National Congress 2013 Report

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About National Congress 2013 National Congress 2013, hosted by AIESEC NUM and UP, the 2nd national conference of AIESEC Cambodia term 12/13. It happened in 7 Makara Hotel, Kompong Cham province. This conference has four main objectives: 1. To run the presidential election and motivate members to take up further leadership roles in AIESEC Cambodia 2. To allow members to know exactly the relevance of AIESEC to the outside world and be able to draw their next steps in AIESEC in the coming term 3. To equip members with needed skills to ensure LCs will perform better and hit their goals in term 12/13 4. To provide a platform for members to network and exchange ideas for GCPs across network


Delegates' Profiles and Numbers This year, there were 62 delegates joining NC13 and the most delegate entity is AIESEC IFL. We also have 7 international delegates from AIESEC Hong Kong and Singapore.

Delegates' Profile AIESEC IFL 16 AIESEC LUCT 10 AIESEC PP 10 AIESEC NUM and UP 4 AIESEC RULE 7 International Delegates 7 Exchange Participants 8

Conference Team The conference has run smoothly as we have provided best knowledge of AIESEC and also fulfilled some human basic needs to the delegates. We reached this level all is depended on our conference team. l

Facilitators Team

Deepa - Chair

Longdy Conference Manager

Amilyn - Faci

Chak - Agenda Manager

Maulana - Faci

Katy - Faci

Panha - Faci

Sothy - Faci

Sirivudh - Faci


Deepa Khatri: AIESEC Asia Pacific Coordinator 12/13 Longdy Yi: MCP, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Sousachak Sim: MCVP Talent Management, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Katy Lo: MCVP Business Development, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Seihsothy KongVong: MCVP Incoming GCDP, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Amilyn: MCVP External Relations, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Maulana: LCP-elect of AIESEC UB, Indonesia 13/14 Panha: MCVP Marketing, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13 Sirivudh: MCVP Engagement with AIESEC, AIESEC in Cambodia 12/13

Organizing &RPPLWWHH 2&

Srosleakena Nou: Organising Committee President Kimhak Kou: OC Finance Chansiela Tep: OC Logistics Naihean Huo: OC Promotions Sokeang Chea: OC Delegate Services Sreymech Chhoeurt: OC External Relations Dararoth Doy: OC External Relations

Leakena - OCP

Naihean Promotion

Kimhak- Finance

Sokeang Delegate Services

Siela Logistics




Youth-Entrepreneurs-Society is a forum organized by AIESEC Cambodia on January 26 2013 at the University of Puthisastra, aims to provide inspirations to Cambodian youth, Business people and NGOs to do collaboration in making positive impact on the society. There were around 114 university students SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ the event, from University of Puthisastra, Business Plan Competition, NC delegates and other universities.




“Why We Should Aim to Be In the Intersection of the Three Circles�



After Y-E-S successfully happened in the morning, we were proud to bring out another amazing event which is Global Village – a cultural fair from 12 different countries: Cambodia, Northern China, Southern China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Germany, New Zealand, Russia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, and USA. There were around 200 young people joint the event with joy and curiousness about those countries’ culture. Public visit each booth decorated by international interns by exploring the culture, tasting food and sweet, playing games, taking photos and many other activities. They also built their international networking. It is believed this way will definitely make the world have more peace as each of us understand about the culture of one another.


Day 01 The Day began with a welcome speech from the President of AIESEC in Cambodia, Mr. Longdy Yi. The first day of the conference was focused on introducing and driving down the theme of the conference, which was “Summer 500”. The objectives of the first day are to make members understand the clarity of the organization (the why), how AIESEC is very relevant in Cambodian society and the ambition AIESEC Cambodia has.

'D\ The second day started with the morning plenary along with the presentation of the session “AIESEC for Cambodia” to all team members and team leaders. Then, all delegates were separated to another breakout room to join different sessions according to their functional team areas and roles. All of the sessions in the second day were designed in order to raise all members’ awareness of what they have been doing have been doing and will align their activities with the ambitions of the organization to leave a legendary legacy.



The election was followed by VHVVLRQV GHOLYHUHG E\ WKH IDFLOLWDWRUV Day 03 WR empower our members on topics like leadership, innovation, time To start the third day of the management, etc. To be continued conference, we had the opening to evening plenary, we have the plenary and two sessions on topic of official “Gala dinner”. “LEAD 1.0 and 2.0, How to lead a During the gala dinner, we had an team? How to be a good team? and award ceremony where we Working with Cambodians”. The appreciated the efforts of the third day was focused on building a leaders who are the representative sustainable future for AIESEC in of each locals of AIESEC Cambodia Cambodia and motivating member and also the announcement of the through the courage of the next National Team in term 2013candidates. After lunchtime, we had 2014 ZLWK RXU WUDGLWLRQ RI WKURZLQJ the election of our National Team, VXFFHVVIXO FDQGLGDWHV LQWR WKH SRRO. which would lead AIESEC Cambodia for the term 2013-2014. We had applicants from 4 countries namely Cambodia, Hong Kong, Portugal, and United StateV.


Day 04 On the fourth day or the last day of the conference, a few more training sessions were brought to inspire all delegates for whole morning. The main objectives of the last day sessions are to make all members know what to do with concrete outputs from the conference and they can LPPHGLDWHO\ ZRUN RQ upon return to Phnom Penh. The last day of the conference was ended in the afternoon with many inspirational moments along with the commitment speech from each entity’s leaders.



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