1.1 ProjectIntroduction The Automotive Car Showroom is designed to display, advertise, sell and service vehicles by its company. In today’s brand-driven society, cars and lifestyle overlap, and the salesenvironmentshouldreflecttheclients'preferences.Thescopeofacardealershipscheme isnotonlylimitedtosales.After-salesserviceisanintrinsicelementofthebusinessmodel,so a service reception and a parts and workshop facility are often located on a showroom site. It is a building that offers a showroom, mechanical service, body repair facilities, office, consultationspace,etc. This automotiveshowroomandservicescentre isdedicated forMazda,aJapanese car brand. The client is Bermaz Auto Berhad, the authorised distributor of Mazda vehicles in Malaysia. This project is proposed which aims to focuses on ways to enhance the car buying and services experience. In Malaysia, there are nearly 36 total of Mazda dealership in Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bahru, Ipoh and others. However, lack of Mazda Showroom and servicescentreinMalaccawhichisonlyoneShowroomand3SCentreprovidedwasthemain issues for this project.Therefore, this showroomwill becomethesecond Mazdadealershipin Malaccawithupgraded4Sservicescentre. Kampung Bukit Cina, Malacca, the site location for this project is an ideal location to buildacarshowroomsincetherearevariousexistingcarshowroomfromdifferentcompanies andbrandsandhastheadvantageasoneofthecommercialareas.
1 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
Theproject vision of thisAutomotiveCarShowroomis forit to be designed with aim toenhancethecarbuyingandservicesexperiencesforvisitororclient.Thisshowroomfocused on car purchasing and car services. In terms of services, it will be the focal point for Mazda userstoservicescarsincethisshowroomprovide4SServicescentre.
2 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 1.2 ProjectVision
Key Plan and Location Plan
The site is located at Kampung Bukit China, Melaka. The site is along Jalan Munshi Abdullah. Kampung Bukit China is a small town located in Bandar Melaka, Malaysia. It is situated approximately 1.2 km to the north fromthehistoricalcentreof Malacca (Dutch town and Chinatown), but these days, it is surrounded by the modern city on all sides. The town is approximatelylocatedontheSouthsideoftheAlorGajah-CentralMelaka-JasinHighway(AMJ).Itissituated123kmSoutheastofKualaLumpurwhichisthecountry’scapitalcity. B Lot Plan
4 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA The lot size of the proposed site was 6111 sq. m. (1.5 acres) and surround with other commercial buildings such as MyTukar Showroom, Aurora Hotel, The Emperor Hotel and shop lots. The location of the site is very easy to spot as it is opposite the main road Jalan MunshiAbdullahandlocatednearjunctionfromJalanBendaharaandJalanMunshiAbdullah towardsthehistoricalcentreofMalacca, DutchTownandLittleIndia. LandInformation:LotNo.:777LotSize:1.5acres/6111sq.m./65783.89sq.ft LandUse:Commercial
5 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.2 HistoricalBackground
6 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.3 MacroSiteAnalysis 2.3.1
Arterial road is a high-capacity roads that connects to all road network such as freeway, collector road and local road. Collector road is a road that connects to arterial road and local road.Localroadisaroadthatconnectstoresidentialpropertyandcommercialproperty.Other than vehicle path is pedestrian path and cul-de-sac. The type of pedestrian path is sidewalk, walkway or alley.Whilecul-de-sacis adead-end streetthat onlyhave oneaccess.Mostifthe cul-de-sacavailableislocatedatresidentialarea. Majority of the roads in Malacca consists arterial road. Primary roads in Malacca includingnetworkfromcollectorandlocalroadsareconnectedtoarterialroads.Arterialroads inMalaccaarevariesdependsondistrictandhistoricalbackground.Inresidentialdistrictsuch Munshias(JalanKampungHulu),theroadsonlyhavetwolanescomparedtocommercialdistrict(JalanAbdullah)thathave4lanesincludingpedestrianwalkway. Path
Nodes are point in the city that the users can enter and be in the intensive foci to and from which they are travelling. They may be primarily junctions, places of break in transportation, a crossing or convergence of paths, moments of shift from one structure to another.Nodeswasdividedintomajornodesandminornodeswithdifferentcharacteristicsthat can give impact and guide for users. Some of the major nodes are Junction of Jalan Munshi Abdullah,JunctionofJalanLaksamana andJunctionofJalan Tun SriLanang.Whilesomeof theminornodesareQueenVictoriaFountain,MalaccaHeritageParkandTheShoreJetty.
7 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
8 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA District can be defined as a few sections that connecting to each other to become a city. This section shares the same characteristics or attributes common to each other to determine the identityofthecityitself.Everydistricthasitsownstyles,buildingheight,functional,andtime built.Thedistrictcanbe dividedintomanycategories,suchassubdistrict, landuseand urban scape.1.
TheSub-districtpurpose and kind of buildings in the region determine the formation of districts. Many historical architecture forms may be seen in the neighbourhood, including store houses andhouseswiththeirownstories. District
makeapsychologicalconnectionamongpeopleandtheirsurrounding environment.Itisshownthatmajorityofthebuildingisapproximatelyaround1-2storey withvariousarchitectural stylesdependingontimeitisbuiltandculture.
This districtwasformedbasedonfunction ofthebuilding inthezone. The main users of this district mainly are workers, students, tourist and local people works and living nearby thesite.Commercialareahasthehigherdensityofpeopleduetoeconomicactivitieswherethe people coming for purchasing and getting the services. The district of residential and institutional area also has a large area that contribute to the high density of people around the site.3.
9 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2. LandUse
Edgesare linearelementsthat notconsideredaspaths, theyareusuallythe boundaries between twodomainsorentity.Theedgemaybebarriersmoreorlesspenetrablewhichclose oneregionoff fromanother ortheymay be seams,linesalong whichtwo domainsare related andjoinedtogether. The characteristics of edges are it canguide human movement inside the street into certain location. Other than that, the edge is an interfere between the inner private space and the outdoor public environment. In addition, the edges are also the surface of the block, which defines the peripheries of the block as well as play an actives and independents rolesintheurbanspaces.
10 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
Landmarkarethemostrecognizableplacesofanareabythelocalorbyforeignerswho arenewwiththearea.Landmarkisastatic,uniqueobject,andhavecontrastwithsurroundings. Landmarks are used as navigations to a place by giving them direction to certain place using thelocationoflandmarks.
11 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
12 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.3.2 LinkagesandSurrounding Urban Linkages connect the outdoor urban spaces. A good urban linkages link people to the important nodes to make people the journey and place. A good trip is when the trip is calm and easy for all parties. In Melaka, there are few types of transportation will help us to travel across the street which is motor vehicle, boat, bicycle, bus, trishaw. There are also pedestrianwalkandzebracrossingthatwillhelppedestriantowalkaroundthecity. Traveldistance TRAVELUSINGBOAT From To Distance JetiTamanRempah JetiThePines 650m JetiThePines JetiKg.Morten 660m JetiKgMorten JetiTheShores 750m JetiTheShores JetiHangTuah 750m JetiHangTuah JetiTunFatimah 150m JetiTunFatimah JetiKgHulu 300m JetiKgHulu JetiKgJawa 750m JetiKgJawa JetiRCHotel 150m AIRPORT From To Distance MelakaInternationalAirportMelakaSentral 6minutes(12km) BUSSENTRAL From To Distance MelakaSentral SiteA 3.1km MelakaSentral SiteB 4.1km MelakaSentral JonkerWalk 3..8km
13 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
14 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.3.3 InfrastructuresandFacilities
15 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.3.4
Figure ground maps is a mappingtechnique used to differentiate figure and groundor solid andvoidincities.Themapisusingblackand whitecolour to indicate the figureground map. The solid black infill used for building to describe graphic approach applied to architecturalplansandsections.
