AIESEC in Slovakia - 1617 final report

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Content ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Foreword............................................................................................................................................................... 5 About AIESEC ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Term Highlights.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Local Highlights ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Global Volunteer................................................................................................................................................10 Global Entrepreneur ........................................................................................................................................12 Global Talent ......................................................................................................................................................12 Projects for Organisa ons ..............................................................................................................................14 EDUCATE Slovakia ...........................................................................................................................................16 Global Entrepreneur for Start Ups ................................................................................................................18 Global Talent for Companies ..........................................................................................................................18 Exchange Partners ............................................................................................................................................19 AIESEC Membership ........................................................................................................................................20 ALUMNI Associa on ........................................................................................................................................22 5Oth Anniversary of AIESEC SLOVAKIA .....................................................................................................24 Our Partners .......................................................................................................................................................26 Media Partners ..................................................................................................................................................27 Youthspeak Forum ............................................................................................................................................28 Following Events ...............................................................................................................................................29 Interna onal Representa on..........................................................................................................................30 Financial Results ................................................................................................................................................32 Execu ve Board AIESEC in Slovakia 1617 ..................................................................................................34 Execu ve Board AIESEC in Slovakia 1718 ..................................................................................................35

FOREWORD Dear all, It has been one year since July 2016 and for us, in AIESEC, it means me for change of na onal execu ve board. We func on like this since our founda on in 1966 because of various reasons. First of all, we are an organisa on of young people led by young people. From our new members to members in leadership posi ons, our members are 18 to 25, maximum 30 years old. Second reason is nature of our organisa on – we develop young people through interna onal prac cal experiences and work on real projects, internal part of organisa on works on same principles. We want every members who joins to give maximum and then to u lize it a erwards. Last but not least, we want to give the opportunity to lead the organisa on to the biggest amount of young people possible. Our term starts in June and finishes in July, and that is the period this final report describes, specifically in years 2016 and 2017. Since founda on of our first local commi ee in 1966 – at that me as part of AIESEC Czechoslovakia – it has been 50 years, and we are happy to be the ones who started to write beginning of this new chapter. A lot has changed during those 50 years. We are not matching our interns with opportuni es by matching paper forms during interna onal conferences. We are not limited by working with students of universi es with economic and management background. And we are no more organising only corporate, professional internships in mul na onal corpora ons. In term 2016/2017 we managed to engage more then 22 000 young people through various projects. On behalf of na onal execu ve board 2016/2017 of AIESEC in Slovakia I would like to thank to all our current and former members, partners, supporters and friends, who have been helping us during this journey. Also thanks to you, we believe that next genera on of AIESEC will acomplish even more.

Tomáš Susedík Country Manager AIESEC Slovensko

ABOUT AIESEC AIESEC was founded a er the Second World War by a group of young people from Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden). Our fundamentals were shaped by to social, economic and poli cal climate of the me.

Since then, the world has been changing faster than ever before. We believe that young people hold the key to a be er future and they must learn to adapt quickly and solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives for Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind´s Poten al.

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolize a world that does not have conflicts that arise from cultural, religious, or other aspects of differences in humanity. Peace can also symbolize being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of peace while respec ng and understanding the views of others. Through “Fulfilment of Humankind’s Poten al“ AIESEC strives for a world where people can be the best version of themselves.

We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today. AIESEC is a pla orm for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten al. A er going through an experience with AIESEC, young people are be er prepared to make a posi ve impact in any sphere they would choose.

AIESEC’s leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they care about and become capable to make a difference through their everyday ac ons. That is why our answer is to develop the characteris cs according to the biggest world trends.

Empowering others Communicates efe vely in diverse environments Develops & empowers other people Engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose Solu on Oriented Adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges Transmits posi vity to move forward throughout uncertainty Takes risks when needed Self Awareness Understands and lives personal values Focuses on strengths over weaknesses Explores one’s passions World Ci zen Believes in their ability to make a dierence in the world Interested in the world issues Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world

We develop these characteris cs through prac cal experiences which AIESEC offers. It includes interna onal exchanges and team exeriences. AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while contribu ng to the ommunity in which they are working. Living such experiences enables eople to build a be er understanding of how to communicate and capitalize on diversity in our increasingly connected world. AIESEC members work in teams to create and manage these cross-cultural exchange experiences. Thisprovides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own leadership poten al.

