Disaster Relief & Resilience
Food Security
WASH & Health
Mobile for Development
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The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) is the world leading forum specialising in disaster relief, resilience, mobile for development, food security and water security.
AIDF brings together key humanitarian and development practitioners, influencers, investors, thought leaders, policy makers and entrepreneurs. Our events and reports are produced based on contributions from world leading experts including:
We unite all stakeholders from government, UN agencies, intergovernmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector by providing a platform for independent debate and knowledge exchange, and for establishing long-lasting partnerships.
Ir H. Suswono Minister of Agriculture Indonesia
Shun-ichi Murata Deputy Executive Secretary UNESCAP
For over 13 years, AIDF has been committed to improving aid and international development through research and high profile events held at UN and government buildings in Asia, Africa, North America and Europe.
Hiroyuki Konuma Assistant Director-general & Regional Representative FAO (Asia and the Pacific)
Anne Leclerc Head of South East Asia Office International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Our Objective
Vinod Thomas Director general Asian Development Bank
Dmitri Dovgopoly Director of Procurement United Nations
Eleanor Nagy Senior Director, Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs World Vision International
Roland Haas Director German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Carlos Carrazana Executive Vice President & Chief Operations Officer Save the Children
Datuk Seri G. Palanivel Minister Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Malaysia
AIDF strives to bring the escalating issues of food security, use of mobile technologies, water security and disaster relief to the forefront of agendas with the objectives of improving co-ordination across the regions and fostering cross-sector engagement between UN and government agencies, development banks, civil societies and the private sector.
I think AIDF summit is a very good summit and has brought together very different stakeholders across government, UN agencies, private sector & NGO’s into one platform to discuss the frontier developments in addressing disaster reduction and other sustainable development agendas...’’ Dr. Shamika Sirimanne, Director of Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UN ESCAP
AIDF summit provides a very useful forum for people to come together and discuss the burning issues facing food security in the world and to meet like-minded individuals who are trying to address these issues within the powers that they have. It gives us an opportunity to combine our forces and collectively affect change. I think it’s an excellent forum and I’m happy to be a part of it.” Amit Wadhwa, UN World Food Programme (WFP) Indonesia
Upcoming Events
AIDF marketing activities reach over 650,000 key strategy and policy makers globally through a number of strategic collaborations with leading industry associations and media partners as well as social media channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube. Our monthly newsletter is distributed to over 50,000 aid and international development professionals from governments, NGOs, UN and intergovernmental agencies, research institutes, development banks, investors and think tanks.
AIDF Africa Summit 2016 2-3 February I United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Register at
AIDF Asia Summit 2016 21-22 June I United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand Register
AIDF Global Disaster Relief Summit 2016 7-8 September I Ronald Reagan Building, Washington D.C. Register at
Strategic Partners
Media & Institutional Partners include
This year’s summit was an excellent networking and learning opportunity for us. The speakers were informative and engaging. There was a wide range of practitioners and officials which provided a very well rounded summit with players from government, aid organizations and the private sector. We have made contacts that should prove most valuable to us in the coming months.’’
I think it is a very interesting forum where academia, government representatives, private sector, international organisations and the development community gather to have a dialog and present different perspectives, because when different perspectives come together everybody learns and improves. So I think it is a great platform.’’
Brent Anderson, UN Development Business
Dr. Sharad Sapra, Director of the Global Innovation Centre, UNICEF
Partnerships Join our global community as a partner, speaker or delegate - get in touch with Sonja Ruetzel, Event Director at: or +44 (0)20 7871 0188
Contact us 3rd Floor, 2 America Square, London, EC3N 2LU, United Kingdom @FollowAIDF | #AIDF Aid & International Development Forum
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It is particularly valuable for the exhibitors to have access to knowledgeable procurement officials who can guide them regarding their products, marketing, technical considerations and potential markets.” John Abood, Contracting Officer, Acquisition & Assistance, USAID