Embracing 60 yearsof AIE def

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European Associa�on of

1954 ~ 2014

Electrical Contractors

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A touch of history

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President’s thoughts

AIE’s 60 year anniversary In 1954, five presidents of five na�onal Electrical contractors associa�ons from France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark saw the need for coopera�on with their peers over the borders. That’s how our associa�on - AIE - was founded. All those men had experienced the war in Europe, followed by the rebuilding period that requested a great demand of electrical installa�ons and of material which was acute at their �me. I believe these five wise men had many reasons for closer rela�onship. The labour union was already pre�y strong in many countries. The market situa�on gave them the opportunity to claim be�er and higher salaries and for the manufacturers it was a reason to raise the product prices. So sharing informa�on crossborder was useful for their business. Perhaps the war had also taught them that the best way to avoid conflicts is to collaborate with each other. Without undermining their mo�va�on, they could not suspect how important the role of AIE would have today watching the powerful EU, that makes legisla�on for 28 countries impac�ng the electrical contractors as well as many other sectors. So we must be thankful to those men for their ini�a�ve, decisions and all the work they did for AIE. We have also to be grateful to France for those years when they sponsored the president and the part �me secretarial services for the use of AIE. This is also the reason why the AIE’s office was se�led in Paris un�l 2001. Over the decades the scope and mission of AIE has changed many �mes, and so it should be. Associa�ons are supposed to follow the members’needs and expecta�ons or even some�mes show the way forward looking at the future. In case the associa�on looses its goal to provide any useful informa�on to its members it should be closed down, in order to avoid useless expenses. This was the case with CEETB. In the end, all members decided it was a useless burden with high expenses. The difficult decision proved to be the right one. Today equal rela�onship between AIE and GCI-UICP has started in a posi�ve atmosphere. Old disputes will be buried in the same coffin as CEETB. The recent years have equally been difficult for many other associa�ons in Brussels and some have faced the same des�ny as CEETB. Once in a while it’s good to look back and see how and what we did to get there. I had the opportunity last January to visit by chance the Edison & Ford winter Estates Museum in West Florida Cape Coral. Those two fellows were good friends and neighbours at winter �mes. Both had nice coastline proper�es, but Edison had an own laboratory in addi�onal in his backyard. He couldn’t turn his brains off, even on holidays. All those proper�es are nowadays museums where the en�re collec�on of the inven�ons of both guys is exhibited. The interes�ng story is that those two fellows were con�nuously arguing whether the automobile should have a fuel- or an electric motor. The first hundred years Ford was right, but I bet Edison will win within this century. As Edison we, in the electrical sector all know that electricity will be the energy form for the future. Janne Skogberg |President of AIE

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A touch of history

Shared Passion, Shared Business

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Incoming AIE President

As your incoming President, I am honoured and intend to build on the marvellous works of the last two Presidents, Jacques Wetzel and Janne Skogberg and their suppor�ng team in the Policy Coordina�ng Commi�ee (PCC) plus repay the support of my GB na�onal associa�ons. My aspira�ons for the future will be shaped by, bright ideas from the team ( PCC and General Secretaries) and will normally be based on the successes from the past. The past is easier to see : • Europe – Has lived beyond its means, with a decline on a compe��ve basis in global markets, used cheap credit money for consump�on / social standards of living and used a common currency even though there was a North-South divide on wealth crea�on. • AIE – A�er leading Electrical Contractors visited the USA, the AIE was created in 1954, four years before the treaty of Rome and has expanded to the present day to be a truly Interna�onal Associa�on with Na�onal members and associates. It is built on a very small infrastructure (1.5 full �me equivalent people )and a modest budget (£200K) but with the support of 20 Na�onal Associa�ons who provide crea�ve people for Officers, Delegates, Commi�ees and Task Forces plus have a voice that pyramids at the Annual Conference of Delegates. Despite border and cultural differences, Electrical Contractors and Na�onal Associa�ons have developed many things in common and a networking of people and technologies to be proud of. The hard part is developing Bright Ideas that will bring future successes: • AIE Strategic Roadmap – To build on a live document that reflects our joint Values and Core Businesses, Provide Focus on the Markets, Mission, Drivers, Ac�vi�es and Priori�es, and give us the Plan and Strategic Direc�on for the Future. • Succession Planning – To ensure that All Na�onal Associa�ons are able to par�cipate in Annual Conference of Delegates, Presidency, Officers, Commi�ees and Task Forces. Selec�on of the Candidates, the big �cket Agenda Items, Contribu�ons and Budget Implica�ons. • Contribu�on & Budgets – It is important in an Interna�onal Associa�on that we establish on an open, fair and equitable basis, what will be done centrally and what will be done na�onally. To fulfil our joint aspira�ons on a value for money basis is not easy, especially when parts of Europe are in financial problems. • Infrastructure – Being suppor�ve of our General Secretary and her Assistant (1.5 full �me equivalent) is more than providing the contribu�ons and budget, it is providing people and informa�on as required from the na�onal associa�ons. • Business Opportuni�es – For Electrical Contractors and Building Services Contractors, must be on the Agenda for all AIE Mee�ngs. Also promo�on (to the European business and poli�cal communi�es) of the AIE and all the na�onal associa�ons the AIE represents is essen�al. • Industry Supply Chain – Size is not everything, but we find that represen�ng 20 Countries, 175,000 companies and 1,000,000 staff, the AIE is taken seriously when we represent our members. When we work with the supply chain (Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Raw Material Providers, Energy Suppliers, Network Services, Specialist Contractors, Building Services Contractors, Mechanical Contractors, Other Associa�ons, etc.) we are taken even more seriously. The Industry Supply Chain at 350 billion euros is over 10% of the E.U. Gross Domes�c Product. • E.U. Policy & Legisla�on – We must strive to stay abreast of developments in Brussels which will impact on na�onal issues. In conclusion, I must strive to maximise the opportuni�es, encourage par�cipa�on and support, while being aware of ensuring Value for Money and focus on the challenges we face. Allan Li�ler |Incoming President of AIE

