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hris | resources centre launch


Since the plaTorm change (MyAIESEC to GIS), we lost some of the features we used to have in order to work with our members. More than that, with all the changes in our systems, AIESEC never could consolidate one strategy to work with a management plaTorm or hub - which made our informaAon management even more decentralized, inefficient and not collaboraAve.



HRIS Project came with the idea of bringing it back to our membership with some new ini A a A ves and evoluAons. The idea of the project is working with three features:

1) Resources Center - As a tool for manage contents and informaAon;

2) Taskary - Working with performance management inside the plaTorm;

3) CRM - Having a data repository for our people to facilitate people analyAcs, workforce planning and demographics.

In 2019, we we deployed the Resources Center as a feature for informaAon and content management and with a simple layout for searching and filtering in the plaTorm. Due to covid19 status, the development and deployment of the other tools were delayed. Taskary is in stand-by while CRM is under development. Both are predicted to be deployed in 2021 - with a new launch of the three HRIS features together.

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