TERM HIGHLIGHTS Our Global Volunteer projects were aligned with Sustainable Development Goals in coopera on with United Na ons. Strategic team for Educate Slovakia was created for next round of the project for January – February 2018. Concept of the project was updated and we started to recruit interna onal trainees one year before the next round of the project starts. Lot of focus was put on interna onal rela ons with our partner countries for our na onal project EDUCATE Slovakia in order to a ract their youth for coming for exchange to Slovakia and improve their experience. New strategy was piloted for Global Entrepreneur for enablers – Global Entrepreneur was transformed into project to connect our Slovak start-ups with talented young people from abroad. Thanks to that our opera ons are more scalable. AIESEC brand was refreshed. Our product Global Ci zen was rebranded as Global Volunteer and Global Entrepreneur was launched as new product. Email lead nurturing system was implemented to ensure regular and efficient communica on with customers. Expansion ini a ves were started at Žilina University, Slovak Technical University and at private universi es in Bra slava. Quality of the conferences increased in comparison with previous year. Feedbacks from our delegates were 95% posi ve and all our partners are interested in further coopera on on our conferences as they find them very well organized and useful. Knowledge management of AIESEC members was digitalised. New hub with updated ar cles was established. Thanks to that we also improved data collec on and archiva on of knowledge. Team experience of our members was improved by implemen ng team standards for all teams. On-boarding process was standardised to 10 day task based induc on to ensure on the job learning of newcomers. Selec on of members was aligned with our value proposi on, Leadership Development Model. Useful data about mo va on of our members, their experiences, organisa onal culture and sa sfac on were gathered during Biannual Membership Survey.



AIESEC in Nitra has started to closely cooperate with facul es of Constan ne the Philosopher University to make internships more approachable for students. City of Nitra provided us with the venue for our summer project and we agreed on closer coopera on in the near future. Together with the language ins tute E-KU we prepared special discount packages for young people so that language is not a barrier when talking about traveling abroad. Thanks to our partnership with CENTRO Nitra it was possible to organize various events in the area of the shopping centre. We were also invited to various events, e.g. by ÚPSVaR to JobEXPO or by EURES to highs-school event, to promote possibili es that are available for youth. AIESEC in Trnava has started coopera on with Trnavská University on February 2017. University agreed to promote our events, membership and exchanges. Both of the universi es that we cooperate with agreed to finance this year conferences - EuroXpro and ITtTs. AIESEC in Trnava also started coopera on with the town which is promo ng our marke ng campaigns. We also started coopera on with City center Aréna, where we had our event. AIESEC in Banská Bystrica during April and May 2017 created closer coopera on with organisa ons working with development of youth such as Erasmus Student Network and SAIA. We spread awareness about benefits of volunteering abroad through common radio appearance and taking part in delivery of Erasmus Student Network Slovakia na onal conference. City of Banska Bystrica supported event Global Village, held at the end of May 2017 with aim to promote the town and goals of project Educate Slovakia, which brought foreign students to create mul cultural dialoque among youth in Banská Bystrica.

GLOBAL VOLUNTEER Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural experience for youth who want to gain personal development and leave an impact on the world. EXPERIENCE NEW CULTURES There’s nothing quite like being in a brand new country, living and volunteering with people from all around. Imagine the things you’d learn! MAKE YOUR IMPACT You can make a difference in the world, it starts with that first step. Contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals and tackle the issues you’re most passionate about. PUSH YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE If you don’t try and experience new things, you’ll never find your full poten al. Challenge yourself, and discover the best version of you.

During past year we have been focusing on our product Global Volunteer. I believe that in current context this product is more than relevant. During Global Volunteer our interns go through intense interna onal experience, discover and get to know different cultures and are provided with facilita on to improve their leadership quali es such as focusing on their strenghts, empowering others towards common goal, solu on orienta on and world ci zenship. During our term we focused on coopera ng with AIESEC en es to provide our customers the best experience possible and ensure quality standards in challenging environment. Moreover, our exchange par cipants contributed to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Na ons. I truly believe that next Pavla Raba nová genera ons will be able to build on our work B2C Marke ng and provide more meaningful experiences to young people in Slovakia. AIESEC Slovensko

This year we focused on improving experiences of our exchange par cipants. We created internal control board, organised value delivery summit and adjusted minimum exchange standards.

Number of Global Volunteer exchange par cipants grew by 37% mainly because of the reason, that this product was given a focus for summer 2017. Thanks to that it recieved strategic support.





16 interns

8 interns

8 interns

GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR GLOBAL TALENT Product Global Talent Global Entrepreneur Summary

Realisa ons

Rela ve Growth 16 5 21

-38% 0% -32%

Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur are products in which we have dropped. Product Global Talent is dropping con nuosly throughout last few years, which is also one of the reasons we focused on product Global Volunteer. Global Entrepreneur is new product which is s ll evolving and finding it place on the market.

Global Entrepreneur is an internship experience within a startup where young people can explore, learn and contribute to the entrepreneurial world. YOUR ENTREPRENEURIAL START Every entrepreneur begins somewhere! Learn what it takes to run a venture through gaining hands-on experience for yourself. GAIN INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Take it to the next level by exploring a new culture and environment as you work in a startup abroad. EXPAND YOUR NETWORK FOR THE FUTURE Make the right connec ons and grow your professional network to support your future entrepreneurial ventures.

Global Talent is an internship experience for young people aiming towards professional career development in a global se ng. COMPANIES WANT INTERNATIONAL TALENT You can gain experience in new work se ngs, equip yourself with skills needed cross-culturally and bring a fresh perspec ve for companies. FIND THE INDUSTRY FOR YOU Our pool of opportuni es are growing across fields - we’re sure you will find one best fi ng their background and experiences. GAIN A PROFESSIONAL EDGE Our partners are dedicated to providing you an enriching experience sure to put you ahead of your peers.



