2015 pdf digital newsletter june 2015

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© PDF _ DIGITAL NEWSLETTER – JUNE 2015 • EYE CATCHER: Stricter EU energy efficiency and performance laws • EUROPEAN NEWS [Directive/Project / Events] • SECTOR RELATED NEWS • FUTURE EVENTS: AIE-GCP Europe Summit 2015 • PUBLICATIONS [Position Papers/Press Release]


Stricter EU energy efficiency and performance laws will be rolled out by the European Commission next year, and enforcement of existing regulation will be further stepped up, according to Maroš Šefčovič the bloc’s energy chief.

“We like to dream about the future, but we’re also very realistic.” Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union

Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič confirmed that the new rules would have stronger requirements than the existing Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. During the Sustainable Energy week, he spoke at an event delivering the following messages: He conceded there was little chance of national governments agreeing to revise upwards their target of increasing their energy efficiency by 27% by 2030, which was agreed last October with the option of revisiting it in 2020. 2012’s EED failed to trigger the renovation of the EU’s building stock, which would bring consumption and cost savings, because national governments have not put it on their lawbooks. In March, the Commission brought legal action against every EU member state, with the sole exception of Malta, for failing to make the EED national law. There was more enforcement action to come, announced Šefčovič. “First, we need to make sure that what has been agreed is properly implemented,” he said, "So therefore I think you will see more infringement procedures from us to the member states.” Both the EED and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive have review clauses for next year to ensure 2020 climate and energy targets are hit. But the review would be driven by the executive’s commitment to put “energy efficiency first” EU officials said. It would also be informed by the need to ensure that the bloc hit its target of at least 27% improvement in efficiency by 2030, they added. Šefčovič is touring Europe and Member States to drum up more support for the Energy Union, which plans to create a grid where surplus energy in one part of the EU can make up shortfalls elsewhere. “I campaign for the major goals of the Energy Union,” he said.


02_European news [Directives / Projects / Events] 02-01: EUSEW15 HIGHLIGHTS! The AIE General Secretary attended several sessions in Brussels in the Sustainable Energy week from 15 to 18 June. During 3 days experts, stakeholders and Commission agreed that greater emphasis on energy efficiency (EE) – using less energy in buildings, appliances, manufacturing … in daily life – is a common-sense solution to saving money and the environment. A collective effort is needed at all levels – from local projects to global capital – to place the consumer at the centre of the energy equation and put EE first, said experts addressing a dedicated session on the energy efficiency investment framework on day three of EUSEW 2015. To reach the 2020 energy-saving target of at least 27 % (and the more ambitious 30 % by 2030), it is important to treat EE as a “fundamental principal and to moderate energy demand”, said Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union. Innovative start-ups, SMEs and industry are embracing EE because it makes good business sense. The savings are tangible. Technological breakthroughs in Europe will be in demand all over the world. Europe needs to provide the right regulatory environment and incentives for the financial community to invest more in EE. “[But] we must leverage and complement private investment and not crowd it out,” he cautioned. Paul Hodson, Head of the Energy Efficiency Unit (DG ENER), said there are already real, tangible benefits: “The EU has succeeded in decoupling economic growth and energy consumption … One way or another we see EE is getting financed.” But we can do better… Better energy-performance certification for buildings and more streamlined funding for EE investments at EU and national level are among the recommendations in a recent report by the Energy Efficiency Financial Institution Group (EEFIG) of experts set up by the European Commission and UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative to boost the scale and prominence of EE investments across the EU. The Group also calls for a dedicated energy and cost database for buildings and a project rating system to provide transparent assessment of the technical and financial risks of energy renovation projects for buildings. On the report, Peter Sweatman, EEFIG’s rapporteur and CEO of Climate Strategies Partners, said a concerted effort is needed to meet the EE and greenhouse gas targets, and that the building sector has a key role. Specifically, the EU building “renovation rate and depth” needs to more than double by 2020 to secure 2050 targets, he said, and private investment in EU buildings must increase by five times.


Behavioural change is critical to achieving this, he added: “Wasting energy should become like smoking - increasingly socially unacceptable.” And he called for a dedicated “sales force” to help drive demand for EE renovation in Member States. Vice President Šefčovič offered an apt sum-up to the evolution that Europe is undergoing in EE: “The Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stones, but rather because we transitioned to better solutions.” We have to do the same with energy efficiency, he urged. Key moments of the Sustainable Energy Week “We can't afford to waste energy anymore.” “All of the nominations are unique. But one thing they have in common is that they put the consumer at the centre of the energy system.” Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action & Energy

“We need a peaceful divorce between economic growth and emissions.” Fatih Birol, Chief Economist and Director of Global Energy Economics, International Energy Agency (IEA)

“The Energy Union should go hand in hand with a Digital Union.” Jerzy Buzek, MEP and Chair of the European Parliament’s Industry Committee.

