AideenODonovan Portfolio Nov2014

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Aideen ODonovan Architecture Portfolio ................................... {Aarhus School of Architecture}

Architecture Portfolio ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Content ................................



Same but Different, Århus Festuge 2014, Denmark. Installation by Schønherr Lanscape Architects. 2014


Nagoan Square, Nagoan, Maharashtra, India. Masters Programme Y1 Design Project 1. 2014


+ MacCurtain St Chambers, Cork, Ireland. Bachelor Programme Y4 Design Project 2. 2010



+ +


+ +

Vienna House of Music, Vienna, Austria. Bachelor Programme Y4 Design Project 1. 2011


The Architecture of Interlocking Kill-Zones. Bachelor Programme Y4 Dissertation. 2011


Other Works - Professional Work Samples. Schønherr Landscape Architects. 2014


1 Aarhus School of Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

Resume .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Resume Name : Aideen ODonovan Nationality : Irish

Jane Skegaard Interior Designer & Artist

Cork, Ireland


Summer Period 2007 - 2011

DOB : 17/05/1989


Education Aarhus School of Architecture Semester I Result: 12/12

Cork Center for Architectural Education, University College Cork.

Aarhus, Denmark Masters Dregree 2013 - 2014

Cork, Ireland BSc Architecture 2007 - 2011

Design Studio: [1.1] Final Year Theses: [1.1] Overall Grade : [2.1]

Work Experience

SchĂ˜nherr Landscape Architects

Aarhus, Denmark

Architectural Intern

Jan 2014 - June 2014

Student Architect

June 2014 Present

Auto cad / Vectorworks

Advanced / Advanced

Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign

Advanced / Advanced / Advanced

Rhino/Sketch-Up / V-Ray

Intermeidate / Advanced / Intermediate

Digital Drawing / Hand Drawing / Painting / Model Making / Wood Work Construction



2 Aarhus School of Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

Banegårdspladsen, Aarhus Festuge 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Banegårdspladsen Århus Festuge 2014 - Same but Different. As part of the annual arts festival in Århus Schønherr were asked to create a temporary installation in the plaza located directly outside the central train station. This space acts as the primary arrival point to the city. It’s currently dominated by heavy traffic of all kinds, and filled with visual noise caused by traffic lights, road signs , advertisements etc. As a result it is extremely difficult for pedestrians to relax in the space and to experience the beauty of the well defined plaza and it’s surrounding architecture. The idea behind the transformation of the space was based on a future traffic and pedestrian plan for the year 2020. The ambition of this plan is to reduce the amount of traffic in the space, and give more importance to pedestrians’ use of the plaza. Currently the natural pedestrian flow coming from the train station leads people directly onto the main commercial shopping route in Århus, the future plan introduces a new pedestrian route way, which comes from the train station and leads people across the square and through the city linking up with the main cultural highlights and not the commercial. Following with the ‘Same but Different’ theme of the festival, we set out to temporarily change the space in a attempt to alter the users perspective of the place and revel new, and obvious possibilities. The general urban question raised was: Can we make city centers where space, people and traffic exist on a more equal premises? Banegårdspladsen - Birds eye view

Inspiration - Oscar Schlemmer

3 Schønherr Landscape Architects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

Banegårdspladsen, Aarhus Festuge 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

The project set out to test what would happen if this future plan was put in place. All private traffic was blocked form the plaza during the festival allowing only public transport to run through the space. This allowed the number of traffic lanes to be reduced from five to two. We then reveled the space, making the center assessable to pedestrians by leveling it out with a giant ‘sand box’ (a timber frame filled with gravel) creating one coherent space. All objects in the plaza were given a new appearance, changing and calming the space, eliminating visual noise. Bus stops, signs, lighting poles, traffic lights and advertising stands were covered with new forms and colours. A large yellow pyramid (covering 3 bus stops structures) made it possible to elevate people higher into the space, allowing them to experience the plaza from a new and difference perspective. For ten days the bustling space was converted into a temporary oasis where people could pass by with ease or stop and relax for a while, using it in a variety of new ways both planned and impromptu.

Inspiration - Kandinsky

Tender Drawings of Sign Coverings

Kandinsky’s use of simple and serene colour and composition to convey movement had a huge influence on the visual language of the project throughout. I was involved in the project from early the concept sketches, design development and presentations to gain funding right through to detailed design.

Concept plan and section

Concept Visualisation of Project

3 Schønherr Landscape Architects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

BanegĂĽrdspladsen, Aarhus Festuge 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Photographs by Martin Schubert

4 Schønherr Landscape Architects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

Nagoan Square ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Nagoan Square, Nagoan, Maharashtra India. The village of Nagaon is situated in the Indian state of Maharashtra. A normal Indian village, it is located on a historic infrastructural road layout made during the Muslim dominated Mughal kingdom from 1526 to 1857. Along this road, small villages were placed like pearls on a string, and the villages were grouped around an existing pond or artificial water tank, which was attached to a sacred temple that served as a central meeting place for the city. Today the temple remains a focal point for the community, but the water temple tank is heavily polluted and only used by a small percentage of the community for washing. The open space surrounding the temple + temple tank is poorly maintained, overgrown and covered in litter. The activity around the square is very low, asides from Thursdays when the square is filled with vendors who come to sell to the community of Nagoan at a weekly market. The brief began with an open anthropological investigation of the community in Nagoan + their use of + relationship to the site. From this we developed a brief that aimed to redevelop the square with a focus on better ground conditions for the market, drainage + coverage during monsoon season (July, August + September), a public toilet for both sexes, a washing station to keep contaminated water separate from the existing temple tank + a system for water purification.