More informa on at

PROJECTS FOR ORGANISATIONS It has been 5 years since AIESEC in Slovakia started to organize project EDUCATE Slovakia. I had a chance to co-create the new concept of the project in 2014 and because of close connec on to the project I was very happy to become the na onal project manager of EDUCATE Slovakia. As a project manager of the biggest na onal project of AIESEC in Slovakia I feel very proud of our results which we achieved during january in 2017. It was a huge challenge from its beginning but at the end our effort was aknowledged by ge ng award for the ,,Best volunteering project of year 2016“. During my term I organized two edi ons of EDUCATE Slovakia – for schools and kindergartens. EDUCATE Slovakia for schools was organized in january and in may 2017, edi on for kindergartens was organized in january, june and july 2017. I believe that every single student at school and child in kindergarten was posi vely impacted by the workshops which our interns delivered. The feedback from students and schools was very posi ve and I believe that all involved 22 000 students of both edi ons of the project will become change-makers for our country in the future.

Kris na Kancková Customer Experience Organisa ons AIESEC Slovensko

Project ,,EDUCATE Slovakia“ brings young people from different parts of the world to do lectures and interac ve workshops to primary, secondary and high schools, which help the youth to become more self-aware and tolerant. Project ,,EDUCATE Slovakia – Kindergartens“ brings students from different parts of the world to become a part of teaching process in Slovak kindergartens. We want to encourage them from their early age to have a global mindset full of tolerance and cultural understanding trough experience interac ve classes, games, songs, poems which will contribute to their open-minded a tude.

,,Friendly approach of interns encouraged kids to communicate in english language without being afraid. Students said that they have very good feeling from he project and they would like to par cipate during following year. Proof of unusual success of the project is that despite of flu holiday we had at the school. majoriy of students who were part of the project came to school even though they could stay at home and they used a chance to par cipate in the project during last day. ZŠ A Felcána, Hlohovec We realised huge differences between our country and countries our interns came from. SPŠ elektrotechnická, Hálova 16, Bra slava What I appreciate the most is that intern invited us to country he came from. I learned a lot about Brazil and I improved my english skills. Michal Urban, Levoča (host family) This environment really make me to be more tolerant to people, try to accept them, be reflec ve, adapt yourself to new places and people. This internship showed me that it is really challenging and fun to meet so many new people, different languages, taught me to adapt really fast, Slovaks are welcoming, super fan, super kind, I had no problem and really enjoyed it. Diah Adhelia, Indonesia

Number of forign interns at our project grew by 26%, mainly thanks to strategic support for projct EDUCATE Slovakia = all together 203 foreign interns from 21 countries par cipated at our projects.


22 000 171 7

students from more than

schools from

regions in Slovakia were involved in the projects

EDUCATE SLOVAKIA Educate Slovakia is project with aim to improve cultural undertanding and global mindset of slovak youth and to suport their leadership developmentje through interna onal environment and modern informal educa onal programme. s projekt zam na zlepšenie Project was created as a local project 5 years ago. Since then project was aligned and became na onal projects with concept reflec ng current needs.

Project consists of one week plan for lectures delivered by lectors from different parts of the world. Lectors are delivering lessons, interac ve workshops and by ac vely using english language develop self reflec on, responsibility and understanding of diversity. Lectures are led by pair of foreign interns who are trained as Global Volunteers. Lectures vary based on age of classes. Currently we have edi on for elementary schools and edi on for highschools. Main goal of Educate Slovakia for elementary schools is to build cultural understanding between students through various ac vi e and workshops. Themes are adjusted based on

age group - to restrain from nega ve habits and behaviour as well as to increase awareness about issues of young people. Educate Slovakia for high schools is focusing on building global mindset and cultural understanding of students through various ac vi es and workshops. Edi on for highschools is varies with more advanced content and themes for this par cular age group.

Educate Slovakia and Sustainable Development Goals Ciele pre udržateľný rozvoj Sustainable Development Goals are 17 Global Goals that were adopted by all 193 United Na on countries to achieve sustainable development in economic, social and environmental dimension by the year 2030. AIESEC adopted these goals and is ac vely contribu ng to their fulfillment. Shortly a er announcement of agenda 2030 by members of UN has AIESEC became first nongovernment organisa on which organised 3 day event in United Na ons in New York to define role of youth in achieving sustainable development goals and commi ed AIESEC to adap ng these goals. One of the goals is increasing quality of educa on and project Educate Slovakia was adjusted to contribute to fulfillment of this goal. Goal 4: Quality Educa on Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through educa on for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promo on of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global ci zenship and apprecia on of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribu on to sustainable development.


foreign interns from


different countries

“Bra slavský samosprávny kraj started coopera on with organisa on AIESEC on project Educate Slovakia in school year 2016/17 based on posi ve references of highschool in Bra slava region. We consider project to be very interes ng and useful for highschools, since it is crea ng base for be er development of student not only in educa on, but also in personal life, helps them gain knowledge, skills and contacts.” Ing. Roman Csabay, Bra slavský samosprávny kraj

On 10.4.2017, project Educate Slovakia was recognised by CARDO - Národné dobrovoľnícke centrum as the best volunteering project of 2016.

GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR FOR START UPS GLOBAL TALENT FOR COMPANIES FIND FRESH, YOUNG TALENT TO FUEL YOUR STARTUP Our Global Entrepreneur product connects startups with bright minds passionate to learn and contribute. SIMPLE AND AFFORDABLE TALENT ACQUISITION Meet your short-term skill requirement by bringing in young talent from diverse backgrounds in an affordable way ENABLE YOUTH Provide a fulfilling experience for interns who are passionate to learn and contribute to your venture’s purpose as much as you are BOOST YOUR WORKPLACE By connec ng you with high poten al, eager young people, your workplace can evolve with a modern, youthful edge

HIRE WITH EASE With us, sourcing interna onal talent becomes as easy as recrui ng in your local market. We customize our recruitment process to make it easy for you to hire global talent. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE IN YOUR COMPANY Behind every successful company that innovates is a diverse global workforce. Bring interns from all around the world to ensure global input in your business opera ons. Infuse your business with the fresh perspec ve of millennials from around the world. BOOST YOUR WORK CULTURE Millennials are bound to dominate our global workforce. Adapt your business to new trends and become millennial-friendly. Our partners have always loved the energy and air that our interns bring to their workplace while also contribu ng to a dynamic environment.

I was glad to be part of genera on, which started to build knowledge of department not just in sales processes, but also in customer experience management. The key success of member commission was mental switch in percep on of area and I was proud to see we started to focus more on experience of exchange program par cipants. We collected and finalized know-how in legal processes for our interns, who are outside of Schengen Zone, developed simple frameworks for coaching and mentoring touchpoints with interns – focused on personal goal se ngs, Jakub Malachovský support systems and experience evalua on. Customer Experience I believe next genera ons can build on all of it and make it even be er in upcoming years. Companies

AIESEC Slovensko

Main reason why we decided to go into coopera on with AIESEC was opportunity to get someone interna onal with specific local language to our company, what helps us while expanding to different countries. Daisy brought new perspec ve and foreign experience which is not available in Slovakia. For us, as a company considering expansion abroad is having person from that specific environment and market the most important. Even though she was not a specialist, she was s ll growing up in that country and has overview about it and how it works there. She had overview not only about the market, but also about life of ordinary people and how people here think, she knew what works there. Of course, we have implemented a lot of those things. We have been kindly surprised by her a tude towards work. We could see that there is different aproach to work in Asia than here. Daisy came to work and when she was working on something, she didn´t interupt her work unless she was done. She was working un l her assigment was completed. This approach also posi vely impacted all of our employees. MNFORCE


internships Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur

In Slovakia we had 7 Global Entrepreneur interns, what means that we grew by 250%. We had also 11 Global Talent interns, what is 22% growth compared with previous term.



AIESEC MEMBERSHIP We believe youth leadership can be developed in anyone. By joining as members, young people have the chance to develop these leadership quali es through volunteering for an AIESEC team locally. AIESEC members are challenged to lead teams, ge ng prac cal experiences that teach them how to empower others. They work on projects and tasks that require them to think outside the box, take risks, and ul mately be solu on-oriented in the face of challenges. They are becoming world ci zens and join a community that takes responsibility for improving the world together. They ’ll become more self-aware about their passions, values and find themselves in the process. Recruitment Plan fulfillment Reten on Rate Produc vity

Autumn 2016 93% 55% 0,75

Spring 2017 46% 69% 1

Autumn Recruitment This semester is always fruit in terms of number of people recruited yet plan fulfilment of 93% (172 members) was a very crucial achievement from a talent management perspec ve. It allowed us to start the term off on the right foot and move ahead with the opera on strategy.

Conference Delivery Four na onal conferences were delivered with the agenda focusing on four key areas : a) Opera onal prepara on for upcoming peak) Workshops(by companies and interna onal facilitators) to upgrade exis ng so and hard skills of membership) Downscaling of interna onal and na onal ini a ves d) Self-reflec on spaces for members to understand their experience be er. The decision to go ahead with the same agenda & conference managers for all conferences for the term turned out to be very effec ve. It not only allowed us to ensure a coherent, need-based perfect delivery but also helped us improve with each a empt . It was affirmed by the posi ve feedbacks a er each conference.

Summer Produc vity Produc vity in the summer peak has been a long standing issue averaging approximately 0.3 exchanges per member over the last few terms. However, with the change of strategy to focus opera ons and educa on on another product for the summer peak we have already managed to jump past 1 exchange per member and it is expected to reach approx. 1.5 be the end of the peak.

