01_Eye catcher: Strategic Conference and Workshop “Training and Qualification of small‐scale RES Installers in Europe”
The EU funded Install+RES project wherein AIE is an active partner, will hold a final workshop jointly with the PV TRIN EU funded project on 12 March 2013 in Brussels. The different sessions will deal with
Skills development for the EU RES Installers
“Install+RES” ‐ Training courses for trainers and installers of small‐scale renewable energy systems in buildings
“PVTRIN” Training of Photovoltaic Installers
Towards a qualified workforce for RES installations in Europe
Registration is possible via: http://www.installers‐certification.eu/homepage. The programme and agenda will be soon on‐line. The Install+RES aims to implement high quality training courses for installers of small‐scale renewable energy systems in buildings. One of the added values of the “Install+RES” training courses is represented by the “hands on learning” concept. “Hands on learning” means that the Install+RES training course provides the participants with practical lessons on how to install RES systems in buildings.
02_European news [Directives / Projects] 02‐01: VOTE ON THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DIRECTIVE On 18 December last, the Members of the IMCO committee (Internal market and consumer protection) voted on the report of M. Tarabella on the proposal for a Directive Public Procurement. The Report was adopted with 23 votes in favour, 8 against and 7 abstentions. Approximately 150 amendments were adopted.
Early December the AIE had introduced its position paper to the Rapporteur Marc Tarabella and the relevant MEP’s of the IMCO Committee. We highlighted the value added of a pre‐procurement dialogue, closely related to the most economic advantageous tender as a trigger for innovation and creative sustainable solutions, the importance of training credentials, the importance of securing payment of protected subcontractors and the benefits of division into lots for small contracts and/or specific technical lots. The position paper is available on the AIE website www.aie.eu In total, 92 compromise amendments had been reached, which ensured a smooth voting process. The compromises adopted include, a general principle on social and environmental considerations; on life‐cycle costing; on subcontracting; on public‐public cooperation and on exclusions as well as on the 'light regime' for social services. While the Rapporteur stated his satisfaction with the outcome of the vote and the work done between the Shadows, some Groups expressed concerns with regard to the final outcome of the vote. In particular, they mentioned the lack of simplification achieved and stressed that more could be done to increase legal certainty for contracting authorities and access to public procurement for SMEs. The forecast of the legislative process is in our understanding unclear: the Parliament should decide if they start a Trilogue with Council and Commission to achieve a first reading agreement or if they will vote the Tarabella Report in the Plenary, which would mean they are heading for a second reading (September 2013). The Public procurement "concession" contracts, enabling public authorities to transfer the economic risk of projects such as building roads bridges or sports arenas to the private sector, will be subject to uniform EU‐wide rules, as voted by the Internal Market Committee on 24 January. The committee voted to simplify the procedure for awarding such concessions, by retaining only two mandatory stages for the authorities: to publish the call for tenders at the start and the award notice at the end. This should give the authorities more flexibility to negotiate the best deal. MEPs also said that concession procedure documents should be made available and processed electronically. Next steps: •
Indicative date of plenary session of Parliament: 16 April 2013
02‐02 BRUSSELS MANDATES ROLL‐OUT OF ELECTRIC‐CAR 'RECHARGING POINTS' The EU has pledged a huge expansion of infrastructure for electric vehicles with binding targets to multiply the number of Europe’s charging stations, part of a new strategy to kickstart Europe’s low‐ carbon automotive industry. “We need targets,” Commission Vice President Siim Kallas told a Brussels press conference, as he launched the EU’s clean fuel strategy on 24 January.“We propose that a minimum number of electric charging units is needed in each EU member state by 2020, and at least 10% of these should be publicly accessible.” The €10‐billion plan, mostly funded by industry, is intended to break the “vicious circle” which prevents low‐carbon vehicles being manufactured because of a lack of infrastructure. Future EU proposals could be equally dramatic with moves under consideration to reserve parking space and car lanes for low‐carbon vehicles. Both were “extremely valuable instruments that can be used to good effect,” an EU official said. The situation for electric charging points varies greatly across the EU. The leading countries are Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. Under this proposal a minimum number of recharging points, using a common plug will be required for each Member State. The aim is to put in place a critical mass of charging points so that companies will mass produce the cars at reasonable prices. The UK, Germany and France for example have 2020 targets for producing 1.55 million, 1 million and 2 million electric vehicles, respectively. Minimum number of electric vehicle recharging points in each Member State can be found here: http://europa.eu/rapid/press‐release_MEMO‐13‐24_en.htm 02‐03 STANDARD PLUG FOR ELECTRIC CARS DECIDED After years of debate the European Commission has now specified a uniform charging plug for European electric cars: The so‐called Type 2..........plug becomes the standard. This plug type was already introduced into international standardization as long ago as 2009 as a German proposal. For Europe’s car industry and consumers this means the end of the uncertainty over the correct plug device. For Germany’s car industry it is even a breakthrough, because the Type 2 is already in use in this country. France believes this may give German car manufacturers an edge in the looming battle for the electric vehicle market. Car manufacturers, which have previously blamed a lack of infrastructure and harmonised plugs for delays to electric vehicle roll out’s welcomed the package as “a step in the right direction”. © AIE | DIGITAL NEWSLETTER JANUARY‐FEBRUARY 2013 3
