1 minute read

our culture

AIESEC 2025 leads our organizaL on in the direcLon of sustainability, leadership focus, and emphasizes the value of partnerships.

In order for us to be able to achieve it, we cannot overlook one of the most important components which defines the success of organiza6onsculture. By 2025, we want to take full ownership for the present, ac6vely shape the future, be the ones leading the change and be proud of being the genera6on 2025.


We take full ownership for what happened in the past and brought us where we are today. We ac6vely learn from the past in order to be able to improve in the future. No maEer how big the challenges, we are not afraid to find solu6ons to overcome them.

We understand in order for progress to happen, each of us needs to lead the change. No maEer your role, experience or en6ty, your contribu6on is essen6al for the success of AIESEC. We move towards achievement of our dreams while capitalizing on the collec6ve power of people who build it.

We believe we are the creators of our future and we are not afraid to take ac6ons to shape it. We take ownership for the future beyond just our genera6on. We understand everything we do today will contribute to what AIESEC will look like tomorrow.

In the end we are proud to be genera6on 2025.

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