Makeup Marketing Online – Avon Tips by Emily Seagren Driving New Recruits
Find your niche – what works for you with recruiting?
Try lots of different methods to figure out what you’re good at.
Once you figure out what you’re good at and what works, perfect those skills and be consistent about doing the same recruiting tasks every week.
If you decide you want to grow both sales and leadership, spend equal amounts of time doing marketing activities geared toward sales and recruiting.
If you started out mainly selling and are new to recruiting, you have to retrain your brain to always offer the Avon opportunity to every customer you come into contact with. I offer my customers 3 opportunities. The opportunity to buy, the opportunity to shop online, and the opportunity to sell.
Include instructions on how to sign up for your team on all of your communications including email signatures, business cards, book labels, etc.
Use the social media app to share the Avon opportunity on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. SPECIFICS ON HOW TO DO??
Click on web office on –click on the 2nd pink box on the top called Social Media Center – 5 To dos for each campaign – gives the ability to share on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also shows the URL to share on other Social Media websites. My favorites are: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Then at the bottom of the screen there are Featured Posts and Featured videos to share. Click on the Facebook button and it should give you the option to share on your timeline or on any pages you manage. You can add a message to give it a personal message and even hashtags if you’d like. Use 3 – 5 hashtags. Categorize your post. Don’t use too many words in your hashtags…the simpler the better or too many hashtags. Go into your social media center at least once a campaign. Also gives you links to your own Fergie minisite and your eStore. Shows stats on the left hand side in a box called My Stats where you can see which are your most popular posts.
If blogging is something that interests you, try writing blog posts about the Avon opportunity. Think about your audience and what types of questions they would ask if they’re thinking about selling Avon. (ex: how much does it cost to start Avon? how much money can you make selling Avon? How do you sign up to sell Avon?)
Buffer – helps you automate your social media posts. Try to post equally about sales and recruiting. Once I write a blog post, I add it to the queue in Buffer and make sure the link to the article is shared on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, and Pinterest.
Create Pinterest boards about selling Avon. How to do? Go to – click on Sign up if you don’t have an account yet. According to, 68.2% of users are women. 1.36 million visitors a day. Go to your own Avon website, click on shop now. Go to any product page to find the share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Social media is about constant activity and growth so add new connections, create new boards, and add new pins frequently. Use board titles that are searchable and write good descriptions.
Leadership Growth
Makeup Marketing Online – Avon Tips by Emily Seagren
Name your team. Recognize, encourage, and offer support through communications whether it’s through mail, email, conference calls, or social media. Communicate frequently and consistently. When you’re doing recognition on Facebook…tag your team members so they are notified of the post.
Always talk about the leadership opportunity with your team. Bring it up weekly whether it’s on Facebook, in email communication, or through facetoface conversations. The more you talk about it, the more your team will get used to hearing about leadership and those who might warm up to it will feel more comfortable asking questions the more you communicate with them.
Offer ideas and support on how your team can go about recruiting. What types of methods they can use? If you cannot go out with your team prospecting, give them recruiting tools they can use. Send out emails about doing events, setting up home parties, using book labels to recruit, give your team tear tab flyers to hang up at local businesses…join some of the Facebook groups out there to find helpful recruiting tools made up by other reps. Makeup Marketing Online, Onward Group, Tuesdays with Theresa, and MontAvon Climbers.
Encourage them to connect with SEULs. Find them on YouTube and watch some of their videos about recruiting, time management, and leadership. Share them with your team.
Lead by example. When Avon is offering leadership incentives, set your own goals and then work with top team members and those who show initiative to help them set their goals for the incentives.
Target those who are selling $200 or more per campaign since they are already meeting the personal sales requirement for Unit Leader. Use Avon incentives to get them interested in leadership and excited about the opportunity.
Offer to help. Once you are secure in your Unit Leader title, start passing on leads to your top performers who have shown interest in leadership. If you develop your own leads through events or online, pass them on to your downline.
Be a cheerleader. Recognize them on your team Facebook page, in networking groups, in emails, and on their personal Facebook wall. It’s always easier when someone else brings up your Avon business and congratulates you on your achievements than to talk about yourself. Use Google images to find cute pictures to express the emotion you want to convey. Brings attention to the post
Sales via Social Media
Update and personalize your Avon website.
Use the same photo of yourself throughout your website and social media profiles so people recognize you and your brand. Start branding yourself.
Update the information frequently. I put a photo of the current Avon catalog, post current campaign dates, offer a discount code, and info on how to sign up on my team on my home page. You can also customize the modules on your home page to make your page unique.
Import email addresses and turn on your automated email program. If you are afraid of bombarding people with too many emails, you have the option to select only campaign emails in your personalization tools instead of both campaign and promotional emails.
I sign up for both and have added myself as a customer to my own email list so I know about free shipping offers and can see what my customers are being offered. You can also check and search
Makeup Marketing Online – Avon Tips by Emily Seagren for Avon to find current coupon offers. Sign in as a customer on your own website to test the coupon codes before posting them for customers.
Put discount offers on your labels on the front of your catalogs and give your customers the option of shopping online.
Once you start getting online orders, you can use Campaign Mailer or Consultant Depot to mail catalogs to your eCustomers. Even though they shopped online, people still like to look at the hard copy of the Avon catalog before ordering. I mail out a catalog to everyone who has placed an order in the past month on my website. If you don’t have online customers, post on social media and see who’s interested in receiving a catalog through the mail.
Start a blog and post frequently. As I mentioned before, once you create a blog post. Be sure to share that link on social media to drive traffic to that post.
Network with people on social media like you do in person. Try to connect with 3 5 new people every day on social media.
Feel free to connect with me online! Avon Marketing Tips: