2013 pdf digital newsletter june july 2013

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01_Eye catcher: A new opportunity for inspection/ verification of new and existing electrical installations Based on a request from the British National Standardisation Committee, IEC has decided to initiate a revision of the IEC 60364‐ Chapter 6. This chapter deals with the final inspection and verification of new installations and verification of existing installations. Most of AIE’s national standardisation experts will be aware and familiar with this issue through their participation in national standardization work. IEC ‐ MT 12 is set up to initiate this work and the first meeting was in London on the 3th and 4th of July. The work will probably take some time but the results of this work are important for our members. The Draft of the UK Proposal for New Work Proposal IEC 60364 is available at the AIE secretariat for your information. The AIE Task Force on Standardisation and Safety will discuss this topic when the proposal is approaching the consultation and voting phase.

02_European news [Directives / Projects] 02‐01: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DIRECTIVE: PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT REACHED! Procurement package: more flexibility to make strategic choices Negotiations on the modernization of the public procurement directives have succeeded! A provisional agreement was reached on June 26 between the Council and the European Parliament on the public procurement directive and a second directive covering water, energy, postal and transport services. Public procurement contracts account for around 19% of EU GDP. The new rules will modernise EU public procurement by giving contracting authorities more flexibility to make strategic choices when procuring works, goods or services to achieve specific societal goals. Best value for money The criterion of the most economically advantageous tender makes once again quality the central issue and puts an end to the dictatorship of the lowest price" said Mr. Tarabella. The price will be only one of the criteria.


The new directive will put more emphasis on other criteria such as quality, environmental considerations, social aspects or innovative characteristics, the experience of the staff performing the contract or offers of after‐sales service and technical assistance while still taking into account the price or life cycle costs of the work or service procured. It will also include tougher provisions on "abnormally low" bids and will guarantee respect for labour laws and collective agreements with the aim to fight against dumping and assure fair competition. European Single Procurement Document The bidding procedure for companies will be simplified as a standard 'European Single Procurement Document' form will be provided in all languages and public authorities will be obliged to share information on eligible bidders from national databases. This will save companies a lot of initial paperwork and make it easier for them to bid. The system will be based on self‐declarations and only the winning bidder will have to provide original documentation. New procedure for innovative solutions and better access for smaller firms MEPs introduced an entirely new procedure to strengthen innovative solutions in public procurement. The new 'Innovation Partnerships' will allow public authorities to call for tenders to solve a specific problem without pre‐empting the solution thus leaving room for negotiations between the authority and the bidding companies to find the most appropriate answer. Also a compromise has been found on subcontracting. The agreement provides for an obligation to inform the main upstream authority on the part of the contract he may intend to subcontract and the identity of its principal subcontractor contractor. Then nothing will prevent members to go further and extend the rule to all subcontractors if they so desire! The agreed text also encourages the division of contracts into lots to improve access to public procurement for small and medium‐sized enterprises. Next steps The provisionally‐agreed text still needs be formally approved by the Council and Parliament's Internal Market Committee. The committee will probably vote on the deal in July, paving the way for a plenary vote in the autumn with a probable publication in the official Journal before the end of the year. Member States will then have 2 years time to implement the Directive.

02‐02 EUROPEAN COMMISSION MOVES FORWARD ON CLIMATE AND ENERGY TOWARDS 2030 On 27 March 2013, the European Commission adopted a Green Paper on "A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies". Developing a 2030 framework for EU climate change and energy policies is necessary to provide certainty and reduced regulatory risk for investors and to mobilise the funding needed; to support progress towards a competitive economy and a secure energy system; and to establish the EU's 2030


ambition level for GHG reductions in view of a new international agreement on climate change foreseen for 2015. The 2030 framework will build on the experience and lessons learnt from the 2020 framework and will identify where improvements can be made. The Green Paper raises a set of questions, including: • • • •

What type, nature and level of climate and energy targets should be set for 2030? How can coherence between different policy instruments be attained? How can the energy system best contribute to EU competitiveness? How can Member States' different capacities to act be taken into account?

The AIE responded to the consultation by focusing on one main aspect but of utmost importance for our sector: energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is clearly a driver for installation companies creating a market of business opportunities and growth for thousands of companies in Europe! Europe needs an ambitious policy in the field of energy efficiency and simultaneously to develop its capacity of innovation in the field of energy storage, smart grids… The AIE equally referred in its response to the European Commission’s “Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation”. As part of the key measures proposed in this Communication is the proposal to develop an Integrated Roadmap. The objective of the Integrated Roadmap is to prioritise the development of innovative solutions which will respond to the needs of the European energy system by 2020, 2030 and beyond. The key principle is the need to integrate technology and innovation action with the energy policy that can only create business opportunities for AIE’s member companies!

02‐03 COMMUNICATION ON ENERGY TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CHALLENGES ‐ AIE INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS On 2 May 2013, the Commission adopted a Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation1. As part of the key measures proposed in this Communication is the proposal to develop an Integrated Roadmap under the guidance of the SET Plan Steering Group by the end of 2013. The AIE is invited to participate in the preparation of the integrated roadmap during the autumn. The objective of the Integrated Roadmap is to prioritise the development of innovative solutions which will respond to the needs of the European energy system by 2020, 2030 and beyond. The key principle is the need to integrate technology and innovation action with the energy policy.


It is proposed to organize the Integrated Roadmap according to 5 main parts: Part I will be dedicated to ‘Energy efficiency’ encompassing energy efficiency in buildings, appliances, industrial sectors and in the energy system as a whole. It will cover the impact of energy efficiency measures on the needs for heating and cooling. * One of the challenges: more energy savings in buildings by i.e. : – Increasing the rate and depth of building renovation – Increasing the availability of qualified skills of management and workforce in the construction sector – Moving to integrated design of a building – Developing tools to induce stronger energy saving behaviour of households Part II will be dedicated to ‘Competitive, efficient, secure, sustainable and flexible energy system’. It will focus on actions enabling energy system integration, ensuring flexibility of the European energy system, security of energy supply and active consumer participation. Part III will be dedicated to fostering innovation in real environments and through a market driven framework, encompassing market uptake measures supporting energy policy implementation (for grids, renewable energy, energy efficiency and other EU energy policy areas as well). Part IV will identify synergies between Parts I, II, III, provide an overview of the role and tasks of the different stakeholders. Part V will deal with the Monitoring and Review of the Integrated Roadmap. The Integrated Roadmap will have 6 year time coverage for research and innovation actions to provide sufficient time perspectives for investments in the sectors. A mid‐term review of the Integrated Roadmap is foreseen to account for any new developments as necessary.

02‐04 ANTI‐DUMPING PROCEEDING ON IMPORTS OF SOLAR CELLS, WAFERS AND PANELS FROM CHINA In 2012, the EU imported solar panels from China worth about €11.5 billion. Chinese solar panels are sold on the European market far below their normal market value, resulting, on average, in dumping margins of 88%. The objective of the European Commission to introduce levies is to reduce the harm that is caused to the European industry by unfair trade practice. •

The anti‐dumping duties is a two‐staged process: – for two months, a duty of 11.8% will have to be paid, – whereas from 6 August, duties ranging from 37.2% to 67.9% (averaging 47.6%) will be levied on solar panels from China.


By 5 December 2013, the European Commission may propose to the Council: (a) to terminate the case without measures or (b) to impose definitive anti‐dumping measures for a duration of five years

02‐05 SMART TACHOGRAPHS: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT’S COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT AND TOURISM APPROVES NEW RULES! User rules for new "smart" digital tachographs for trucks and buses were approved by the Transport and Tourism Committee on 18 June last. These devices will use satellite tracking technology to make it easier to check and enforce driving and rest times, whilst reducing the number of roadside checks. The rules now need to be approved by Parliament in Plenary and the Council of Ministers. The next generation of tachographs will be fitted to new vehicles within three years once the necessary technical specifications are defined by the Commission. Applying equally to all trucks over 3.5 tonnes on EU roads, they will make fraud and tampering far more difficult. Within 15 years, they will have to be fitted, or retrofitted, to all EU‐registered trucks and buses. Important for the AIE: Exemption for local craftsmen and small firms!!! Within one year, trucks of less than 7.5 tonnes will be exempted from the new rules if they carry materials, equipment or machinery for the driver’s use in the course of his work within a radius of 100 km (up from 50 km today) of the firm's base, provided that driving the vehicle is not the driver’s main activity. Applying social legislation fairly throughout the EU To eliminate disparities among EU member states in how social legislation is interpreted and enforced, inspectors will have to be properly trained and equipped in line with common standards to be laid down by the European Commission. > Next steps: The draft regulation, which has already been agreed with the Council Presidency at the second reading, must now be endorsed by Parliaments plenary and the Council of Ministers to enter into force one day after publication in the EU Official Journal.