There are now just two favoured plug types round the world. In Japan and the USA the house wiring means that a plug is used there which only supports single‐phase charging, whereas the European plug supports single and triple‐phase charging. 02‐04 NEW EU VAT INVOICING DIRECTIVE ‐ EUROSTAT DATA & PUBLICATION > EU/VAT: New EU VAT rules to boost electronic invoicing On 1 January 2013, new rules on VAT and electronic invoicing, stemming from the VAT Invoicing Directive of 13 July 2010, fully entered into force. The new Directive outlines a number of simplification measures, including the introduction of parity of treatment between paper and electronic invoicing, in order to reduce the administrative burden on businesses. In addition, the Directive guarantees common criteria for invoicing across the EU. Another new measure outlined in the Directive, specifically aimed at small businesses, allows the supplier to pay VAT to the competent authority after actual payment of an invoice. This should make the obligation to pay VAT less threatening to the cash flow of a company. To read the full text of the Invoicing Directive, please click here. > EU/Eurostat: Construction sector production declines in the EU On 17 January 2013, Eurostat released data on the construction sector production in the EU. In November 2012 compared with the previous month, sectorial production decreased by 0.9, while in November 2012, compared with November 2011, construction sector production fell by 5.9%. To access this publication, please click here. > EU/Eurostat: High‐tech companies lead EU industrial growth On 8 January 2013, Eurostat released a publication highlighting how high‐technology manufacturing production increased by 26 % between 2005 and the end of 2012. On the other hand, over the same period of time, the manufacturing sector as a whole maintained the same level of production in 2012 as in 2005. To access this publication, please click here.
03_ Sector related news 03‐01 NELFO CELEBRATES IT’S 100th ANNIVERSARY. We would like to express our warmest thank to Nelfo, AIE’s Norwegian member association, for the many years – and hopefully those to come ☺ ‐ for their most active participation and efforts in the AIE Task Forces, General Secretaries, Policy Coordination Committee often contributing with many creative solutions. All our best wishes to Nelfo, their efficient and professional team for their 100th Anniversary! Nelfo is one of the strongest and most powerful trade association in Norway, employing about 60 staff for approx. 1.400 member companies. 03‐02 TRY THE VIDEO CONTEST " THE TRUTH ABOUT PV' AND WIN! Being a student at a European university or a supporter of solar energy, and you want to help fight misconceptions about Photovoltaics? Enter the YSYE Video Contest "The Truth About PV"! The Video Contest "The Truth About PV" is organised by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and open to any student registered in a European school or university, aged at least 21 by the time the Contest ends (April 30th of 2013). Why? Even though solid evidence has long these misconceptions to be untrue, the myths remain, discouraging people from choosing solar and discouraging governments from consistently supporting the deployment of this technology as a viable alternative to conventional energy sources. As a Europe‐wide campaign, Your Sun Your Energy (YSYE) aims at raising awareness of PV among all European citizens, and encourages people from across the continent to play a role in fighting misconceptions about PV. How? Shoot your own three video‐clips to dispel each of the three identified myths and try to win one of the Contest prizes: © AIE | DIGITAL NEWSLETTER JANUARY‐FEBRUARY 2013 5
First prize: 1500 EUR
Second prize: 1000 EUR
Third prize: 500 EUR
A panel of professionals in Public Affairs and Communications will judge and nominate three entries as the best series. The three short‐listed entries will then be submitted to an on‐line vote via the Your Sun Your Energy Facebook page. In addition to the financial prize, the winner of the Contest's first prize will be invited to take part in an event in Brussels where he/she will have the opportunity to present his/her movie‐clips in front of Public Affairs and Communications professionals. When? Enter the Contest until through the online application form. On Monday 11th February, all participants will receive from EPIA some additional materials for the making of the video‐clips. The deadline for Contest submissions is Tuesday 30 April 2013, and the prizes will be awarded in the course of May 2013. More information on http://www.yoursunyourenergy.com/video‐contest.htm 03‐03 PRESS RELEASE: LIGHTINGEUROPE ANNOUNCES ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE BOARD Created in December 2012, LightingEurope stands for the lighting industry association resulting of the merger between ELC (European Lamp Companies Federation) and CELMA (Fdereation of national Manufacturers of luminaires). LightingEurope is an industry association representing 31 leading European lighting manufacturers and national lighting associations. LightingEurope members employ over 100,000 people in Europe and represent an annual turnover estimated to exceed 20 billion euros. LIghtingEurope is pleased to announce the election of Mr. Dietmar Zembrot as President of the Executive Board, Mr. Jan Denneman as the Vice‐President, and Mr. Diederik de Stoppelaar as Treasurer. Additional Board members include: Alfred Haas (Osram), Peter Hunt (The Lighting Industry Association), Thomas Walentowski (BLV), André ten Bloemendal (NLA), Peter Dillen (Havells‐Sylvania), Jean Michel Trouis (Syndicat de l'Eclairage), Francois Séguineau (Toshiba), Johan Segers (AGORIA), Harald Sommerer (Zumtobel), Markku Norhio (AFLE), Alfredo Berges (ANFALUM), Alvaro Andorlini (ASSIL), and Klaus Breisch (Panasonic). Since November 2008 Mr. Zembrot has served as Managing Director of the TRILUX Group. He is currently responsible for technologies, product development and supply chain. He previously worked for the Zumtobel‐Group in various positions and European locations, accumulating over 20 years of experience in the lighting industry. Mr. Zembrot has also served since 2010 as Vice President Division Lighting of ZVEI and as Vice President of CELMA the past two years and as President since November 2012. © AIE | DIGITAL NEWSLETTER JANUARY‐FEBRUARY 2013 6
04_ Future events http://www.aie.eu/aie/page/Events Please don’t forget to take a look on the AIE website for future AIE meetings in 2013.