Raigad regionen


Maharashtra distriktet MUMBAI


Mumbai Alibag


Landsbyen Nagaon



Walwali Vave road


Nagaon Vaidya Ali

Theronda Revdanda


Location Map

The project’s architecture was heavily inspired by the plinth, which can be seen throughout Indian architecture. Activity happens openly within this space which lies on the threshold between public and private space. A universal public space used throughout India, it has both practical and social functions. Plinth References, India.

View of Prosel for Nagoan Square

5 Aarhus School of Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

Nagoan Square ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Site Plan

View showing Wetlands and Wahing station

Site Strategy

The two surrounding landscapes; hard + soft.

Pavement Patern

Scheme : The Public Veranda


Surrounding Walkway

The scheme responds to the two distinctly different sides of the site; The hard landscape of the busy market street and the soft green landscape surrounding the water tank. The scheme also takes a step back from the temple respecting the hierarchy. A paving pattern is used to define the roadway and visually resemble the merging of the hard and the soft landscape creating a playful and interesting space in-between. A concrete plinth lines the roadway acting as a ‘public veranda´ this contains the site program; a bus stop, a

public toilet, a water station for washing clothes and dishes and collecting drinking water. A wetland located in the lowest point of the site is used to clean all water from the site while leading it to the water pond, this space also acts a new green recreation area close to the water. A walkway is established around the Water Tank linking both old and new connections points to the Water. The scheme takes advantage of the spaces located under the existing tress to provide shares for the marketeers + daily site users.

6 Aarhus School of Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2014

Nagoan Square .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Aideen ODonovan

The plinth along the roadway houses the site programme. Flexible in use it is adaptable to the various activities that take place in the square through the day, week + year. A light roofing structure is used to provide shading + rain protection for the marketeers who sell during the monsoon season - this is significantly fewer than during the dry period as there are less products to sell, snd so the market generally only takes place along the roadside . During the weekly Thursday market bright orange canopies are hung from trees, vehicles + surrounding buildings to provide shade for the vendors. The new structure can be used as additional support for this temporary shading device.

View showing Washing Station + Toilet

Plan 1:750

View showing Weekly Market

7 Aarhus School of Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2014

Nagoan Square .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Aideen ODonovan

Section AA

Section BB

Section CC

8 Aarhus School of Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2014

Nagoan Square .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Aideen ODonovan

7 6 5

1. Concrete Tile 2. Traffic Barrier 3. Concrete Plinth 4. Steel Frame fastened to Reinforced steel Foundation. 5. Light fitting concealed within hollow steel beam 6. Hollow Steel Beam 60mm x 60mm x 2600mm 7. Corrugated Steel Roof 4 3





Ground Paving + Plinth Stucture Detiling

Ground Paving Patern Sizing + Layout

The project focuses on using low budget materials that fit in with the existing buildings structures around Nagoan square. The roof construction and design was heavily inspired by the surrounding structures. There are two materials used throughout the project- steel and concrete. The roofing structure is made of a steel frame and a corrugated steel sheet roof. The ground pavement comprises of concrete, colored in various shades of grey, while the concrete used in the plinth along the roadway is coloured a deep rusty red. Paving is designed _+ detailed to varies in gradient, defining the roadway and the various recreational ares throughout the site.


Exploded Axonometric, Plith Structre

9 Aarhus School of Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2014

MacCurtain St. Chambers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

10 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2012

MacCurtain St. Chambers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aideen ODonovan

11 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2012

MacCurtain St. Chambers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aideen ODonovan

12 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2012

MacCurtain St. Chambers ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Aideen ODonovan Mac Curtain Street Chambers Y4 project 2 Jan - Mar 2011

Tutors: David Naessens + Declan Fallon

SECTIONS FIG 1. Cross section through building at Mac Curtain St. entrance. Showing three story library with double height roof lit study area on 3rd floor, Post office, library storage + public gallery. FIG 2. Long Section through outdoor route way connecting Mac Curtain St. + Patrick’s Quay. Showing Main outdoor public space and gallery circulation, three storey library, flexible use chambers facing onto river + underground parking with car repair shop on street side. FIG 3. Long Section through outdoor route way connecting Mac Curtain St. + Patrick's Quay. Showing surrounding context + river view from raised outdoor space + the chambers above.

FIG 1.

FIG 2.

FIG 3.