Positivespacesare solids,thethingsthat havephysicalpresencein spacesuchasbuildings andwalls Negativespacesare spacesaroundthefigure suchasthegapsbetween thebuildings&parks SiteGroundFigure
16 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.4 SignificantSiteIssues 2.4.1 TrafficCongestion b) Twowaysmeetonewayonintersection lane a) Toomuchintersectionandheavyaccessof vehicle 2.4.2 Lackofgreenplace andreststop a)Narrowroadwayand pedestrianstreets b)Noseatingsandrelaxingarea 2.4.3 Inconsistentlinkagescontinuity a)Impropersidewalk.Walkway blockedbywaste dumpandillegalmotorcycle park.
Proposedasuitableandcomfortableplacewhere the user can do activities like cylcing, walk aroundthecitiesandetcwithoutworries. Improve the back street and a small alleyway behindtheshoplot shop with somethingthat can take advantage of the existing space such as beingafocalpoint Helps realize a vision of healthy and vibrant communities where people take responsibility for creating meaningful, artfilled environments that foster respect and safety among neighbors, nurture young people, integrate beauty and encourage Proposedcitizenship.astackableparkingbuilding.Italsocomes with lower maintenance, operational, and construction costs. It is also environment-friendly as it leaves more open spaces for landscaping and Othergreenery.than to beautify the place, it cuts the width of the road and narrows down the ways and forces the driverstoslowdowntheirvehicles’speed. Nightmarketdevelopmentisofgreatsignificanceto themanagementanddevelopmentofthecity.
17 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2.5
18 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER3:MASTERPLANDRAWING 3.1 ConceptualMasterPlan
The whole masterplan was inspired by the main problem in Melaka cities which is congested traffic. City walking tours or walkable city authored by Jeff Speck is a big contributionto thefuture ofhumanityonsustainableurbandevelopment. Creatingplaces that have a high level of social edges and greenery both on streets, including trees, planting and facilitiesonstreetsaswellasregularopengreenspacesandparks,havebeenshowntoincrease thelevelsthatpeoplewalk.Aswerestoreabandonedroadandconnectittothestreetandmake italive,theconnectivitybetweentheabandonedroadandthesitewillrevitalizingthestreets.
Increase psupportaccessibilityimprovementsinfrastructureandgreaterthatcanthediversityofeopleactivities. Improvetheecologyof theurbanwiththe additionofpocketgarden landscapingandstreet furniture. Creatingmoreconvenience placeforpedestrians.
19 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
20 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER4:PROJECTBACKGROUND 4.1 MicroSiteAnalysis 4.1.1 Path 4.1.2 Nodes 4.1.3 District For path of the micro site analysis, there is one primary roadandonelocalroadtoaccess the proposed site. The primary road is from Jalan Munshi Abdullah and the local road is from the parkingarea of the shop lots.For nodes of the micro site analysis, thereis a lackofopen gathering spaces around the site for local and visitor to have areststop.Themaindistrictaroundthe site is commercial district Thus, the category of this proposed building is suitable withthearea.
21 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.1.4 Edges 4.1.5 Landmark Intermsofedges,theedgeis shoplotshrubofaroundtheshoplot.ThetypeedgesisplanterboxandthatdiffertheroadandzoneFor landmark, there is a few other landmarks around the site such as Malay style of Bank Simpanan Nasional and high rise building of the Emperor Hotel across the site. Thus, the curve shape andtypeofmaterialusedat aantheproposedbuildingplaysimportantroletobecomelandmarkofthearea.
