[AIESEC in CityU] Global Citizen Programme 2016

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ABOUTAI ESEC AI ESECi sagl obalpl a or mf oryoungpeopl et oexpl or e anddevel opt hei rl eader s hi ppot en al .Weha veengaged anddevel opedover1, 000, 000youngpeopl ewhoha ve beent hr oughvol unt eer i ngandpr of es s i onali nt er ns hi ps .

GL OBALCI TI ZEN PROGRAMME Gl obalCiz eni sani nt ens i vei nt er na onalvol unt eerabr oad exper i encet hatenabl esyout owor konpr oj ect st hati mpact soci ali ssues.Empowercommuniesbydevel opi ngt he peopl eandenabl i ngt hem t odevel opamor es us t ai nabl eand heal t hyf ut ur e.

REQUI REMENT Ac ademi cper f or manc e andl anguageabi l i t yar e hemai nf oc us es NOTt

Mo va onandgl obal mi nds et ar eMOREi mpor t ant

Gui dancemanager t ol eadyout hr ough t hewhol ej our ney

Br az i l ,Vi et nam,Tur key,Thai l and,Pol and,Per u,Romani a, Sr iLanka,Gr eece,Cr oa a,Col ombi a,Chi l e

Br az i l 68Weeks Iwor kedal ongwi t ht r ai neesf r om al l overt hewor l dandwesetupan Engl i shconver sa ongr oupi nt he caf et er i ai nt heuni ver si t y.I twas i nt er es ngt ol i s t ent oot her s ’s t or i es andt hei ropi ni onsongl obali s s ues .

Sr iLanka 68Weeks

Pol and 68Weeks Imetal otoff r i endsf r om di ffer ent par t soft hewor l d.Thei rpr oac ve a t udei nl ear ni nghavei ns pi r edme t obemor es el f mo vat ed.Thi si st he a t udet hatIneedt obr i ngbackt o t heyounggener a onsi nHongKong.

Is l lr ememberwaki ngupat2: 00AM i nt hemor ni ngt ocat cha5: 00AM t r ai natt heCol omboTr ai nSt a on. The“ BEST”t hi ngi st hatt het r ai nr an outofs eat sandwehadt os t ayont he t r ai nf ora10hourr i de,wi t houtany seats.W eended up si ngand sl eepi ngon theground.I twas cer t ai nl yamemor abl eexper i encet hat wewoul dnothaveexper i encedi nour homet own.

I ti snotaboutyourself, i ti saboutyourworldtoo

Depos i t ( r ef unda bl e) HKD$1000


Exc ha ngeFee ( nonr ef unda bl e) HKD$1750

1.Regi st ert hr ought hel i nkbel ow andchooseyouravai l abl edat et o a endourRecr ui t mentTal k

Whati sSus t ai nabl eDevel opmentGoal s( SDG) ? Att heUni t edNa onsSust ai nabl eDevel opmentSummi t ,wor l d l eader sadopt edas etofgoal st ot r ans f or mt hewor l d.Eachgoalhas speci fictargetsto be achi eved overthe next15 years. Fort hegoal st ober eached,ever yoneneedst odot hei rpar t : gover nment s ,t hepr i vat es ect or ,ci vi ls oci et yandPEOPLELI KEYOU.

SDGxAI ESEC? AI ESEChasbegunt hei rs t r i det owar dst r ans f or mi ngt hewor l dwi t h t he2030agendaf ors us t ai nabl edevel opment .Weoffer spr oj ect s t hatcont r i but et ot hegoal s .

2.Awai tf orourConfir ma onEmai l

3.A endt heRecr ui t mentTal k

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