LEAD Macedonia booklet

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LEAD.Macedonia [National Leadership Development Program]

AIESEC in the Republic of Macedonia National Leadership Development Program *More information about LEAD.Macedonia you can find on our national wiki LEAD.Macedonia 2o1O-2O11 http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10149495#

LEAD.Macedonia program description LEAD.Macedonia is national Leadership Development Program based on the Global LEAD program and specially designed for empowering and developing leaders of AIESEC Macedonia. As in the Global program, we also have designed Macedonian program with the main elements such as physical interactions and experiences during main conferences of the AIESEC Macedonia national conference cycle. Furthermore, learning is supported virtually through provided and user-generated content within the online spaces.

LEAD.Macedonia structure:

The core concept of LEAD.Macedonia is experiential learning (learning based on experience), therefore it includes 4 main stages: The program starts on MOSEM - national conference which takes place in October, while most of the participants start their leadership experience in June-July. That helps participants first get practical by ACTing as a leader for at least 3 months so after that they can REFLECT on their own action and thus get emotionally, logically and sensitively connected with the concept of leadership. After reflection stage participants get needed preparation and provided with platform for sharing and open discussion in order to CONCEPTUALIZE their own leadership: get overview of different theories of leadership, define their own leadership stand and crystallize their own concept of leadership. After that they are ready to APPLY their learning and get fully into leadership role in the most active period after MOSEM (Q4 calendar year when the most of activities come to realization stage and main decisions on further steps of the leadership journey are made). AIESEC in the Republic of Macedonia National Leadership Development Program LEAD.Macedonia 2o1O-2O11

LEAD.Macedonia pilot program time-line:

LEAD.Macedonia and Membership Education Cycle (MEC) Membership Education Cycle (MEC) of AIESEC in Macedonia is a general strategic framework for Talent Development which defines educational flow for members of AIESEC in Macedonia and ensures quality of delivery of AIESEC experience at each stage. According to Macedonian MEC there are 3 different levels of Leadership Roles: LR1: LC OCVP, OCP and TL LR2: LC VP LR3: LCP, MC VP and MCP LEAD.Macedonia is mainly aimed at development of leaders at local level (+providing facilitating/training experience for MC VPs and MCP) and the expected competency development level by the completion of LR stage is following:

AIESEC in the Republic of Macedonia National Leadership Development Program LEAD.Macedonia 2o1O-2O11

Main part of physical spaces of LEAD.Macedonia is delivered throughout national conference cycle: MOSEM • LEAD launch for EBs and OCPs • LEAD sessions block (learn & engage part): • team management • team motivation • team members tracking • personal effectiveness (time-energyinformation management) • delegating skills




• LEAD sessions block (lengage & activate part): organizational management (MC) simulation

• LEAD intro for future leaders • LEAD sessions block (activate & deliver part): • my leadership journey so far • sustainable leadership • I am Change Agent • leadership succession & transition • what is next

• LEAD for current EB: wrap up and evaluation • LEAD for elect EB: introduction to the program

Learning Planner Learning Planner (LP) is a special Talent Development tool created by AIESEC in Macedonia first in the year 2oo4. Since then LP has evolved and became a complex tool for personal discovery and selfreflection, which supports educational flow for members of AIESEC in Macedonia and promotes concept of self-driven learning. Using Learning Planner, every member can easily - plan own development throughout the year, - track own competency development on monthly basis, - discover oneself and set personal & professional goals, - track goals fulfillment on monthly basis, - learn more about AIESEC and get personal commitment to AIESEC Way and AIESEC 2O15 ambition, - discover how organization functions on local, national and global levels, - develop self-effectiveness and time-management while using organizer´s part and meeting pages, - live AIESEC eXPerience principles and promote self-driven learning Learning Planner is not just a simple organizer and if to use it properly, it can help every member to live rich AIESEC eXPerience every day. You can download LP 2010 (pdf file) by this link: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewfile.do?contentid=10156522

LEAD.Macedonia virtual spaces Virtual spaces of LEAD.Macedonia is part of MEC created to help national leaders to identify their educational needs in between MOSEM and MILDS (2 main biggest conferences where LEAD sessions are delivered). Needs were collected through on-line survey http://tinyurl.com/LEADMace-survey. Central leaders’ hub of AIESEC Macedonia is our national LEAD.Macedonia wiki on myaiesec.net. You can visit the wiki by following link: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10149495#

AIESEC in the Republic of Macedonia National Leadership Development Program LEAD.Macedonia 2o1O-2O11

LEAD.Macedonia facilitators LEAD.Macedonia is facilitated at national level by MC members of AIESEC Macedonia and international facilitators.

International facilitators profile We are searching for experienced facilitators with successful leadership experience who are the same passionate about leadership development and co-creation of meaningful learning spaces for the next generation of AIESEC leaders. Needed profile - LR experience: LCP/MC/MCP (required) - TR experience: experience in one of functional areas (ICX/OGX/ER preferred) - Trainer/faci experience: TtT, national conference facilitation XP (required), international conference participation (preferred) - Expected competencies development level: Global Mindset – AVERAGE Entrepreneurial Outlook – HIGH Social Responsibility – HIGH Emotional Intelligence – HIGH Proactive Learning – HIGH Application for LEAD.Macedonia block of sessions at MILDS 2O11 (conference will take place on 10-13 of February 2O11 in Macedonia) can be found here:


https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dElYUHlUWUREUWg2Y3hMMHJuN0QtM1E 6MQ#gid=0 Selection process


session outline development

[optional] interview with agenda manager

final decision

Deadline for applications is the 6th of January 2O11. After submitting your application you will receive an invitation to send a session outline for one of the main contents of the program. This session outline will be the main criteria for selection of facilitators for LEAD.Macedonia block at MILDS 2010. There is a possibility that you will be invited for a short interview with LEAD.Macedonia agenda manager. The final decision will be made by 10th of January. For any questions feel free to approach Boban Gjorgjievski, MC VP Youth Engagement & Development and LEAD.Macedonia agenda manager via boban.gjorgjievski@aiesec.net AIESEC in the Republic of Macedonia National Leadership Development Program LEAD.Macedonia 2o1O-2O11

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