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Paris, June 1966

YEAR 1954 1955

1954-2014 Presidents

1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1964 1966 1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

CITY/COUNTRY Paris London Zürich Kopenhagen Roma Paris London Copenhagen Genève Wien Roma Berlin Luzern Paris Kopenhagen London Milano Edinburgh Paris Frankfurt Firenze Wien London Paris Zurich Bern Stu�gart Edinburgh Kopenhagen Nice Barcelona München Padova Amsterdam Harstad Kopenhagen Tours Eastbourne Wien














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Benne� D Huguet








Harrower I






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YEAR 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

CITY/COUNTRY Marseille Helsinki Firenze Zerma� Münster Mallorca Wien Paris Locarno Antwerpen Oslo Edinburgh Madrid Luxembourg Kopenhagen Sintra London Athens Brussels Ro�erdam Heidelberg Rome Luxemburg Bern Nice Brussels Helsinki Copenhagen Portorož

Budgets/Calcula�ons 2002-2014 Year

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fixed part 5087 5468.5 5577 5577 5580 5591 5958 6067 6103 6103 6309 6697 6800

Propor�onal per country 124.84 132.56 150.22 149.88 149.96 146.73 148.14 145.16 144.94 144.44 141.72 143.62 153.52

total AIE inhabitants 394.95 399.84 399.84 400.74 400.74 389.84 389.84 405.08 408.09 409.50 407.50 398.63 420.78














Harrower II












Skogberg I




Number of countries 18 18 20 20 20 19 18 18 18 18 17 16.50 15.50

Budget in euro 140.868 151.435 171.612 171.610 171.700 163.433 165.000 168.000 169.000 169.000 165.000 170.000 170.000

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Rela�onship, Friendship, Partnership

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Dedica�on, Perseverance, Vision

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AIE : 60 years associa�on life !

Achievements of AIE

Associations are the hubs of civil society – places where rela�onships grow and are sustained. An associa�on with a big A is about connec�ons, links, partnerships and networks. It is about gathering people together, gathering informa�on, gathering hearts and minds… But true associa�on is of course also about listening and to be heard: when you are pleased to be associated with a cause, an organiza�on… when you feel your voice is heard! 60 years ago, the five founding countries of the AIE – Denmark, France, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom – acknowledged the value of the saying: “In two heads you have more than one”. Very quickly, 2 years later in 1956, Austria joined the cause, steadily followed by Germany (‘61), Scotland (‘63), Spain (‘65) (then in the form of FENIE, in 1985), the Netherlands (‘67) and Belgium (‘69). Today, 60 years later, the world has changed, technologies have tremendously evolved and compe��veness has increased in a global market. The European Union has and con�nues to change: enlargement to 28 countries, the Eurozone, the declining industrial compe��veness in Europe, the controversial impact of the internal market and free movement of workers… These are huge challenges we face! Nevertheless, we have the choice: we face it or we escape by s�cking our heads in the sand and hope it will disappear by itself. In Europe 60 years later, 75% of the na�onal legisla�on is deriving directly from European Direc�ves or Regula�ons. In Brussels only, more than 2000 officially registered associa�ons are monitoring and lobbying all ini�a�ves from the European ins�tu�ons and are ac�ve in European affairs. The AIE is of course one of them! In the European landscape and during the legisla�ve process, the AIE has raised its profile and posi�oned itself in order to par�cipate at an early stage to important discussions at European level. We can be proud of ourselves to have contributed to meaningful successes and to obtain sa�sfac�on for the electrical contrac�ng community in Direc�ves such as in the European Buildings Performance Direc�ve where technical systems in buildings are today acknowledged as key in the achievement of the EU energy policy; in the Renewables Direc�ve where exis�ng na�onal qualifica�on schemes for small scale renewable systems need to be taken into account next to new qualifica�on schemes. Furthermore the role of installers as energy services providers and the importance of trade associa�ons in the installers’ qualifica�on schemes are explicitly recognized in the latest Energy Efficiency Direc�ve. In the Public procurement Direc�ve, a long ba�le against the lowest price has been won in favour of the economically most advantageous tenders next to several other measures