“Now that PV in particular has become a consumer product, the consumer will play with it. That is an unstoppable force.” Marie Donnelly, Director at the Directorate-General for Energy



The European Commission recently released a public consultation regarding the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The objective of this consultation is to consult stakeholders on the review of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and evaluate whether the directive has met its aims. The consultation will also explore issues in relation to the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative and the links of the directive with other energy policy areas. The public consultation launches the review into the directive, which is due by 1 January 2017 as required under Article 19 of the directive. The evaluation should reflect the experience gained and progress made since the adoption of the Directive. If necessary, the Commission should make proposals on the basis of the evaluation. The AIE Task Force Energy will have a look at the consultation, available since 30 June on https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EnergyPerformanceBuildingsDirectiveConsultation1. The 12 chapters long consultation with 76 questions is exhaustive and detailed but deserves a closer look to: - chapter C on Energy performance certificates and stimulating energy efficiency renovation, - chapter I on competitiveness and skills in the construction sector and - chapter J on building system requirements and regular inspection of technical systems! The Consultation is open until 31 October 2015. The questions are in English but the Commission invites respondents to answer in any of the official EU languages. AIE members are invited to give input and feedback to the AIE secretariat (eschellekens@aie.eu) and the chairman of the Task Force Energy (a.cintrat@serce.fr ).


The European Commission (EC) published a public consultation to collect stakeholders' views on the priorities of their more ambitious proposal to be published by end 2015 to promote the Circular Economy. A ‘circular economy’ aims to maintain the value of the materials and energy used in products in the value chain for the optimal duration, thus minimizing waste and resource use. By preventing losses of value from materials flows, it creates economic opportunities and competitive advantages on a sustainable basis. A successful transition towards a circular economy requires action at all stages in the value chain: from the extraction and transportation of raw materials, through material and product design, production, distribution and consumption of goods, repair, remanufacturing and reuse schemes, to waste management and recycling.


In December 2014, the Commission announced the withdrawal of its legislative proposal for the review of waste legislation, to be replaced by a new, more ambitious, initiative for the promotion of the circular economy by the end of 2015. View the consultation: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/circular-economy Deadline for responses: 20 August 2015

03_ Sector related news AIE INTERNAL 03-01: ASSOCIATION’S LIFE: AIE MEETS ITS MEMBERS During the month of May and June, Evelyne Schellekens, AIE’s Secretary General had the opportunity to meet and/or to participate at members’ events. Early May she met the CEO and technical director of FENIE, AIE’s Spanish member to share and discuss the current concerns the association is currently facing: - Combating late payment remains a huge problem resulting in most difficult times for member companies yet in a difficult economic situation. - The lack of inspection of the electrical installation combined with the withdrawal 5 years ago of the regulated profession of electrical contractor, together with a lack of investment in education is resulting in a lack of skills and a potential threat of facing future dangerous electrical installations. - There is huge interest in the self-consumption of domestic installed RES technologies. On 28th of May, ZVEH, the German electrical contractors association held its Jahresversammlung, the annual General Assembly gathering the whole German electrical industry in one place. Mr Walter Tschischka was honoured for his dedicated services to the sector with the highest decoration of the Federal German State. The main theme during these days was the concept of ‘Industry 4.0’ and the bright perspective further to the energy policy (Energiewende) for the electrical contracting sector: building automation, emobility and the charging stations, innovative solutions to enhance energy efficiency with e.g. monitoring and metering systems and the installation of renewable systems. Skilled and high qualified workforce is therefore needed and the ZVEH together with the electrical value chain monitors closely the results of training and education as to deliver competent skilled installers through their training ‘Dual Ausbildungssystem’. At the annual Assembly of SELECT, AE’s Scottish member, the AIE made a presentation about ‘Europe: what does it mean for the installer?’ explaining the role and importance of European legislation at national level being both a framework and a trigger in certain policy areas such as the Energy Policy. Beyond excellent services delivered to their member companies, SELECT’s main concern is to enable the regulation of the profession of the electrical installation industry.