I couldn´t imagine what it means to lead a team before I took up the opportunity in AIESEC. Since then, it has been a revela on. First at all, it gave me a responsibility, something a lot of young people are missing. I realized it isn´t just about me, but it is also about people who believe in me, and they gave me a chance to try something new, to show up myself. With the responsibility I learnt how to manage my me be er to make sure that the en re team was on track. Working with all these different people and learning not to say “NO” has kept me going and made me a be er team leader. Goal-se ng, feedbacking, re-evalua on and the list of things learnt goes on and on. The best part is that you can make mistakes without shame but at the same me ensure you learn from them. Aneta Kmecová My experience as Local Commi ee VicePresident has been great for a number of reasons. First of all, I have had the opportunity to do things that I never though I would be doing as a 20 year old, things like handling the en re recruitment cycle for the commi ee. It has not only given me a much needed professional experience but added more skills to my skillset. Moreover, it has helped me manage my me be er and to be crea ve at problem solving, and all of this in the organisa on of like-minded young people. Viktória Šúšová During my role as Local Commi ee President for AIESEC in Trnava I have had the opportunity to lead an execu ve board and commi ee to achieve the a common goal, leadership development. To have that kind of responsibility is the most difficult but also the most enriching experience.I have learnt to deal with very stressful situa ons and work with different kinds of people under almost any circumstances that can happen. But my role doesn’t stop at managing my team. It is a lot more. As a part of this role I have also worked on crea ng and maintaining rela ons with external stakeholders and partners. This entails working with universi es, town council and other organiza ons driven by similar impact and visions. All in all it has been a very intense experience so far and I look forward to learning a lot more in the coming months. Dagmar Fábiková

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AIESEC Alumni Slovakia is official organiza on associa ng former members of AIESEC in Slovakia established in 2010. AIESEC Alumni Slovakia is a member of AIESEC Alumni Interna onal. Main goals: • Networking – Connec ng former member of AIESEC and support their coopera on • Involvement – Create space for alumni to involve and support AIESEC ac vi es • Recogni on – From successful alumni, we choose „role models“, who can be inspira on for next genera ons. AIESEC Alumni Slovakia wants to help to move forward and help to develop former but also current members of AIESEC in Slovakia. Alumni

Alumni Associa on Board 16/17

coordinators 16/17

Vladimír Vaculík

Lukáš Dzuroška

Zuzana Maderová

Marek Lutz

Erika Mazuchová

Tomáš Dzurenda

Jozef Vodička

Patrik Ruman

Tomáš Susedík

Marta Hlavatá

Alumni Katarína Korenková with Victor Loewenstein, first president of AIESEC Interna onal at AIESEC Alumni Interna onal Congress in Poland

ALUMNIGHT (june 2016) Alumnight was event, where new execu ve board of AIESEC in Slovakia was introduced to alumni. Old execu ve board of AIESEC Slovakia presented the exchange plan fulfillment, number of members and finance situa on. New execu ve board also presented plans for upcoming term. Alumni had space to feedback new strategies and network between each other and current members. This type of event was for the first me and 25 alumni a ended.

DARE (october 2016) Alumni met again at na onal conference of AIESEC in Slovakia, DARE 2016. Agenda consisted of breakfast, where alumni could listen to inspira onal business story and share their stories and experiences, two trainings from external partners and presenta on of alumni coordinators with news and plans in Alumni associa on. A erwards current president of AIESEC in Slovakia presented results and plans. A er official agenda, alumni are part of program with current members, where is space for networking and coopera on. 13 alumni a ended agenda for alumni.

BRAVE (march 2017) Alumni are also part of BRAVE conference. The agenda is very similar as at DARE. As in February the terms are switching, finishing members have the opportunity to apply for status of alumni. This year 20 former members decided to apply for this status. And on BRAVE 2017 20 new alumni were announced and welcomed in alumni network of AIESEC in Slovakia. BRAVE is also about apprecia ng of alumni. Before BRAVE, members have the chance to nominate alumni for two categories. Alumni who did something extraordinary for either AIESEC in Slovakia, or alumni network and are inspira on for others. The categories and winners are following: • Alumni of the year – Erika Mazuchová • Hall of fame – Michal Lubelec There were together 32 alumni.

5OTH ANNIVERSARY OF AIESEC SLOVAKIA In 2016, it was exactly 50 years what AIESEC in Czechoslovakia was established. Great reason to meet alumni from all genera on and together celebrate this success. On 3rd of December 2016, in hotel Crown Plaza, gala night was happening. It was the biggest event connec ng alumni from past 50 years and current members in history of AIESEC in Slovakia. It was an amazing event, where different genera ons met at one place. Event full of networking, sharing, laughing and smiling and last but not least, talking about all the memories. I think every and each person was glad to be there, together celebrate this amazing anniversary. I must say, that I was very proud of being part of this community, especially at 50th anniversary where we showed that Alumni of AIESEC in Slovakia are able and willing to come together in such a big number, all the different genera ons and LCs from not only all parts of Slovakia, but also people who are living in abroad. Although the journey of prepara on was not always easy and there were many obstacles, I think that organiza on of such an event as 50th anniversary of AIESEC in Slovakia is, was huge privilege for not only na onal team 16/17, but for the whole genera on 16/17, and we are very thankful for this opportunity. Marta Hlavatá Event manager for 50th anniversary