22 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.1.6 Vegetation
23 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.2 ProjectRequirement&SOA 4.2.1 Designrequirement Based on the project brief, there are several requirements needed to be met when designingtheAutomotiveCarShowroom. Maximum Four Storeys building (subject to maximum height/ Storey required by the local council) and must be able to accommodate at least 150 people at anyonetime. The gross floor area for ground and upper floors should not be more than 4500m2 AutomotiveCarShowroomshouldconsistofthesespaces: Car Showroom DropOff&MainEntrance KidsZone Reception ConsultationRoom CarDisplayArea SalesManagementOffice CarAccessoriesDisplayArea SalesManagerRoom LoungeArea ServerRoom Washroom StorageandUtilityRoom Pantry RiserSpace PrayerRoom Car Services BayAreaCarServices WasteOilRoom ServiceManagerRoom ComponentsRoom ServiceManagementOffice PartDisposalRoom Mechanical&ElectricalRoom EngineRepairRoom circulationsufficientarrangementTomaximizesitepotential,thestudentneedstoplanthesitelayoutwithproperofthemainbuilding,guardhouse,drop-offarea,landscaping,provisionofcarparking(includingstaffandOKU)aswellassmoothfortheloadingdock. Automotive CarShowroomshould be accessible by abled anddisabledpeople alike,childrenandtheaged. The building and whole development of the Automotive Car Showroom must consider the tropical climate of Malaysia as well as the topography condition andthehistoricenvironmentoftheproposedsite.
24 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.2.2 ScheduleofAccommodation(SOA)
Onlyenclosedroomsarecalculatedforthearea.Thus,someroomsonthefloorplanmaynot beincluded.Thisschedulealsoexcludedverticaltransportrooms.
25 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
26 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.3 PrecedentStudies 4.3.1 Mazda’sBrand Mazda Motor Corporation commonly known as Mazda, is a Japanesemultinationalautomakerbased inFuchū,Hiroshima, Japan. In 2015, Mazda produced 1.5million vehicles for global sales, the majority of which nearly 1 million were toKogyotoandAsia.Mazda,andcompany.Co.,aMazdaworldwide.plantsproducedinthecompany'sJapaneseplants,withtheremaindercomingfromavarietyofotherworldwide.In2015,MazdawasthefifteenthlargestautomakerbyproductionHistoryThename“Mazda”wasintroducedtoJapaninOctober1931.Mazdastarteditslifeascorkmanufacturerbackin1920.Theyear1931waswhenMazda,thencalledtheToyoKogyoLtd.,launchedthe“Mazda-go”,atricycletruckwhichisafirstvehiclecomingoutoftheThenamingofthetricyclewasconsideredbyJujiroMatsuda,thesecondpresidentsubstantialfounderofToyoKogyo,andotherkeymembers.“Mazda”comesfromAhurathegodofharmony,intelligenceandwisdomfromtheearliestcivilizationinWestKeymembersofToyoKogyointerpretedMazdaasasymbolofthebeginningoftheEasttheWestcivilization,butalsoasymboloftheautomotivecivilizationandculture.Strivingmakeacontributiontotheworldpeaceandtobealightintheautomotiveindustry,ToyowasrenamedMazdaMotorCorporation.“Mazda”wasalsoaperfectwaytopayrespectthesubstantialfounder,whosefamilynameispronouncedverycloseto“Mazda”.
27 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
Mazda’sDesignIdea Mazdadesignideaistocreateanemotionalconnectionbetweenthecarandthedriver, whichfeelslikeadeepbondbetweenariderandhis/herhorse.MazdawasinspiredbyKODO designwhichmeansanexpressionthatmakesanongoingpursuitoftheformthatreflectssuch connection. Theword Kodo literally translates as “heartbeat”, but with the added meaning of fillingsomethingwithlife;ofgivingitasoul.
MazdadesignconceptisKodo:SoulofMotionthataimtoexpressingboththeessence of motion and the “soul” imbued in the car. Soul of Motion design language was first introduced in 2010. Creatingasenseofmotion,eventatastandstill. Thatis the essence of Mazda’s Kodo: Soul of Motion deisgn philosophy. It allows designers to imbue each model withitsownpersonalitywhilestayingtruetoaunifyingtheme.