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favouring SME’s. In the Ecodesign Direc�ve we avoided the ban of electric space heaters and more recently the AIE mobilised the electrical value chain of the nega�ve impact for the electrical sector of the Primary energy conversion factor. Some�mes AIE’s added value or work is more difficult to demonstrate… in par�cular in what didn’t happen thanks to AIE action e.g. when the AIE managed to dissuade the European Commission not to follow and adopt the requirement of the ligh�ng industry or the renewable sector who pushed for specific and compulsory installers’ cer�fica�on schemes. The AIE has developed over the years most valuable coopera�on, partnerships and alliances with other sector related associa�ons such as most recently regarding the Primary energy conversion factor, as coopera�ng partner of CENELEC in the standardiza�on field, as associate member of World skills Europe to whom the AIE requested a stand-alone category ‘electrical installa�on’ in the Euroskills compe��on or with KNX to promote energy efficient technologies. The AIE has certainly achieved through coopera�on with other stakeholders more than one could think! Through posi�on papers, panel discussions, webinars, internal mee�ngs, one can say that AIE enhance, inspire, change, advise and informs about the value of the electrical contrac�ng community. By closely monitoring the European scene, the AIE informs and listens to its na�onal associa�ons as to properly influence about the important role of the electrical contractor in the market place when installing new and energy efficient technologies and offering intelligent solu�ons to the customer. AIE is all of this: exchange and share, inform and discuss, listen and learn! Since 60 years the AIE works as an informa�on and network pla�orm towards its member associa�ons whilst monitoring and lobbying the electrical contractors’ interests towards the EU ins�tu�ons and gaining importance on the European scene! TOGETHER is therefore the right European word and vision to be used to celebrate 60 years of AIE existence! Evelyne Schellekens | AIE General Secretary

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Network of the AIE across Europe

Networking in 60 years

• Coopera�ng partner of CENELEC – the European Commi�ee for Electrotechnical standardiza�on • Electrical value chain Alliance on a common posi�on on the Primary energy conversion factor

o EUEW (European Union of electrical wholesalers) o CECED (European commi�ee of domes�c equipment manufacturers) o EURELECTRIC (Union of the Electricity Industry) o ECI (European Copper Industry) o EUHA (Electric underfloor hea�ng Alliance) • Coopera�on with EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Associa�on) on several issues : o European projects SUNRISE and INSTALL+RES o Photovoltaics promo�on campaign: Your Sun Your energy • European PV technology pla�orm: AIE chairmanship of WG, publica�ons of Frequently Asked Ques�ons, leaflet for installers • Member of the Sherpa group within Orgalime (European Engineering Industries Associa�on) on the ELECTRA report • Discussion and contacts with Ligh�ng Europe on ligh�ng design legisla�on, uptake of the LED market • Partnership with KNX in the framework of the European Compe��on of Young Electricians, the Council of Delegates and the Interna�onal KNX awards • Associate membership of World skills Europe crea�ng a new individual category for electrical installa�ons • AIE is an official recognized as a BUILD UP Partner. Build UP partners are wellestablished umbrella and network organisa�ons commi�ed to energy efficiency in buildings across Europe. • Contacts with Europacable on the sector related issues amongst which the study under the ecodesign legisla�on on power cables • Regular contacts with CECAPI (European Commi�ee of electrical installa�on equipment manufacturers)

