Facts about Best Masticating Juicer You Need To Know So you want to produce your own juice using your own juicer. The best thing to do is to select best masticating juicer that is made to function at slow rate. You do not need a juicer with spinning blade, which can end up damaging the nutrients and causing foam on your juice. More so, you must not be poised to low price when you want to buy highest quality and top rated juicers in the market. This is because most slow and masticating juicers in the market are offered at higher rate than the centrifugal counterpart. But the truth is that the quality behind the juicers really worth the price. Facts about Best Masticating Juicer You Need To Know In your bid to buy best juicers on the market, you need to go for the ones made with ability to crush your vegetables and fruits and press to bring out the entire juice in them. Another thing you need to know about cold juicer is that they are quieter when compared with the centrifugal juicers in the market. One of the good examples of the best masticating juicer you can find in the market is the Hurom HU-100 made with 150 watt and rotates at 80 revolutions per minute. Due to the quality behind this machine, it is offered with 10 years warrantee. Checkout Online For Top Rated Juicers If you are searching to buy juicer for your home use, you have to go through the best and top rated juicers offered on this site. You will find the best masticating and slow juicers that will offer you the quality you need to produce healthy and clearer juice in your house. Some list of best juicers on the market you need to know include: Kuvings NJE-3580U, Juicepresso Cold Press Juicer, Kuvings B6000S and others. For more information visit website through #bestmasticatingjuicer.