EU-TOOLS 03-02: CEN-CENELEC E-LEARNING TOOL ON STANDARDIZATION A new CEN-CENELEC interactive online educational tool provides European SMEs with a chance to learn about standardization in a quick and easy way. By way of short animations and explanatory texts the participants will learn about the benefits of using standards and of participating in standardization. CEN and CENELEC have developed this eLearning tool that is intended to encourage SMEs to become more involved in standardization and have their say in creating the best possible business environment for their activities. The eLearning tool consists of 6 modules with individual subjects. Each module begins with a review of the learning targets followed by an animation that explains the subject based on a concrete situation. The animations take place at a BBQ party, where the host, Bruno, talks to the various participants of a recent conference on standards and information security. After each animation, the participant can read more about the subject and finally test his/her knowledge. The eLearning tool is available in 23 languages and will be promoted to European SMEs through the National Standards Bodies but SME representatives are invited to promote the tool amongst their members e.g. by adding the link to their websites. We would appreciate receiving your feedback on the tool as well as being informed if and how you have promoted the tool (please send to eschellekens@aie.eu ).

> Learn how SMEs benefit from standardization

03-03: A NEW WEBSITE/TOOL “MY SMART ENERGY” FOR CONSUMERS Europe’s consumers are increasingly presented with the opportunity to play an active role in a more sustainable energy system where efficiency, decarbonisation and renewable energy are central drivers. In the short-term, they will be confronted with technological changes necessary to adapt to this new energy paradigm. Before we can expect households to engage in the energy transition, becoming active energy players, stakeholders have a responsibility to help them understand: what is happening in their energy system, why it is happening, and which are the benefits for them and society. On 17 June the website of My Smart Energy (www.my-smart-energy.eu) was launched, a new panEuropean portal designed as a first step towards providing everyday household consumers in Europe with easy to understand information addressing these questions, from their perspective. The website, developed by European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) and the European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) provides accessible explanations and materials that, alongside helping consumers, can help local authorities, utilities, national information campaigns and other stakeholders to introduce the changes about to take place in their communities. Awareness and understanding will lead to consumer empowerment and engagement.


Some of the website’s features    

What are smart meters? Why are they installed? What do they mean for me? What are smart grids? Why do we need them? My benefits My country: information on smart meter roll-outs in each member state and links to helpful videos and materials in their own language.

Consultation The My Smart Energy website is considered Phase I of a potentially farther-reaching consumer awareness campaign. A public consultation was therefore launched in parallel seeking views on the new website as well as considerations for Phase II. Interested stakeholders from consumer groups, local authorities, European institutions, network operators, the smart energy sector, and other are encouraged to reply to the online survey until July 17 2015.

PARTNER ORGANISATIONS 03-04: EUEW ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT João Bencatel of the independent electrical wholesale company Electro-Rayd, which belongs to the Portuguese national association Fegime, has been elected as the next president of the European electrical wholesalers association EUEW in Lisbon. He succeeds to Jens Andersen, CEO of Solar Denmark, who has held the office for the last two years. Ulrich Liedtke from Würth electrical wholesale company was elected vice-president, thus becoming Bencatel’s successor in two years’ time.

04_ Future events http://www.aie.eu/aie/page/Events Please don’t forget to take a look on the AIE website for more future AIE meetings in 2015 04-01 AIE/GCP EUROPE INSTALLERS SUMMIT 2015 IN EDINBURGH 10-12.09.2015

AIE President Allan Littler warmly thanks SELECT's President Mr. Eric Rae and the team of SELECT, Scotland’s trade association for the electrical industry, for hosting the next joint AIE - GCP Europe


Installers Summit, Council of Delegates and General Assembly in the beautiful heart of Scotland, Edinburgh. Scotland’s inspiring capital is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but it also surrounded by a beautiful coastline and countryside. All information about statutory documents and the update programme will be available on: www.aie.eu

05_ Publications – check new AIE and related publications at our library on ISSUU AIE members and other related organisations from the electrical value chain are invited to inform us on interesting articles, brochures, scientific reports that can be added to our AIE online ISSUU Library!

European Association of Electrical Contractors “ELECTRICITY SURROUNDS US – TOUCHES EVERY ONE OF US, EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE. Who we are: The AIE – the European Association of electrical contracting companies - represents through its 18 national member associations about 137,000 specialist contracting companies employing about 1,300,000 workers in the EU-countries and beyond. The AIE represents companies from all sizes, the big majors and a majority of small and medium size enterprises [SME]. AIE member companies have an in-depth knowledge and high-quality expert skills to carry out all kind of electrical engineering and infrastructure works [high, medium and low voltage]. The overall turnover of the sector is approximately 158 billion Euros. Monitoring the EU agenda/Directives relevant for the electrical sector, the AIE points out the key strategies and main priorities for the modern electrical contractor. With the increasing complexity of technical installations, the private consumer and house owners are becoming more and more dependent on the knowledge and creativity of the electrical contractor. He is an expert adviser who is able to explain to the client the possibilities and advantages of new technology in a technical and environmental way. Kindly visit our website: www.aie.eu or contact us at info@aie.eu.


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