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Serving, Saving, Solving

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Key priori�es now & then

1954 Single currency vision EU Common internal market First 20 years: Technical issues, safety and standardisa�on First common priority on social area’s: wages and collec�ve bargaining agreements

2014 Safety & Standardisa�on regula�on Monitoring EU legisla�on Profiling installer as solu�on provider Inform EC on installers’ branch AIE Website as key info pla�orm Profiling electrical contractors as Energy Efficiency & Energy Services providers Mutual benchmarking of best prac�ces Fostering status of electrical contrac�ng in legisla�ve and regulatory EU framework 2030 Climate Package Educa�on and qualifica�on schemes for electrical contractors Increase presence and involvement of members Electrical vehicles Impact of the Primary Energy Conversion Factor for the electrical sector Review Ecodesign & Labelling Direc�ve Focus on the development and career opportuni�es in the industry.

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Reliable Partnerships

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Las�ng Allies

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New associate members

Rudi Zorko

Vladimir Janžekovič

Andrej Počivavšek

Why OZS/EZS has chosen to join and embrace AIE A�er Slovenia joined the EU, we faced new possibili�es for the electrical contractors companies. We knew that we should improve business in our companies with new added value and therefore, one of those inputs for us was the decision to join AIE. Alone we can do a lot, but without broadening our minds and ac�vi�es we wouldn’t be able to measure results of comparability of work. Vision We are defining a new market segmenta�on for the electrical contractor business. Technology is more and more sophis�cated and AIE’s added value in this program is »opening the doors« and showing the opportuni�es for our companies. The domestic EU market is much bigger than the country market itself and AIE gathers associated EU na�onal organisa�ons with similar inten�ons in safety & quality, core business segmenta�on, new technologies and standardisa�on. Expecta�ons > Interac�on between installer and investor/user should be changed in be�er level of business ethics > Be�er possibility to understand technical regula�on of other countries > Try to find op�mum content for professional and prac�cal electrotechnical educa�on or training of young people > Joining ac�ons of promo�ng electrotechical jobs and schools > Make electrical Safety the highest priority of EU government and public percep�on > Our companies and workers are working also abroad and OZS should be the right point to inform the installers. Inspec�on of new installa�ons and periodical inspec�on of exis�ng installa�ons is another topic which we pointed out. The geographic posi�on of Slovenia is also important for business coopera�on with other countries, as we see win-win situa�ons in the future. We strongly believe in AIE’s mo�o, that together we enhance our strengths by installing comfort, safety and performance within a constantly evolving sector. Rudi Zorko | EZS | Electrotechnical Associa�on of Slovenia General Secretary

Vladimir Janžekovič | OZS | Chamber of Cra� and Small Business of Slovenia |Electro Sec�on President

Andrej Počivavšek |OZS | Chamber of Cra� and Small Business of Slovenia | Electro Sec�on Vice President

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TTF, GS & PCC in Hungary

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Success story of the European compe��on of Young Electricians – CYE from 1992-2012 and the new Euroskills compe��on 2014 in Lille, France.

The 1992 ini�a�ve of some AIE members in Sion (CH) emerged into a European Compe��on for the electrical installa�on business exis�ng over years, whilst always adap�ng and further developing various techniques.


Over and over again, these occasions offered a good pla�orm to young talented professional people to further develop their career start. In 2008 Euroskills was created and performed for the first �me in Ro�erdam. 30 professions have been compe�ng together for medals. Therefore, in 2011, within the Task Force CYE, the idea was created to integrate the CYE compe��on as a ‘single trade compe��on’ within the Euroskills framework. The experts were convinced that two parallel compe��ons within a Team trade (Electricians together with plumbing and cooling installers) don’t work. The CYE Task force therefore set the goal to bring this idea into prac�ce. After the crowning completion of the CYE 2012 in Basel, we are now represented with the AIE at the Euroskills Competition 2014 in Lille, France, with the single trade ‘Electrical installer’. 13 par�cipants will take the challenge. A real success! This is the only way in which we can show future young professionals what they can expect from the dual voca�onal system, being a guarantee for full employment. Highly qualified and well-trained professionals will always be required and needed. Adrian Sommer | Member of the Task Force CYE Expert Euroskills compe��on and Worldskills compe��on Switzerland

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Remembering candidates & experts

Evolving, Evalua�ng, ‘Electro cracks’

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High Performance ‘Under Pressure’

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Me�culous Challenge

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Great Guidance and Goodwill

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www.aie.eu info@aie.eu

European Associa�on of Electrical Contractors J. Chantraineplantsoen 1 B-3070 Kortenberg

© AIE / 2014

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