Delegate Booklet about Partners
Welcome to our second IC LIVE edition, this time with more surprises for you! President of AIESEC International Elections, Global Electrolux Excellence Awards, 3 Partnership Days, and much more!
In this booklet, you will find a brief introduction of our partners, the platforms we will be using for hosting their spaces, the kind of spaces they will have, and much more. As we know that you are very excited about the next steps of the conference but it can be challenging being behind the screen for a long period of time, we have some hacks that can help you make the most out of the event! We hope you're as excited as we are!
platform details
Tip! Make sure to have the most updated version of Zoom to enjoy all the features and make the best out of the space.
IC 2021
Zoom and Hubilo will be the two platforms we will use for you to watch all the sessions and where all the delegates interactions will happen!
our premium partners
Some tips! Be present, anywhere you feel comfortable! There isn’t a rule that says you have to sit at your desk or on the couch while attending a conference. Look for the place where you are the most comfortable and be respectful during the spaces!
We have a lot of cool breaks for you! Now that you are not running from session to session in a large conference center, sometimes you don't really know what to do during the breaks. No worries, we've been there! Make sure to stretch yourself, drink some water, and eat some delicious snacks to enjoy all the upcoming sessions.
Some tips! Attend with teammates! It's been said that learning is an active team sport. You can learn more when you are actively involved and for most people, when you have a team around you. Stay actively in touch with them, or interact with other people on Hubilo.
Get Ready for the Networking Spaces! There will be many networking touchpoints with our main partners, take advantage of them and make sure to join as many spaces as possible! Why are they so useful? You can generate long-lasting connections that can help you in your future professional career, as well to have insights on how to upscale your operations, and develop important skills for the future!
Some tips! How to approach our partners? ● You will have several opportunities, which might be during the Livestreamed Agenda or the networking spaces on Zoom (you will find the links on Hubilo). ● Don't be shy! Everyone has had this feeling of hesitation when it comes to approaching partners, now is your opportunity to ask as many questions as you can. ● Don't be afraid to send that message or getting more involved in the spaces. ● Research about the partner, prepare your questions beforehand, it's always useful during the networking spaces.
D0 | 25th July | Sunday
25th July
Pre-meeting Day
Sessions Global Prime Time Network Day
Partner Spaces
PwC Keynote - Leadership Now!
D1 | 26th July | Monday
26th July
Network Day
Launch of #DPDHLDeliveryChallenge Networking
Global Prime Time
AIESEC Networking Space
Opening Mindvalley Keynote
75’ Global Prime Time
DPDHL Keynote - Sustainability. Simply Delivered AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces for Chapter for Country for outgoing Presidents Presidents teams (elected) (elected) Opening Speeches
Network Day
Partner Spaces
PwC Keynote DPDHL Moderation of Panel Discussion
D2 | 27th July | Tuesday
27th July
President of AIESEC International Elections (1st day) | DP DHL Day
Network Day
Partner Spaces
Global Prime Global Time Prime Time
30’ 60’
AIESEC Networking Space The Welcoming - for everyone! Q&A Rounds
Mindvalley Keynote
Global Prime Time 75’ 2h3 0 in total
Network Day
Partner Spaces
AIESEC Spaces for Country AIESEC Spaces for Chapter AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces Presidents (elected) Presidents (elected) AIESEC Spaces for Chapter for Country for outgoing Presidents Presidents DP DHL Break Engagement Meditation teams (elected) (elected) AIESEC Spaces for Country AIESEC Spaces for Chapter Presidents (elected) Presidents (elected) PwC Keynote Regional QnA for the candidates - tbc
D3 | 28th July | Wednesday
28th July
President of AIESEC International Elections (2nd day) | DP DHL Day
DP DHL Networking Spaces - Work with DPDHL, Career at DPDHL
Network Day
Partner Spaces
Global Prime Global Time Prime Time
30’ 60’
Opening - 5 min Celebration of 25 Years of the Partnership AIESEC Networking Space The Welcoming - for everyone!
