Free xbox live codes can be obtained online Your ability to obtain free xbox live codes for free is not easy. However, all you need to do is to being the process from the right site. When you do, that is all. As soon as you have been able to claim your code, you can take advantage of it to play free games on your console and have a lot of fun as well. Do you know that the best sites that provide these codes will make sure the whole process of obtaining them on their site is easy to go through and self-explanatory? Well, that is what you need to understand now for your very own good. Although how to get free xbox live methods are free, there are some things that you will need to have done. One of the main things is that you will have to complete a specific survey. Completing this survey is the key point between getting the free xbox live code or membership and no getting it. Just think about how easy filling surveys are and how you can do this in few seconds. This survey helps to protect the cards that are been given out. Without these surveys, people abuse the good deed of obtaining these codes for free. Some people go to the extent of obtaining more and selling to others at prices that are simply amazing. This is why the survey has helped to curtail all that. When you get to answer the questionnaire very well, it is easier to obtain the right free xbox live gold amounts and have all the fun you want to. Surveys are hand selected for all countries and are tested to ensure they are easy to fill. So, there is no need for you to be much bothered about not being able to fill these surveys. Do not rush. Take your time and you will love the site you end up choosing these codes and gold from. For more information visit website through #FreeXboxLiveCodes.