02‐06 LAUNCH OF STUDY LOT 8 ON POWER CABLES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ECODESIGN DIRECTIVE In the context of the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC), DG Enterprise of the European Commission (EC) launched a preparatory study Lot 8 on Power cables. This Directive already affects environmental and/or energy efficiency specifications of a wide range of products sold in the European Union. The DG ENTR Lot 8 study has been awarded to VITO. For further details on the Ecodesign Directive, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/eco_design/index_en.htm.


The framework of preparatory studies plans the continuous consultation of all relevant stakeholders throughout the study. A project website will be online soon (www.erp4cables.net ), on which you will be invited to register and three stakeholder meetings will be organised in order to discuss the interim results and receive feedback from all stakeholders. Given the expected complexity of this product group and the new “system approach” included in the revised Methodology for the Ecodesign of Energy‐related Products (MEErP), which will be followed in the preparatory study, the project team and the EC have decided to consult some selected stakeholders at the very beginning of the study, amongst which the AIE! The AIE representative to these meetings will be Mr Danny Hermans from Belgium who will follow up this issue and be in close contact with the Technical Task Force. If AIE members are interested by this issue and related discussions, don’t hesitate to identify yourself to the AIE secretariat. We will give your name to Mr Hermans and add you to our mailing list.

02‐07 INTERESTING EU LEGAL DATABASE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICIES The ‘RES‐LEGAL.EU’ website gives you information on the important legislation on the support schemes, grid issues and policies for energy from renewable sources covering all three energy sectors: electricity, heating & cooling and transport. The scope of this database covers all the EU 27 Member States, the EFTA Countries and some EU Accession Countries. RES LEGAL Europe will help you gather, analyse and compare information on renewable energy policies. The website offers links to all relevant original legislation, is free of charge and is updated on a regular basis. > Take a glimpse at: http://www.res‐legal.eu/

03_ Sector related news 03‐01 SPOTLIGHT FENIE: INVITATION TO VARIOUS ROUND TABLES AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES DURING FENIE ANNUAL EXHIBITION IN MALLORCA ‐ 23‐25 OCTOBRE 2013 FENIE will celebrate his Annual Exhibition in October (23 – 25/10/2013) in Mallorca during which they will have some round tables focused in these topics: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Renewable Innovation in energy efficiency Smart house and energy saving Internationalization Smart metering Mrs Erika Simón of FENIE explained they would like to invite other European installers who, due to their efforts in innovation, could explain us their experience in these topics.


The aim is to exchange experiences in different contexts (locally, at national level and at international level). FENIE offers you:

Stand ttipo

> Time of the speech: 10 minutes maximum > Objective: to learn about the experience and the development of innovative products and new services of the electrical and telecommunications contractors. > Why is it interesting and important to participate? 1. Companies can show their experiences and new projects 2. Companies can highlight their experiences (products, services …) in the industry and to their clients 3. The presentation of their experiences will be shown in relevant media (press releases, FENIE website, …)

Payments: the hotel stay is free and a space within the area “INNOVA” is offered for free to international participants!!! NOTE: The INNOVA area is a free space where companies could show their products or services during the exhibition. Please see the above picture.

Important dates and information: If you are interested to participate, kindly send FENIE an email to tecnicos@fenie.es with the following information before 30/07/2013: 1. Your Contact details 2. Which round table you are interested in 3. Inform FENIE in which way your company is innovative 4. Explain FENIE of your experience in the development of innovative services or products Translation: during the round tables simultaneous translation will be available

• > More information in: http://www.fenie.es/proximas‐actividades.html (under second topic ‘XVI Congreso de FENIE’)

Do not hesitate to contact tecnicos@fenie.es (Erika Simón and Javier Dominguez) for more practical information. We warmly thank FENIE to offer other AIE member companies a platform to exchange innovation and new projects/products and hope that you will consider participation and forwarding of this free opportunity to your own members.


03‐02 YOUNG ELECTRICAL INSTALLERS IN ACTION: WORLDSKILLS LEIPZIG SHOWS NEW TALENT in the 18th profession of ‘Electrical Installation’ A short picture review / mood board with some of our AIE member participants: Congratulations to you all !! GOLD: Sakamoto, Mizuki – Japan GOLD: Schenk, Samuel – Switzerland (middle) BRONZE: Won, Sang Yeon – Korea BRONZE: Sjögren, Oskar – Sweden (left) BRONZE: Crane, Matthew – United Kingdom (right)