Mindvalley Keynote
Global Prime Time 75’ 2h3 0 in total
Network Day
Partner Spaces
Closing Speeches AIESEC Spaces for Country AIESEC Spaces for Chapter AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces Presidents (elected) Presidents (elected) AIESEC Spaces for Chapter for Country for outgoing Presidents Presidents teams (elected) (elected) AIESEC Spaces Break for Country AIESEC Spaces for Chapter Voting - DPDHL Engagement & Launch of Winner of Challenge Presidents (elected) Presidents (elected) PwC Keynote Announcement & PAI Celebration with DPDHL
D4 | 29th July | Thursday
29th July
Network Day - External Capacity Day
Global Prime Time
AIESEC Networking A2025 Launch Space
Mindvalley Keynote Nokia Keynote - It’s not what you think
Global 75’ Prime Time
TCS Workshop - Team andAIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces Workshops AIESECConflict Spaces Mgmt for Chapter for Country for outgoing Presidents Presidents teams (elected) (elected) Mindvalley Keynote - The Leadership we need today
Network Day Day Network
Partner Spaces Spaces Partner
PwC Keynote Sessions TCS Networking Space
D5 | 30th July | Friday
30th July
People Day | Husqvarna Group Day
Husqvarna Group Keynote | Challenge Launch - Why are our differences our strengths Networking
AIESEC Networking Space Session Mindvalley Keynote Husqvarna Group Networking Space
30’ 30’
Global Prime Time
Global Prime Time 75’
Network Day
AIESEC Spaces for outgoing teams
AIESEC Spaces for Country Presidents (elected) Sessions
AIESEC Spaces for Chapter Presidents (elected)
Network Day
Partner Spaces Partner Spaces
PwC Keynote Husqvarna Group Closing - Roundtable
D6 | 31st July | Saturday
31st July
Capacity, Awards & Closing | Electrolux Day
Electrolux AB Keynote - Sustainability and Innovation Networking
Global Prime Time
AIESEC Networking Space Electrolux Networking Space
Mindvalley Keynote
Global Prime Time 75’
Network Day
AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces AIESEC Spaces Global Electrolux Excellence Awards (Gala Awards) for Chapter for Country for outgoing Presidents Presidents teams (elected) (elected)
Network Day Partner Spaces
Partner Spaces
PwC Keynote Goodbyes
PwC has been partnering with AIESEC for over 45 years, aiming to generate value for both PwC and AIESEC. It’s one of AIESEC’s first partners with over 45 years of partnership. Keynote - Leadership Now! In this Keynote you will learn about the ADAPT Framework and how this reflects the biggest threads we currently have in the world. Coming from this framework PwC will showcase how we need to lead in the current context based on this framework.
Agenda 25th July 10:45 GMT-4
Agenda DPDHL Group and AIESEC will celebrate their 25 years of partnership this year. During the last 25 years, we have enabled thousands of young people to grow. DPDHL Group has been hosting the PAI Elections for the last few years and has greatly supported us in choosing our new President of AIESEC International. We are very excited about what the next years of this incredible partnership will bring. ⚠ #DPDHLDeliveryChallenge
26th July 08:00 am GMT-4
26th July 08:30 GMT-4
10:30 am GMT-4
27th July
Keynote External Panel
09:45 am GMT-4
28thGMT-4 July 11:15 07:00 am GMT-4
Networking Spaces
11:15 GMT-4
We have a challenge for you: The #dpdhldeliverychallenge will be launched on Day 1 of the PAI Elections on our Social Media Channel! Make sure to stay tuned and check it out since we have an ✨AMAZING✨ price waiting for you.
Keynote - Sustainability. Simply Delivered. PDHL Group does serve one purpose: Connecting People and Improving Lives. Fulfilling their purpose requires them to make every dimension of their business sustainable. In this space, you will get insights on how DPDHL Group makes it happen and what you can learn from it. External Panel As part of the PAI Processes DPDHL Group will host an External Panel where you can get insights into the PAI Applicants view and understanding of the world. Networking Spaces DPDHL Group will host a space specifically for outgoing MCs to showcase how you can start at the company. DPDHL Group invited previous AIESEC members that are working now in the company. You will hear some sharings and get insights into the day-to-day work life in DPDHL Group. This is the space where you can ask all your questions! Feel free to use our DPDHL Group Backgrounds in the Networking Space: Meditation Join DPDHL Group for two 15- Minute Meditations to relax, get a clear mind and stay focused during the day.
