AIESEC in Indonesia National Annual Report (July 2021 - June 2022)

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AIESEC IN INDONESIA National Annual Report July 2021 - June 2022

Cover Table of Content Letter From The President AIESEC Essence & AIESEC in Indonesia Details The Team MC Palapa 21.22 National Supporting Team Members Governance Bodies Members Highlights of The Year 21/22 Product Context Talent Management Department Report Finance Department Report AIESEC in Indonesia’s Initiative Departments Report AIESEC Exchange Departments Report Business Development Report Marketing & External Relations Departments Report National Conferences & Summit Summary

table of contents

Testimonials Deepest Appreciation Board of Advisors & Supervisory Group AIESEC in Indonesia Alumni Organization Palapa 22.23 Team Our Partners Closing

letter from the president

"Is AIESEC in Indonesia still relevant?" is a question all of us have after the COVID-19 pandemic hits. AIESEC in Indonesia was so huge that we succeeded in having thousands of exchanges for the pr five years before the pandemic hits. Personally, that question strikes me as the head of AIESEC in Indonesia this year. After months of finding the answer and reflecting on my six years of experience in AIESEC up to this day, it came to me that AIESEC's relevance to the world around us is by developing the people within and others who are affected by this organization.

"Indonesia will not be bright because of a big torch in Jakarta, but small candles in the villages." - Mohammad Hatta

Remembering that saying and looking inside myself, I feel like the difference I had between I joined AIESEC in 2016 and now is enormous. I really do believe that is what we are supposed to feel when we pour all of our hearts into this organization. AIESEC is not perfect, and I agree that there are many flaws and so many areas for improvement, but that's when you grow yourself and the o simultaneously.

Looking at most of the people I've met during my time in this organization, I also realized the development is also happening to them. Small things like seeing my past members now having thei team or having promising careers make me believe that our impact is not merely by creating roads or planting trees, but it's more than that. We give small changes to our members and customers so they can change the environment surrounding them by embedding the AIESEC values we believe in together. And those small changes are the ones we hope can become the small candles to brighten up Indones or at least our surroundings.

This annual report summary will be a report containing what we have achieved during the y giving proof that there are still so many people believing in this organization and the development of Indonesia in general. My personal most profound appreciation would go to everyone in the MC Palapa 21.22 team for your contribution and hard work during this year. It is such an honor for me to have your trust to lead you this year. My apprecation will go to everyone directly or indirectly helping us to complete our term in this state. This includes National Supporting Team members, all LC members, BoA and SG members, AIAO, partners, and others I could not mention one by one.

To the next generations of AIESEC in Indonesia, the goal still lies far ahead, and the road will not be smooth. Instead, it will be full of ups and downs. Keep on your belief that "Indonesia is A Home," and you will still be on the right path and remember, leaders inspire leaders.

Thank you. Wishing the best of luck for all of us in the future, Luthfi Ghazian Akbar Country President AIESEC in Indonesia Term 2021-2022

In 2020 an unprecedented event, the CoVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, happened. As an organization that predominantly runs exchange-based operations, AIESEC was faced with the challenge of questioning its relevance in the current world context. Thus, in April 2021, a group of AIESECers from all layers of the organization (including Alumni) took the challenge to review and redefine the AIESEC Way in a virtual summit. It was a 6-month review process until it was finally approved in the virtual legislation meeting in July 2021.

aiesec essence aiesec way

Our Inner-Outer Journey through... to create... Our Unique Values
purpose only. Please
to this link to
*The flow serves a practical
understand the whole context of

aiesec 2025

Vision Statements are aspirational descriptions of what an organization would like to achieve in the mid-term future. The vision statements were created by the whole AIESEC network.

aiesec 2025 vision statements & explanation aiesec

2025 culture

Culture is the expression of our goals through values and beliefs which aim to guide activity through shared assumptions and group norms.

With more than 1500 active members this year spread in 26 local committees in 18 cities and 50+ universities, AIESEC in Indonesia was established in 1984 initiated from AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia as an official country entity of AIESEC International, making it one of the most prominent youth organizations in Indonesia nowadays.

our local committees

Borneo Island AIESEC in UNTAN

Celebes Island AIESEC in UNHAS



Greater Jakarta Area





West Java AIESEC in Bandung* AIESEC in UNPAD

*City based entity

long-term vision

Serving as the long-term vision of AIESEC in Indonesia, which each MCP's term vision will support, "Indonesia is a home" is a guide to why we exist in Indonesia, how to achieve it, and what we need to do to achieve our longterm goals.