13 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2012

MacCurtain St. Chambers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aideen ODonovan

The project explores the beauty of an almost over simplified starting point. The focus in design intend is on creating well connected and lit spaces by carefully selected and detailed materials. FIG. 1. Exploded isometric of the assemblance of the structural bronze gallery facade. FIG 2. Perspective view from end of entrance routeway leading from MacCurtain St. Showing the central public space and the view of the city and river beyond.

14 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2012

MacCurtain St. Chambers ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

15 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2012

Vienna House of Music ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Aideen ODonovan Vienna House of Music




Y4 project 1 Nov - Dec 2010

Tutors: David Naessens + Declan Fallon

Music [VHOM]

Archimedium January 2011 competition entry. Located on the South-East side of Stadpark in Vienna’s historic Ringstrasse. The site is fronted onto a small canal, two major avenues and the open park. The design intent was to create a building that would act as a device to alter the perception of users within the park. The building appears like a creature living amongst the trees, creating both playful and functional spaces for park users and music students, whilst keeping the permeability of the park intact. Site Plan

Axonometric Overview

Perspective View

16 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2011

Vienna House of Music ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Aideen ODonovan Vienna House of Music

Y4 project 1 Nov - Dec 2010

Tutors: David Naessens + Declan Fallon

The VHOM exists on 3 levels; each taking on a different function, character and orientation. A singular concrete core links the 3 floors providing the required services and circulation. Level -1 1:3000

Level 0 1:3000

Level 1 1:3000

The private modular classroom spaces are located on first floor level. The facade of which is made up of two layers giving the building a rhythmic quality of constant change. The inner layer of glass mirrors the neighbouring trees while the ever changing patterns generated by the timber shading device appear like tree trunks providing mere glimpses of views between the classrooms and the park. The park is left almost completely open at ground level allowing park users the freedom to walk under and around the building and to take in both the sights of sounds of the music building and the park. Concrete columns fall upon the park at irregular intervals echoing the structure of the surrounding trees. A public exhibi tion space and cafe is located on the road-side edge. This space feeds off from the central core and is lined with a glass curtain wall. The semi-public black-box auditorium is located beneath the park facing onto a public walkway which lines the river-side for the full length of the park and beyond.

17 Cork Center of Architectural Education .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2011

Aideen ODonovan Vienna House of Music

Y4 project 1 Nov - Dec 2010

Tutors: David Naessens + Declan Fallon

Vienna House of Music .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

1:50 Section

1:50 Elevation

4 6 7






1:50 Plan

1:25 Steel wall

1:25 Upper window and roof detail

1:25 Lower window detail

1. Floor Construction: Timber tongued and grooved strip boarding, 100 mm cement and sand screed with underfloor heating, 20 mm sound insulation, vapour barrier, 160 mm rigid insulation, breather memb membrane, 360 mm - 650 mm precast concret slab. 2. 10 mm float glass + 16 mm cavity + 10 mm float glass. 3. Timber sunscreen fins.

4. Precast concrete cladding. 5. Roof Construction: Timber cladding, Steel roof fixing, 20 mm sound insulation, 120 mm rigid insulation, breather membrane, 250 mm precast concrete roof slab. 6. Structural Steel Column 7. Interior Wall construction: Wall finish, 9 mm ply board, rigid insulation, sound insulation. 8. Slider window opening.

18 Cork Center of Architectural Education .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2011

The Architecture of Interlocking Kill Zones .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

19 Cork Center of Architectural Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2012

Professional Work Samples ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Aideen ODonovan

Other Works - Professional Work Samples.

The images shown were created as part of a competition entry for the redevelopment of the historical town sqaure in the Danish town Nykøbing Falster. The central concept of the new square was to combine the surrounding streets and present a new heart in the center of the town with one coherent surface. I was involved in the design process form the beginning, connetrating largely on the development of the paving pattern, which covers the entier surface; based on the historical idea that you step directly onto a square regardless of what direction you enter from.


Water Connects - Gellerup, Århus, Denmark. This was a research project carried out in-office, which looked at the possibility of transforming a left over space of land into a public park that could connect the ‘getto area’ of Gellerup to Brabrand Lake and from here to city as a whole. One of the main ambitions in this idea is to open up this neigbourhood and by doing so break down social divides in the landscape and between people. Currently there is a railroad lying in the center of this leftover space, creating a mental barrier, which distorts our perception of the clossness in proximity of the lake to Gellerup. The idea for the new park uses a landscape bridge to cross this barrier. I part took in a series of discussions about the concept of the project and created visual material to communicate the idea outside of the office.


Town Square, Nykøbing Falster, Denmark.

‘Black Cloud’ Observitory, Denmark. This landscape plan was created for a compeition for a obersvaroty, information and recration center around the bird miragtion know as the black cloud. The design used the historic landscape element of the warft, which is characteristic to the landscape of this flat land area on the West coast of Denmark. It also uses a moat as an alternative to a fence, which was called for in the breif, to controll access to the center and grounds. I was involved in design descussions with the architets we were in colaboration with and the preperation of presentation material for the competition.

20 Schønherr Landscape Architects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014

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