12 things you didnt know final

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12 Things You Didn't Know your eStore Could Do We know you’re aware you receive 20% earnings (25% for PRP members) on all your Avon Delivery orders. But we bet there are 12 things you don’t know about your Avon eStore:

1. Online sales count toward your order size for Brochure earnings levels! This is the best kept secret of online selling. Avon counts the sales you generate online toward your brochure order size to give you a higher earning potential. Example: $100 of brochure sales plus $50 Avon eStore sales places you in the 30% earnings category for your brochure sales! 2. Share, Like & Earn! Earn in a click! Get the credit for sales when you share your favorite products from the Social Media Center or avon.com with friends on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter and your friends [identify you/attach to you – please fill in appropriate language]. 3. Mobile Apps, Social Media Center and Web office tools gives you flexibility at your fingertips. Let Avon’s digital tools work for you! The yourAvon.com mobile App puts the “deal of the day” and ordering functions at your fingertips. The Social Media Center helps you spur sales by pushing offers to your Customers, and Web Office has useful tools such as Customer invoices and address book and order history. 4. Automatic emails - The busy woman’s answer to marketing made easy! We know how busy life can get. Let Avon work for you! Enroll your Customers in the Avon Automated email program and Avon will send them the latest, greatest online promotional offers! (Cheat: the email comes from you and you get credited for the sales when your Customers click through and buy!)

5. Online exclusives –Avon.com offers exclusive products (Planet Spa and Anew Men), Representative Exclusives for Customers, special bundles, sneak peeks and flash sales that drive unique marketing energy that only the online environment can offer. Unlike the printed brochure that is planned months in advance – only Avon.com can make last minute offers and deals for your Customers. These offers generate excitement and make Customers feel special and appreciated. Make sure you include your Customers (and even yourself) in these online offers by having their emails uploaded in your web office so they don’t miss out.

6. Avon eStore Customers are big spenders! Did you know Avon eStore Customer spend about 50% more on average than those who order from the brochure? Customers who shop the brochure spend about $25 while Avon eStore Customers spend, on average, $37.15. 7. The Online Brochure helps you stay connected – Your Customers have access to the online brochure. This drives attachment and re-creates the brochure shopping experience for your Customers – especially if they have been inactive a while, out of touch or a distance away. It’s a unique feature and service you can only provide to your Customers when you have an Avon eStore.

8. Avon Direct delivery to Customers is FREE with a $35 order Of course, many times we offer promo codes for free shipping on a lower order size, but know the standard offer is always free shipping with a $35 order. If the minimum order size is not reached, shipping is always a flat $5.99. Easy to communicate to Customers.

9. Avon.com encourages new visitors to connect to a Representative’s eStore. Since its launch, Avon.com has connected thousands of Customers to a local Representatives to service their beauty needs. We know that relationships build loyalty and no online beauty company offers its Customers the same friendly and personalized services that Avon Representatives can provide. But you have to have an eStore to be connected to new Customers! What are you waiting for?

10.Live Chat. You can live chat with Customers! Avon’s easy interactive tools allow you to engage customers in new ways. Activate “Live Chat” so you can answer Customers’ questions and take orders when you are both online together! Click "Activate Chat" to make yourself available to chat. A link will appear below your personal information on your web page and online store that says “Chat Now.” In addition, the feature also appears on your listing in the “Find-A-Representative” search results page. So Customers looking to connect to a Representative will know when you are online when they are.

11.Blogging! Start writing your own blog right from youravon.com for customers to get to know you. Use it to promote favorites, posts tips, beauty secrets and create a community with your customers!

12.Your eStore is designed to help you increase Customer reach and grow sales! Offering your Customers the products they want, when they want them, and the way they want to shop is the benchmark of service in the new millennium. Most woman shop both ways - in stores and online. Offering your Customers two ways to shop for their favorite products speaks to your commitment to service.

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