"Indonesia is a home" was created in 2016 to answer our members' hopes and dreams towards Indonesia and how AIESEC can contribute to that.



*Click this link to see the explanation booklet of Indonesia is A Home

mc palapa 21.22’s vision

Leaders Inspire Leaders come from the belief that people stay in AIESEC either because they are inspired or triggered. Leaders Inspire Leaders means that an AIESEC leader has to inspire themselves first. After, they can inspire others by facilitating a good experience and innovating together. The goal is to create other leaders to be one themselves.

The Behaviours

*Click this link to see the explanation booklet of Leaders Inspire Leaders

the team

Having “Palapa” as the MC name for more than 5 years, the name “Palapa” is taken after an oath taken by Gadjah Mada, a Majapahit empire military leader, to not indulge in worldly satisfaction until he unified Nusantara (Indonesian Archipelago). In AIESEC in Indonesia context, Palapa is our MC name and Nusantara is the name of the LCP commission as the represntative of their LC. In other words, we take an oath to unify all our LCs to achieve the same goal.

is only running for 11 months, starting from August 1st 2021 to June 30th 2022, due to timeline changes International.

Organizational Sustainability Vice Presidents

LinkedIn | Email

Head of External Head of Operations

Head of Products for Youth LinkedIn | Email

Head of Products for Partners

LinkedIn | Email
Fairuz Salsabila

We present our most profound appreciation to these people who kindly helped us during MC term 21.22.

We wish you the best of luck and hope to have even more collaboration in the future.

national supporting team members

in aplhabetical order...

Abigail Kartika Rochadi

Adiat Rahman

Afiefa Ningrum A.P Agra Bima Yuda

Ahyar Saleh Tanjung

Alifa Indira Anjani

Alma Amanda Nai'la P

Almira Salsabilla Hidayat Alya Karimah Wibisono Anathania Divalind Andini Wahma Pradipta

Anju Fritzwinata P Annisa Kurnia Putri

Aqilla Khairani Shafira

Arundati Warastika

Assyifa Salsadila Aulia Putri Maharani Azi Amarul Azumah N. Hawariyyah Azzahra Magfhira Azzahra N. M. Arifin Bitya Alvyna Asijadji Caldito Nanda Permana

Carissa Putri

Carol Emmanuel Y. Rikin

Desfi Indah Salsabila Dinda Afifah Sudarpi

Diza Azzahra Meyndra Duta Eko Sapto Eliana Angela Kurniawan Elizabeth Tasya Tarigan Evelin Prayogo Fairuz Lathifah Fany Meidiana Prayoga Farah Imannisa Anura Farrah Judith Maulia Fatimah Zulfa Salsabilla Fernando A. Sinaga Fharadiba Irwandy Gilbert Lesmana Graciella Regina Hafid Adi Pratama Hanif Meindy Hanum Dyah Wulandari Humaira Zakiyyah Huỳnh Phạm Yến Nhi Ilham Rahutama Inara M. Ayu Wiryawan Irvanny Aulia Fadhilah Iwan Kurniawan Jemima Audrey Natasha Jeremy Timothy F. Laoh Kanaesya Putri Wijaya Karina A. Ramadhanti

Entity Control Board

Elsha Cahyani Fadli (Chair)

Eugenia Ivana Kasatyo

Fransisca Endah Pujiastuti

Razaan Choirilfadli (Orie)

Zulfan Thariq M

Kresna Syah Hardiyanto Lailatul Tsabita Lintang Riris M. Ranti Lulu Salsabila M. Fadel Dwi Makmur Madeline Renata Manuel Desesko Pistaris Maria Regina Ekaristi Maulida Rahma Nabila Maureen T. I. Weismann Maximilianus N. Brilianto Mikha K. Y. H. Soewirjo M. Arham F. Perdana M. Arsyi Fadhil M. Ali Hanafiah M. Alifandi Tranggono M. Arsyady Umar M. Fauzan Budiharo M. Fikrar Claverio M. Rabby Ilyas M. Rifqi Ramadhan M. Rizki Septiansyah M. Yusuf Agil Syahrial Nabilah A. Husnah Nadya E. D. Idrisatria Nathania O. Hutapea Ni Made Prami Dewang

governance bodies members

Member Subcommittee

Dhita Chandra (Chair)

