MCP1617 booklet application AIESEC in El Salvador

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Message from MCP... Congratulations, if you open this application booklet is why you are interested in creating a big impact in a small country. This is your chance to help develop leaders in a country where many are needed, your chance to impact many lives who believe strongly in AIESEC, your chance to help generate a positive impact for El Salvador. If you're doubting to apply because you do not know everything about AIESEC in El Salvador or because you think you're not prepared enough let me tell you that you'll never be prepared enough for the experience of MCP. The main thing that you need to be MCP is a clear purpose. AIESEC in El Salvador need people committed to generate a big impact, people who want to create change, you can be that person that provides a great legacy. Dare to make a big impact in a small country. Good luck

Melvin Zalda単a MCP 15-16 AIESEC in EL SALVADOR

About El Salvador - General San Salvador Capital City

21,044.8 sq km Area

6.2 million Population

U.S. Dollar Currency


Oficial Language

El Salvador is that little dynamo where you’ll nd a glorious coastline with world-class waves, glimpses of tropical paradise and small-town charm by the plaza-load - not to mention genuinely hospitable locals.

El Salvador has a tropical climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons. Temperatures vary primarily with elevation and show little seasonal change. The Pacic lowlands are uniformly hot; the central plateau and mountain areas are more moderate.

It is the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. The country's capital city and largest city is San Salvador; Santa Ana and San Miguel are also important cultural and commercial centers in the country as well as in Central America.

The rainy season extends from May to October; this time of year is referred to as invierno or winter. Almost all the annual rainfall occurs during this period. From November through April, the northeast trade winds control weather patterns; this time of year is referred to as verano, or summer.

El Salvador borders the Pacic Ocean on the south, and the countries of Guatemala to the west and Honduras to the north and east. Its easternmost region lies on the coast of the Gulf of Fonseca, opposite Nicaragua. As of 2009, El Salvador had a population of approximately 5,744,113 people, composed predominantly of Mestizos.

The best time to visit El Salvador would be at the beginning or end of the dry season.

The colón was the ofcial currency of El Salvador from 1892 to 2001, when it adopted the U.S. Dollar.

If you want to know more about our beautiful country, please feel free to contact us. Also, we would like for you to enjoy this video:



AIESEC in El Salvador operations are based for now in the metropolitan area which is composed by San Salvador, Antiguo Cuscatlán and Santa Tecla. On this area we have the ve entities: AIESEC MATIAS, AIESEC ESEN, AIESEC MÓNICA HERRERA, AIESEC UCA , AIESEC UFG and in the second most important city of the country we work with AIESEC Santa Ana. Currently we have an expansion plan to cover more universities in the area and a possibility to expand to cities out of the metropolitan area.

Working Hours 40 hours per week, additional work of weekends might be required. Holidays Every MC member can take 7 working days off. Additional to National Festivities, 5 days on Christmas and New Years Eve, 1 day after every National Congress and 2 days after every International Congress.

Workign Conditions MC Ofce Accomodation will be provided to international and national MC members. MC salary is $200 but will be decided by the MCPe depending on the budget.

So far there is no ofce for the national team, however rooms on university campus are used for meetings or activi-ties. There is a high possiblity the new MC team will have an ofcial ofce by the time the term starts.




23:59:59 GMT ‐6 Nov 20th, 2015 Application must be sent to: With the name: MCP1617_AIESEC El Salvador_Your_Name Remeber that late applications will not be accept, and no exceptions will be given. AS such, we strongly recommend you do not wait until the last minute to submit your application.



Application Deadline: November 20th,2015

Application launch: October 30th,2015

Election Assambly: December 1 - 4th,2015

Interview Panel: November 23 - 27th,2015




1- Your CV (2 pag. MAX) (Name/ Birth date / Nationality / Skype ID / E-mail address / Phone number / University / Career and external experience relevant to the role) 2- Your AIESEC profile, list the following information: AIESEC Experience (Position, LC/MC, dates, main achievements). Events attended (name of event, location, your role in the event, date - ALL events) Describe 3 main areas in AIESEC you have had the most experience in (area, decribe briefly your experience, results and how would this benefit the MC). 3- Motivation letter (MAX 1 pag) 4- Three endorsement letter Someone you led in AIESEC. Someone who led you in AIESEC. An external (partner or someone completely unrelated with AIESEC) 5- Aplication Questionnarie *The application needs to be filled in English.



1-Why are you appling for this role and what will be your unique contribution as MCP16.17? 2- Create a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in El Salvador take into consideration external and internal factors of the country than can influence to AIESEC in El Salvador. 3- Present AIESEC in El Salvador current state using the Business Model Canva (you can find the BMC here. 4- Put here a youtube video link (max 4 minutes, in English or Spanish) in which you should answer the following questions: Who are you? What are your strenghts, your weaknesses and how they could be opportunities and/or threats for you as MCP? What is the legacy you want to create for AIESEC El Salvador? How will you achieve it?

5- What do peace and humankind’s potential mean to El Salvador? Why is it relevant to strive for its achievement in this country? 6- What are your three principal strategies for the term 16.17 regarding for your focus programs, your objective for each strategy and the milestones you would use to to guarantee its achievement? 7- Create a STOP,START & CONTINUE list of each one of our programs nowdays. 8- Whats is the value proposition of oGCDP? How do this program impact El Salvador nowadays? 9- What are the key finance strategies that you would take into consideration to make a sustainable entity?

10- How would your MC in terms of structure, profiles and preferred/required background?

11- How would you describe the current organizational culture of AIESEC in El Salvador? What evolution do you see as necessary?

USEFUL CONTACS: Melvin Zaldaña - MCP 15.16

Álvaro Zúniga - MCVP TM/OD 15.16

Guillermo Jimenes - MCVP oGCDP 15.16

Reynaldo Estupinian - MCVP iGCDP 15.16

Carlos Navas - LCP 2015 AIESEC ESEN

Stephanie Ramos - LCP 2015 AIESEC MATIAS

Rafael Cotto - LCP 2015 AIESEC UCA

Carlos Hidalgo - LCP 2015 AIESEC Santa Ana

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