MC finland third round of applications

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Member Committee Vice President 17-18 for


in Finland d n u o R d r i Th b Fe

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Words from El Presidente

To all young people out there now wondering what to do next in their AIESEC career, I have to say that the experience as a Member Committee Vice President has been one of the craziest things I have ever gone through. Little steps and decisions you make here and there affect so many people involved. Your decisions echo far, your mistakes have bigger implications, but there's one thing you learn that changes how you face life: you learn to dare greatly. You learn to empower, leadership takes a more tangible shape and we wake up daily ready to ask "what's next?" and face it. AIESEC in Finland means personally a lot to me. Having been elected to lead this entity is a privilege and a challenge I am looking forward to taking - along with our network, along with all stakeholders involved or yet to be involved, perhaps along with you. I'm looking for a team composed of diverse and passionate young people ready to spend nights in the office, ready to spend several hours on the road, ready to engage Finnish youth to do great things and make our entity use its potential and become a more powerful version of a youth leadership movement. I believe Finland can play a great role in striving for peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. So.... Let's engage Finland together?

Gilberto Oliveira Neto (Gilby) MCPe

Role description General Responsibilities National direction and strategy creation Implementation of global/national/local strategies Supporting LC operations Research and training for MC and LC development Preparing and participating in MC meetings MC planning and review Regular evaluation of performance and progress MC team events and evaluations MC succession planning MC transition Review and revision of the AIESEC In Finland compendium Submission of Global surveys and reports

Information management Reporting and general national communication International communication, contact to AI and other entities Office management (documentation, physical knowledge and information systems management) Virtual knowledge and information management

Internal and external events Conference management, planning, participation and facilitation National functional meetings Representation in international events External presentation of AIESEC in Finland Specific JD of each MC member will be defined after selection. The Selection Working Group wants to clarify that if you are applying for this opportunity, you are applying for the MC EB and giving your preference of which particular tasks you want to do. Please keep in mind that you may or may not be selected for the roles you applied for.


Offered learnings

As an applicant you should have knowledge of the following things: Global AIESEC Direction AIESEC 2020 Global Exchange timelines AIESEC in Finland Direction AIESEC in Finland Products Current state of LCs Current state of exchanges

Solution-orientation Empowering others World citizen Self-awarness

Timeline Application released: 11th of April Application deadline: 23rd of April Pre selection (based on app and video): 26th of April QnA + Interviews between: 27th-29th of April Announcement: 3rd of May AiF summer conference: May-June IC: Mid July Transition starts upon selection. Physical transition starts 1st of July

General info General Responsibilities The MC term officially starts on the 1st of August 2017 and ends on 31st of July 2018. However, once elected, the MC should be available for transition as well as other required commitments for the MC Job on regular basis. The MC position is a full-time role and requires full commitment. Each MC member gets holidays according to Finnish law. All work related travel costs in Finland are covered. Full or partial coverage for international meetings will depend on the budget situation. The MC office is located in Helsinki. The current office has separate work stations for each member as well as kitchen and washroom and includes wifi. The current compensation amount for each MC member is 580€ before tax as well as daily allowance. The final compensation amount for 2017/18 term will be decided along with the Board of AIESEC in Finland and the MCP elect once the budget is ready. The MC team stays in MC flats located in Helsinki and the surrounding regions. The accommodation includes a separate room for every person and shared kitchen, toilet and shower. Wifi, heating and water charges are included in the rent. The rent is between 240 -300€ depending on the apartment.

Application instructions The applicant must submit his/her application before 19th of February, 23:59 GMT +2 to and arranged in the following order in a single pdf file. Name your file as Name_MCVP_Application_1718. The font must have a size of at least 12 and the size of each page should be A4. The total length of the complete application package must not exceed 10 pages. The package should include: a. Cover page (Optional) b. Application Questionnaire c. AIESEC CV d. Personal CV e. The four specific endorsement letters (Writer of the letter should send the letter directly to and f. A free-form introduction video of max 4 minutes (Uploaded to drive and link included when application is submitted): Be creative. Surprise us! Attach a 800x600 size portrait picture of yourself in JPEG format separately to the email. i. AIESEC CV (max. 1 page) Please divide your AIESEC CV into Roles held in AIESEC and Conferences attended. For each role please specify the title, duration, results achieved, key learning as well as absolute and relative growth in results as compared to same time in the previous year. For conferences, please specify maximum 3 conferences which were most significant in your AIESEC career as delegate/faci/chair along with size of the conference, dates of the conference and your learnings. ii. Personal CV (max. 1 page) Please mention your full name, citizenship, contact details (email,phone and skype atleast) as well as a link to your linkedin profile. Under academic qualification please mention relevant projects which your were part of (if any) and clearly state your learnings from the same. Under professional experience, clearly state the timeline and responsibilities of each role you wish to mention along with results achieved. Please include language proficiency and hobbies in the end. iii. Endorsement Letters (max.1 page each) Do not include these to the application. Kindly have them sent directly to and Please provide 4 endorsement letters which clearly mention name, contact details and signature of the person who is endorsing you. - A letter from someone you’ve led in your latest AIESEC role as a leader. - A letter from an external organisation you’ve worked with. - A letter from someone you worked with in your latest AIESEC role as a team member. - A letter from someone who has led you Submit your application in the given order with the necessary details under each category to the correct email address within the given time according to the given timezone. Late submissions as well as incomplete applications will be rejected. If anything is missing in your application, you will be notified only if it is sent 12 hours before deadline. You are advised to submit your application at least one day before the deadline