Nokia is relevant as it believes in equality for everyone in the workplace. The company vision aligns with that of AIESEC, and the ultimate goal is to find AIESEC sources talent that contributes to diversity in Nokia.
Agenda 29th July 8:00 am GMT-4
“Keynote - It’s not what you think” A LEAD space that will surely leave an inspiring mark on the listener’s mind- the title speaks for itself“it’s not what you think!” Let me give you a hint, Nokia will be addressing the topic of Diversity in STEM. We will be waiting for you in our space with Nokia. We are sure you will enjoy the ride with us.
Agenda Tata Consultancy Services and AIESEC are connecting a long-lasting partnership in which we created over 2500 Global Talent opportunities for AIESECers and students worldwide since 2005 within the ACE Program.
29th July 08:30 am GMT-4
29th July 11:15 am GMT-4
Workshop Networking space
Workshop - Team and Conflict Management (LCPs) In this Workshop you can learn how different Leadership Styles influence your team management and your team members and how you can solve team conflicts successfully. Networking Space In this Space you can get insights on the ACE Program that TCS offers to every intern, how to work with TCS and also how you and your EPs can start a career at the company. It won’t be a next presentation but a space to interact, ask all your questions and get to know the ACE Team. This is your chance to ask all the questions that you are having.
For a few years now, AIESEC and Mindvalley have worked together. Their mission is to creat personal transformation that raises human consciousness. Mindvalley promotes the leadership that AIESEC and the world need today to be the best version of a leader that you can be by working on yourself and then leading those around you. How to lead sustainably by taking the best care of yourself in all aspects of life.
Agenda 29th July 09:45 am GMT-4
Agenda 30th July
Husqvarna Group is one of our biggest partners. Since 2008 we have partnered created meaningful work together, also creating many internships on the way.
07:00 am GMT-4
30thGMT-4 July 08:30 8:30 am GMT-4
Networking spaces
30thGMT-4 July 11:15 11:00 am GMT-4
Keynote - Why are our differences our strengths 11:15 GMT-4 This Keynote of Husqvarna Group will mainly focus on Diversity and Inclusion. All the spaces with Husqvarna Group will lead you on your journey of a diverse and inclusive leader. Networking Spaces Husqvarna Group will offer two different Networking Spaces. One is for all outgoing MC members and the other one will be for all newly elected MCPs or current LCPs to get insights on how to work with Husqvarna group during your term. Roundtable - Living Diversity In the closing of the day we will gather around a virtual Roundtable to discuss with our current PAI, Eva Dutary and our newly elected PAI on how we can live diversity. Stay tuned for some great conversations.
⚠ #Challenge Don't forget to participate in our challenge to win a prestigious Diversity and Inclusion education sponsored by Husqvarna Group, And for more opportunities, don’t forget to follow @peopleofhusqvarnagroup on Instagram!
Agenda 31st July Electrolux has been a partner with AIESEC for almost 18 years now, and their biggest investment is during Awards night. They value and appreciate the efforts of the AIESEC network through uncertain times as well. Through the conference, they want to appreciate all these efforts and recognize people/teams.
06:45 am GMT-4
31st GMT-4 July 08:30 7:15 am GMT-4
Networking spaces
31st GMT-4 July 11:15
Electrolux Excellence Awards
7:45 am GMT-4 11:15 GMT-4
Keynote - Sustainability and Innovation In this Keynote you will learn more about how Sustainability and Innovation go hand in hand. Networking Spaces Electrolux will offer three different Networking Spaces. The first one is about Sustainability and Innovation at Electrolux, the second one is about the GET Program and the last one is about Change Management. You will be able to get insights into Opportunities at Electrolux, how you can plan your career after AIESEC while managing the change. those three topics and will get the chance to ask all the questions you are having. Check out those spaces!
follow us! Make sure you are following us on our Instagram page @intl_congress and checking it regularly before and during the conference.