Ar'fira Sifana Sausania Emilia Farah Khusnaini


Jihan Iqlima (Chair) Talitha Adna Zulfa N. Khairunnisa

Pedro Gonzalez Putri B. Prameswary Putri Nabilah Mumtaz Rahel Chelsea Nauli Raisya Fadila Badarudin Rana Tria Airlani

Rayhan Fasya Firdausi Refrifa Nabaan M. N. Rey Abraham Rhea Oktaqiara Rivelia Maryani Robby Samudra Robby Samuel M N Salsabila Nadira Putri Sarastiawati S. A. Istanto Satriyo B. Dwidjanarko Shafa Salsabila

Sherena Natalia Silalahi Silvia Generosa Situngkir Susiana Nur Safitri

T.M. Rivandra Abdilla Wynne Tara Elvira Yoga Indrawan

Zalfarona Syahla Zerelda Azzahra Fitrazia Zsazsa P. Candra Dewi

Legislative Subcommittee Talitha Adna

thics Subcommittee

highlights of the year

21.22 product context

The ELDs

The programs below are the ones that are officially developed by AIESEC International and adapted by AIESEC in Indonesia:

Global Volunteer

is a volunteer in social projects abroad for 6-8 weeks in NGOs and educational institutions.

Notes: Both oGV & iGV were in a dormant state & in the effort to be resume in term 22.23

Global Talent (GTa) is a professional internship program abroad for 6-78 weeks in MNCs, SMEs, Start-Ups, Incubators, and other umbrella organizations.

Notes: iGTa was in a dormant state the whole term 21.22.

Virtual Professional Program (VPP) is a virtual internship program abroad (virtualversion of GTa)

Notes: This program was an AI initiative and was in the piloting phase. It was not an official ELD program.

Global Teacher (GTe) is a professional teaching experience abroad for 9-78 weeks in educational institutions

Notes: iGTe was in a dormant state the whole term 21.22.

AIESEC Member is a membership experience for youth, divided into 3 type of periods for 3, 6, and 12+ months.

Notes: AIESEC Members was a new product launched by AIESEC International in term 21.22. Before, we don t have an official ELD product for membership.

The Initiatives

The programs below were created by AIESEC in Indonesia term 20.21 to react to the COVID-19 pandemic situation:.

AIESEC Future Leaders is a virtual self- & leadership- development bootcamp based on AIESEC values for 3 months

Local Project is a virtual volunteer in social project in cities across Indonesia for 4 weeks.

Local Internship is a virtual professional internship program for 4-26 weeks in local companies/ organizations.

Notes: This program has both sides of oLI & iLI in Local Committees

Impact Circle is a virtual (initiated in a physical format) seminar focusing on SDGs and their implementation in Indonesia.

Notes: This program was initiated before COVID 19 (2020)

Youth Today is a virtual seminar focusing on youth development-related topics, including skill & leadership development.

We are having a 62% member growth in this MC term with the total of 2125 members. They mostly comes from the staff and managerial roles at the LC level due to additional focuses on the national initiatives based on the national recommendation.

We managed to increase the number of promoters by 20% and pushed the number of detractors by 7% by the end of the term. We also could achieved 9.00 NPS (satisfaction measurement) and 8.44 LPS (recommendation to other people level) score by the end of June 2022.

Started to shift all marketing activities for Join AIESEC to digital format started from COVID pandemic, we achieved the highest number of Join AIESEC applicants so far with AIESEC in Semarang achieved more than 1.5k applicants. This shows the excitement of young people across Indonesia to become members of AIESEC and potential partnership points in the future.

We measured our organizational culture using the tool proposed by Quinn and Cameron known as Organizational Culture Assessment Instruments (OCAI). It is understood that the members would like to increase the clan (family-like) and adhocracy (innovations; fluid) culture in AIESEC in Indonesia. The OCAI is recommended to be deploy in every semester to for its result can be incorporated to the national office strategy

Click here to see the whole survey report Click here to understand the concept/tool

2125 Total Members (in LC level) 38.4% Retention Rate (LC 21 to LC 22) 1.71 Average Leadership Ratio for all levels (LC 21 to LC 22) 9.00
8.44 LPS
talent management & od department report Total Members in LC Level
NPS Score (on June 22)
Score (on June 22)
% of Promoters
Join AIESEC 13.786 Join AIESEC Applicants 20.28% JA Applicants Growth (from 11.462 in 2021)
Organizational Culture

Revenue Distribution

finance department report

Expense Distribution

We managed to grow collective cash at the LC level by approximately 160mio (Rp) by maintaining good communication and educating LCP and LCVP Finance about the importance of managing organizational cash. We also provide a new financial analytic tool for LC to analyze their mainly financial condition easier and faster.