Program of 50th anniversary 18.00 – 18.15

Opening of the night 18.15 - 18.30

President´s space & toast 18.30 – 19.30

Awards ceremony 19.30 – 20.30

Raut, picture me 20.30 – 21.30

Awards ceremony 21. 30 – 22.00


22.00 – 23.00

Official Ending 23.00 – 02.00

Networking and a er party

Interes ng guests: Jean Pierre Choplin with wife Founder of AIESEC Interna onal Miloš Motoška Co-founder of AIESEC Czechoslovakia Jozef Šesták Founder of AIESEC in Bra slava Alexander Tichy President of AIESEC Alumni Interna onal 9 na onal presidents of AIESEC in Slovakia

50th anniversary in numbers: • • • • • • • •

190 guests 5 people in core organiza onal team 16 people in organiza onal team on site 12 months of prepara on 16 partners and supporters 7 awards categories / 7 winners 33 people nominated for awards More than 500 pieces in AIESEC museum

Awards categories and the winners: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Long-term support of AIESEC, individuals – Vladimír Vaculík Long term support of AIESEC, companies – ZSE Outstanding representa on of AIESEC – Lukáš Dzuroška Considerable contribu on to the organiza on – Róbert Richter Considerable business success – Jozef Vodička Development of young people – Branislav Jakabovič Considerable volunteer work – Mária Mydliarová

The anniversary you organized will remain a happy and successful memory. Not only considering the luxury provided in terms of organiza on for the gala dinner but as well for the different presenta ons of founding members, historical video about AIESEC in Slovakia, results of internship, and an amazing welcoming. What a happy feeling for us to meet founder of AIESEC in Slovakia and his wife. So many memories from difficult circumstances we survived and the strengths of our values widely uni ng our alumni world over. So, you were very successful and you can be proud of yourselves. AIESECly yours as ever Jean and Catehrine Choplin

OUR PARTNERS Synergie SYNEGY is our main and biggest partner for term 16/17.Together, they were on three conferences – ENERGIZE, DARE and BRAVE. Apart from workshops for all delegates, on two conferences they were also part of func onal agenda, specifically talent management where they were closely working with people in this area. Their valuable inputs helped our members to improve our processes right a er the conferences. We consider this partnership as very enriching for both sites, and we are very lucky that we have already closed partnership for term 17/18 as well. How SYNERGIE evaluates our partnership? “It is not only about us delivering workshop and quality of it depends on us. It is not only about us. It is about how people at workshop work and cooperate. And that is why we are always coming back to AIESEC conferences, because here we can find people we need. ” Barbara Kotlárová Customer Experience Manager CZ-SK, Synergie Slovensko

Západoslovenské elektrárne

Teach for Slovakia

ZSE is our regular partner since 2014, since when they are par cipa ng at our conferences every year. During term 16/17, they were also one of the biggest partners as they we partner for many events we organized. At DARE, they par cipate during company day, where they prepared workshops for our members. They were also main partner for 50th anniversary, where they also won in category „Long term support of AIESEC–company“. Last but not least, ZSE was part of YouthSpeak Forum organized in April. We really appreciate this long-term partnership, where there is always sa sfac on from both sites.

One of our biggest partner. This term it was for the first me, we started coopera on with Teach for Slovakia. We launched our partnership on our 50th anniversary, where we presented vision of our coopera on. They were par cipa ng at our two conferences – LEAD and BRAVE. At BRAVE, apart from workshops for our current members, they were also part of agenda for our alumni. Again, we evaluate this partnership as very valuable and beneficial for our members, as they could right a er workshops implement knowledge into our processes and within the team.

Koopera va Koopera va was for the first me par cipa ng at our spring conference BRAVE. According to feedbacks from our members and company, we believe that this partnership has huge poten al in the future not only for our members, but for the company itself.

How Koopera va evaluate our coopera on? “Young genera on is not lost at all. They have something to say. It is not the way we hear and see, that they have big expecta ons and small experience. Exactly opposite. That is what I saw at conference BRAVE, those are clever young people, who could give us relevant answers for our ques ons and help us. It is big hope for Slovakia as such, as well as us as employers.“ Hana Horvatovič riaditeľka ľudských zdrojov, Koopera va Slovensko

Procter & Gamble (P&G) P&G is our partner since 2014 as well, and since then, they are par cipa ng at events organized by us. This term they par cipate at our autumn conference DARE and they were also partner for our 50th anniversary.

Drogerie markt Slovensko


Another partner, where we see big poten al in coopera on for the future. Drogerie markt was par cipa ng on our conference on LEAD, where they had their firsts workshops with our members.

Kaufland together with ZSE was our main partner for our event YouthSpeak Forum organized in April where they par cipated on workshops for delegates. It was their first coopera on with AIESEC and we are looking forward for next coopera on with them.


