AIESEC Ghana: Don't Sit At Home

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Who are we?

Who are we?

We are the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences in across 113 countries.

Who are we?

We have been providing leadership development opportunities in Ghana since 1961 and globally since 1948

Why are we here?

To give you the opportunity to have an amazing experience

What do you do on your holidays?

You get the picture

Take an AIESEC internship

Don’t Sit At Home Teach in an international environment

Showcase yourself and your culture

Explore a foreign country

Build international network of contacts

Upgrade your CV

This holiday explore and develop in


and more‌

What kind of internships?

Summer camps


Register Put down your to join the Don’t Sit At Home Campaign through: • Information Sessions in your institution • Our Faceook Page (

• Our Website (

Review & Interaction We would like to know you better and let you know more about AIESEC and our internships We would have virtual or physical interactions with you to clear all expectations and questions

Enrolment Once we’re on the same page on the internship, you would make a 50% nonrefundable fee of $100 Then sign up on our intranet where we have thousands of international internships available

Search We would give you the opportunity to scan through the internships to find one which would be suitable for you You would interact with correspondents in the countries where the internship would be held

Match Once you’re okay with the internship And they are okay with you as a trainee

We’ve got a MATCH!!!

Preparation Once you’ve gotten your match, You make the remaining 50% payment of $100 We provide you with documents from our end which you would need to process your visa

You work on getting your flight ticket and every logistical item you’ll need

Seminar We would have a seminar just for you and others like you who have taken this bold step to explore beyond We would provide you with information you’ll need to prepare you for your adventure

Living the Experience Hop aboard your vessel onto the an adventure of a lifetime Share your stories and experience and pictures on our Facebook group Share your culture shocks on

We would contact you periodically to check on your wellbeing

Welcome Home To welcome you back home, we would organise a seminar where you would meet members of our organisation and other brave adventurers like you

What are you waiting for? APPLY for an AIESEC internship today

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