17th Aug,2015 23:59pm
Application Questions
Instructions 1. Fill out the General Questions and Attach files requested. 2. Critically Analyse the JD’s and decide which one you will be most effective at. You are certainly welcome to apply to 2 or more positions in more than one area. 3. Save file (s) as a PDF and Zip. 4. Name the folder in this format Alfred Quartey_Content Marketing Manager_NSTGhana2015 5. E-mail to the MC VP responsible for the portfolio, and copy ghana@aiesec.net in that e-mail. eg: You applied for the Customer Relation Manager NST Position. You will submit your application to Gontle, the MC VP BD, at gontle.khupe@aiesec.net , copying ghana@aiesec.net in the same e-mail. DEADLINE : 17th August, 2015 23:59 GMT
General Questions Personnal Information 1. State your Full Name ( First name, Middle Name, Surname ) 2. What is your Current role in AIESEC? 3. What's your Home LC and Entity 4. What's your Skype ID? What's your Facebook URL? 5. What's your e-mail address? 6. List your AIESEC experiences and results 7. Submit your CV edited to suit the role(s) you apply for About AIESEC 8. Why are you applying to be an NST? 9. Rank the NST positions you are applying for in order of Prefrence. 10. What other responsibilities do you have from August till the December 2015? 11. Do you have experience working in/ leading a virtual team? Describe how you over came the distance barriar and meeting deadlines? 12.If you get selected, what will make you quit? And how do you plan to maintain your commitment till the end of your term?
IGIP NST Questions
1) What is the current Global Learnings and Development plan for GIP? 2) How do you plan to develop the Global entrepreneur program to drive more GIP experiences? 3) What are some GCPs you would like to adapt from other entities to run this program? 4) How will your role contribute to AIESEC Ghana’s goals?
IGCDP NST Questions
National Delivery Manager
National Project Manager
1) What do you understand by “customer experience management”? 2) How is it relevant to our operations as an organization? 3) How do you plan to train LCs to deliver better manage their customers? 4) What the current quality issues are with regards AIESEC Ghana’s iGCDP experience delivery? 5) Develop a customer experience management training plan for one quarter for an LC
1) What do you understand by project management? 2) How is it relevant to our operations as an organization? 3) Which specific activities and initiatives would you implement to ensure quality preparation and delivery of national projects? 4) On becoming National project manager what are first two key things you will implement 5) How will ensure quality and impactful delivery of national projects? 6) How do you plan to showcase the impact of the national projects
National Opportunity Manager
National learnings and LEAD Manager
1) What do you understand by “customer flow”? 2) What is its relevance to the AIESEC experience? 3) What is the most effective way to ensure effective conversion of applications to realizations? 4) Assess the current knowledge base of members in AIESEC Ghana. What can be done to improve member knowledge of the customer flow? 5) Develop a customer flow plan for the next 6 months. 6) How will your role contribute to exchange Goals?
1) What do you understand by “EP LEAD”? 2) What is its relevance to the AIESEC experience? 3) What is the most effective way to perform EP LEAD 4) How do you plan to use EP LEAD to drive the development of interns and members 5) Assess the current knowledge base of members in AIESEC Ghana. What can be done about the situation? 6) Develop an EP LEAD plan. 7) How will your role contribute to exchange Goals?
BD NST Questions
1) Which role are you applying for and what is your motive behind this? 2) What is your understanding of BD? 3) Do a SWOT analysis of AIESEC Ghana BD 4) What are the strategies you would implement to ensure BD growth in the LCs? 5) What kind of professional growth do you expect from this position? 6) What are your solutions to solve the issue of low sales performance in LCs? 7)How are you going to ensure that our partners are well managed?
OGX NST Questions
NST Sub- product
NST Conversion
1) How will you obtain more opportunities for the sub- product you are in charge of ?
1) What are the strategies you will implement to increase the conversion rate of OGIP
2) How will you ensure always have a pool of EPs available and ready for the opportunities ?
2) How are you going to make sure all OGCDP Leads are followed up on by respective LCs on weekly basis ?
3) What are your strategy to reduice the OGIP matching period ?
3) What is your strategy to increase the number of promoters ?
4) What is your strategy to increase the number of promoters ?
MAC NST Questions
NST Graphics 1) What degisn tools are you conversant with? 2) Do you have a portfolio of designs you've done? If yes, attach the link 3)In 3 weeks AIESEC in Ghana will be running TMP Recruitment nationwide. Design a Campiegn using GTCM. 4)Design a National poster for Recruitment.
Webmaster and Social Media Manager 1) What do you understand by "communication"? 2) How is Social media relevant to AIESEC in Ghana's Operations? 3)How can we improve our influence on social media, and drive traffic to our website(s)? 4)Do you have experience in Website management or creation? 5)Perform a SWOT on AIESEC in Ghana's media pages
Research Coordinator 1) What is marketing and how does it differ from sales? 2) What strategies will you adopt to improve the quality of research done in the Entity?
Content Marketing Manager 1) Write an essay on your favourite literature genre , or book or pen brand. There's no word limit. 2)Explain how blogging fits into the social media culture of the entity 3)How do you intend getting traffic to the blog and website?