Downline Manager 201:
Understanding Your Earning Statement PRINTING AND SAVING THE ONLINE SALES LEADERSHIP EARNINGS STATEMENT Find your statement on>Sales Leadership>Earning Statement.
You must either print and/or save each Campaign’s online Sales Leadership Earnings Statement before the Campaign updates at the end of the RPS 10 (close of Campaign) or you will not have a copy of your online statement. When the next Campaign updates, the prior Campaign’s statement is erased. Neither you nor Avon will be able to retrieve it. 1. To print a report: While viewing the report, you can print it in its entirety by clicking the print icon at the bottom of the Earnings Statement window. 2. To save a report: • Select the report you wish to see (i.e., Earnings Statement). • When viewing the Earnings Statement, right-click your mouse to get the drop-down window. • In the drop-down window, select “View Source.” • After selecting “View Source,” the document is shown in TXT (text) format. • Select “File” and then select “Save As” in the folder or location of your choice. • To view the saved report, go to Windows® Explorer and select the file you saved. To open, double-click or right-click, then select “Open” or “Open With” to select application of your choice to view document. Note: For non e-enabled Representatives, Earnings Statements may also be available by mail.
This analysis uses the Leadership Performance Report/Representative Detail/Earnings Statement
Understanding Your Earning Statement
Position of Achievement: Current Title Performance Level: If all qualifiers are not met, you will earn at the lower Title level.
Earnings Amount for the Campaign NST = Nested
EARN %: You earn a different amount on each Generation. NOT APPLICABLE
LEADERSHIP SALES: Are what you earn on – they do not include business tools, kits, supplies, etc. AWARD SALES: Are what counts toward awards and prizes such as President's Club. These sales DO include business tools, samples, demos and supplies.
PAST DUE CODES: 1 = Balance not paid in full for 1 Campaign 2 = Balance not paid in full for 2 Campaigns 3 = Balance not paid in full for 3 Campaigns R = Account has been removed #R = Account has been removed AND is past due for that number of Campaigns AR = Account has been removed AND turned over to an outside collection agency.
This analysis uses the Leadership Performance Report/Representative Detail/Earnings Statement
Understanding Your Earning Statement
These are the individual Representatives in the Downline of one Upline Representative. Review the following: A. 1st Generation B. 2nd Generation C. 3rd Generation D. UL and/or PC Titles E. Titles at Risk F. Award Sales G. Leadership Sales H. Earnings % I. Potential Earnings
J. Bonus Paid
K. Past Due
L. Removed
Look for High Potential Performers:
M. $200+ for Leadership Contact N. $300+ for PRP Contact
Campaign Results
Year-to-Date Results
Performance Points: Each Level of Sales Leadership is awarded a quantity of Performance Points. If you miss your personal sales requirement, the system will automatically pull points from your Performance Points to make up the deficit:
UL = 250
AUL = 600
EUL = 1400
SEUL = 1600
Performance Points are not cumulative. You can earn your points back by selling OVER your personal sales requirement in subsequent Campaigns. For example: a UL used 50 of her Performance Points, so now she has only 200. She earns back to her maximum total of 250 when she sells over her personal sales level qualifier. A $230 order would add 30 points back to her total.
This analysis uses the Leadership Performance Report/Representative Detail/Earnings Statement