28 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA Mazda’sDesignApproach Thedesignsavoidcomplexcurves Utilizingsingle,flowinglinesusedtocreateadynamiclook. Thedesignsaremorepureandrefined Dynamic and emotional forms are achieved by shaving off any unnecessary elements tobringouttheveryessenceofbeautyandmotion. Createbeautyandauniqueelegance Creatingafeelingofenvelopingcomfortininteriordesign EvolutionofMazda’sDesign
The site of the showroom faces the main road with building height limitations imposed by city regulations featuring a simple wooden façade and a glazed wall that fades from black to transparent. A black gradient was applied to the glazing so that it fades from opaque to transparent, helping to draw more attention to the cars on display inside. A box made out of sheetmetalprovidesthemainentrancetothebuildingforpedestrians.
29 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.3.2
Basement Floor Plan Ground Floor Plan
Anindustrialelevatorallowscarstobeeasilytransporteduptotheshowroomfloor,ordown toabasementofferingfacilitiesforservicingand repairs.Anopen-airlightwellrunsalong thebackofthisspace,helpingtobringindaylightandventilation.Aspiral staircase leads visitors up from the reception to the main showroom floor – an open-plan space interspersed with groups of chairs and tables.Mostof thegroundfloor ofthe building is exposed to the elements, although sheltered beneath the roof canopy. It includes parking spaces for visitorsandacompactcarwash.
30 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
31 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA First Floor Plan Section "Thegarageisnotlikeaconventionalgarage,"addedthefirm."Itismorebrightandexpensive, eventhoughitisunderground." "Some customers may feel that the building is like a cafe, while some mayfeelthatitissurely ashowroom,"Suppose Design Office
32 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.4
For space planning, a one motion of line that
SYNCWITHMOTION which is to sync the building
A sustainableinnovation applied for this building is wind arbor by Ned Khan which is the interactive artworks to visualise the invisible natural phenomena of the wind's breeze and shows the motionofwind.
4.4.1 DesignConcept To express the character of the brand itself into the building, the idea for this design thewastakenfromtheconceptofMazda’scarwhichis‘Kodo:SoulofMotion’.Therefore,conceptofthisdesignis
Taken from the evolution of Mazda’s design of RxVision to create reflections that convey motion, thus, this design applied a curve glass wall to create the motion of reflection on the glass wallitself.
33 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.4.3 FlowofProcess(CirculationandActivities) 4.4.4 DesignDevelopment 4.4.5 ZoningDevelopment
34 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 4.5 DesignIntentionandSiteResponses 4.5.1 BuildingIntention This Mazda Showroom and Service Centre’s intention is to create a comfortable connectionbetweenclientandcarinbuyingandservicesexperience.Next,toprovidethebest experience of buying and services car for client. The target user is a new Mazda’s purchaser, 1.visitor.Mazda’susersforcarservices,Mazda’ssalesandservicesstaff,Mazda’stechnicianandpublic4.5.2SiteResponsesSunPathThebuildingorientation was according to the sun path. copingDeepoverhangand on East and West side are applied for efficiencyincreasesnaturalshading.Thus,thisenergyofthebuilding.
35 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 2. WindPath
In average, the high wind speed was from South–West direction. Meanwhile the very low providedwinddirection.windspeedwasfromEastToenhancethedirection,openingisthatcanallow cross ventilation and application of wind arbor that facing southwest to maximise the wind.
noise, there is an issue of noise pollution which is urban noise coming from primary road. Thus, the solution to overcome this issue is provide trees or planting that act as buffer from urban noise. Other than that, far distance of building placement from primary road to reduce the noise pollution for users
For view from site, positive view is facing row of shop lot, hotel and primary road, meanwhile negative view facing parking area. For view into site, high engagement of view towards building from primary road. ForareaTherefore,theentranceandshowroomarefacingtheprimaryroad.
36 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 3. Sensory 4. Circulation/Path
insidethebuilding.For path, there is one primaryroad and one local road to access the proposed site. The primary road is from Jalan Munshi Abdullah and the local road is from the parking area of the shop lots. Therefore, the main access to the proposed building is from Jalan Munshi Abdullah. Meanwhile, the local road is used for staffandunloadingaccess
37 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 7.6.5.NodesEdgesLandmark Fornodesofthemicrositeanalysis,there isalackofopengatheringspacesaround the site forlocal and visitor to havea rest localusedimplementedopenstop.Therefore,toovercomethisissue,anspacewithgreeneryelementisonthedesignthatcanbeasnodes.ThisalsowillattractmoreandvisitortocometothebuildingIntermsof edges,theedgeisaroundthe boundary of the site. This area differs Forothersseparateactivitiesfromotherbuildingsbythefunctionandofthebuilding.Itisanedgetobetweenshoplots,hotel,andcarshowroom. landmark, there is a few other becomebuildingtypeacrosshighstylelandmarksaroundthesitesuchasMalayofBankSimpananNasionalandrisebuildingoftheEmperorHotelthesite.Thus,thecurveshapeandofmaterialusedattheproposedplaysanimportantroletoalandmarkofthearea.
Toconnectthesitesurroundingandbuilding,pedestrianwalkwayisprovidedattheentrance ofthesite,andalsoconnectedtothenodesoftheproposedbuilding.Fromnodes,pedestrian walkwayareconnectedtothebuildingthroughtheproposedramp.
Theproposedcirculationinthesiteconsistsofbothone-wayroadandtwo-wayroad. PedestrianCirculation
Themain ingress and egress are from primaryroad, Jalan Munshi Abdullah. The loading and unloading area for car is also from primary road. The visitor parking was separate into two zone which is showroom parking and services parking. For showroom visitor, the parking providedis located atthe entranceofthebuildingmeanwhile for servicesvisitor,theelevated parking is provided at the centre zone of the building. For staff circulation, the ingress and egress are from local road, as well as for goods loading and unloading circulation. The total numberofvisitorparkingprovidedis20parking,8totalofstaffparkingand1disabledparking.
38 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER5:SCHEMATICDESIGN 5.1
39 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 5.2 FloorPlan 5.2.1 GroundFloorPlan
40 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 5.2.2 FirstFloorPlan 5.2.3 SecondFloorPlan
41 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 5.3 Elevations
42 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 5.4 Sections 5.5 PerspectiveDrawing Exteriorperspective
43 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
44 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA Interiorperspective
45 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER6:ENVIRONMENTAL&TECHNOLOGICALSTUDIES 6.1 Structural&MaterialConsideration 6.1.1 RooftoFoundationdetails 6.1.2 Selectedmaterial
46 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 6.1.2 ModularGreenWallSystemDetail 6.1.3 IBSSystemDetail
47 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 6.1.4 Exploded
48 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 6.2 BuildingTechnologyandServices 6.2.1 WindArborInnovation
49 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 6.2.2 SchematicDiagram
50 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA
Passive strategies, such as considering building orientation according to sun path and being thoughtfulaboutthewindowplacement andcopingforshading,areusedtobestmanage daylightingandnaturalventilationandableinreducingenergyrequirementsforthebuilding.
51 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA 6.3
Utilizecurtainwallbyusingaluminium framewithhighUVvalueofglass
Overall, this building aims to be sustainable and consider the environment. This building appliedWindArbor,photovoltaicsolarpanel,highUVvalue ofwindowandglasswall,cross ventilation,passivesunshading,andenvironmental-friendlymaterial.
EQ7|AirChangeEffectiveness Thisbuildinghavecross-ventilation in order topromote ahealthyindoorenvironment and allownaturalventilationtopassthrough.
Thesolarpanelapplicationcangenerate electricitybytransformingthecontinuous flowofenergyfromtheSun.
Theapplicationoffixtimber-lookaluminium louvers, claddingandcopingthatcanreduce the discomfortcausedby glarefromnatural sunlight.
52 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER7:REFERENCES
53 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA CHAPTER8:APPENDICES Presentationboard Board1 Board2
54 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA Board3 Board4
55 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA Board5 Board6
56 Mazda Automotive Car Showroom, MALACCA Board7 Board8