Local Committees Memberhsip Status

We managed to grow roughly 150mio (+9%) year-to-year. This can be done through intensive cash flow tracking and by having multiple expense plannings based on the revenue generated each month. Unlike the previous years in which the national affiliation fee distributed most of the national team’s revenue, this year's BD achieved similar revenue to the collective national affiliation fee. Seeing from the other side, expenses are allocated the most significantly for HR Overhead and BD project costs.

Revamping the Membership Minimum Criteria to adjust the condition affected by COVID-19, we achieved the highest number of LC full members in AIESEC in Indonesia in the past 2 years. Moreover, we also managed to promote 3 Start-Up entities to become the official Local Committee.

160m Y2Y Cash Growth (Rp) 35.67% Y2Y Cash Growth (%) 5 Ave. Month of Cash Reserve (end of June ‘22) 610m 550m Yearly Cash Growth (Total Local Committees) 704m 449m 1.541b 1.607b 1.691b
150m Y2Y Cash Growth (Rp) 9.73% Y2Y Cash Growth (%) 12 Month of Cash Reserve (end of June ‘22) 1.444b
Yearly Cash Growth
Membership Check in 21.22 3 new Local Committes from Expansion Entities 19/26 LCs are having the Full Member status (April ‘22 check)

initiative department report

AIESEC Future Leaders Local Project

As a program that was only initiated a year ago, AIESEC Future Leaders achieved sifnificant growth in all funnels. Compared to last year, we achieved 350% in the number of registrants who finish their payment, 275% in the number of participants, and 600% in the number of youth finishing their experience from AFL. Other than that, the number of LCs that ran AFL was also increasing, with more than 75% of LCs running the program. Some things we have done to increase the number were to provide LCs gain points when they take AFL and provide some standardization for the program itself.

Pretty much the same with AIESEC Future Leaders, which was only initiated a year ago, Local Project also showed significant growth this year. Compared to last year, we achieved 600% in the number of registrants who finish their payment, 650% in the number of participants, and 385% in the number of youth finishing their experience from AFL. The number of LCs running LP was also increasing, with more than 75% of LCs running the program. We have done some things to increase the number: provide LCs gain points when they take LP and provide some standardization for the program itself.

These 5 LCs above contributed to almost 50% of all AFL participants' payment (approval) in term 21.22, which can be done through extensive tracking and a seamless participants journey provided by these LCs.

These 5 LCs above contributed to over 50% of all LP participants' payment (approval) in term 21.22. One of the best initiatives came from AIESEC in UIN Jakarta, where they incorporated Local Project in their LC into the Univesitymandatory-voluntary program (KKN) in UIN Jakarta.

2380 Paid (Approved) 2391 Participants (Realized) 812 Finish Their Experience (Completed) 1442 Paid (Approved) 1003 Participants (Realized) 603 Finish Their Experience (Completed)

We managed to approved 7 EPs, most coming from AIESEC in PU (2 EPs). Some of the internship opportunities fulfilled by them are coming from AIESEC premium partners, including DP world in Dubai (UAE).

We managed to approved 8 EPs, most coming from AIESEC in Semarang and UB. Some entities partners we had was AIESEC in India and Vietnam.

As a virtual internship program, VPP brought good results. With 23 approval and realization in a year. Our analysis compared to oGTa and oGTe, the good conversion rate could happen due to shorter preparation time than a physical internship.

As a national initiative in which we can control both the B2B and B2C sides, LI also showed a good result from matching to the completion process.

exchange departments report Outgoing Global Talent
Global Teacher
8 Approved 3 Realized 0 Completed 7 Approved 5 Realized 3 Completed 25 Realized 20 Completed 15 Open 26 Approved
Outgoing- & Incoming- Virtual Professional Program Outgoing- & Incoming-Local Internship

business development department report marketing & external relations department report

Total Revenue 545 mio (Rp) BD Yearly Revenue

Success Stories

Danone Aqua - Hydraction Project 2021

Initiated 5 years ago under the name of Hometown Project, Hydraction Project aims to raise the awareness of hydration in elementary school students by coming to schools virtually and running interactive sessions with the students. Hydraction 2021 achieved 17.8k participants in 88 schools across Indonesia and 5 million reach on social

Click here to see the final report.