Oskar Sjögren focussing on the KNX programming [Sweden] © WorldSkills Matthew Crane in action [UK] Sébastien de Maere [candidate Skills Belgium] is being interviewed by RTBF – Belgians’ national french television and awarded with a medal of excellence during his participation at the World Skills Leipzig. © Fedelec


VSEI sends congratulations in the ‘Electrowattelse blog’ to Remo, Lucas and Samuel: GOLD for Elektroinstallateur Samuel Schenk in Profession 18 „Electrical Installations“ World Skills Diploma for Elektroinstallater Lucas Däscher in Profession 19 „Industrial Control“ World Skills Diploma for Remo Schacher in Profession 02 „Information Network Cabling“ in the first appearance of telematics. © VSEI

View all the candidates that competed for Leipzig 2013 ‘Electrical Installations’

> Picture sets of the whole event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/worldskills/sets/ © Some sphere pictures thanks to VSEI (Electrowattelse)/ FEDELEC and WorldSkills.org

> About WorldSkills: The WorldSkills has taken place for the 42nd time this year. Around 1,000 young people from 65 countries and regions will compete in various professions in industry, trade and services against each other. The spectrum ranges from small‐scale commercial and technical activities across to young disciplines in the IT sector. The "World Cup of professions" is not only a performance competition: Together with an attractive program enter the WorldSkills international experts in vocational training, business and politics at the same time an inspiring platform for the exchange and inspire their predominantly young audience for new training programs. The roar of an enthused international crowd filled the arena with every medal announcement in Leipzig. Total number of people in attendance for the event, including the Competition, Opening, and Closing Ceremonies was close to 200,000. With over 1,000 accredited media. > EuroSkills 2014 update – Lille | France Preparations have started in the French city of Lille for the EuroSkills 2014 competition scheduled to take place from 2 to 4 October 2014! More info on: http://www.euroskills.org

03‐03 PROPOSAL TO THE COMMISSION OF A PAN‐EUROPEAN ACCIDENT AND INJURY DATA SYSTEM Several EU‐level organizations representing a broad social and economic spectrum in Europe, ‘the Coalition’, have urged the Commission to review its proposal for a Regulation on the Market Surveillance of Products, and to include a clear and binding provision that requires Member States to collect data on product related injuries and to enable the Commission to create an EU‐funded accident and injury data system that embraces all MSs. The Coalition firmly believes that such a database would assist market surveillance authorities to make more informed risk assessment decisions, allow standardisers to develop better product standards and would help manufacturers to adapt the design of safety into new products.


The AIE has h expressed its interest towards th he Coalition and a supportss the propossal to create of a Pan‐ European Accident and d Injury Data System. Bein ng active sincce several yeaars in the field of domestic electrical safety, the AIE is very interested to o join this inittiative havingg gathered a substantial aand valuable amount of a toggether with different parrtners that certainly c could be most helpful in th his positive data on accidents initiative.

03‐04 EURELECTRIC C PAPER SETS OUT HOW H TO ENSURE E EU U‐WIDE ACC CESS TO CHARGING IN NFRASTRUCTTURE FOR E‐MOBILITY C CUSTOMERSS Electric caars will play aa big role in m making Europ pe's transporrt system more sustainable, as highligh hted in the European Commission n's Clean Pow wer for Transsport packagee. But uncerttainty surrou unding futuree rules and regulation ns is holding back the devvelopment off a widespreaad e‐mobilityy market. In a a paper published on 4 and custom July, EURELECTRIC setts out the ellectricity indu ustry's views on how a cost‐efficient c mer‐friendly market m model for e‐mo obility could b be structured d across Europ pe. The paper focuses on how to bestt roll out chaarging infrastrructure in pu ublic areas. Itt presents tw wo possible market m models: an independent e‐m mobility model and an inteegrated infrasstructure model. In the ind dependent e‐mobilityy model, onlyy those actuaally using thee public chargging infrastru ucture are askked to bear tthe cost of the infrastructure invvestment. In n the integraated infrastructure modeel, by contrast, the infrrastructure investmen nt is integrate ed in the grid tariffs, thus sspreading thee cost betweeen all electricity grid users. Both market models aaim to provide e‐mobility customers w with the samee confidence in infrastructture access that they might have w with conventiional vehicless. To this end, they integraate possible 'rroaming' funcctionalities that would allow e‐mo obility custom mers to accesss public chargging infrastruccture all acrosss Europe. The Europ pean electriciity industry d does not favour one markeet model over the other. H However, tod day's paper does makke clear that policymakerss urgently need to take a decision, to ensure that ee‐mobility can truly get off the gro ound.