Bra slavský samosprávny kraj BSSK was one of the medial partner for YouthSpeak Forum. They helped us with promo on among high schools in Bra slava municipality.

YOUTHSPEAK FORUM YouthSpeak Forum was held on 27th of April in Bra slava, Slovak Technical University. YouthSpeak Forum is an event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-sector and mul -genera onal space for inspiring conversa ons around pressing global issues. The forum aims to create an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can crosspollinate ideas, share insights and gain new perspec ves to create ac onable outcomes to push the world forward.

AGENDA Inspire



Three inspiring key note speeches about 3 sustainable development goals, which were the topic of YouthSpeak Forum, connected to solving the problem

Two rounds of workshops of 60 minutes. The purpose was to gain knowledge in area of project management. Space for giving feedbacks and consulta ons for students, working on their projects

Crea on of specific socially responsible projects. Students had op on to ask for a feedback and mentoring from people with experience from the area.

Henrieta Holúbeková, Životológia

Eva Vozárová, Aliancia Fair Play

Inspiring key note speeches:

Branislav Jakabovič, LEAF Academy

Company workshops: There were two main partners of YouthSpeak Forum, who had workshops for our delegates: • Kaufland: Healthy people have problems as well • ZSE: Prac cal method of project management

What did they say about YouthSpeak Forum? “It might sound as cliché, but the truth is that young people are our future. I really appreciate AIESEC for star ng this kind of ini a ve to make students aware of issues around us. I am very happy that I can cooperate with these young people.“ Peter Rácz, Západoslovenské elektrárne

FOLLOWING EVENTS On all our na onal conferences, on Friday, our partners have a chance to present their company and ac vi es in front of members from all over Slovakia. They have opportunity to see poten al of our members during interac ve workshops delivered by company itself, based on their choice. Our partners have also chance to have lunch with our members, and on na onal conferences, there is also space to be part of panel discussion in front of all delegates of conference.

Summer Conference – SumCo Date: 17-20.8. 2017 Na onal conference SumCo is a work-oriented conference for execu ve boards of local commi ees of AIESEC in Slovakia which is approximately 70 university´s students who lead local commi ees and their func onal areas. The content of the conference are working, inspiring and selfdevelopment workshops. The part of agenda is also planning for func onal areas and local commi ees.

Na onal Conferences – DARE 2017, BRAVE 2018 Date of DARE: 26-29.10.2017 Date of BRAVE: 22-25.3.2018 The content and flow is very similar as SumCo. It is working conference focused on inspiring, self-development workshops and planning and strategic sessions. These na onal conferences are for all members of AIESEC in Slovakia, which is around 200 students from all over Slovakia, including new members and members with leadership experience.

Conference LEAD 2018 Date of LEAD: 12-15.1.2018 LEAD is na onal conference for both, execu ve boards who are finishing on their posi ons and, also for execu ve boards who are taking over the posi ons which is approximately 90 students from all over Slovakia. The content is very similar as SumCo but also very important part is transi on between these two execu ve boars of local commi ees.

Presiden al mee ng for presidents of AIESEC in Europe Dates: 9-12.11.2017 This conference is for all presidents off all AIESEC en es which are in Europe, which is around 150 students from all over the Europe. Presidents of na onal level, but also presidents of local commi ees in Europe countries. The conference focuses on planning and strategies. Part of program are also self-development and inspiring workshops. During this interna onal conference, our partners have chance of passive presenta on in front of 150 students from all over Europe. This includes logo on our website, promo on on social networks in front of all our members and delegates of the conference, promo onal items on the conference (banners, leaflets, etc.)

INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATION AIESEC’s 68th Interna onal Congress, 14. – 23.8.2016, Ossa - Poland Delegates: Tomáš Susedík, Kris na Kancková, Laur Nastasoiu and branch manager Veronika Machová. Main objec ve of the conference was strategic alignment to AIESEC globally, good case prac ses from most performing en es, representa on of Slovakia as a country and AIESEC in Slovakia at the interna onal level and se ng up the interna onal exchange partnerships for the year 2016 2017.

I had a chance to go for Interna onal Congress to Poland in August 2016. I represented Slovakia at an interna onal event called Global Village in Warsaw, at workshops of event called Global Youth Speak Forum with different interna onal companies. I a ended more than 35 mee ngs with different en es during 10 days of congress and agreed coopera on for project EDUCATE Slovakia with 20 en es. Kris na Kancková Customer Experience Manager

EuroCo, 8. - 12.10.2016, 8. - 12.10.2016, Aghveran - Armenia Delegate: Katarína Kubáňová During the conference we strengthed exchange partnerships for project Educate Slovakia and Global Volunteer for summer and representa on in global network.

European Presidents Summit, 22. – 26.11.2016, Vienna - Austria Delegate: Tomáš Susedík A endance at conference brought us strategic alignment with global network, representa on in Europe, partnership wth United Na ons in Austria and good case prac ces from other en es.

