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our brand

In 2019-2020, our communica efforts for both youth and like-minded organizaLons revolved around one key message: we are, above all, a leadership development organizaL

Making sure that AIESEC is perceived as a thought leader on the topic of youth leadership development has been a joint effort by our B2C, B2B, and PR departments, from our global office in Montreal to our local volunteer teams on thousands of campuses across the globe.


315k+ followers on an increase of 110k followers in 2019-2020 | 50%+ year on

5mln+ impressions b2b tens of co-branded on our global LinkedIn account created with the likes of Tata Consultancy Services, onalSOS, Husqvarna, DP DHL Group, The Adecco Group Founda6on,

This year, our Business to Business communica L ons brought our global campaign targeLng poten partners under the tagline "Crea Young Leaders Together." intending to change customer percepLon: from a talent acquisiLon service/ Corporate Social Responsibility solu L provided by AIESEC to our B2B customers to the idea of a partnership between like-minded organiza who join forces to develop leadership skills in young people worldwide.

We have approached our Business to Customer communicaLons this year from a g-local perspecLve, meaning that we have created an overarching umbrella campaign "with aiesec." aiming to unify our brand message globally while allowing customizaLon at the local level by our offices all around the globe.

one brand message: with aiesec.

The “with aiesec.” global campaign has seen an adop6on rate close to 100% across our markets at its first edi6on in winter-spring 2019, leading us to launch three more versions of the campaign, following the same narra6ve in the following months.

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