1 minute read

The Beginning

Moldovan Meanderings: The Lost Cheese


For Aurelius, it had been one of those days.

On the way to the forum, not so much a funny, as an annoying thing had happened. He'd been happily wending his way along, admittedly weighed down by the ten cheeses he had for sale when he had bumped into Markus. This as usual meant bad news. This time it was all about his family's new mosaic. It needed cleaning. Most sane people had slaves for this sort of thing, but not the Maximus’. Their slaves were already busy with other chores and they couldn't possibly go out and buy another one. That would, of course, cost many a Sestertii and they were already in economy mode, saving up to invest in their new country villa.

So, guess what? Markus had invited (imposed would be more accurately said) on Aurelius to come and help. Aurelius, being a servant-hearted sort of chap, couldn't help but agree, even though dies saturni was usually his day of rest. Somebody always wants something, but rarely does anybody want to give, thought Aurelius to himself.

That was everything by all means on this fateful day. Hardly, had Aurelius got away from Markus when who should come across his path other than Sophia. She was a statuesque girl, not so young as it happens, but nevertheless a black beauty. From what he heard and the little he had observed a very diligent person as well. A good wife option it would seem, but for Aurelius she wouldn't even give him the time of day, even though her family had one of the best sundials around!

Moldovan Meanderings: The Lost Cheese

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