European Opera onal Summit, 7.-9.12. 2016, Bra slava - Slovakia Delegates: Kris na Kancková, Laur Nastasoiu, Jakub Malachovský Representa ves from more than 14 european countries a ended conference and our delegates represented Slovakia, shared knowledge and created strategies for opera ons in Europe.

Europe Youth for Global Goals summit, 22. – 24.11.2016, Vienna - Austria Delegate: Tomáš Susedík, Kris na Kancková

Interna onal Presidents Mee ng, 13. – 19.2.2017, Venlo - Netherlands Delegates: Tomáš Susedík, Katarína Kubáňová

Regional opera onal summit in Vienna with coopera on with UNIDO where we got knowledge about Sustainable Development goals, project crea on and sales. Most of the knowledge was implemented in AIESEC in Slovakia during term 2016-2017.

Conference for current and elected country managers with agenda of global re-planning, crea on of implementa on plan of AIESEC´s ambi on 2020 for years 2016/17. Planing of na onal projects as part of ambi on 2020. Global legisla on and elec ons of president of AIESEC Interna onal.

EuroXpro, 5. - 10.4.2017, Sarajevo Bosnia & Herzegovina

European Presidents Summit, 21.5.2017; Signaghi - Georgia

Crea on of new interna onal exchange partnerships and strengthening current ones for summer.

Regional summit for elected country managers with agenda of prepara on for planning, regional legisla on, downscaling of regional direc on and regional goal se ng.

Delegates: Yudhveer Singh, Laur Nastasoiu and 12 representa ves from local branches


Delegate: Katarína Kubáňová

AIESEC’s 69th Interna onal Congress, 8.-17.7.2017, Cartagena - Colombia Delegate: Katarína Kubáňová Global planning and prepara on for 17/18 term, par cipa on in global legisla on.

FINANCIAL RESULTS AIESEC in Slovakia achieved profit of 3609.08 €, not including sales pipeline of 4 400 € and investments of 2 211 € for the next term which we believe will support financial and non-financial results in near future. This year was very crucial in terms of connec ng financial opera ons with exchange results on both na onal and local level, thus improving the understanding of finance and its role in the organisa on One of the biggest successes is without doubt project Educate Slovakia which not only no ceably impacted Slovakia, it also supported financial sustainability of the en ty. Thanks to new pricing model, including financial indicators since planning of the project, synergies and the exchange results achieved, all Local commi ees achieved profit for the project. Globally, finance processes went through fast changes and innova ons since 2015 while improvement of processes in Slovakia stayed rigid un l the second part of the term when we started implemen ng new accoun ng so ware, made internal audit processes more effec ve, focus moved to financial management and synergies with front office. By focusing on cash-flow management we were able to plan flow of receivables and liabili es not only within the en ty but also towards AIESEC Interna onal which, enabled us to pay long-term liabili es on me to re-gain full-membership in global plenary a er 2 years. The point to be kept for improvement is synergy with sales area throughout the whole term. As contribu on of sales to the na onal budget is s ll extensive, the two areas need to be in constant synergy since planning through opera ons, re-planning, evalua on. Last but not least, the en ty managed to close all former financial ma ers with Social insurance company and Health insurance company and successfully executed external audit for fiscal year 2016. Changing the direc on from many loss-making-terms to a pro table term was possible mainly thanks to these three groups of people: both genera ons of local execu ve boards who supported profitable opera ons on LC level during the term, Supervisory Group who thanks to their professional inputs Adriána Filipová contributed to various valuable improvements in the area, most importantly, team members of na onal team who Finance manager always considered finances amongs their own indicators AIESEC Slovensko and ac vi es and thus enabled more sustainable products.

Members of Supervisory Group in 2016/17: Pavol Magic - chairman John Baron Jana Bieliková Edgardo Hahn Matúš Horváth Branislav Jakabovič Marek Lutz Radoslav Švec


increase in Real State of Finance

Financial legacy in sales pipeline of 2 200 € for August 2017 and 2 200 € for spring 2018 from partnership with Synergy.


Tomáš Susedík Country Manager

Yudhveer Singh Talent Management Director

Adriána Filipová Finance and Legality Director

Pavla Raba nová B2C Marke ng and Expansions Director

Marta Hlavatá Event and Business Development Director

Katarína Kubáňová B2B Marke ng Director

Kris na Kancková Customer Experience Organisa ons Manager

Laur Nastasoiu Customer Experience Youth Manager



Jakub Malachovský Customer Experience Companies Manager


Katarína Kubáňová Country Manager

Cris na Maria Vlad Talent Management Director cris

Jakub Belobrad Finance and Legality Director

Anna Kotova

Miriam Kölešová Digital Marke ng Director

Vlas mil Vančo B2B Marke ng Director vlas

Cris an Rizea

Veronika Machová Customer Experience Companies Manager

B2C Marke ng and Customer Experience Youth

Glauce Moraes Customer Experience Organisa ons Manager

Local Commi ee Development and Exansions Director


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