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aiesec 2025

Every five years AIESEC designs its mid-term ambiLon, which unites all its members around the world towards one goal.

In July 2019, at Interna 6 onal Congress in Hyderabad, India, the dreaming process of AIESEC 2025, the organiza6on's next five-year ambi6on, was ini6ated by 400 delegates and with the input of thousands of online par6cipants. These AIESEC members had the chance to dream and give their input for the next milestone of the organiza6on. Over the 2019-2020 term, these inputs were consolidated and the AIESEC 2025 Midterm Ambi6on was launched in July 2020 during the virtual itera6on of Interna6onal Congress.


These three statements are the aspira 6 onal descrip6on, co-created by our global organiza6on, of what we as an organiza6on want to achieve in the next five years.

Leadership is at the core of everything we do

By 2025 AIESEC experiences have dis 6 nc 6 ve quali 6 es and their impact is measurable. Our leadership development model empowers more young people to become leaders, crea 6 ng a community that con6nues to drive posi6ve impact.

By 2025 AIESEC has sufficient resources


to developing leadership for years to come.

We consciously build on the knowledge of previous genera6ons to move our organiza6on forward. We ensure sustainability by crea6ng value through our programs and empowering members to take on further roles.

By 2025 we build and keep long-term partnerships that enable growth, amplify our impact, and create value for both young people and partners. By delivering on our promises we make AIESEC a first-choice partner for leadership development.

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