03‐05 O ORGALIME LA AUNCH NEW W 'ELECTRA' WEBSITE ‐ h http://www w.electra202 20.eu The electrical and a electroniics industry (EEI) ( is a keyy player in pro oviding solutiions for curreent and futurre issues whicch are vital forr a developeed economy:: a reliable energy supp ply, energy effficient installations and d buildings, a smart industrial pro oduction, green transpo ortation, etc.. The ‘Electra’ report ideentified the areas to wh hich this ind dustry can siignificantly con ntribute while at the samee time maintaaining and im mproving its com mpetitiveness in an incrreasingly diffficult markett. AIE has con ntributed to ttheir latest reeport ‘The Sm mart World’. Now, you will be able tto find all thin ngs 'Electra' in one place....www.electtra2020.eu


04_ Future events http://www.aie.eu/aie/page/Events Please don’t forget to take a look on the AIE website for future AIE meetings in 2013.

04‐01 AIE COUNCIL OF DELEGATES | GCI‐UICP GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 12‐14 SEPTEMBER 2013 IN COPENHAGEN REGISTRATION OPEN NOW: LAST CHANCE EARLY BIRD TILL 12TH OF JULY. In 2013 our European Council of Delegates will get a new outlook as a European Installers Summit, in partnership with the GCI‐UICP. From the 12th until the 14th of September, our Danish members of TEKNIQ will warmly host this year’s congress in colourful Copenhagen. This week is your last chance to register as an early bird! > Download the full venue and registration conditions in pdf EN | pdf FR | pdf DE > Register yourself now!

04‐02 SEEEI INVITES YOU TO JOIN ELECTRICITY 2013 IN JERUSALEM: INVITATION AND CALL FOR PAPERS Call for papers and invitation to participate at Electricity 2013 in Jerusalem – extended deadline 25th of July. The organizing committee cordially invites you to take advantage of "Electricity 2013" convention to meet your worldwide colleagues, find out about the latest innovations in Electrical Engineering and enjoy further opportunities related to the hottest topics in Energy such as natural gas, renewable energy and more. Join renowned international speakers at plenary and panel discussions. This year too they expect the participation of 1500 attendees worldwide. Furthermore, the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (SEEEI) invites engineers, researchers, investors and capital market leaders, regulators and other professionals to submit abstracts for economics, strategic, engineering and scientific presentations. For the full list of session's themes please enter our call for paper or enter www.electricity2013.com


The whole SEEEI team is looking forward to receive your abstract and to seeing you in Jerusalem! For more info please contact: Eveline Shpitzer – Gotlib Multi‐ linguistic International coordinator SEEEI ‐ Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Israel Email: evelin@seeei.org.il Ph: +972‐526‐773739

05_ Publications – check new AIE and related publications at our library on ISSUU 05‐01 PUBLICATION OF A NEW REPORT "LIGHTING THE CITIES ‐ ACCELERATING THE DEPLOYMENT OF INNOVATIVE LIGHTING IN EUROPEAN CITIES" The European Commission informed about the publication of a new report on "Lighting the Cities ‐ Accelerating the deployment of innovative lighting in European cities". The report provides concrete guidelines on how to best proceed with the deployment of LED lighting in European cities. It is part of the European Commission's Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) policy on Solid State Lighting (SSL) as described in the Commission Green Paper "Lighting the Future" (COM(2011)899), to which the AIE had actively contributed. The aim of this report is to disseminate it widely and bring the report to the attention of the relevant lighting services of your city or municipality. > Web references: Report "Lighting the Cities": http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=2303 DAE blog: https://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/blog/lighting‐cities‐%E2%80%93‐next‐step DAE newsroom item: https://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/news/new‐commission‐report‐lighting‐cities‐ accelerating‐deployment‐innovative‐lighting‐european European Association of Electrical Contractors “ELECTRICITY SURROUNDS US – TOUCHES EVERY ONE OF US, EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE. Who we are: The European Association of Electrical Contractors – AIE – comprises 20 national associations representing 175,000 contractors, a workforce of nearly 1.000,000 and a turnover of Euro 75 billion. Monitoring the EU agenda/Directives relevant for the electrical sector, the AIE points out the key strategies and main priorities for the modern electrical contractor. With the increasing complexity of technical installations, the private consumer and house owners are becoming more and more dependent on the knowledge and creativity of the electrical contractor. He is an expert adviser who is able to explain to the client the possibilities and advantages of new technology in a technical and environmental way. Kindly visit our website: www.aie.eu or contact us at info@aie.eu.


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