Kraft Heinz X Impact Circle 2021

Kraft Heinz and AIESEC in Indonesia initiated a series of Impact Circle events that aim to educate students about how to get jobs in this current time and get to know more about the company. The webinar ran twice with an average of 400 attendants each and almost 100k reach on social media.

Click here to see the final report


Indonesia - GESID Project 2022

GESID is an initial project run by Danone Indonesia and AIESEC in Indonesia that aims to push the stunting phenomenon by educating youth to be responsible for stopping the chain. GESID will be officially running in MC term 2022.

Impact Circle

With a similar number of registrants to last year's Impact Circles, we achieved more attendants this year. AIESEC in UNEJ, UPNVY, and Surabaya consistently contributes to the highest Impact Circle registrations, at least for these past 2 years.

Youth Today

Youth Today had a massive growth due to better planning Youth Today for Join AIESEC compared to last year. With more than 2K registrants, AIESEC in Semarang has had the highest YT registrant in one event so far.

6K Attendants 59% Attendants Growth 18K

marketing & external relations department report

Social Media Followers (Instagram)

Brand Research Output

We achieved extreme growth in our social media followers in the past two years due to the successful adjustment towards the marketing trend from physical to digital due to the pandemic. This year, we also managed to launch several campaigns related to our products timeline, which not only increased the registrations for our products but too the interest in our social media

We spread a brand survey in 2021 to almost 2000 youth across Indonesia. The survey's main objective is to know the pains, gains, and questions that youth have and how AIESEC can help them ease the pains, raise the gains, and answer their questions after the pandemic.

After years of error, AIESEC in Indonesia's website finally relaunched in early last term (20.21) and has shown good performance since. Since then, the website has become a centralized platform for all registration and information sources of AIESEC in Indonesia. From the pattern in the past two years, most new visitors usually come in August-October following the Join AIESEC period.

We divided the survey into 4 big parts. The first one was "Passion and Contribution" to know the youth's passion and what they want to do to contribute to their surroundings. The second was "Social Issues" to determine the issues that interest youth in taking action. The third was "Leadership" to know how youth see leadership which is the core of AIESEC. And the last one was "Career Aspirations" to see the ideas of work for youth then.

All information was then analyzed and incorporated into the strategy AIESEC in Indonesia had to be aligned with what the youth thought or felt.

Click here to see the output of the survey

Website Visitors 1.5 mio Website Visitors 84.52% Visitors Growth 20K New Followers 39.62% Followers Growth

national conferences

November 2021

Indonesia Youth Leadership Conference which aims to welcome the new members of AIESEC in Indonesia.

Held in a virtual forma 690 delegates registere 5 external speakers invite 9.6/10 overall delegates satisfaction scor Engage Danone & as conference partners for SDGs School Roadshow event.

Conference President Wundung H. Napitupulu AIESEC in PU


January 2022 National Election Conference which aims to elect the new Country President and prepare Local Executive Board for their upcoming term

Held in a virtual forma 308 delegates registere 9 external speakers invited, including Dr. Reynaldi Hermansjah, the CEO of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Financ 9.5/10 overall delegates satisfaction scor Engage Danone as a conference partner Had MCP 22.23 of AIDN elected


May 2022 Management Board Conference which aims to give the capacity needed by the managament board.

Held in a virtual forma 575 delegates registere 17 external speakers invite 8.8/10 overall delegates satisfaction score

Conference President Eliana A. Kurniawan AIESEC in Bandung



Conference President Ahzami Azka AIESEC in UNS

June 2022 National Functional Summit which aims to help Local Executive Board review their first semester performance and prepare the second one.

Held in a hybrid forma 105 physical & 93 virtual delegates 70 alumni attended the alumni gatherin 9.4/10 overall delegates satisfaction scor Engage Mandiri (Livin) as a conference partner.

Conference President Bitya Alvyna Asijadji AIESEC in Surabaya

national summits

September 2021 & February 2022 National Supporting Team Summit which aims to give the capacity needed by the national supporting team.


September 2021 & April 2022 First Gen Summit which aims to give the technical update & capacity needed by the management board after the executive board has been given one in the previous NEC & NFS April ‘22 Summit President: Diza Azzahra



Everytime I hear the words "leaders inspire leaders", it reminds me of Kak Upi and MC 21.22. Revolutionary team I could say, the way they try to uncomfortably lie down to the problem before making a more structured system from the very bottom to the top. The MC 21.22 team itself has been very open minded in actively cultivating feedback from LC to seek room for improvement. It has been a privilage to collaborate with such an outstanding team of MC 21.22, they inspired me to build a better legacy in my LC. Good luck for your future endeavour Kak Upi, Kak Icco, Kak Amirah, Kak Mely, Kak Demi, and Kak Arum!! Thank you for the impact you've brought to me as a person and my LC.

