The answer to How Long A Spray Tan Last Spray tanning has become famous since the research regarding the potential hazards of the ultra violet rays came out in the open. People are now scared of tanning their skins in the sun because there is significant research evidence that UV rays exposure can lead to skin cancer. There are many sun blocks in the market but all of them are not effective besides they do not provide hundred per cent protection in any case. There is always danger and it is this risk factor that has deterred people away from taking suntan. However the question is if the desire for tanned complexion died with this research? No the answer is NO! In fact humans have produced new means of achieving tan and the new means are no doubt awesome. Yes it is the spray tan being talked about! The other questions are about the efficacy of spray tan and How Long A Spray Tan Last? Spray tan is a very safe option with only a minor bit of chemical involved. Spray tan uses DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) to tan your skin but the process is more natural than artificial. The DHA does not leave a layer of induced colour on your skin; the chemical reacts with your natural skin protein to give you an in born golden brown tan that you all crave. The tan is all your own, all natural! There is no artificial layer of colour on your skin at all in this case. How Long A Spray Tan Last is going to depend on the speed of exfoliation of your skin. It is not a dye as it is embedded in your skin it will come off slowly and gradually as the colour naturally fades with the exfoliation process. Spray tan is the safest option in the sense that it protects you from the high risks of cancers and also works on minimal use of chemicals too! Spray tanning is usually used when you need the complexion for a special occasion that does not allow you to take your time with the sun. The dangers involved with the sun already are so high that you do not want to take the risk with the natural way after the nature has been polluted by humans’ negligence. What is left is the miraculous spray tanning! The one important question for the emergency tanners is How Long A Spray Last? The answer is: do not worry! It does not wash off with the first drop of water on your skin. You can enjoy tan complexion up to many days or weeks; the speed of its coming off depends on how fats your skin exfoliates the Spray tan is going to stay as long as new skin emerges from beneath the present layer and this process is going to take some time so you have nothing to worry! For more information visit website through #HowLongDoesASprayTanLast.