are receiving the most traffic. This will increase the amount of viewers you can possibly receive. Finally choose one key word and have it used in your title and first sentence, this increases the chances of the viewer clicking and viewing your content.

How to check and understand analytics as well as why it is important to use them: Most social media sites should have ways of looking up your account’s analytics. WordPress has this feature already built in to your account. Wordpress analytics gives you the option of studying your analeptics by years, months, week, or days. It helps you determine what times and days are best to blog and from where in the world your content is being viewed. I would not only suggest looking into your WordPress analytics but all your other social media that you are connected to. Each social media site can be used to advertise the other and will increase your viewers and followers as you blog. Below are exmaples on my statistics on WordPress. The most vistors I recvieved happended in November; however, towards March going into April I had a spike in viewers because I was bloging more and sharing my sites on other social medias like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

work cited:

info: images: png &tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh2b3NuZPMAhWFWz4KHfxHDXoQ_AUIBigB#tb m=isch&q=yoast+wordpress+free+logo&imgrc=sjZjjLX_KUFMBM%3A

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