Questionnaire General questionnaire 1. In your opinion, what are the main trends shaping Finnish society in the next 5 years and what is the relevance of AIESEC in Finland? 2. Why are you applying for MC 2017-18 of AIESEC in Finland? How can you contribute and what can you take out of this experience? 3. Create a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Finland's current state

Specific questionnaire The roles are only tentative. Please answer to at least 5 specific questions and choose questions from two categories

TM + OD 1. Assess the state of AIESEC 2020 and Roadmap implementation in AIESEC in Finland and suggest 3 improvements for leading the implementation of the Roadmap. What is the role of the MC and LCPs in all of the improvements? 2. How will you make sure that every member of AIESEC in Finland is experiencing leadership development in the organization? (Make sure you refer to the LDM when you answer this question) 3. Evaluate the current productivity and retention rate of the membership in AIESEC in Finland. How do you envision these rates in your term? Using global Good Case Practices, what are 3 strategies for rates improvement? 4. Make an analysis of the Team Standards implementation in the LCs. State the main actions you will make in order to boost the implementation

Operations 1. Make an analysis of the past 3 years' exchange results of AIESEC in Finland (2014-2016). What were the main strategies implemented that brought growth, stagnation or decrease on exchange results in each year? How do you envision the 17-18 term referring to strategies and exchange results? 2. Taking a look at out GV products, what are 3 main evolutions that each product (iGV and oGV) should have for the 17-18 term in order to boost results? 3. Analyse the brand advocacy and value delivery part of our stakeholders. What is the improvement needed in order to guarantee a proper Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and experience for them? (iGV) 4. How do you envision the evolution of synergies between iGV and other areas? (iGV) 5. Evaluate the IXP culture in AIESEC in Finland and set three main strategies to improve number of IXP exchanges. (oGV) 6. In terms of IR for oGV , what are the current main strenghts and weaknesses. How do you think you can contribute to improve the weaknesses? (oGV)

Organisational health and finances 1. Assess AIESEC in Finland's overall organisational health and financial sustainability. What measures do you think should be considered for our entity's long-term sustainability? 2. What would be the key health indicators you would use in order to assess all entities in AIESEC in Finland? How would you collect data? What are the analyses you would do with this data? 3. What are the main risks and potential crisis that might affect AIESEC in Finland in the near future? How would you avoid or minimize the impact of them on the organization? 4. Mention what are the 3 priorities you consider should be a focus for the next term on the financial area. Please refer here at the 3 priorities, KPI’s for each and some activities you will develop for each priority.

Strategic Partnerships 1. Imagine in 17-18 you have the opportunity to develop a strategies to engage and develop strategic partnerships. How would your strategies look like to achieve short-term budget goals (17-18) and longterm ones (until 2020)? 2. How does AIESEC in Finland as a whole have to evolve in order to develop more national partnerships? 3. Please provide an analysis of the current status of the BD area in terms of MoS/KPIs, strategies and bottlenecks. 4. How would you connect the BD department with the core activities of the organisation being sure of pursuing the organisational vision and mission?

Customer experience 1. Refer to 3 strategies we can use to digitalize the Customer Flow phases and their main implications to our operations. 2. How can AIESEC in Finland tap the resource of Digital Marketing skills in order to produce more pipeline for the next terms ? Use Global Good Case Practices and propose 3 strategies for that. 3. Analyze current each part of campaign model (PR, Online promotion, On ground promotion, Events). How would you improve each one of them? 4. Assess the current brand positioning of AIESEC in Finland among students/ companies/GO and NGO sector. What would be the main communication channels you would use in term 1718 and what would be the messages you would push through these channels? Present a brief GTCM for one of those segments (students/companies/GO and NGO).

Selection process info The selection process will consist of the two interviews, video, written application and QnA. The selection working group will assess the candidates throughout the process and provide recommendation to the General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland. The selection working group consists of current MCP, MCP elect, one LC representative, representative of the Board and two externals.

Current MC contacts Antti Randell MCP Kenny Sim MCVP TM&OD

Alexandra Byskata MCVP BD

Gilby MCVP B2E

Niko Silonsaari Jasmiina Körpimaki MCVP F&L MCVP B2C S5j46RKX8g/edit?usp=sharing

The Man in the Arena "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "

Theodore Roosevelt

Looking forward to your application! Kiitos, Gilby

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