04‐01 INNOBUILD: A NEW WAY OF (PRE‐)PROCUREMENT In 2060 there will be 150 million citizens older than 65 years in Europe. This development provides great opportunities for European business. Suppliers and research communities are invited to a high level conference on innovative public procurement. The conference will focus on how societal changes in Europe demand new solutions and will provide a meeting place for potential European suppliers to meet with contracting authorities from Sweden and Norway to discuss in a dialogue the needs and potential innovative solutions. The conference will take place at Clarion Hotel Arlanda Airport, Stockholm on 14 March 2013, 10 ‐ 18 hrs The municipalities of Lyngdal (Norway) and Falun (Sweden) intend to build sustainable high‐tech housing for elderly people. The municipalities aim to build high‐tech buildings that are environmentally friendly, have low life cycle cost (LCC), prevent strain of staff and facilitate improved living standards for seniors with complex needs. The construction will start in the autumn of 2014. The Conference will present the particular needs of the municipalities. It will focus on the demographic changes in Europe and the challenges of elderly care in the future. This conference is part of the EU project InnoBuild. More information about the conference and the project is available at http://www.innobuild.eu. Please register your attendance on this web‐page. The program, including speakers and presentations, will be available at www.innobuild.eu by the end of January 2013. 04‐02 TAKING CONCENTRATED PHOTOVOLTAICS (CPV) IN NEW DIRECTIONS: 2013 In 2013 the CPV industry is set to expand into new markets. To make sure you’re ready for this growth and preparing your business to take advantage of this, PV Insider has prepared “Taking CPV in new directions: 2013” package. Inside you’ll get:
Crucial CPV market intelligence: Get the regulatory framework on China, Saudi Arabia, Chile and Morocco solar markets so you can focus your business on the biggest CPV opportunities in 2013
CPV stakeholder results: Find out what your competitors and peers have stated as most important for their business in 2013 so you too can plan how to maintain your position in the market.
Exclusive Abengoa presentation: Get access to DNI and CPV installation data from Abengoa, including projections for LCOE and market demands to gain a bird’s eye view of the CPV industry and spot upcoming trends
To download this exclusive and complimentary pack, just follow the link below: http://www.pv‐insider.com/cpv‐international/content.php Contact: Letty Thomas | +44 (0) 207 375 7187 | lthomas@pv‐insider.com
05_ Publications – check new AIE and related publications at our library on ISSUU 05‐01 WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK 2012 The 2012 edition of the World Energy Outlook was released on 12 November 2012. Drawing on the latest data and policy developments the report presents analytical insights into trends in energy markets and what they mean for energy security, environmental protection and economic development. It sets out updated projections of energy demand, production, trade, investments and carbon‐dioxide emissions, broken down by country, fuel and sector, to 2035. Read more about WEO‐2012
The complete WEO‐2012 chapter “Measuring progress towards energy for all” has now been published here, together with updated databases, charts and methodology information. Take a quick look at the table of contents for those who would like to buy the complete brochure online. More info: http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/ European Association of Electrical Contractors “ELECTRICITY SURROUNDS US – TOUCHES EVERY ONE OF US, EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE. Who we are: The European Association of Electrical Contractors – AIE – comprises 20 national associations representing 175,000 contractors, a workforce of nearly 1.000,000 and a turnover of Euro 75 billion. Monitoring the EU agenda/Directives relevant for the electrical sector, the AIE points out the key strategies and main priorities for the modern electrical contractor. With the increasing complexity of technical installations, the private consumer and house owners are becoming more and more dependent on the knowledge and creativity of the electrical contractor. He is an expert adviser who is able to explain to the client the possibilities and advantages of new technology in a technical and environmental way. Kindly visit our website: www.aie.eu or contact us at info@aie.eu.