Message from the
We as MC will like to share with you our thoughts about the role of AIESEC in Panama: Internal Role: We have a great responsibility by being in the top 4 providing IGIP opportunities in IGN. Currently, there are a lot of OGIP EPs in IGN that want to go to an internship abroad, but there is not enough pipeline to provide that. This people end up to be unsatisfied with the organization and most importantly they don't experience the amazing opportunity to develop themselves profesionally and personally in an internship abroad. Also, the other three providers Colombia, Brazil and Mexico are focusing half of their resources in developing the IT and Education Subproduct meaning there is a lot of people with Marketing, Business and Finance background that can't experience this opportunity because there are not enough IGIP opportunities for them.
Our role is crucial in providing Marketing, Business and Finance internships in Panama in order for EPs to be impacted. In that way, we continue growing in IGIP, we will be able to solve this major gap in GIP in IGN and the region will also continue growing in experiences.
Message from the
External Role: We are the channel to provide international development opportunities in our current reality. It is a fact that there is a gap in education and that there are not enough opportunities for young people to develop themselves. It is also a fact that we need strong leadership in the country to be able to solve the issues the country is currently having in poverty, politics, educations, etc. It is also a fact that young Panamanians don't want to get out of their comfort zone. We need to expand ourselves to all the country to be able to provide OGCDP opportunities to develop young people and create strong leadership. AIESEC is needed in our country NOW more than ever and it is our role to push even harder in providing OGCDP opportunities even of the current fact that Panamanians don't want to go out of the country. And Why OGCDP in our country??? Because young Panamanians still don't know different realities and don't appreciate the opportunities that their country has to offer and in the way we send more people out, we will be creating strong leaders to change current Panamanian reality.
Important News This week recruitment started in provinces. ChiriquĂ, Veraguas, Herrera we are coming for you!!
Welcome to era
Achieving Impact like
Never Before
gcdp revolution WINTER PEAK IS HERE!!!
Winter Peak
It’s time for our applicants to become EPs. Ask your VP OGX for the fast week Raising Plan and let’s get those 80 EPs!!
Lets Grow like
Never Before
Ruta Bus
Ruta Europa
Ruta Ă fricaAsia
Ruta Latinoamerica
Let everyone know that AIESEC offers the opportunity to go on exchange!!! Check the OGX Promotions Wiki to see all the guidelines!
gcdp revolution WINTER PEAK IS HERE!!!
Winter Peak
Brace yourselves the game of awakeness is ALIVE! STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION!!
keep calm and start RAISING
The opportunity to grow is around the corner. what are you waiting for?
GCDP Revolution is a contest between LCs to see what LCs make more exchanges. Each LCs needs to apply for the position they are aiming for in order to get. s. Do you imagine making this numbers? Do you imagine if every LC aimed for the first place? Do you imagine our growth. More information about GCDP evolution coming soon.
Opportunities 2nd round of lcp elections is out!
Second Round
For more information check the event on facebook:
This Weekend BIG BANG is going to be AWESOME!
We want to hear about you! We want to know how your experience has been so far. We want to share the impact the organization has had on you! If you want to share your experience send your story to in 2 brief paragraphs. max 8 lines each! also don't forget to submit your picture!
We will be showcasing two stories by newsletter.
Meet the MC
. B n o s l Ge Empezé en AIESEC en abril de 2010, 1 mes despues de empezar la universidad. Estudio Relaciones Internacionales y congele la carrera para ser MC en Panama. Tengo dos hermanos menores. En 2011 fui Intern GCDP aqui en Panamá en el Proyecto Future Citizen del LC USMA. En 2012 fui LCVP IGCDP de AIESEC en Santa Maria, en Brasil.
Gelson Bronzatti JR.
AIESEC representa para mi Oportunidad de crecimiento y desarrollo practico, ademas de ser una organización unica porque posibilta que cada uno de sus miembros pueda diseñar , planear y ejecutar su propia experiencia.
Fecha de nacimiento: 29 de septiembre de 1992. Likes: Comer, Dormir, Crossfit, estar con los amigos, conocer nuevas culturas. Dislikes: El Anis, la humedad, sudar. Comida favorita: El Churrasco, lo extraño mucho. Momento Memorable en Panamá: Panamá ha presenciado muchos momentos marcantes en mi vida, pero creo que los Team Days del MC fueron bastante importantes en mi xp hasta ahora.
A quick motivational video:
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