The thing I always say when someone asks me about what I got from this journey, "what maybe scary for you does not necessarily bad for you". Because of that position, I learned to take responsibility and strive for excellence even though I didn't expect to be at "LCVP Finance" position, I learned to lead as well as build relationships with other people of diverse personalities and positions, and I was able to learn the basics of finance. I also gained confidence, knowledge, connection links and of course great mentors and friends. We know there's a lot of experience you can get at aiesec, and you can trust me, being an LCVP is one of those great experiences.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" - Zig Ziglar

A lot of people are taught that if we want to start something, we have to be great from the beginning. For me, that's totally wrong 'cause I start my journey with less capability. But turns out this journey makes me a great human being with maximum capability, especially in external relations things.

At first, I had never thought of taking any higher roles in AIESEC, even in my own LC. But, during my rough months in LC, I met an amazing leader, and great friend, who gave me the chance to be part of NST. I was worried I couldn’t keep up with my responsibility, but kak Mely, being the best leader ever, always gives support, guidance, and most importantly, she believes in me. She always challenges me for something that I didn’t believe I could even do, yet she still believes in me and helped me to become the best version of myself. My journey was eye-opening and life-changing, I learned a lot, I met a lot of people, and I became a better person. I learned a whole new professional world and became part of it, dealing with networks, companies, and learned a whole new skill set and capacity. And, one of the most surreal things is me delivering sessions for the national commission.

The older version of myself wouldn't believe how improved I am right now as a person. Starting my AIESEC journey later than the others, I didn't expect much about how it would be. After being a part of the local office for more than a year without having any management board experience, I tried my luck signing up as an NST. Luckily I got accepted, and it changed me forever as a person. It taught me soft and hard skills, widened my network, and most importantly, it gave me confidence. My next NST experience was no different, even better. My VP entrusted me to lead a team and attend MCVP's IR meeting. I was also grateful to be surrounded by amazing and warm people at my function. It'd be a lie if I say my journey was easy. However, being an NST is something that I would recommend to anyone who still has only LC experience.

I started my LCVP's journey from the lowest management level, which is team member, and it was really not so fun yet challenging cause lots of things that should be done, and lots of challenges that I've been going thru, and fun fact, this is the first year of IPB on running OGT product and running the initiative at the first place as well. Is it been a hard time, yes but Am I giving up, not at all. Thanks to my team leader, Ms. Arum Layla who have been guided me and my team to achieve the goals.

deepest appreciation

board of advisors

supervisory group

Budhi Dyah Sitawati Chair of the BoA Shanti Poesposotjipto Member of the BoA Matthew Sinder Member of the BoA Eri Reksoprodjo Member of the BoA Dian Irawati Supervisory Group Chair Dhani Ardiandsyah Supervisory Group Member
Anthony Reza Prasetya Supervisory Group Member Wenny Yudoprayitno Supervisory Group Member
Group Member
ie Or
Supervisory Group Member Kessy Abreka Se biring Supervisory Group Member
alumni organization board
Engagements Zilva Boaz Workshops
Programs Raditya Jatismara Digital & Information Primadi W.S. Collaboration & Information Syukni Tumi P. Legal Advisor mc palapa 22.23 the last but not the least, we wish you the best of luck, Nicco Ravi Tampubolon Rendynothe Yuranda P uman r Head of Products for Partners & BD AIESEC in Indonesia Azi Amarul Head of Products for Youth AIESEC in UNTAN Pedro Gonzalez Y. L. Karoko Head of Prod. Dev. & Initiatives AIESEC in UNSOED Millania Saliza B. adania H g AIESEC in UIN Jakarta Head of External Relations AIESEC in UNHAS
Edwin Djakaria AIAO Chair

our partners

Copyright (c) 2022 by AIESEC Indonesia

All rights reservecd. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

Published by AIESEC Indonesia Kantorkuu Coworking & Office Space, Citywalk Sudirman 2nd Level, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Designed by Luthfi Ghazian Akbar

all good things come to an end. and this was our good thing, MC Palapa 21.22. good luck & see you when I see you! Love, Upi

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